
PAGE The Central American Stars and Combination Co.
From Estrada Cricket and Lodge Functions Government vs. Golfo Dulce Lands Co.
Hotel ATLANTICO an In Memoriam James Cristina In never fading memory of my dear wife Cristina, who We unfortunately had wi. Mr. McCreath, he will really to be a great Combina One thing at a time Doc. and hold over the follovving from be hard to beat. Especially ii tion, from the fact that our left me for her Father home just one year ago June 4th.
that vvell done.
our last week issue for lack he will differentiate between genial Doctor in Optics (acThe coloured element cerOne year has passed but still think of you, of space. And although, vve Dance and concert music. It cording to Q. one of tainly turned ont in hundreds My heart still feels the pain your parting left.
understand, the company has is very gratifying to say the those dual men in our Com. to appreciate the efforts of No one knows the silent heartaches, for the present ceased function house was crowded, because munity. Dr. azevedo their ovvi.
But those who have lost a dear one; ing on account of certain inter this troupe has been under tried to prove himself a tripod The only disappointment Nor of the grief that mine in silence nal difficulties, we take plea. strinuos training for several vvas that certain uncultured by opening the show as a For my darling Cristina gentlemen ni the gallery proved sure in recording its success months now and the promot prestidigitator; but the Doc themselves so incapable of Randall James in the hope that it vvill soon ers have spent a considerable tor got confused as to wheth thinking that their vulgar rebe re organised.
amount of time and money er he was dealing with an marks and gesticulations, preIn accordance with the to bring this very uptodate optic nerve or a leger de vent thinking people from scheduled programme this Co. programme before the Limon mein trick, and not only spoiled hearing and appreciating the under command of Prof. Public.
his prowess in the theatrical Songs and forces rendered.
Thomas Wellington as Direc This dramatic Co. seem vvorld but nearly also the shovy Continued on page tor and Mr. Samuel as Stage Manager brought off their immense Programme No. on Monday night 25th May gaining great acclamation from the enormous audience to whom they performed.
The actors were all at their Some time ago the in the Public Registry, but of the government to all While the «Grim Reeper Dharanians, who had previ best in the several parts in Government brought a suit the Court decided in favour that portion of the lands claimed one for his ovvn, ously planned a grand initiation which they were engaged; but against the Golfo Dulce of the Company. The Min situate along the sea coast and left a «Rachael weeping for Saturday night, 30th. special mention must be made Lands Co. to establish its ister of State, it has been and river banks and meas for her children and cannot The day throughout vvas of the charming manner the rights to certain lands, stated, intends filing another uring 000 yards in width, be comforted, there was, on rainy, everything looked Prima Dona Miss Bogle which had been erroneously action against the Company they being, he contends, the other hand, a chivalrous gloomy until at about p. captivated her hearers, and the included in the title deed in which he is specifically the inalienable property of spirit that urged con with the when there came a decided entrancing grace with which of the Company inscribed laying claim, on behalf the government. And he dance, let joy be unconfined. change. The lights shone Miss Neilia Charles brought asks that the Court will, The Estrada had brightly from the Lodge the house down meriting as in consequence, declare the concluded an engagement to rooms. All roads lead to she did several encores dedenunciation made by the meet the Motive Power Menelik Lodge, and manded by the cheering crowd.
on Sunday 31st and could enjoyable time they spent. Miss Price (Little bit) acted Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see Company thereto null and how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make void. The contemplated not withdraw in spite of a Twelve candidates were introher neck balance piece in bold you comfortable at ridiculous prices action, is said to be creastrong protest by the more duced to the mysteries of the styte.
conscientious rustics. Judge Benevolent Ancient Order of write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ ting a deal of interest ia The Acrobatic Stunts by 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA legal circles.
therefore their opinion when Dharana and We understand Messrs Williams and Dailey the home team succumbed to that many more are to be and Salmon were as good as the mighty prowess of the initiated on or about the 17th. anything that could be seen Motive Power!
anywhere and as these genThen there were the BROWN tlemen seem to have already learned the science of convert We have decided, in defe. she vvishes, but each must bone strips, it is to be hoped rence to the vvish of many be accompanied by tvventyfive that they will continue their The Rt. Rev. William of our readers, to hold a cents.
Competition in connection with The decision of the Jud.
We exceedingly regret having four hundred sympathizers trainings so as to lead them George Hardie. was on on to greater successes before the 19th May elected to report the sudden loss of from far and near.
the matches novv being played the larger and more influential Bishop of the Anglican for the ORANE CUP. THREE ges to be accepted as final our dear friend Walter Holt The pall bearers were six and from vvhich there vvill houses in the Capital.
