
PAGE Another marriage a failure Movements around Guacimo are can as FOR SALE seen surcrops have erroLIMON SERVICE BUREAU This is to advise the my husband, as have general public that, in con had for a long time to sequence of the lazy ha. Work to support both him bits of my husband Eus and myself. He has in As one tace Allen, and the contin consequence of this en approaches the the works it is noted that farm; the drains are properly life of the banana plant, District of Guacimo he conual ill treatment which deavoured, from time to the different sections calculated both for aeration vvhich is a heavy surface have been patiently endur time, to scandalize my cieves the mistaken idea of a being pushed as fast as well as for taking off feeder vvill be but of fevv ing from him for the last good name even though tremendous resucitation be done. There is the Road stagnant waters; but there is days and full of trouble for three years, have now he has been living off my commercial activities in this master rushing in his sidings, one thing with which We are somebody.
definitely decided to quit earnings from my different vicinity, which, on investiga very long ones, to accommo. not admirers, and Which We The lands around Guacimo his home and to return to employments these many tion, will soon be found date the long trains which hope does not emanate from have never been known to the protection of my Fa: years.
be nothing else than a huge will be necessary to take all Mass Sam advice, and that be the very best, and if the ther. And further wish overestimation of the volume the bananas which will be is, the burning of the nevy little nitrogenous matter is to IDA FOX ALLEN to advise that do not of trade being done and which brought out, from the new fallings. Burning of our lands be burnt out in an attempt to any longer consider him POCORA the operations will involve, Cultivations, by the five miles here, has alvvays been con kill germs of Banana desease, and as the Coy. monopolizes of tramway which Mr. De demned by the planting au vvhich may be presumed to the trade by their heavy drop Mercado is rushing to a thorities of the Company as be in the soil, it would in prices of foodstuffs to completion for all it is worth. leaving the effect of an impov. almost be better not to plant.
coincide with the reduced rate On scanning the cultivations, erished soil, and especially so There are Negro farmers Who of wages being offered in the one meets with Mr. Roth, a would this appear to be the have been planting in that works, it will soon be seen most methodical man, directing result in the area under review, vicinity for several years now, One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost that there is no money floating planting operations, and on vvhich has a very scanty without any appreciable ra.
watching him at work for a surface soil and no subsoil vages by desease, and so we nevv. In 1 condition. Original cost 250. No On all sides can be day or two cannot but admire at all, but a bed of sand and are feeling that by careful reasonable offer refused.
business houses, dwelling him as a most consistent stones, sparsely covered over management the same lands houses, restaurants, drinking planter, precise and painstaking with a layer of peaty soil would yield the Company Apply The Searchlight Saloons, houses of amuse to a fault, one who has got accumulated by decayed forest seven or eight years service, ments, Theatres, etc. even his job down to the minutest vegetation of hundreds of but vvith this nevv experimenBrothels being constructed, detail; ofcourse he is seen to years standing; so soon as tation vve shall not be and for what may we ask be, aspiring for a job as this deposit is burnt out, prised to see the farms give Machado makes.
all this preparation. Director of Agriculture some vvhat happens but an impo out after tvvo The Compania Bananera where. Dear old Mass Sam verished soil, in which the been gathered.
alias Co. it is said, has Coutinued from page Kress is on the job at five ment and that the doors of no Camps, and some are silly o clock from Siquirres, so stating that Cuba ai pre.
the presidential palace were enough to think that it is the every one has got to be on IN MEMORIAM sent, presents the lamen wide open for an impart decision of the Company not the move at the call of tiine, table aspect of a rebellion ial investigation of his act to build any, but how for inasmuch as he is a most Bailey Evelina more against the republic ions.
neous such an opinion is. Il affable Boss to his labourers than against the governis true that every official of yet he impresses all with the In syveet and loving memory of our darling mother vvho left us in this vale of tears on May 24h.
the Co. is a member fact at his job is at stake 1923.
of the Great Brotherhood of in this new venture.
Eight long years have passed since a precious Silence, hence you can get Everything is being carried one has gone who vvill never be forgotten.
nothing out of them, but on with great precision; the But for the touch of a vanished hand Every one, who knows any laying out of the planting and the sound of a voice that is still AND thing of the Banana business, with bits of a quality and ll never cease to think of you mother dear and oftimes shed a silent tear.
BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY must know that so soon as size that must give good ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Harvest time is approaching results of a first cop which NATTY, THADDY, CARMELITA and MADELIN Camps must be built to is everything in a successful Bureau established for the greater convenience, under command a regular supply of standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pulabour for taking in the crops, blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed or it would be better not to for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
plant. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a It will soon be seen that In consequence of the vithout being able to fosCollection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the lawsuit brewing the persistent building propublic for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the tendency exhibited by Con ter Schemes to solventize the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical gramme, and overstocking the gress not to sanction the the Straightened condition There is evidently trouble experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts vicinity with shops, is duet measnres proposed by the of governmental finances, arising in the ranks of the he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe lack of business perspicuity, Minister of Finance Mr. vvhile all eyes are fixed Negro Corporation at this rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials which must tend to failures Tomas Soley Güell, for on him for a solution of place.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
and suffering. The profiteer raising funds for the liqui the problem. Don Cleto This concern subscribed EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ ing in Rents is another item dation of the financial obliis much disturbed over the to by Negro Capital since Barrister Investigator which calls one attention, it gations novv staring the attitude and has promised 1920 for the purpose of Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager is noticed that houses with government in the face to use all his efforts to going into a Program of four small rooms cannot be this official has threatened prevent Don Tomas, the Agricultural and house MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE had for less than eighty Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the to resign his Portfolio, be only statistician of his kind bulding activities among its Presidencia ninety colones which makes members, headed by Mes.
life so very distressing to the cause he says it would be ing the government servi srs Samuel Solomon Shaw, Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of poor labourer.
of no use remaining in ce, as the country needs Zephaniah Farquharson Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, In glancing casually around office with his hands tied, him at this time more California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, than ever.
Continued on page New Restaurant at Guacimo GRATITUDE The general public will be pleased to know that their In grateful appreciation to his many friends, who by their kind acts and sympathetic condolence assistold caterer Theodore Levy of Las Lomas and Bonilla ed to aleviate the sufferings of the under signed duhas opened his usual RESTAURANT AND BARBER SHOP at ring his moments of keen distress and sorrow in the The inhabitants of Montego be connected to the GovernGuacimo Junction, near the Barnes home at the Tank, all death of his Wife Bay, the capital of the Noble ment railvvay by running the the Company employees are taken special care of. New MARIAN JOLLY parish of St. James in Jamai rails along one of the prin clean quarters, everything Spic and Span who died on the 1st April leaving eight small children and an afflicted husband to mourn their loss ca, are continuing their laud cipal streets of the tovvn. THEODORE LEVY Jolly able efforts along progressive number of the landovvners, lines, in their determination to along whose frontage the make that northern port the lines vould have to pass, perty holders.
rival of the city of Kingston. have petitioned the Legisla Novy that the districts surA year or tvvo ago Messrs ture requesting a refusal of rounding Montego Bay are Miss Mavis Bryan lavv from the sentence of Don at the same time accusing Kerr obtained the required the proposal and asking that producing bananas in large yer advised her to appeal Jose to the Governor, and the officers of the Police Legislative sanction to enable Counsel on their behalf be quantity, it is felt that the Court of Partiality by irreg.
them to erect a deep vvater heard at the bar before the 2nd. progress of the trade is being MOTOR TRUCK ACCIDENT ularities in favour of the pier in place of their existing reading of the Bill connected hampered in having to load On Wednesday last Mr. vehicle. He vvas triumph posing litigant, which she one, but the scheme has not therevvith should take place the ships from lighters, and Clifford Pouvell Truck got antiy marched before Don was unable to preve, with yet materialized; vve hovvever Meantime the Hon. also that by having such a uncontrollable to him vvhile José vvho asked him to the result that her appeal novv observe that Messrs Hudson of Westmoreland pier, where ships could lay conveying meats to the drop a small fine of ten vvas dismissed and she was Fletcher are also seeking sim vvill, vvith the Hon. Light alongside in safety the gen Limon market, vvith the colones for allovving his demanded immediately to ilar permission for the erect body, the parish represent eral trade conditions of the result that he ran into a Stearing gear to get out pay her fine of tyventy coion of another such pier, ative, be conferring on the port vvould be materially im pole of the Electric Light of repair and pay the cost lones or in default ten days vvhich it is intended should spot vvith the objecting pro proved.
Company, smashing the of damage to the Post, in the Colegio Robles.
Congress Refuses the Cedula Personal From Madre de Dios Jamaica improvements AN AUDACIOUS APPEAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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