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THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Do not let your will go soft. Draw up an iron time table and stick to it. Nail your time table on the wall and allow no leakages. In a month you will be master of yourself. In a year you will be a man. In ten years you will be whatever you choose to be.
The outlook for our Bananas The Hon. Smith then made by the purchaser cumstances, considering that who formed an anonomous government.
sponsibility at the door of has taken up the arbi to the Chief Justice for an proceedings relating to the sympathetic Branch of the There is already a suit for whom it belongs.
trary decision of the Chief order to discharge such caveat. matter are now pending to a American Organization) to sat damages against Mr. We spoke of this miscarJustice of Jamaica ir the above That on the hearing of this considerable extent in the isfy the mismanagement of Mellish, Registrar of Titles for riage of Justice by this gencase, by asking a series application on the 7th. day Supreme Court and the matter the American Parent Body not satisfying himself of the tleman sometime ago in the of questions of the Colonial of November, the Counsel for is Sub Judice.
of which Markes himself was legality of the Transferring of Garvey case at which time Secretary in the Legislative the caveators pointed out to Several other questions rel.
a Director this Title as was his duty be we were severely criticised Council.
the Chief Justice, that the ative to this matter were also Now that the sale by order fore it was done; which suit by some of our friends and 1st. Has the government Appeal Court would mect on negatived by the government; of the Chief Justice Sir Fiend beyond the shaddow of at readers, and liere again is the regarded it as a matter of the 18th of November (only and also expressed itself as Barrett Lennard has been de doubt must succeed against same thing over, simply be.
duty to this Colony to inves eleven days hence) and pres not having any intention of clared illegal and the proper. a public officer, in the exe cause it affects an organizatigate any of the circumstances sed on him, that if the caveat holding any public enquiry or ty restored to its former owners, cufion of his duty; who then tion in which Marcus Garof the litigation in re, Markes were removed before the investigation into the circum the amount arising from such must pay the Cost and ver vey (who criticised the honour vs. the Universal Negro Im hearing of the appeal, the title stances surrounding this litiga sale. which has been sent dict of such a suit but the of British Jurisprudence as provement Association, Inc. to the transferee from the tion; and that no report out of the Island to the government, while the Chief entrusted in his hands) is (an American Corporation) and purchaser at the court sale had been made to the Secre. and without the reach of the Justice who is away on leave concerned, no thought of Briof the several orders made by would be registered and the tary of States for the Colonies Courts of Jamaica) must be of absence, and in our opinion tish fairplay, nor the honour Sir Fiennes Barrett Lennard purchase money would be in connection with the mat returned to the misguided will not be advised to return of the Justice and equity of (then discharging the office sent out of the Island, and out ters involved in the foregoing purchaser. The question now to Jamaica, will be enjoying his our British laws must be enof Chief Justice) which have of the reach of the Appeal questions.
arises and which the colonial pension undisturbed in Eng tertained, but rather the exbeen reversed on appeal by court, and its recovery would The question at issue deals Secretary does not wish hon land to be supplied him hibition of the lower nature, the Appellate Court of Jamai. be rendered impossible, in the with the arbitrary and vindic. estly to face, but which Mr. by the very people he has spite, hatred, resulting in deca?
event of the order for sale tive decisions of the Chief The Colonial Secretaryre.
then under appeal being reSmith wishes to press, is: victimized; we are feeling that preciation of the highest aims Justice for the sale of property. who will refund this money, this is what the Hon. Mr.
verset on appeal?
of the standardized Justice not plied in the Negative. which was proven to be be. the Chief Justice or the Tax Smith is leading up to avoid, only of our Empire but the Has the government conThat spite of the foreview of placing re civilized world.
sidered the bearing and im going submissions the said onging to certain Jamaicans payers of Jamaica through the with a order plications of the Judgments of Chief Justice made an the Jamaica Appeal Court on removing the said caveat?
the said reversed orders and That the purchase money on the circumstances under was thereafter sent out of which they were made? Jamaica and was thereby renIs the government aware that dered irrevocable in any event on the 2nd day of September of the then pending appeal?
1929, application was made to That the appeal from the said Sir Fiennes Barrett Len said order for sale was subsenard on behalf of certain Ja quently allowed and the said order for the sale by the Chief It is very gratifying to ob.
maicans registered at the office Mr. Cutter some time ago, the best fruit possible Will Atlantic division has only serve that our farmers on the he said that the idea of the amply reward those who en.
of Titles as the owners of real Justice was set aside by the given 995. 910 stems, Puntare.