Church in Jamaica to fill PRIZES offered under Scott, a liver here for nearly members of the Britannico The Comical acts of the the vacancy brought about the conditions stated belovv, be no appeal.
twenty years. Mr. Scott was of which Club the Comedians, Billie, Mr. Symes by the resignation of Bishop to the Competitors who fore. The number of runs on apparently well up to about deceased was a Patron. The vvhich the dicisions vvill be conducted by and his Pal Mike (Mr. Cham DeCarteret in March last.
cast: eight o clock on Friday night service was bers) kept the house in a special session of the made vvill be those on record 1st. Prize, The correct (or the 29th. ultimo, when he Mr. Duncan, Catechist vvith the Board of Control.
continual roar of laughter by Synod Was summoned for nearest to) total runs scored parted from some friends for of the Anglican Church. The the purpose and the Rev. All forecasts to be sent their funny expressions, expechis home. At about midnight, greatest sympathy of the entire in a sealed envelope to Mr; it is said, some of the close community is extended to ially was this so when in Canon Swaly, Canon by all the Clubs in all matches, 2nd. Prize, The highest (or JACK ORANE, Limon, and nearest to) number of runs neighbours heard a call for the bereaved widow, daughters opposition to Mike detest for Missioner of the Church Married life, Billie insinuated in that Island was also marked «The Searchlight Cricassistance and rushed to his and others of the family.
scored by a Club in a single ket Competition.
to all wives and lovers that the nominated for the post, match.
aid, but before anything could Dyce only way to touch the tender but after a whole day 7. The Prize alues vvill be 3rd. Prize, The highest (or be done for the unfortunate Reporter spot of the Bachelors would session, in private, Bishop nearest to number of runs sufferer, he breathed his last, apportioned as follovvs: Ist.
be always to make themselves Hardie was declared elected scored by an individual play.
prize 60 per cent; 2nd. prize 25 without uttering a word. The «Searchlight» begs to as sweet as «Salt.
by a large majority of er in all the matches, per cent; 3rd. prize 15 per cent His remains were interred join in expressing its sincere The Rumbo Dances were votes. The newly elected of the total amount of entranRULES on Sunday morning the 31st. condolence to the sorrowing assistant to ces. Each forecast must be done to over perfection in Bishop was surrounded by some three to Widow and family.
since muscular gyrations, that we Bishop Decarteret sent in on the attached Coupon, Should there be heard one gentleman express June 1928. The selection Each forecast to be accom betyveen tvvo competitors for that his emotions were worked is stated to be a very any prize, the amount vvill up to such a pitch that he popular one. The enthrone panied by a fee of tvverty five cents. 25. be divided betyveen them.
could not trust himself among ment is to take place at the the audience and left envelop Town, early in July.
Cathedral, Spanish competitor may send in The competition closes as many forecasts as he or ou the 18 th. day of July 1931.
Information is required concerning the address of ed with Cupid mantel, it is well to calm down such tendMr. Charles (Carlos) Sterling, brother of Mr. Alva encies.
Sterling. He sometime ago resided in the Banana River Finally the Hot six OrchesDistrict. If still in this country, will he kindly commu tra which had been under nicate with Rev. Pitt, Box 165, Limon. rigid practice for several weeks It is stated from Rome rendered their accompaniments that the Holy See intends The following is my forecast: Total runs for all matches 3rd. June 1931.
in perfect Harmony and time presenting a written protest with the voices and movements to the Italian government Highest number of runs made one match of the artistes, only a little against the insults offered by a Club in Juan Meza. Dentist loud in the Songs, a little the Pope by the Facists Highest number of runs modulation will speak much students recently as also scored by an individual CARTAGO COSTA RICA for the musical adaptabilities for the attacks on Catholic player in ALL matches.
Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Central Street 325 Yards East of Market of Mr. Sydney Crowther as establishments, which are This forecast is submitted in accordance vvith the above rules.
young a music master as he considered a violation of Preference given patients from Limon and other points of is; as it is, this is by far the the Treaty between the Name.
Atlantic Zone.
Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed best orchestra in Limón and Vatican and the Italian if he will continue in touch government.
Postal address, Anglican Bishop appointed The Searchlight Cricket Competition Death of Mr. Scott ing their huesos into whale.
are a tie NOTICE COUPON Vatican Protests «Searchlights Cricket Competition Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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