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SUBSCRIPTION 03. 00 EDITOR MANAGER Quarterly in Advance NATION Apartado 123 Cartago SINGLE COPY 25 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Phrase of the moment Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón We shall never get along well in life if we let sur.
rounding circumstances determine our idea of success or failure. Success does not lie outside us, but within our souls. The unwearied spirit that struggles on undismayed, no matter what may be the result of the struggle, constitutes in itself the victory.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JUNE 13 1931 NUM. 82 The Stage Manager Explains News Around Guacimo To whom this may Concern Movements around this vil having his hands quite ful The Editor of The Searchlight lage are as busy as they have and kept quite busy as a renot turn out, but were de several times and would have had any technical stage trainSiry manding their money, altho it returned had it not been for ing until we arrived here, ever been since the planting sult of these difficulties. It is operations of the Co. a pity the labourers would Permit me space in your was arranged that no liquida the great interest he had in not even Mr. Symes who started some three months not see to it that their vvater valuable weekly to explain the tion would take place until this Co. would not be ungrate boasts of being the best cause of the temporary sus.
after the show of 1st June.
ago. Wages are very small, bottles are filled vvith distilled ful to scandalize him and Comedian here, had any techvvater in going out to their but it is a great relief to the pension of activities of the then went to the Director kick him out of his labours. nical knowledge of Stage Central American Stars and and advised him to pay off, am the one that should workings, such as the eight stringent conditions which vvork; they claim that they existed before the activities have not time to do this, but Combination Co.
which was done, but while do the kicking because have directions on the stage and started; the help to commerRecently there has been an benefitted not a cent from all how to occupy and use them, cial life might vvell be conit is better to lose a little time checking the Tickets with the and have this done, rather awful scandal around Town, Cash, Mr. Symes accosted Mr. my Cash spent and labour and such like training Which jectured vvhen one considers than run the risk of their which can be met in The Wellington with dishonesty lost in training the Artists; Continued on page that for the end of May the broken health.
Barber Shops, the drinking and a row ensued.
Not one of the Artists have Company paid avvay here bars, at the corners of the They were however paid It might be vvell that the amounts bordering on tvventy Streets, and all around town, off after deducting the cost of Siquirres and his thousand dollars.
a lying, mischievous story of the Arrasty Rental and the sanitary men take an occasion.
The drainage is still being al visit dovyn the campathat the doctorman has robbed governmental Tax, the artists pushed so as to rush the the performers of the Central and musicians got 35 per cent, mentos of the nevy plantations planting and falling to a finAmerican Stars.
the musicians getting 111. 35 and see vvhats happening ish; the only dravvback in this Some are wondering if the and the artists the rest. Mr.
dovun there vvith a vievy of For the guidance of those interested, be it known, that being the amount of sickness advising the men there hovv Company will ever perform Wellington refused to carry in consequence of the Continual violation of the Laws and evidenced as a consequence again and if so when for the Constitution which guide the order of Mosaic Templars by on any longer and resigned to live, instead of worrying the officers of Royal Mount Carmel Temple No. 16 of the bad vvater supply. By his benefit of the public in general from the Directorship as the householders in the vil. o. of by authority vested in me as District the continual excavations in and to explain ourselves, character vvas assailed by lage alone. One man vvas Deputy of the Grand United order of Mosaic Templars, the drains, the creeks from would beg to relate what Mr. Symes vvho said he had have closed down the said Mt. Carmel Temple No. 16, brought out from the vvoods vvhich vvater might be obtain happened. few days before sold more tickets than those uutil further orders, pending the authorization of an officer on Saturday last dead, it is the show of the 25th ultino. accounted for, vvhich he said ed, are kept in continual mud.
in the near future to reorganize said Temple. It is therefore unadvisable to pay any further dues to anyone, until you diness, hence vvells have been said, as a consequence of this Mr. Wellington and Mr. Symes was a diabolical lie calculated bovvels troubles, hence the shall be advised of such reorganization through these columns. sunken by the Company around stamped on the reverse some to damage his reputation.
Chief of Hygiene ought to tickets which the Camps from vvhich the were those decided to carry on alone (Sgd. OSBORNE Box 242 investigate and remedy the Port Limon, Costa Rica present vvater supply is got.
remaining from the first show, so as to pay the outstanding present mode of vvater supply.
