p. 6


Saturday May. 23 1931 Casos y.
Wedding Bells 0 Lodge.
ed as Notice to Creditors the natal tovvn of the pop celebration as one long to Wants Column One colon per insertion of six lines Viene de la página No señores, tambien la poli.
WANTED cía limonense pecade igno.
To sell a fine organ at the ticia discordante. Pero no hay rancia, y de esto no se puede very pretty and elab ant and happy night vvas Bicycles ridiculous price of 250. at regla sin excepción, y en lo culpar a nadie, pues la igno orate wedding took place spent in dancings and pleas Jack Oranes.
At Clearing Prices: que a la ciudad de Limón se rancia de los guardianes del in San José at the Angli ing companionship; among men Roadster Bicycles. 110 refiere, debo señalar como una orden público es una enfer can Church of The Good the many visitors from Li The Community to know 163 excepción al Primer Coman medad crónica.
Shepherd on the 2nd inst. món were to be noticed that there is nothing to break Rudge Withworth Racers 100 Así podríamos ir señalando dante de esta Plaza Sr. don The contracting parties Messrs. Terense Hines and up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 table taken in a Cup of hot Rogelio Gutiérrez Ross, per. ciertos defectos con los cuas being Mr. Alexander Curli Allan Hylton and Mrs. EthAt Jack Orane Store, lime juice tea immediately Limon.
sona fina y correcta en sus les nosotros mismos vivimos ng and Miss Flora Rodrí lyn Campbell; as already after having contracted a cold.
procederes, caballero distingui. engañados, pues nuestro gran guez said Mr. Thomas Allen did The Raffle do que conoce bien sus de. amor a Costa Rica nos hace At pm. the bride en: credit to his job as Groom Those who would like to beres.
ver oro en todas las cosas tered the church le ning on man and Master of the pass a few days of rest In the Raffle for the Pero podríamos decir lo que siendo de cobre brillan. the arm of her father Mr. evening enlivening the hap: and change in a quiet home Tickets which came off on mismo de sus subalternos?
Continuará David Rodríguez attended py gathering by his con in the interior, to know 19th. inst the following to by hermaids Miss stant kvitty, inspiring and that Mrs. Charlotte Big. were the winning numbers Gvvendolyne Poyser, the vvelltimed felicitations to gerstaf can accommodate 1st. Prize 0789 Misses Blanche and May the charming pair as vvell your necessities at her 2nd.
0671 Rodríguez, sisters of the as to their vvellvvishers. home in Cartago with 3nd.
0770 bride; vvhen the organ The entire ceremony was clean comfortable quarters LEE Continued from page vvhich the nevvly raised presided over by Miss Far marked from start to finish Masters thanked all those rar pealed forth in melo vvith a great display of From Madre de Dios trict of Costa Rica, thanked vvho had assisted in their dious tones a beautiful pomp, gaiety, mirth and the Bros. for their cour congeniality. From the fact Continued from page very long and arduous wedding march.
ers are much incensed over tesies to himself and his ceremony when the Table Mr. Thomas Allen act that the pair having been Edvard Taylor and others. his action in this direction Lodge and wished the was closed at 30 a.
Groomsman and practically born in church, i the subscriptions col and speculation is rife as Alma Mater continued suc. and terminated certeinly did honour to his their parents having served lected the property Schonvery to vvhat is going to hap cesses, Bro Holms of the pleasant association.
appointment. The church in the founding of this little field was acquired by Mr. pen. Since December all Eureka did similarly, after vyas thronged vvith friends church the Rector, the Rev. Shawv as President for the the Banana checks are and vvellvvishers from Li Brigges. and officers did Corporation in 1920 and held up in the possession món as vvell as San José, everything to mark this exploited by him until July of Mr. Shavv. The prop1930 vvhen a nevy Pres. erty having been bought ular couple. After the cer be remembered in the his. ident Mr. Farquharson in his name, pending the All creditors having any claim or claims against emony by vvhich both part tory of the church of The vvas elected by the people inscription of the Corporamy husband Alexander McIndoe will make their claim ies consumated the life long Good Shepherd.
and the property turned tion which is not yet comduly authenticated to me within fifteen days from date pledge, and a well exec THE SEARCHLIGHT begs over by Mr. Shavv to him; plet, hence checks are still here of, after which will not hold myself responsible uted Organ Recital render to wish the happy, pair in November Farquharson drawn in his name, thus for any claims not so presented.
ed memorable the occas eternal happiness and their took ill and left for Jamaica incapacitaring the adminis.
Jane Mc. Indoe ion, the nevvly vved and relatives and friends lasting subsequently resigning. The tration from exploiting the San Clemente, Linea Estrella their friends repaired to satisfaction in this unique first Vice president ruling farm, aad now the Cacao the home of the bride event.
until a president vvas ap crop is being gathered by father vvhere a most pleas.
pointed. Mr. Shavvthen him, so that the Directors LAWYERS NOTARIES demanded the value of his have not the wherewithal AT LIMON shares, supposedly being in their hands to meet Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA about six thou colones their obligations, conseOffer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors or a portion of the prop. quently the Directors are before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; erty, this being refused him calling on the shareholders Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
Continued from page for his Adv. run herein some he forcibly took charge of to subscribe the necessary ENGLISH SPOKEN the property on the 6th. funds to meet their legal memorable meeting of the To summarize. We beg to of May, thus inviting a expenses vvhich is evidentSchool Board, when the Sec reply to Mr. Petgrave intri lavvsuit as the sharehold. ly davvning upon thems.
