p. 6


Saturday June 1931 Complaint Notice to Creditors Siquirres inundated The Week Cricket News FOR SALE Wants Column One colon per insertion of six lines All creditors having any claim or claims against WANTED never appreciate the action under certain conditions it my husband Alexander Mc. Indoe will make their claim of cavilling, but am forced might be right, though an u arry thenticated to me within fifteen days from date To sell a fine organ at the Bicycles ridiculous price of 250. at so to do on this occasion; indiscreet thing to do, for duhole after which will not hold myself responsible Jack Oranes.
for the topic of our last de vvhenever it was put into eof any claims not so presented.
At Clearing Prices. bate seemed to have been dil effect, it did more HARM men Roadster Bicycles. 110 The Community to know ferently delivered to the House THAN GOOD.
Jane McIndoe 163 San Clemente, Linea Estrella that there is nothing to break than it was to us.
Nor do blame the Judges up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Rudge Withworth Racerse 100 table taken in a Cup of hot Ladies Roadster Bicycles. 110 The challenge of May 2nd. either, for the word Necessity lime juice tea immediately At Jack Orane Store, from the University Club» was more prominently placed Limon.
to Motive Power Club) read: after having contracted a cold.
before their minds. vvhichi Divorce, is it of Social Benefit? vvas not the Subject) than vvas Those who would like to Fancy work taught Whereas it was given to the the vvord «Benefit vvhich pass a few days of rest House on May 26th. thus. vvas. It is for that reason, Machine and hand EmIs Divorce a necessity to Social vvhen the Affirmative Leader falling in various parts of unless an early effort be Heavy showers are still We feel, hovvever, that and change in a quiet home in the interior, to know broidery. Ty pewriting, Flo. Life? Now, had our Club recalled attention to my admit that Mrs. te Charlotte Big wers, paintings. Also Bead ceived it in the latter form, ting. Divorce a necessity. along the Atlantic the country, particularly made to place a check on gerstaf can accommodate quite a zone. this, it vvill be found that different argument it became no staggering blow Taught by Miss Indeed so heavy was the the river vvill eventually your necessities at her would have been adduced. to me, just cleared my point fall at Siquirres and the break its regular course Binns at her home in Si.
home in Cartago with One, thinking superficially and blazed my vvay.
surrounding districts a week with very serious conseclean comfortble quartersa.
may be inclined to say that In conclusión vvill say; both quotations amount to if the majority Judges savy ago that the river, already quences to both life and swollen by the earlier sho. property. We, therefore, the same: but how could that that the Affirmative offered be? How many necessities arise up a stronger argument, vvith wers, was unable to carry throvv out the suggestion off the increased flow with that before a Community, which, clearer points and more stura six foot retaining FOR SALE the result that the water wall of sufficient length when encountered is of no dy and varied facts. That overflowed and inundated be built to keep the vvater benefit whatever?
Divorce is of Social Benefit. For argument sake: Land then vve the «Negatives have particulaly the portion occua part of the township in its proper course or One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost that the river bed be dredg.
owner gives his tenant (pro lost.
nevv. In 1 condition. Original cost 250. No bably a Grocer) notice of re But if it be through the pied by the Railway Yard. ed as vvas done in the All the lines were entirely case of the Ayala River reasonable offer refused.
moval. Why? Asks the Grocer. conscientious admission that covered for such a length in Cartago, the sand and «Because need my Land, the Negative leader claimed of time as to cause the stones taken out could then Apply The Searchlight comes the reply. The Grocer Divorce a necessity under residents in the vicinity to be used for making the sees right there, and then the certain conditions. vvhy; then fear for their safety. For streets and filling up othernecessity of removal. But of the Affirmative have not vvon vvhat benefit is it to him at all. for that vvas not the tunately there was an early wise. We hope some mem vvhen through his removal, Topic of Debate. Thanking you drew off vvithout effecting take up the matter.
abatement and the water ber of the municipality wil he spends much money in for space in your most valued any serious damage.
pulling dovvn and refixing in paper.
another vicinty, losing his have the honor to be purchasers; in fact, ruining Michael Newton his business altogether.
