
Saturday June 1931 Rounders at Madre de Dios The Alpha Omega Club Young Women observe second anniversary Bishop Shedden resigns ona VERMIFUGO Please give me space to heads and say, These boys speak of my club. We have in Limon are no good. They very interesting game amount of 10 runs. runs; Bro. vn, runs; runs; Syveet Rose, arrived at a name, The Alpha are illiterate, they are not like of modern Rounders was Belovy are the scores: Dunkley, runs; Al. Ostridge, runs; Behav.
Omega Literary Club. from the boys at home. But they witnessed at Madre de Dios Waldeck Literary Club: terio 0; Extras, 11. Total, iour, runs; Serious, the tvvo greek letters, the a are right, because these boys on Monday last by a large Porter, runs; Morris 55 runs.
runs, Comaguey, 16 runs; and the long or the bigin surely place too much trust number of rounders cnthu 12 runs; Capt. Reid, runs; Blue Star Club: Blue Mighty, 0; Extras, To.
ring and the end. It is our in them, and hardly any in siats, when the Waldeck Allen, run; Porter, Body, runs; Simple, tal, 49 runds.
desire to interest every young themselves. Novv young men,. Literary and Athletic Club 4; Cameron, run; runs; Surprise, 13 runs; Vivine Reid man in the Community as to let us not place any more defeated the Blue Star Club Cameron, run; Irving, Chiquitin, run; Red Wood Club Reporter the necessity of becoming trust in outsiders, vvhose inin a return match.
affiliated with a club that vvill terest is not to seek the inteMrs. Reid, the skipper serve as an educational center rest of Limon, but to carry of the Literary team, called also. Our boys need training exalted titles around. We can the coin correctly and fol.
in social affairs, vve need to bear all the titles vve need too.
lovved her toss. Port.
determine our national status. Let us accept that privilege er opened the game and We need a center of affair, our being natives of the scil scored runs before he Mr. Editor mon has intelligent Negro girls. to think noble thoughts, and we need to learn self reliance. afford us, and fight our ovvn vvas put out. He vvas fol.
We have long leaned on for destiny. Consider these vvords lovved by Morris vvho As is my wont to attend ultimately, they vvill become Their modesty would preany entertainment that tends vent them from submitting to creditable mothers, of an ameigners to fight our battles vvell, and meet us at anytime, contributed At the close for us. We have given them and hear more from us.
of the innings the Literary you an accurate account of to my intellectual upliftment, bitious generation. was thrilled to attend this their anniversary, so have Misses Inez and Vera Gillings all the exalted positions, and Club made a total of 27 George Frazer both sang touching songs, have stayed aside, looking on, runs.
Organizer, begged the privilege to sing august function. And this is The Blue Star took their praise publicly, so that what happend. On Wednes. for the occasion. Misses Ru whilst they make havoc to bina Davis, Renita Facey, Ena our societies, and vvhen they Dolores Joseph their turn but vvere quick: those people scattered over day, May 20th. at 30 Miss Lydia Hines in vvell Dugins, Iris Bruce, delivered are through, they shake their Reporter ly dispatched for the small Costa Rica, may feel that Lichosen vvords, addressed the alluring elocutionary selections.
gathering, vvhich numbered Miss Inez Nevvie and Miss the vvhole club room full. Patterson Officiated at the ATTENTION She lexplained the aims and musical instrument.
object of the Standard Club, Miss Leonie Aiking deliverand by her delivery the club ed the closing address thus: is really doing something, without any attempt at vainMr. Pitt vvas appointed chair glorification, vve the young Shedden of Nassau, with within a few days.
