
Saturday June 1931 El Lic. don Ricardo Jiménez Ecos y Notas de Limón Foreign News con was. XDe nuevo entre noso. no le alumbre! Ambos re la Peña y otros. Va muy tros, está al frente de la portajes son exagerados. adelantado.
Cuando nació Jesús da Ne. niño Jesús en Belén, sino a quien debemos esperar la más Fiscalía, nuestro buen ami.
Cónsul de la Repú.
zareth en Belén, este aconte manera de los reyes Magos franca libertad eleccionaria! go, Procurador Judicial, don Don Edgar Young cimiento fué conocido por to. trayendo incienso y mirra, Viva el Partido Republica. Víctor MI. Rojas después blica Española Comerciante chino de dos los hombres de aquella para apoyar la candidatura del no nacional!
de varios meses de descan aquí ha reabierto el Café Se dice en corrillos que época. Unos decían que era Lic. Jiménez Oreamuno. Qué vivan todos los que so, para lo cual había de España que perteneció a será nombrado aquí Cón.
el hijo de Dios y otros pen al paso de don Manuel han coadyuvado en este mo jado en su lugar a su hi. Antonio Tandiño, español. sul de la República de la saban lo contrario, que era Castro una vez que ponga vimiento salvador, que nos jo, el culto e ilustrado y Madre Patria, don Antonio hijo de un hombre!
pié en suelo tico, debemos hará fuertes como un solo gentil caballero, Pasante Don Aniceto Sandí Gallardo, propietario de la Los Reyes Magos que eran gritar: hombre y libres como nos don Ramón Rojas CorraPropietario de la casa Pensión Moderna. Mucho todo poder y grandeza, no Viva Ricardo Jiménez 0, dejó la espada de Simón Bo les, una esperanza para el de Compra y Ventas que lo celebraríamos!
creyeron en el Mesías sino en futuro Presidente de la Re. lívar!
Foro y para el País. Para tiene establecida frente al Dios y salieron de sus pala pública!
El Ateneo don Víctor nuestro cordial mercado, hará pronto un Carlos Orozco Amador cios los tres, no para admirar ¡Viva el eximio varón Lic.
saludo y para su hijo, remate de muebles y pren.
Así con este nombre se al niño sino por curiosidad a Cleto González Víquez de Limón, Junio de 1931.
nuestra sincera y leal des das. Así pues que hay que ha bautizado el corrillo su persona.
reunir pesetas para apro.
que de día y en las noPerdidos en su camino hacia vechar la gran oportunidad. ches forman varios profe.
el lugar del nacimiento, Dios Dos o tres días estuvo sionales en los corredores en la bóveda azul del cielo, entre nosotros nuestro buen El camino a Portete de la Pensión Moderna, púsoles una estrella que los amigo, Lic. Carlos Silva donde concurren Jueces, guiara, estrella de oriente, que Stock Exchange Que está bajo la direcPope birthday procedente de la capital. ción de una Junta Progre bres de negocios. Muy bien!
Alcaldes, Abogados y homles señaló la ruta hacia Belén. y éstos en adoración postra.
New York June 1st. City of The Vatican June sista encabezada por don Quotations of the stock 1st. The 74th Birthday of de estudio y de recreo a Trata de hacer un viaje Kirkpatrick, don de CRONISTA FISGÓN dos de hinojo ante Jesús ex.
clamaron: IÉste es el verdade exchange fell today lower His Holiness Pope Pius Honduras, nuestro viejo y than they have been for XI, was ro hijo de Dios!
