
Saturday June 13. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Recent Deaths. Solar Water as no FOR SALE New appointments From abroad NOTICE IN MEMORIAM Heater MATHIAS Egbert Company has been esting inasmuch Dispatches from Arman of Sir Mohammed Ali formed in Jamaica, under artificial heat will be requiIn fond and ever loving memory of my report the death of ex king Mohammed Khan, Malathe name of the Jamaica red, the water being heated darling husband who departed this life seven Ibn Ali Hasseim of the rajah of Mahmadabad, Water Heating Co. Ltd. entirely by the rays of the years ago. June 12th.
Hedjaz at the age of 75 President of the All India for the manufacture and sun, and the hot water am thinking of the past, years. His body will be Moslem League and the sale of a machine for can be obtained from the placed in a sepulchre in All India Educational Con; heating water. The machine Machine at all hours of Picturing you in memory, Jerusalem.
ference. Both Hindus and is said to be very interOnly those who have lost can tell the day or night.
Moslems united in electing The pains of parting without forewell.
0him to the Imperial Legis. loving husband, in whose hands, From Lucknow, India, is lative Council of India. He Was no injustice, whose record is on high also announced the death was 54 years old.
What most prize it neer was mine only yield Thee what was Thine.
Thy will be done Dentist Juan Meza comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of a WIFE house of four apartments with necessary kitchen CARTAGO COSTA RICA San José and Sanitary conveniences on a spacious lot with Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Central Street 325 Yards East of Market many bearing fruit trees; as well as a large Oven, Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop also Preference given patients from Limon and other points of Atlantic Zone.
under construction Beautifully situated for business Painless Extraction All work guaranteed in front of the Watertank, just where the Passenger Trains stop and all the movements towards the By the Gleaner, we note former Director.
new Cultivation branch off No other spot like it that Mr. Powell. who has been Superin Mr. Camacho, in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to Barnes.
tendent of Traffic of the a Native of Antigua, or To THE SEARCHLIGHT Jamaica Government and at present the Solicitor Railway for over ten years General of Trinidad, has From figures supplied employed throughtout the and has acted, on several been appointed Attorney by the government Audi world is stated to have occasions, as Director, has General of Jamaica in tors, the income earned novy reached 20. 000. 000, been confirmed in the succession to the Hon. by the Capone gang du vvhich is tvvice the figure Trinidad and British would be required to desubstantive position con Wells Durant, ring the four years 1925. for the previous year. Gersequent on the tragic death who will be retiring at an 1928 is stated to have many total is 000. 000 Guiana have decided to posit. a) for each British of Mr. John Powter, the early date.
been 077. 460 dollars. vvhile England is stated restrict immigration. subject except those reto be 700. 000.
From 1st June, it has been cruited for service in the Professor Wiesinger officially stated, immigrants colony 24. b) for every of the Zurich Polytechni.
While a nevvly erected into Trinidad may be re.
person not a British sub cum, after 30 years exper. bridge joining the villages quired to deposit 50 ject 96; provided that iments. has revealed his of St. Denis and Depiles with the government before the sum required in the project for an ultra rapid France, vvas being official. being allowed to land. case of persons belonging train consisting of coachesly tested as to its carryIn the case of British to neighbouring countries Information is required concerning the address of built of light aluminum ing capacity, it suddenly Guiana, West Indian Gov: will not exceed the sum Mr. Charles (Carlos) Sterling, brother of Mr. Alva driven by propellers with collapsed hurling the heavy ernors have been notified required in respect of a Sterling. He sometime ago resided in the Banana River a speed of 223 miles an sand trucks, used in the that every person going to person from British Guiana hour. The weight of the tests, into the vvater, causthat Colony as a 2nd, 3rd. seeking to District. If still in this country, will he kindly commuenter that coach will be three tons, ing 15 deaths and serious class or deck passenger country.
nicate with Rev. Pitt, Box 165, Limon.
and the wheels are to have injuries to 40 persons. The 3rd. June 1931.
30 degree incline. so tragedy vvas vvitnessed by to be stable against a large number of school LAWYERS NOTARIES derailment.
children vvho had been given a holiday to cele. Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Wheat conference ends Michele Schirru, the brate the opening of the Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors Sardinian anarchist, who bridge.
before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; The International wheat dations will be made to attempted on 1st FebruNotarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
ENGLISH SPOKEN Conference, after being in the various governments ary last, to assassinate Pre. The famous Crystal Pal session for five days, has that a central organization, mier Mossolini, Was on ace of Munich, in vvhich adjourned. The result of in the nature of a clearing the 28th ultimo sentenced vvas housed many of the Was, stated carried valuable paintings and international co operation a great deal will be done out the follovving morn tures, vvas reported des.
We learn that a storm blown down in five hours, among the wheat growing towards stabilizing the ing by a firing squad. troyed by fire on the 6th of severe intensity recently the United Fruit Co, being and food producing coun position and preventing instant. Not alone Germtries of the world has been undue market oscillation. According to the report any but the entire vvorld swept the Republic of heavy losers. As a result established, and recommen of the International Labour has suffered by the catasColombia causing exten of this, the Elders Fyffe Office, the number of un trophy.
sive damage to the banana boats which usually obtain plantations in the Magda their cargoes at Santa lena zone. It is estimated Marta and Puerto Colomthat no less than three bia have been diverted to million banana trees were Jamaica for fruit.
FOR SALE EE O BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost nevv. In 1 condítion. Original cost 250. No Bureau established for the greater convenience, under standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pureasonable offer refused.
10 Hectareas completely cultivated in Bananas blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed just coming into production.
for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Apply The Searchlight Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country.
Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the For further particulars and price public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical APPLY «THE SEARCHLIGHT experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, SupeJamaica Chief Justice o rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ stated it our health to return to the Investigator opinion that Sir Fiennes tropics. It has also been With the arrest of a insurances payable to Barrett Lennard, the Chief said that he is to undergo Mrs Margaret Summers, The Coroner chem MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Justice for Jamaica, who another medical examination the Chicago police believe reported that all of is now in England on which will definitely decide they have closed the career victims had died fro Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the leave, would not be advised whether he will return or of modern female arsenic poisoning. to return to that Island not, meantime he has been Bluebeard. She is charged death of her nephew, Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of We now observe by the granted a three months with having poisoned her was 17 years old preciſ Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, Gleaner that it is under extension of leave.
California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, husband, her nephew and ated an enquiry and all stood Sir Fiennes has been It would seem as if our two others who had life bodies were exhumed a inedically adviced that it surmise will materialize.
a as AT LIMON the conference is stated to house be established. Be was deaths The sentence would be most infamous and Storm hits Colombia LIMON SERVICE BUREAU. AND For Sale. Banana Farm In our previous issue would be harmful to his female Bluebears we was Barrister Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Presidencia a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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