
PAGE LOCAL NOTES QUICK RELIEF FROM PAN, COLDS, HEADACHES our Cafiaspirina 0South Africa, a Republic or Dominion?
a With reference to On account of Florindo Mi the body it is presumed the previous article respecting the randa, a policeman stationed lady death vvas due to desire of the Municipality of at Guapiles having arrested a natural causes.
Siquirres to establish an relative of José Aguirre, of Oagricultural Colony in the the hygiene department there, a Moravia Valley we are now rovy ensued betyveen the tyvo Bill has been presented to informed that members of that and resulted in Aguirre firing a Congress by vvhich permission Board along with other resid shot at Miranda vvhich fortu vvill be given the follovving to BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
ents of the township have nately only slightly wounded practice Medicine, Lavv, Den. В visited the locality so as to him in the righth and. The mat tistry and Pharmacy: Medicine, Dont accept any tube or envelope obtain personal knowledge of BAYER ter is under investigation by the Rafael Calderón Muñoz and packets without the conditions on the spot. Alcalde.
MI. Echandi. Lavy, Francisco BAYER CROSS 0Ross. Dentistry, Virgilio Chaverria and Marcial Rodriguez.
It is reported that as a During the earlier part of Pharmacy, Rogelio Sotela.
result of the report of their last vveek the residents in the technical advisers, the Govern vicinity of Theatre Moderno ment has decided to convert José, experienced bad odours On the receipt of certain the coal burning engines of around a building occupied information the fiscal guards the Pacific Railvvay into by doña Mercedes Bejarano stationed in Limón made a oil burners. The cost is viuda de Sanchez, a very old search in the hills situate to estimated at 000 for each lady, vyho lived alone, and the West of Westphalia and From Capetown South nonemployment in the West settled Territories, affording engine.
reported the matter to the discovered a vvell equipped African Union, we find that Indies and even in the them the facilities for such authorities. On the building factory for the illicit distilling Republican manifesto has British Isles, it might be settlements, such as Roads, During the past fortnight the being entered it was disco.
of alcohol. Proceedings are been launched by a new well for the colonial office Railroads, and the necessary vered that the lady had died being taken against the owner group headed by a member Minister of Education, don to consider the advisability finances for exploiting these some days previously as the Justo Facio, has been visiting of the lands in conformity of the House Assembly the of drafting all who would Territories until they are Rev. Dutoit and sup be willing, to make new able to be launched out Limon and Siquirres in the body was badly decompused with the lavv, who denies interest of the educational As there vvere no vvounds having any knowledge of the ported by many members settlements in her vast un.
on their own account.
of the House.
vvork being carried on in or signs of any violence on matter.
This move is to influ.
those centres. At the latter ence South Africans until place, he had a conference FOR SALE viith the members of the national movement in that School Board and other inA comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith terested parties regarding the country, as it is said that varandahs back and front, vvater tanks, Kitchen and question of erecting a proper In anticipation of Empire were present over 800 many South Africans are school building.
Day 24th Ultmo. Their guests of all Nations in not satisfied with the Do.
other conveniences, on lot of land with good sea Don Justo has also sub Majesties the King and all sorts of gorgeous ap. minion Status of equality vievy situate at Cieneguita, Limon.
mitted for approval by the Queen opened their first parels in the magnificent with Great Britain, but Court for the season on Minister of State, a Apply BENJAMIN REID ballroom of Buckingham desire separation from the circular the 20th. at which there palace.
British Empire.
addressed to all Teachers in or care of The Searchlight His Majesty King George This is the moment for the public schools prohibiting and His Queen mounted the Establishment of a huge them from taking ary active the Throne dressed, he in coloured Colony in Africa part in the present electioneer a Scarlet uniform of The by Britain to frustrate any FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. ing compaign.