buen amigo Doctor Another Sedition Case this year. Railroad shares with all pomp by a Review Luego, José María, Wilson el niño Jesús escaparon de fell 12 points, which of the Swiss guards in. The Jamaica Native Defen words for which he has been Belén hacia Egipto huyendo constitute the most serious dress uniform. Messages of Pasa una temporada en ders Committee seem to be charged are. We are putting de la persecución de los sicaloss since June 1929. The congratulations were receivvery strenuous effort to remedy San José junto con su be getting famous for propagating rios del Rey Herodes que greater portion of Industrial ed by him from all parts lla hija Cabita, la estima: Sedition; not many weeks ago the wrongs that are being Mr. Waison sentenced created every where: There is procedieron a la degollación stock fell 77 points and of the world. The Pope is ble matrona dona Va to eighteen months imprison not one man among the de todos los niños de la ciuseveral as low as 15 points in splendid health.
lenzuela de Mora, esposa ment and the doctors supervi Executive that has any sense; dad!
depreciation not met with Royal engagement de nuestro viejo amigo, don sion as to his sanity for uttering and so the people will think since 1925. The United remarks which were considered Ahora bien, después de tan about cutting throats, burning States Steel The engagement of the Juan Rafael Mora Escalante.
Corporation inconvenient to the maintentas idas y venidas, tantas vueldown shops and do all sorts. ance of public safety, now fell to 85. 15 which records Archduke Otto of the Hapstas y revueltas en nuestra vida of things. may have the the greatest intention Siguieron hacia la capi we find another member of burg family and pretender of going up to depreciation política. Ahora en estos mo.
that Club or Committee, Mr. anyone of you and cut your mentos de asfixia económica since 1923. The total of to the Hungarian throne, tal los Licdos. Antonio Se.
stock negotiated today to Princess María, youngest gura y Acosta Benjamin Wilson, is charged throat but will not tell you. for similarly publicly making myself can inderstand para Costa Rica, no tenemos utterances considered likely to why agitate, as have no más estrella que nos guíe, sino amounted to 100. 000 daughter of the King and Queen of Italy is announced.
El estimable comerciante cause unrest among the inha business place. We are out to Ricardo Jiménez cual la President wedding de Estrada, Ching Gonbitants and for which he has agitate for something, and de oriente que señaló la ruta Issue of Bonds estuvo entre nosotros. Lo been committed to take his that is to bid chinese goodbye.
a los Reyes Magos. No con Paris, June 1st. The wedWashington, June 1st. mismo don Jaime Romero trial at the ensuing Session There is nothing in the vide tamos con más faro que el ding of President DoumerThe issue of Treasury Bonds Ching.
of the Supreme Court. The worlu vvill stop people from killing and eating one another, del cerebro de Ricardo Jimé ge to Mrs. Graves a rich for 800. 000. 000 has been except conditions is changed.
nez que en noche obscura widow, caused great surentirely subscribed for but El honrado agricultor vvould not vvork y borrascosa nos alumbre el prise here today.
another issue will be made de Estrada Mister John Erratum chinaman, because vvould camino del bien nacional. PorThe ceremony took place kill him everyday. am glad in the Palace Eliseo, where towards the end of the Pierre Alex también visitó there are que, después de todo y como esta ciudad en negocios.
not very many In our issue of May 30, people in this Island like me, si estuviéramos en presencia the couple will reside until year, according to official information. under the caption, In De. because vve vvould de la tragedia del Gólgota, the end of the president Está próximo a contraer fence of Undenominational things turn cver too quick.
debemos gritar al unísono: term on the 13th. inst, the Coffee destroyed matrimonio Civil, el pro. School at Siquirres, page The Government are arch crijabajo los Judas, abajo los wedding was of a civil Río de Janeiro, June 1st. pietario don Otoniel Rol. 3, there appeared in paraminals, and they only crush nature and the only persons As a means of guarding dán Maroto.
poncio pilatos, abajo los cai.
graph 3, this sentence: in people. am not a Bolshevik, present were the Secretary faces, abajo los herodes.
but can be any moment against overproduction. deed there wass one which General of the Presidency 40. 000 sacks of coffee acvvant to be. Bolshevik say los que atacaron al Lic.
