
Saturday June 13. 1931 The Banana Outlook QUICK RELIEF FROM PAN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina om Deplores Lack of Racial Sentiment PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP The Searchlight Cricket Competition In commenting, in our issue It is, therefore, pleasing for permanent, still so long as they of May 9th. on the additional us to observe that subsequent do continue, they will be of 51 banana shipments which the and more recent occurrences immence assistence to a large United Fruit Co. was about are supporting the correctness section of our planters, having making to the English markets, of the statements referred to. regard to the fact that the from its Central American and The fortnightly shipments greater bulk of this class of West Indian Divisions, we usually made from this Di. fruit is obtained from the mentioned that, in our opin vision to the English market cultivations situate inthe highBEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
ion, there were indications which were discontinued from er regicns of the country, of se markets not only the earlier part of the present which cannot produce, from Dont accept any tube or envelope BAYER holding good but that prices year, have been recently reclimatic conditions, the grade packets without the were apparently on the im commenced, and although it is suitable tor the American marBAYER CROSS prove.
stated that they may not be kets. When, therefore, there are no sales for the English grade these planters necessarily suffer much loss, and so Mindful of a duty out of with a resusitation of shipfriendship the most popular ments not only will the cultivators obtain much needed financial assistance but there will he a renevved deMr. Editor She was taken on a Sun our women, especially those Has arranged to distribute a value of almost double the former value of the wrappings as a mand for labour in the disPlease give me space in day Afternoon, and LOCKED vvho try to lead righteous benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you tricts; and in addition this can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
IN JAIL, just because a Turk lives. Miss Facey is a mem.
your weekly to voice my inincreased exportation will to All No. wrappings have a much greater value ber of the St. Marks Choir, dignation publicly. Now is the bounced her down, and lost than No. and others.
a great extent help to overtake age of racial love and unity, a race to a black boy. and a self respecting youngthe serious drop which had when every one of the race Opinions were loudly spoken vvoman. She is also a mem.
taken place in the country should be affected, if any of and the worst vve heard ber of the and total exportations for the first its members should suffer vvas this. Suppose Miss Fa. is trying to promote a higher Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be quarter of the current year.
any injustice whatsoever. We cey had been the Coman. social standing amongst our exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts In addition, we observe that will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
should not stand aside nondante daughter, or sister, young girls.
the Company has stated that vvould this Turk have order So it is for the best of challantly and see the best Distributor in Limón it intends to renew its activied her arrest? An ansvver ELOY GOTAY our men vvith genuine Negro of our boys and girls abused, ties in the Boca del Toro diswithout stepping forward, as vvas given, vve should not blood to voice their indignaDistributors in Turrialba trict of the Panama Division, Rojas Cortés Cía.
Moses did of yore, and defor the least moment compare tion, as the same thing might adjoining our southern borfend them; even if it means Miss Facey vvith the Com recur, and perhaps to some derline, which was practically andante daughter, Miss Fa one vvife or mother. The INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
our ostracism by those who abandoned at the time the authorities vvill not respect feel that we are Meddlesome cey being a Nigger Girl. This Chirique boon started. Appreis the ansvver vve got from Apartado 271 Matties. Some, day, perhaps us, if we have no voice.
Teléfono 3103 ciable increases in shipments one of our blackmen. Well They will compare us to we too will be abused, and are, already, we understand, would be glad for protection.
novv, if this is the attitude crabs vvhich have no blood.
taking place, the Company our black men hold tovvards Therefore novy is the time accepting all marketable fruit The greatest piece of abuse their black girls, vvhat can for us to cultivate a better that is offered, and an assuron a Negro girl, took place vve expect our vvhite broth opinion of the race, and ance is said to have been on Sunday June 7th, just by ers to hold for us? Our ra steer to national recognition the Wash House in this city, cial pride should let us forgiven labourers, who had been when one of our black girls feit all the little gains vve and equal rights. Let us have previously laid off on account a greater respect for our Was made the Scape Goat. We have decided, in defe she wishes, but each must of retrenchment, that their serreceive from the hands of vvomen, whether they be and this too With the assisrence to the vish of many these Negro Haters, and even nearer vvhite, or ebony black.
be accompanied by tvventyfive vices would be required in tance of some of our black a short time.
of our readers, to hold a though we have to burn, they are all Negritos. Little cents.
youngmen. There happened let us stick to one another.