Scots Guards, and she, in disloyal movement on the 0At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small The annual general meeting peach coloured chiffon with part of the Boer element family residence adjoining the Post Office quantity of zinc, vvhich of the West Indies Board of pearls and diamonds, and which is well known not Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES is said to bear the mark of Cricket Control took place in a train of shimmering satin to be very loyal to the the government, vvas recently Trinidad betwveen the 6th and embroidered with pearls. British much sold to Dr. Fuentes of He8th. ultimo. It was unanimredia. The Minister of Public ously decided to send a team Works on being informed, to England in 1933. It was has given instructions to the also agreed that Jamaica The Election for Presi investigations by the League Detective department to make should be invited to send a dent of the Liberian Republic of Nations as to his encourimmediate investigation as it number of players to take was set for May 5th. and aging «slave trading and is believed the zinc vvas part in the Intercolonial tourfraudulently obtained before there is news current tho forced labour in the Black nament to be played early In consequence of the ultmo. of The Calabar Ge.
differences being sold to the Doctor.
between The neral Committee, at which unconfirmed that the acting Republic.
next year, and that later on President Mr. Edwin Bar. President Barclay is re 0were over three in this year a series of Test Baplist Union of Jamaica, there and the Revd. Ernest scores of Ministers of the clay has been elected to ported to be making overAnother case of shooting has trials be played in Jamaica in Price Principal of the Cal Jamaica occurred recently on the Linea the Presidency to succeed tures for the immigration vvhich players from all the Baptist Union Vieja, but without fatal results. colonies vvould be included abar Theological College, present, that the Baptist President King whom it of American settlers in the will be remembered since February; a resolution Missionary Society of Lon.
Was Gola territory, formerly 300000000000000000UWOODDO 200000 turned down, due to the discountenanced was put by the Revd. don be asked to recall the by Mr. Dillon seconded by the Revd. Price King.
Revd. Petgrave and Principal of Calabar.
carried by a majority vote The difficulty arose over at a meeting on the 20th. some complaint in the Administration of the College, as a result of which Pan act very courteously to the Quality Merchandise DEAR FRIENDS MANZANA 31. Lot members of the Union. The When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, The first sign of eye Strain, nerves, headaches or Similar Revd. Mr Price has done Symptoms of eye disorder should be a warning for you to Next door to the office very able work for over Commissaries you may rest assured that you are take immediate action to prevent what Might develop into of Juan Jose Leon (Sucs. twenty years in training Something of a more serious nature.
buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods Timely visual correction may mcan only lemporary need you will find the People Ministers for the Baptist are not allowed to remain in our stores.
of Olass es. Or at any rate, you thereby eliminate any chance Bakery, where you can get, of Contracting the many eye diseases that continued Neglect Society in Jamaica and has will bring about. The eye like every other delicate instrument, at all times, Booth Bis been considered a first class Zepol and Floradora Products must be watched carefully and the first Sign of Weakness cuits, Bread and Buns of man for such a position, corrected to insure Maximum and continued efficiency, The Blessing of Strong, healthy eyes has too often been the best quality and flavour but recently he does not Have you joined the growing number of our appreciated after it becomes too late. Remember that Good eye. the finest in Limon. seem to have estimated customers who are saving money by buying Zepol Sight cannot be purchased even at fabulous prices. The eye is the most precious man possesses and should be guarded as am offering to the public the importance of The and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod such to preserve its a New Style of Bread Union, with regard to the The Physical comfort and the Knowledge, that you have Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and received expert professional attention will repay you many times called Pan Pomona made management of the College Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne over, for the time taken in making an early appointment.
from the best quality flour. as he ought to have done, Know your eye sight is safe! trial will convince you. hence the trouble.
and Lavender Lotion.
Dr. Azevedo Optometrista Graduate of the Northem Illinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology Its a size loaf that cannot B. Glasses Supplied from 50, 00 50 00 00 and upward to suit your pockets. Examination free from to be had for the price in Save money by buying from me.
advertise in THE 6: Booth Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color SEARCHLIGHT wan00WINOVODWUWDOODUDUODOIDOADO Limon. May 25th. 1931 With so New Liberian President The Calabar College again Compañia Surtidora de Costa Rica 000000000UDDUK Pomona the Principal did not WWW. OWN, that We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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