Regresó de Cartago, don changed the intention of the only vvay a country can Ricardo Jiménez como a Mons. Jules Michel, and quired by the government Granados, después de the sentence entirely this reform is to cut throat, and Mons. Henri Lourain an los que atacaban a Jesús, por in accordance with recent haber estado varios días should have been: indeed believe in it. You must re.
old friend of the President dispositions will be burnt al lado de su familia.
sus sabias y justas doctrinas there vvas none. We regret and vvill shoot you dovvn.
member chinamen are armed debemos decirles: Vade Retro! Ex Crown Prince Candior thrown into the sea. Xthe error and hasten to One shoot after a vvoman Los que defendemos a Ridature.
Doña Luisa de SobalA great order make this correction. the other day.
cardo Jiménez O, como los barro está de nuevo entre As a As an outcome of the apóstoles a su maestro, debe Berlin, June 1st.
nosotros al lado de su es Sweepstake efforts in England mos también decirle a los consequence of the activi. visit of the Prince of Wales incrédulos ¡Ecxe Homo! ties displayed by the Ex: and his brother to South poso, el muy competente artesano don Alonso So Sir William Davidson In this respect it is sig.
Crown Prince in the review America, the Argentine Re.
Se comenta la llegada al balbarro.
having failed to obtain the nificant that a London Mapaís del histórico Republicano, held yesterday at Breslau, public has ordered 35 aeropermission of the House gistrate in refusing to conMinistro en Was.
his candidacy for the pre nuestro planes from Great Britain Don Gólcher es. of Commons to introduce vict a seller of sweepstake hington Lic. Manuel Castro sidency in the clections next valued at a hundred thou.
tuvo en la capital.
Bill authorising the tickets as being a rogue and Quesada. Nosotros los repuyear is being consiilered. sand pounds.
Don Laprade raising of money by levies a vagabond said the reablicanos nacionalistas no le for the support of British son for the lottery prohitememos a su llegada y que Our Politics Iinportante hombre de hospitals, is said to be bition was not the moral sea bienvenido por que tene negocios de esta zona y giving his attention to a turpitude, but the liability mos la seguridad, quero In spite of the protests is Learnt that the present propietario de la valiosa Bill for the legislation of of competition with State vendrá como los sicarios de set out by the Executive Minister of Foreign Affairs finca Saborío ha estable. Sweepstakes for State and lotteries.
Herodes en persecución del Council and the refusal Mr. Octavio Beeche will cido en nuestro mercado charitable purposes. He is We are wondering, if it of his leave of absence be sent to Washington una muy higienica carni. supposed to have already should happen that this by the President of the and his office merged with cería, bajo la dirección téc secured the co operation of Bill receives the approval Coombs Republic, Don Manuel Cas one of the other Secreta nica de don José Vivó nearly 100 members and of a majority in Parliament tro Quesada our Minister riats for the time being, Auctioneer, Real Estate Le auguramos feliz éxito. it is expected that the whether the opposers to before the Washington goand Commission Agent support of many more will State Lotteries will attrivernment is due to arrive Dos reportajes impor be obtained when it is bute such sanction to the Business also done in Spanish here today.
tantes introduced. Sir William has fact that the Mother Coun His object his friends Pero ambos contradic. also been receiving numer try has ceased to belong out say is to start KINGSTON, JA.
on torios. Uno de don Juani ous letters from the public to the first class nations his political campaign at If the writer of the letter to nuestro Gobernador y expressing their congratu of the world, or that her once, presumably in conentitled Public Question tro diputado suplente, amel otro de don Fila, nues. lations and pleasure that moral status had deprecia.
To advertise in junction with the candidaan attempt is at last to ted, to the level claimed ture of Don Ricardo Jiwill send us his name (for bos publicados en La Tri. be made to have the for those countries whose The Searchlight ménez; if this is so, it is our information) we shall buna. Aquí si que cabe el whole question of the governments permit such expected that he will re. be pleased to publisn it dicho. Ni mucho que que legality of sweepstakes lotteries.
is to double your business sign his position, and it in our next issue. me al Santo, ni poco que brought to an issue.
for a vvant a 34 EAST STREET Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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