
Saturday May 23. 1931 THE CATHOLIC VIEWPOINT Sweepstakes An untimely end Cafiaspirina FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small The following, which we Most Rev. Cosmo Gordon These rules were adopted by in paying their respects to family residence adjoining the Post Office re produce, from The Glean Lang, Archbishop of Canter the custodians of the Holy the distinguished visitor. The Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES er of May 2nd will, we think bury and Primate of the Eng. Places fo prevent any possi objections of the Catholics, it be of interest to many of our ish Established Church, to the bility of an occurrence which is emphasised, were restricted readers: Holy Places at Eastertime hav might violate the sanctity of to a possible attempt to ining been followed by dispatch the sacred spots.
fringe upon the Status Quo.
Visit of Archbishop of Cant.
es telling that objections to Catholic leaders here were The privilege of entering erbury to The Holy Pla.
the visitation had arisen, it is concerned only in seeing that processionally the Basilica of Despite the drastic measures 100 each.
ces believed that some Catholics this Status Quo be not again the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusa which the British and AmeriWhile on this subject we Objections of Catholics explain. may not thoroughly under violated as it has been pre lem and that of the Nativity can governments are enforcing might mention that while the of Our Lord in Bethlehem is in an effort to stem the tide Objectors to the proposal to ed. Rights of traditional stand the reasons which prompt viously in recent years. It will ed these objections.
reserved exclusively to the of sweeptake tickets which are run a state lottery in Jamaica privilege exclusively reserved.
be recalled that in 1927 the Because in some quarters Roumanian Patriarch, Msgr.
heads of the three Christian being taken from Ireland into were busily engaged in airing cable published in yester it may be felt that objection Mron Christea, made a solcommunities which are the England and the United States their reasons for denouncing day Gleaner told of the re. was made to a visit of any emn entrance into the Basilica co propietors of both the for sale, the promoters of the it, principal among which were Sanctuaries; to all Cardinals claimed, the lowering of the urn to England of the Most sort by the Anglican Primate, of the Resurrection and offiDerby sweep feel confident Island moral status, and the Rev. Cosmo Gordon Lang, it is pointed out that there of the Roman Church; to all that the anticipated 000. 000 creation of idle and pernicious ciated there, although he does Archbishop of Canterbury and could have been no oppositthe Catholic Princes; to the figure will be realized, and habits amoung the ordinary not belong to any Christian Primate of England, after a ion to Archbishop Lang en community enjoying the right Princes of Russia; and the Prin they are accordingly arranging working class, we observe visit to the Holy Land, Italy tering the Holy Places as a to hold ceremonies in the ces of Greece. No one else for payment out of: 20 prizes that the Legislators of that and Greece, in Mr. Pierpont private citizen. The only difHoly Sepulchre.
has a right to the traditional of 30. 000; 20 of 15, 000; progressive country the IMorgan yatch, the Corsair. ficulty feared was from a visit Therefore, in order that the privilege.
Dominion of Canada have 20 of 10, 000 and 4, 000 of brought forward a law to leg.
As at the outset of the to the Holy Sepulchre or the visit of Doctor Lang should Archbishop journey there Basilica of the Navity procesalise hospital sweep stakes cause no disturbances it was was much interest aroused by sionally. Nor is this difficulty required only that from the MANUEL FERNANDEZ in that country, which has the supposed objections of the based upon religious fanat religious viewpoint it remain AGENTE passed its 2nd. reading in the Senate. Speaking in support LIMON, COSTA RICA Vatican to his entering the icism or intolerance, but rath entirely a private one. The AF. RTADO No. 564 Se hace cargo de despachos de Aduana a precios de situación of the Bill, the introducer Se.
Holy Places, the following ar er on the rules of the Status civilian receptions to the An.
GARANTIA PRONTITUD nato Barnard stated that thou.
ticle taken from the current Quo» in effect a law, which glican Primate, of course, might sands of dollars were going issue of «Catholic Opinion give the right of solemn entry be as much solemn as the MANUEL FERNANDEZ out of Canada every year to is quoted to give the point into the Holy Places only to importance of the visit deser.
British and foreign sweepstakes of view of the opposition as the heads of the three Chris ves, even the Catholic authoCustoms and Commission agency undertakes the despatching and he thought this money it was: tian communities of the Latins, rities taking part, as they alof importations and exportations through the Customs at the might he kept for local chariNews of the visit of the the Greeks and the Armenians. ways do on similar occasions, most reasonable charges table institutions. The. Bill is 110w being considered by a special Committee.