On Sunday, May 31st, pal scorers were. Tom(of Motive Povver Club)
Innumerable and varied cathe MOTIVE POWER met linson 23 not out, Groves ses might be cited to prove Ed. NOTE. We advise the BRITANNIC on the Es. and Reid 18 each and comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of a trada oval in the eleventh Calvin 16 for the WANvvhere the vvord Necessity can Mr. Newton to once more house of four apartments with necessary kitchen cup fixture, when the home DERERS, while for the Excelnot be substituted for the read paragraphs one, five, versa.
and Sanitary conveniences on a spacious lot with team suffered their first sior Drummond made word Benefit or vice and eight of the report on the Debate which appears defeat. The scores Were never Argued that Divorce many bearing fruit trees; as well as a large Oven, 21 and Stewart 15 not Britannic 17. Motive Power out. The most effective vvas not a necessity, to the in our issue of the 30th. Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop also 57. For the former the top bowlers were. Smith contrary shovved vvhere ultimo.
under construction Beautifully situated for business scorers Were Spence Tas) who obtained in front of the Watertank, just where the Passenger 306 e CE Carr and Shimikin with wickets for 10 runs on Trains stop and all the movements towards the runs each. For the Visi behalf of the WANDERERS new Cultivation branch off No other spot like it tors, Delpratt and Daley in 11 overs of which in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to Barnes.
made 10 each, the latter Were maidens. For the not out. Bowling for the EXCELSIOR, Archer se 10 Hectareas completely cultivated in. Bananas or To THE SEARCHLIGHT Motive Power, Scott got cured for 45 with the just coming into production. wickets for runs and same number of overs as Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, Jones for For «Tas. Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country.
the Homesters Spence We understand that the For further particulars and price was the most successful Construction. Crusaders APPLY «THE SEARCHLIGHT bagging wickets for 28. match fixed for 1st. inst was not played Coutinued from page 90 99 standard of Colour; one also On the 2nd instant the When vvill this element learn proves his circumscription in WANDERERS inflicted defeat to consider the rights of being prejudiced against a on the EXCELSIOR on Li.
other people?
man merely because he does mon oval in their first meet position of each Club in not coincide vvith his conThere was a marked abThe Scores being 86 and the Competition to June Continued from page our existing lots already sence of the vvhite and vvould plexion, vvithout seeing the 46 respectively The princi 2nd: abstracted by years of occupdrained and housed and be vvhite community, is this educational adaptabilities of CLUBS such a one. Yon could not D POINTS ation, which is manures such alotted.
from prejudice or is it an as Nitrofoska, Guano, stable, Experience has shown us idea of discountenancing any call yourself truly Great, if Wanderers 2 2 street sweepings, mulching that banana desease disappears attempt at culture in our ovvn?
there vvas one vvhose efficien.
Estrada 2 1 and lime by intense cultivation; after the soil has lain fallow If it is to discountenance, one cy you would not be in a Construction 2 1 and after comparing the cost and fed by stock for 15 years, proves himself incapable to position to judge on impartial of new cultivations, coupled therefore we are feeling that judge efficiency if he does lines. Remember that colour Penshurst 1 with drains, communications by supplying the nutriment in not get in touch with the is but skin deep, but it is Motive Power 1 and housings, which will vary the soil, which it lacks, will subject matter at issue. If it one culture that guides his Excelsior 2 between C800 and 1000 give life to the plantation for be from prejudice, from the intellectual successes.
Cairo 1 per hectarea, might it not be another five years at least. Let well for us to try intense us try thus to help ourselves.
Matina 31 cultivations and manures Crusaders 1 2 NOTE: Wanderers and Cairo played a tie game. New Restaurant at Guacimo Suits made to order at the Shortest notice. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels The general public will be pleased to know that their LAWYERS NOTARIES always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
old caterer Theodore Levy of Las Lomas and Bonilla AT LIMON has opened his usual RESTAURANT AND BARBER SHOP at North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Guacimo Junction, near the Barnes home at the Tank, all Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors the Company employees are taken special care of. New winnings this week before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Serie Drawing No. 45; won by Carlos Solano with Ticket No. 20 Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
clean quarters, everything Spic and Spau Serie 13 Rogelio Pacheco 148 ENGLISH SPOKEN THEODORE LEVY In presence of Mario Montero and Evaristo Jiménez BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 For Sale. Banana Farm The Central.
The following gives the The outlook for. W on Sastrería Grant. Grant 31 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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