The hygenic state of the vici.
in my absence; some of which debts of the Co. and called June 8th. 1931 nity may vvell be imagined Ever, mindful of the health might explain were known for another rehearsal but Mr.
vvhen one thinks of the conof her employees, as the to be in the hands of the Synies refused to continue glomeration of over a thousFruit Co. has alvvays been, former actors of our first show; because did not coincide and labourers camping out vve are glad to see that a hence the reason for doubly with him that the Director vvithout any sanitary convendozen conveniences have been stamping these, which were had robbed us; but while. iencies in rainy season like brought up for location in the chiefly intended to be used do consider that there should this. Wild animals are shot, farms vvith a vievy of preas complimentary tickets to have been more money turned brought in and the refuse venting excrements being de certain friends of the performers in judging the size of the Due to the influence of alotted to these men, in throvvn about carelessly, hence posiled broadcast any and and Patrons. Mr. Wellington audience on that night, yet repatriated and other re. small holdings so that set.
perculation of the surface everyvvhere, vvith the risk of had asked the ticket sellers to could not think that Mr. turning labourers and artis tlements could be establishvvaters into the vvells are a being vvashed into the vvells be present at p. to take Wellington had or would rob ans to Jamaica at thised thereon. By alotting natural conclusion and vvith already alluded to. Diarrhoea, charge of the Tickets and us of a cent, because the moment, the question of these lands in five and this much diarrhoea is the dysentery and such like stooccupy their places, but they tickets collecled at the gate finding employment for ten acre holdings and selconsequence. Many of the mach troubles, vvill distress did not turn up on time as coincided with the Cash in these thousands of citizens ling them on men dovvn the woodlands, and disorganize any army of requested, and as there had the hands of the sellers, is seriously engaging the ment payments, these now vvhere the vvorks are being men, therefore every effort to been some dissatisfaction in because if Mr. Wellington had minds of government of useless lands would soon carried on, as vvell as in the minimize the chances of the the amount collected from our sold apart, a whole Book officials and others interest spring up into villages village of Guacimo are suffer outbreak of such afflictions first show, he as director had Tickets as Mr. Symes alleges, ed in the welfare of that and a thriving peasant ing much from affections of ought to be taken by those arranged with my approval, it would have been quite easy happy Island.
proprietorship would rethe bovvels; Mr. Binns, the guardians of the wellbeing of to remain outside to supervise for him to have deducted the The Governor has re sult; the money thus exdruggist of the Company, is Community afiairs.
the ticket selling and the gates. Tickets sold by him and des. ferred the matter to the pended for roadmaking left to secure certain troyed both them and the Development Committee of would also soon be recunecessaries and returned at stubs but there was no such which Mr. Percy Lindo perated by the increased 45 to suggest certain thing attempted; besides that, of Limon fame, is a mem value of the lands which matters to him but unfortu Mr. Wellington is too much ber, to device means and would of course be inclunately did not find him at his interested in this Company ways of employing these ded in the price of the post, and he did not come in to do any such mean thing men and a programme lots.
Mr. Editor be likened to a brother scol.
until just the moment for his as to Steal a hundred or two Road construction is being In this manner not only Dear Sir: ding another on some little introduction, at the end of the of colones.
considered by this Com would immediate employ. acted on your advice to vyrong he might have done.
Show left for my home. At Himself and myself have mittee, and for which an ment be found for the read paragraphs, 5 8, of Do you realize you had a. of the 26th called financed this Co. by spending appropiation of half a mil men, which would be of your 30th of May issue, but made a terrible mistake vvhen on him to find out how much hundreds of dollars to get up lion pounds has been vot a reproductive nature, but have failed to find proper the Affirmative leader called was the collections but he the equipments necessary, ed by the Legislative considerable wealth would answers that would justify attention to the fact that said the ticketsellers had not how then could think that Council now in Session. flow into the Treasury my complaint.
admitted Divorce a Necescome in to check so he could he would do any such mean Where these roads are from the Rates and Taxes Ah; Mr. Editor, by now sity and that being so, had not tell the amount yet but trick to suit unreasonable to be constructed we do which would be derived guess, you have realized (not placed him vvhere he vvas as soon as they came in he people. Mr. Wellington loves not know, but we are from the settlements of only yourself but most of us (or vvords to that effect)
would inform me. left for the stage and has made many thinking that with the these peasant proprietors re who were connected with vvhen you hastily said that my work, and at p. that sacrifices for the Organization thousands and thousands sulting in a thriving, hap that Debate. that the human you were thinking so yourevening went to the practice, of this Company, The Central of acres of crown landspy and contented popula family is so susceptible to self. meaning to say that as was arranged for a rehear American Stars. knew this undeveloped in Jamaica, it tion. The present Wornout mistakes; and that had no right to make such sal and to get ready for the gentleman in Nicaragua fairly would be well that roads lands on which bananas never be too careful in this an admission, vvhen such a Show of the 1st June, but to well off in worldly goods, be constructed through and other minor crops life. What am saying novv one could not in the least my surprise the musicians did and he has been called back these lands and they be Continued on page is void of rancour, and may Continued on page easy instalThe Debate. Mr. Newton scolds vve can Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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