Estate No. 76 King St. Kings. Appeal Court of Jamaica. That Atlantic Zone are a bit more Coy. is to grow and ship deavour to deliver the best nas 35. 700, Colorado or San the order also by the said satisfied than they have been ton, to stay the operation of the best fruit, thus command goods to the buyer; these Carlos territory nil, thus being his order for the sale of this Chief Justice for the delivery for the past year. Rejections ing the best market prices efforts Will also give satisfac 300. 354 less than last year have been most distressing and at the same time elimi tion for the decision of the 1st. quarter showing, if we property pending the hearing of immediate possession of the of their appeal from his said said premises to the purcha in recent months; and the nating the possibilities of Company of reconsidering continue as we started, we order for sale?
ser at the court sale, was also recent declaration by the over production. It therefore our merits as a banana coun shall only be able to export Is the government aware that declared by the said Appellate Compañía Bananera (alias behoves our planters especial. try. The redistribution of the 126. 440 stems in 1931, cercourt not to be warranted in Co. that Contracts would not ly those whose lands the convening of the Appeal English boats on this run istainly not worthy Ito be clas.
law, and not proper to have be renewed on old farms made limited to fork, drain and already decided on, and we sified as Court at any time to hear or a Banana country the outlook so much more been made under the provimulch the small areas at their on our part should do everyexpedite the hearing of an nor meriting the apportion appeal is one of the powers sions of the Civil Proceedure dark; but in consequence of disposal, so that instead of thing to justify such decision. ment of the best Boats as Code?
of a Chief Justice; and that in recent occurrences of a hostile producing six and seven Cooperation on the part of vvas formerly the case.
nature in other banana pro. hands we shall produce none any event there was to be a the planters will naturally If our production is to be regular sitting of the Appeal an investigation to be made, ducing countries, the vision but firsts to satisfy the aims gratify the officials of the improved, in keeping vvith is changed and the apparent of the Company. Lime is not Company for the steps taken Court on the 18th. Nov. two as to whether this American the desires of the Company, disaster which seemed i11and a half months from the date. Corporation had, at the time so very expensive in this of redeeming the prowess of hearty cooperation by oursel.
evitable for our planters is That, The Chief Justice re of the Chief Justice order country, and as it is one of Costa Rica in this direction. ves on the lines set out above fused to stay the operation for sale, any pecuniary interaverted, consequently our the chief elements used to As a produefng country, We is the only means by vvhich of his order for sale of the est whatever in the Real Esfruit is being taken with a subjugate the ravages of Ba had fallen to insignificance, vve can achieve a successful property pending the hearing tate ordered to be sold, and much greater acceptance than nana issue; Banana lands are plentidesease it would be and as God helps those who of the appeal, and permitted which these Jamaicans were they had been with little or Well should our small farmers try to help themselves, it is ful in Costa Rica but inac.
the sale thereof notwithstand claiming by appeal to be their no rejections, all farmers are invest in a few sacks of this only right and just that we cessible for vvant of roads, ing the appeal?
property and that, upon such agreed on one point with article, and apply some after should make an effort to sa railroads and vvatervvays hence That, the parties claiming enquiry being held the Surespect to this, that is when the supplies have been well tisfy those who are novy can only be obtained by those to be beneficially interested in preme Court found and declara stem of fruit is not accep forked, then afterwards the thinking kindly of us.
who are wealthy enough to the said Real Estate, there ed that at the time of the ted you can readily Isee that mulch Which would have the It might not be generally provide such incans of Coni.
after on the 24th. October order of the Chief Justice, there is good reason for its result of purely first classfruit, known that for 1929 we ship munications and transport, and giving 1929, entered a caveat against directing their sale by the being rejected.
an appearance ped only 112. 170 stems; in which does not need a day, Transfer of title to a Bailiff, the said American Cor This gives rise to an imof freshness only any obtain 1930 834. 045 stems, while week or month to accomplish It will therefore be seen that third party, on the part of the poration had no ownership petus on the part of our farm ed in new plantations.
for the first quarter of this purchaser at the court sale, or interest in the said chattels? ers to try to produce better It is the intention of the year we have only gone.
the only feasability to improve or any displacement of the The Colonial Secretary re fruit so as to please and sat. Company to bring back this 031. 610 as against.
our farins is by replacing the then registered proprietor of plied that it would not be isfy the requirements of the Country to its former status 332. 144 sterns for the cornecessary products of the soil the said land?
which have been proper for him to ansvver Company of exportation, hence a little responding period of 1930.
already That an application was these questions under the cir In a speech delivered by care and expense in producing of this 031. 610 stems the Continued on page are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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