
PAGE The Week Cricket The Stage Manager Manager Explains to get no Only a few days left GREAT SALE Alleged Cacao Robbery NEW ENGLAND store, San Jose Coutinued from page but not for dishonesty. 1st. 3rd. There should have been As scheduled, the CAIRO went first to the wickets and fall of the 3rd. wicket had and PENSHURST clubs met compiled a total of 97 runs, scored 17 runs. The Captain, is necessary so as as a financial partner should complimentary Tickets in Limon on Sunday last, when of which Dailey made 30. thereupon, declared his inning employment in any well or have been informed of the given vvithout my knowledge a very regrettable occurrence The CAIRO then comof them. 4th. As Director, had closed, which gave the point ganized Company, in fact, proper amount of Tickets took place. The latter team menced batting and on the to Penshurst This is said trained them all if not in one printed. 2nd. Under he been supervising the gates no cirto have been as a he should have detected the protest thing, in another.
cumstances had he any right various leaks that occurred against the many alleged faul have to blame Mr. Wel to stamp any Tickets vvith FOR SALE there. am confident as stage ty decisions of the Umpires, lington for a fevy omissions Mr. Symes in my absence.
who were Messrs. Payne and manager that did my duties, comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith from the fact that there vvas Drummond.
not one of the Acts presented varandahs back and front, vvater tanks, Kitchen and On the 8th, the EXCELthat vvas called dovvul by other conveniences, on lot of land vvith good sea SIOR was down to meet the the audience.
vievu situate at Cieneguita, Limon. ESTRADA. on the grounds have since learned that of the latter. As however, the in which to benefit by our several fellovys vvent in Apply BENJAMIN REID EXCELSIOR failed to put in vvithout paying, one man says or care of The Searchlight an appearance, the game he paid 75 cents at the gate point was given to ESTRADA.
We understand that as heavy and passed three of his friends, another took one ticket and very rains fell in Limon during Seize this opportunity to properly passed two others, one called the previous night the Manager of the EXCELSIOR thought invest your money in these for two Butaca Tickets and the grounds in Estrada would economical times presented payment for one and ran away with them, and not have been fit for play, so YOU CAN OBTAIN so on, lots of leakages of the motorman, Daniel session of it. He claims that did not send out his team; it, kind went on which if the Small, has been under a man named Williams however, happened there was the freshest goods of the very best Director was on his job Would no rain there.
arrest for a fortnight for gave him the produce to be selections and quality have been avoided.
On the same day, in Limon, having in his possession taken to Messrs Niehaus in the It is just a joke around eight bags lof supposedly for sale, but as he does the MOTIVE POWER defeated tovun to hear people boasting kiln dried cacao which he not know vvhat Williams the CRUSADERS by 114 to hovy and how they got in offered to the firm of or vvhere he is to be 17 for wickets. As in the the shovv; never the less all Guillermo Niehaus for found, he is still held. It Cairo Penshurt mate, so in sale. This firm, suspecting is supposed that there is this, the closure by the Cap.
this could have been rectified tain of the CRUSADERS was for one third their value by arranging nevy plans for it to be from the complicity with some one the Ticket office and the gate, Co factory, refused to at the Cocoaplant of the due to his dissatisfaction with Waterproofs, overcoats Umbrellas but vvhile Mr.
buy it. On hearing of this Company, vvhose bags seem the manner in vvhich his men Symes is Parasoles at ridiculous prices blaming me for one thing!
fact the machinery of the to have been changed for vvere given out by the dozens Sunshades of pure silk in most am blaming him for inciting Lavy vvas put in motion other bags, hence the case Umpires Messrs. Chambers the Artists. As a and Small man of vvas arrested is being watched vvith and Gaston.
attractive colours of the latest styles It vvould be advisable, in fraternal Society his business as he could not give a great interest. Full details at 11. 50, 13. 50 (18. 00 reasonable explanation as the interest of the Compevvas to call myself, the Direcvvill be given vvhen they tition, that a check up on for and the Bandmaster toto hovy he came in posare fully disclosed.
these incidents be made by gether and all this vvould been arbitrated and settled, instead the Control Board.
FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. The fourth fixture for the of raising this Scandal around At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small vveek vvas on the 9th. beTovun and causing the Comfamily residence adjoining the Post Office tyveen the CONSTRUCTION pany such enormous harm. understand hovvever that he Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES and the WANDERERS. Batting first the former made 30 is forming up his ovvp troop in tovyn, and of vvhich Isaacs made 20 vvish him enot out. The latter replied We beg to call the at. or permanent disability to success, but am vvarning vvith 63, Groves being tention of the Governor some useful member of those of our Artists whom have trained and vvho vvish top scorer for 25.
and municipal fathers to the Community.
the dangerous condition of In such a case vvho With perfect Weather Cameronian» owned by to join him not to use any The Excursionists from Boprevailing and in the Mr. Dewar. Orpen the Southern fencing of would be responsible for of the pieces vvhich have presence of nearly a million came second and Sandwich cas are expected to arrive the Ball ground. The top the damages, the Estate of taught them such as the persons, England greatest third. Camernian did here today on an eight day portion of this fence is Juan José León or the dances, drills etc. without first making settlement vuith racing event came off at the race in two minutes, trip. They will be taking part hanging very threateningly Municipal authorities vvho in a series of games which over the the Epson Downs on the thirty six and one twentieth sidevvalk on gave permission for the me, according to the agreement signed betyveen US so 3rd inst, and was won by seconds, and is said to have have been arranged for them, Avenue This heavy zinc erection of this fence vvith.
Scotland representative, larned 15. 000 for his and vvill be cared for by Miss. fencing may fall over at out seeing to its proper as to avoid litigations. There is no definite time as to when Ada Cranston at her Restau. any moment on a passer maintenance?
the Company rant.
This plaza is public provvill again by, resulting in loss of life perty and it is peculiar to appear before the public New Restaurant at Guacimo think that the Municipal according to her financial Board should permit this necessities novy pressing us.
The general public will be pleased to know that their offensive enlosure to debar Thanking you for space old caterer Theodore Levy of Las Lomas and Bonilla the public from the pleas alotted me Sir.
has opened his usual RESTAURANT AND BARBER SHOP at Owing to the inability to the year 1915; at which ure of vvatching the games, of the Central Govern time owing to the serious simply to put money in Yous Respectfully.
Guacimo Junction, near the Barnes home at the Tank, all ment to assist the Muni decline in its commerce and the pocket of a fevvin.
JUAN SAMUELS the Company employees are taken special care of. New cipality of Cartago finan. its consequent inability to de. terested parties. Whose fault clean quarters, everything Spic and Span Stage Manager cially in their desire to fray the cost of administering is this may vve ask?
THEODORE LEVY reconstruct the Central (ora Cantón, it was reduced to Commercial) Street of the a District. It is thought town, the Agricultural Bank that there is no likelihood Delcore Aronne Dangerous Fence The Derby Local Notes Our National Lottery of Cartago was approached of the request being grant. Pension well earned and has consented to make ed.
the necessary loan to enThe Members of the fixed for the 19th of July. able the work to bccarIt is pleasing to note ing fellovy citizen, don Board in charge of our Under the nevv plan the ried out. It is proposed to In his report to the that, by request of several Ladislao Morales Andrade, Nation Lottery have de first prize vvill be. 20. 000; cement the street from Board of Charity, San Jo prominent residents of Li. vvho has laboured for mon as vuell as of the over tvventy five years as cided to re establish the the second, 000; the Church of Los Angeles to sé, the Director of the Hosfortnightly dravvings. The third 000; four of the Plaza de ganado where pital of San Juan de Dios, Judicial Authorities, the Secretary of the Criminal first of such dravvings is 500 each; fourteen of the highway starts.
states that for the month Excecutive Council has Courts of this Province. 200, seventy eight of of May last, 834 patients granted our very deserv a vvell earned Pension. 100; ten approximations petition signed by some were admitted, 858 desA. Coombs of the first prize of 100 50 or 60 of the residents charged and 48 died.
each and ten of the second in Talamanca has been forHotel ATLANTICO Auctioneer, Real Estate and Commission Agent of 50 each. Five thous warded to the Minister of The National Congress Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see and tickets, numbered from State in which the govern has voted the sum of. how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make Business also done in Spanish 1001 to 6000 vvill be issued ment is asked to restore 20. 000 to be utilized you comfortable at ridiculous prices 34 EAST STREET to be sold at the usual this District of the Prov. in investigating the decease write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ KINGSTON, JA. 1: price of 20.
ince of Limón to the status which is affecting coffee 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA of a Cantón as it was up trees at the present times.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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