United States QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES and Aliens On account of the continuance of the unfavour It is with feelings of lowed some of the conable economic conditions the utmost regret we to tents before noticing his in the United States of day report the lamentable mistake. On getting along.
America, it is reported that and unexpected death of side the pier the Doctor the government has decided Captain Anderson, the services were immediately to send out of the country BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
owner and master of the requisitioned who had him all aliens who are on the Launch Anderson quickly sent to the HospiDont accept any tube or envelope BAYER lists of unemployed and which has been doing a tal, where despite every packets without the may thus become a charge regular trade between this effort made to save him, BAYER CROSS on the country revenue. port and Bluefields for the good Captain died.
There are said to be 000 some time now.
His remains were taken such aliens, mostly West From what we have back to the Launch vvhich Indians, including many been able to gather the sailed again for Bluefields Jamaicans now in New unfortunate Captain when about noon the same day.
To the sorrowing widow, under this decision. We Sunday morning, took by Brother and other memDespite the very world find scientists and others to our attention is a ma understand that the United mistake for some medicine bers of the family The wide unsatisfactory condi. are still busy devising the chine, inventeil by an States government will at a bottle containing some Searchlight extends its tion of the labour markets means by which the cost Australian, to be used in its own expense charter poisonous stuff and svval profoundest condolence.
whereby hundreds of thou of production may be the planting and cutting ship for the purpose.
sands of labourers are minimized by a saving on of canes, and by the use With the thousands pourunable to find work, we labour. The latest to come of which it is claimed the ing back from Cuba an PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres cost of 200 labourers will others from Haiti, it would 30000000000000000000000000000000 be saved the planter. This seem as if the Jamaica Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away machine is now being used government will. in the and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be in Florida, where the labour. very near future, have to shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies ers have commenced to devise some means of shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
cry out. Fearing its intro affording all these returned Siquirres PILE duction in Cuba, the inter natives Work of some kind.
ested natives approached the government and decree has been issued DEAR FRIENDS: placing an import duty of 100, 000 The first sign of eye Strain, nerves, headaches or similar on every maSymptoms of eye disorder should be a warning for you to chine imported into the IsA very interesting case Aosta by the American which was shipped on the take immediate action to prevent what Might develop into land and in addition an has been recently filed in Banana Company, who are boat, the loss being occaSometimely visual correction may mean only, temporary need of a more serious nature.
annual tax of 100. 000. the Cris. obal Courts against claiming the sum of.
sioned by the shipping of This will surely prohibit the owners and Master of 1236. 97 for loss of value people, it is alleged failing of Contracting the many eye diseases that continued Neglect will bring about. The eye like every other delicate instrument, its entering into competition the steamship Duchessa in to carry out the advices a cargo of bananas must be watched carefully and the first Sign of Weakness with manual labour in the and instructions given them corrected to insure Maximum and continued efficiency.
The Blessing of Strong, healthy eyes has too often been cane fields of that vast cane regarding proper stowage appreciated after it becomes too late. Remember that Good eyeproducing centre.
and the necessary attention to be given the fruit on the most precious gift man possesses and should be guarded as such to preserve its value.
the vogage, with the received Machado makes result that the fruit arrived expert professional attention will repay you many times over, for the time taken in making an early appointment.
In the most central locality of the village of at its destination in a Know Azevedo Optometrista» Graduate of the Northem your eye sight is safe!
appeal Cieniguita Two fine cottages, one with four apart chilled and unmarketable Dr. ments and the other with two; with good water Illinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology President Machado has, supply and the necessary Toilet and bath attachments.
condition. B. Glasses Supplied from 50, 00 50 00 00 through the press, solicited and upward to suit your pockets. Examination free from to Large yard with numerous fruit Trees and a good Save money by buying from me.
the co operation of all the Sea View For prices and other information apply on the advertise in THE distinguished social class03:4 es in a crusade for peace, premises to Mrs. Margaret Richards, or to Richards, Penshurst Farm, Estrella.
SEARCHLIGHT WWW000000000000000000000 Continued on page Another Labour saving device kork awaiting repatriation meaning the harbour, List a An interesting case be For Sale at Reasonable Prices Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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