His Lordship, Bishop be leaving for England man, to vvhich position, he vvomen feel proud that vve jurisdiction extending to The Bishop recently had fitted in nicely. Mr. Whiteman, have passed our second mile the Turks and Caicos Islands a narrow excape from Representative of the Motive stone, inspite of the ferocious has we are informed, resign drowning, when the Povver Club, and Mr. Geo animals that stalk our path. ed the Bishopric and will mission Yacht on which Frazer, representative of the We feel proud to present to he and his sister were Alpha Omega Club, in their In view of the present economic depression. have decided the public, a group of girls, returning from Turks Island addresses to the Young Woto give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful vvithout any elderly leader, Was wrecked at Plana Cay men, exhorted the young vvoattention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
that are fighting our ovvn near Acklins. The Master men in the continuance of THE STANDARD salvation. We can certainly of the vessel was unfortutheir good vvork, to aim for Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon assure you, that our struggles nately drowned, but His lofty ideas, to live clean lives, are not at all light. We have Lordship and his sister had to face every possible along with the crew succeed adds, to continue in the spied in reaching the Cay rit that vve are toiling, and SLY ANTONIO where they had to remain vvith hardly any elderly enfor three days till a rescue couragments; for our elders party found them and took have not faith in us. We are Remedio eficaz, them back to Nassau. They If the following correctly and Co. Ltd. of London, their clients under the let trying to probe the mysteries para la expulsión suffered from exposure and represents the case, then if they did not cease to Want of food.
ters patent being seriously of the Literary, Social, and de lombrices.
we would suggest to many print and sell a specially infringed thereby. Messrs. Financial world. We have Bishop Shedden is well Shavy and Co solicitors written on our whom we know, that they illustrated Bible, known as standard in De venta en la known as a very forceful be careful how they make the Shaw Bible and after carefully considering glaring letters, Determination, FARMACIA preacher as also for his free use of biblical quota. used largely in schools, the whole matter advised and through that determina activities in connection with tions, as they might be withdraw all copies al them that the terms of the tion, we aim to disappoint the ESPAÑA the Anglo Catholic party infringing vested rights. ready printed and issued letters patent were so wide general belief of There is LUCAS MORUA of the Auglican DenominaWe learn that, Messrs. for sale, and also destroy that it was impossible to nothing good in young peotion.
CARTAGO. Eyre and Spottiswood, their sheets and plates; contest any action. Messrs ple, and that NOTHING LASTS FOR LONG IN LIMON. Ltd. the King printers the solicitors to Messrs. Shavv and Co. had no recently threatened to pros. Eyre and Spottiswood other alternative than to We heartily thank you for type. The club is certainly ecute Messrs. John Shaw claiming that the rights of give an undertaking not your presence here tonight, etc. doing good work, and vvish to print and issue any Miss Aiking few well cho it every success. The delightful further copies of their Bi.
sen words will shovy what little function came to an end The Times of Breslau ble, but they were allowed one has to contend with in at 30 states that the ex Kaiser to dispose of their existing meeting young women of her Dolores Joseph has laid a claim for damages stocks.
against the presiding Judge AND It is further stated that of the Court of Reichenbach BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY under the grant, the Cam Mindful of a duty out of in Silesia. The Judge, it ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED bridge University Press, the friendship the most popular appears, requested the exOxford University Press Kaiser to furnish a declaraA Bureau established for the greater convenience, under and Messrs. Eyre and Spottion in connection with standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu tiswood are the only three certain of his real estate blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed Has arranged to distribute a value of almost for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
printers who have the right double the former value of the wrappings as a transactions, this the exto issue the Authorised Ver.
benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Kaiser did but signed the Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a sino of the Bible, and the can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the declaration William All No. wrappings have a much greater value public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the right granted thein is so than No. and others.
the initials representing the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical comprehen: ive that some Words Imperator Rex. The experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts authorities contend vvould Judge on receiving the de.
he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials be illegal for a newspaper claration, so signed, made are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel. or magazine to reprint a certain marks and obserIs always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be text or an extract from exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts vations, in blue pencil, aga.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ the authorized Version and will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
inst the initials, and returnBarrister Investigator that even the ten Com.
Distributor in Limón ed it with the request Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager mandments cannot be reELOY GOTAY that it be properly signed MAIN OFFICE Distributors in Turrialba BRANCH OFFICE printed at all.
in conformity with the law.
Rojas Cortés Cía.
Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the We have been quite accus.
The ex Kaiser, this time Presidencia tomed to hear of monoposigned it, William Prince lies in gasoline, matches and INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of of Prussia and immediately Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, other commodities, but had filed a claim against the Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 California, New York, Illinois and Peansylvania, A, no idea that it went as far Judge on the ground that as the Bible.
the blue pencil marks were prejudicial to his rights.
Bible Monopoly dispute settled man Farmacoutioo Ex Kaiser makes claim LIMON SERVICE BUREAU PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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