Competition in connection vvith abusive lessons as these The decision of the Jud.
It is further reliably stated to be a Cycle Race, of Five This Turk should remem should cause us to think.
the matches novv being played ges to be accepted as final that, commencing from this Miles, going on at the time ber that it is a Negro who Thanking you for space for the ORANE CUP. THREE and from vvhich there vvill month, all the fruit from Bosome Where around five PRIZES are offered under Mr. Editor, be no appeal.
cas will be taken to England and the streets Were block. prepared him for big races, the conditions stated belovu, The number of runs on instead of the United States and not try to humiliate the ed against vehicular traffic Yours truly to the Competitors vvho foreRace, by insulting one of its vvhich the dicisions vvill be as heretofore. This is to us and pedestrians. When Miss fairer sex. We should protect very significant and a further cast: Dolores Joseph made vvill be those on record Renita Facy and three other 1st. Prize, The correct (or proof that the Company is vvith the Board of Control.
companions innocently crossnearest to) total runs scored All forecasts to be sent cognizant of the fact that the ed the streets, on their way by all the Clubs in all matches.
markets on that side will in a sealed envelope to Mr; elsewhere, just as tvvo of the 2nd. Prize, The highest (or JACK ORANE, Limon, and continue good and produce racers, Watson and FWatt, a nearest to) number of runs better results than those of Turk, Were on their last lap.
scored by a Club in a single ket Competition.
marked «The Searchlight CricAmerica. In the interest of Being notified that the racers match our numerous unemployed, Were on them, they scattered Suits made to order at the Shortest notice. The Prize values vvill be 3rd. Prize, The highest (or we can but hope that these panicly, and Watson, a care. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels apportioned as follovvs: Ist. conditions will last and afford nearest to) number of runs ful rider, avoided them, and always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
scored by an individual play. prize 60 per cent, 2nd, prize 25 relief to our present economper cent; 3rd. prize 15 per cent continued on his Way to vicer in all the matches, ic depression.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts of the total amount of entran.
tory; but the other, seeing RULES that victory was not to be Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number Each forecast must be his seized the chance affordwinnings this week sent in on the attached Coupon, Should there be a tie ed him for an excuse by Serie Drawing No. 46; won by Pedro Ulloa with Ticket No. 149 Each forecast to be accombetyveen tvvo competitors for riding into the bunch of Serie 14 13 Juan Rojas panied by a fee of tvventy any prize, the amount vill young ladies and then throW.
In presence of Luis Aguilar and Carlos Céspedes five cents (0. 25. be divided betyveen them.
ing all blame on them. After BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 competitor may sendin The competition closes having conceived such a diaas many forecasts as he or ou the 18 th day of July 1931, bolic idea and causing Miss Renita Facey bodily harm, by IS ANTONIO throWing himself and his Wheel on her, he started to «Searchlights Cricket Competition abuse her most shamefully.
Remedio eficaz, He accused her of having para la expulsión run into his vvay, so that The follovvig is my forecast: de lombrices Total runs for all matches her Countryman could Win.
and he would have slashed Highest number of runs made her throat, if this country by a Club in one match De venta en la Was Turkey. He then ordered Highest number of runs FARMACIA her arrest, and she was descored by an individual ESPAÑA player in ALL matches.
tained in the cuartel forLUCAS MORUA about three hours. number In view of the present economic depression. have decided Farmaceutica This forecast is submitted in accordance vvith the above rules.
CARTAGO. of our young men stood to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful aside and saw the injustice attention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
Name done to Miss Facey, and not THE STANDARD.
one would come to her as Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon Postal address, sistence.
Sastreria Grant Grant ces.
TERMIFUGO 99 99 39 COUPON ATTENTION Advertise Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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