FOR SALE retary Mr. Bedward, had guing charge of partiality to instructions to acquaint the. the white man over the An Appreciation Co that the grant of Black man: that the classifiA comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith thirty dollars was not being cation is entirely erroneous: Limón, Costa Rica. ions shone so brightly that varandahs back and front, vvater tanks, Kitchen and merited by the Teacher in His is an unjust, libellous May 18th. 1931.
they almost eclipsed those other conveniences, on lot of land vvith good sea charge(all this please note was assault on Bishop Dunn as Editor Limon Searchltight of the men. To specialize vievv situate at Cieneguita, Limon.
done so as to get even with wellas, an attempt to depre. Respected Sir: any one would be a vain the teacher because he very in ciate the usefulness of an im Please permit me space attempt but to be candid Apply BENJAMIN REID discreetly called Mr. Pet portant Educative, civilizing in your valuable Paper to the amount of intellectual or care of The Searchlight grave illnames at this mecting) Institution such as is the An express our heartiest apre and artistic talent displayed These things, naturally got to glican Church; while the other ciation of the outcome of by the Genii of our Race the hearing of the officials of is an expression (mild or caustic) the Pleasant Sunday Afterpar excelence the Cº: the same as they came of a father feeling in a mat noon meeting held by the The officers and members to our hearing, inasmuch as ter apparently dear to his officers and members of of the Limon Division No.
the Secretary of the School heart which was offered publicly the Limon Division No. 887 very pleasant and in of the church and their Board did not carry out his given publicity in these col 887 N, A. take this means to express teresting function took place well vvishers, the corner instructions. The result was and not refuted by in our Liberty Hall, on the their Heart felt Gratitude in Limon on Sunday after stone was laid by Mrs. that the Coy, in her urgent those concerned. Of course we 17th. ins.
and keenest appreciation of noon last, in connection Jack Orane, vvith the Rev. necessity of economizing evsee clearly the gentleman The aims and objects of the attention of the genevvith the Wesleyan Church Siley officiating assis ery dollar she could, gave orhabitually destructive intention, the inecting vvere to bring ral Negro Public, to the Chere. For years past, it ted by the Revs. Pitt and ders to suspend this giant, and are quite prepared for that vvhole hearted union call of Unity sent out by has been the desire of those Forde, which it. He knows that the life of among the Negro People this Division to them and was apparently not this journal depends on the in charge of the affairs of being judiciously appropriadomiciled in Costa Rica. hope in the near future to that denomination to ted, itence all the Bishop in English reading Community and to re establish the invite all again to a united flence did was to get a third of this Republic, seven eighths goodly feelings which once Conference for the pur.
of whom are coloured people, existed when the Dose of devising ways and their day school, would of this grant for his school.
hence his pitting our alleged be kept, instead of in the was in the meridian of its Thus, therefore, Mr. Petgrave partiality for. Bishop Dunn From New York the uncalled for, unjust letter of meens for the social, intel.
church as it is at present, nevvs comes that the Honover The Revd. Siley on the glory. Words fail to des lectual, industrial, coinmer.
and vwhich would also duranean Rebels are still censure on Bishop Dunn, which basis of colour so as to ham cribe the pleasant feeling cial and fraternal uplift of afford accommodatiou for on the alert, having taken might be seen in our uffice per our progress and all this and satisfaction evinced in our people generally in their socials etc. Through El Progreso they are now on appointment by anyone simply because we did not such a gathering: we felt this country.
publish an untruthful scandal as if we could never grow We are asking the Visi: the good offices, vve are thraetening Tela. Later reWith Regard to Mr. Booth But is tenets as well as ours weary of hearing the songs tors and friends who were given to understand, of ports from Tegucigalpa state the Fruit Co. a suitable that on evacuating El Pro payment for his article, while are too well known to do us and recitations delivered by here, and those who were building has at last been greso they occupied El Newe do not admit the right of any harin in this direction. the Choir, Visitors and willing, but could not come obtained, and is to be grito, then Morazan and enquiry, we do not mind tiality is, we feel confident, concise. loving and invigo our thanks and gratitude.
Mr. Petgrave to make this Our decided policy of impar children; as also the unique to accept per this medium, on vvere yesterday moving to old building which was vvards Yoro.
saying yes it is fully paid for, too well known and apprecia: rating utterings of the Re. Hoping that they will ne and we also gladly add that he some years ago destroyed ted by the reading public, for presentatives of the various ver have cause to regret Washington also states by fire. So on Sunday last that activities have been pays regularly for his adver we repeal any harm to be kindred Societies, Social the pleasant moments spent tisement; We would be plaesdone us by our friend Clubs and Divisions of the Alvvays yours, Sir, in the presence of. large renevved by those in Nicaed were we able to say the tactless and injudicious policy. in which the William Pearson number of the members ragua.
same of our correspondent Editor ladies intellectual deliberat Executive Secrelary Our impartiality.
months ago was Corner Stone Laid umns provide a buildmg in vvhich Rebels still Rebels still active Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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