p. 6


Saturday June 13. 1931 University Club Replies to Newton Complaints PERSONAL Notice to Change of Consul Concrete Products Co.
Wants Column One colon per insertion of six lines WANTED have been delegated by tice of removal; the grocer ges, while University Club literary improvement of both To sell a fine organ at the University Club» to reply did not see right there and can only congratulate Mr. Nevv organizations, vvhile vve avvait ridiculous price of 250. at Bicycles to the protest of the leader then then ecessity of removal: ton for his sportsman like the further honor of meeting Jack Oranes.
At Clearing Prices: of the negative of the debate it vvas the land ovviler vvho conduct and the interest vvhich him again.
men Roadster Bicycles. 110 held on May 26, last, appear savv the necessity of remo. his complaint implies in the The Community to know Aurelio Bermúdez that there is nothing to break. 163 ing under the caption of ving the grocer so as to de: up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 light of the 6th instant, and Rudge Withworth Racers 100 Complaint in the Search. rive the expected benefit. In nen table taken in a Cup of hot our cpinion, therefore, the lime juice tea immediately At Jack Orane Store, in which Motive Power and vvords NECESSITY and BEafter having contracted a cold. Limon. University clubs vvere the NEFIT may be used collate It is pleasant to see the old Rosa and Freehold, then castcontestants. find the task rally, as it occurred in the de faces vvho assisted in the ing a glance at Cocal, the Those who would like to Fancy work taught a rather easy one as the alle. bate of the question under making of Limon, dropping greatest coconut property in pass a few days of rest Machine and hand Em gation is a single and simple consideration. We could have in around once avvhile, among the country, he came into Liand change in a quiet home ore: that the topic of the de then said: for the benefit of these, vve found Mr. Stanley món to have a look at the in the interior, to know broidery. Ty pewriting, Flo.
wers, paintings. Also Bead bate vvas misrepresented.
that Mrs. Charlotte Big and Woolwork.
society, divorce is necessary. Lindo on a tour of in pection old Soda Water Factory vvhich Firstly, because the contro Nevertheless the foregoing of his many properties and supplies the Province of Ligerstaf can accommodate Taught by Miss versy is rather tardy; the ex.
your necessities at her explanation, the leader of the interprises, founded by the món vvith its aerated vvaters Binns at her home in Si ception taken against the form affirmative vvishes to deny astute firm of Lindo Bros. and Ice.
home in Cartago with in vvhich it is alleged that quirres.
that he ever invoked at any He has been at Florida clean comfortble quartersa.
The SEARCHLIGHT vvishthe question for the debate time «Necessity» as a basis Ice Farm, the Siquirres El. es Mr. Stanley many more vvas submitted to judges and for his arguments; for by so ectric Lighting, his Farms years of usefulness among us.
audience should have been doing he vvould have infring. Factory at Río Hondo, Santa opposed immediately or vvith ed the rule pre agreed upon in a reasonable time before vvith his seconder, to the the debate vvas entered upon, effect that the former vvould All creditors having any claim or claims against and not some eleven days discuss Benefit vvhile the lamy husband Alexander Mc. Indoe will make their claim It is regrettable to know to, consult him all agree that later.
tter vvould discuss Necessity; that Mr. Malady Ameri he has been exceptionally u arry thenticated to me within fifteen days from date Secondly, because if vve and, further, it should be re can Consul in this town has amiable and nice to them, duholé after which will not hold myself responsible niust admit. for it is true) membered that at the closing been transferred to Guadalaja infact he sets a lesson to eof any claims not so presented.
the fact that The challenge of his arguments, on and Mr. Walter. Hoffman has both some of the British Consuls.
of May 2, from the Univerbeen sent to replace him, Mr.
Jane Mc. Indoe We do hope Mr. Hoffman occasions, the leader of the Malady has made himself so will be as obliging and painsSan Clemente, Linea Estrella sity Club» to «Motive Povver affirmative concluded thus: affable and courteous to every. taking to us as his predecesClub» read. Divorce, is it of and that is vvhy University one in the Community without sor haa been.
social benefit. then there can Club maintains that divorce distinction of class colour or The «Searchlight) begs to The Debate. Mr. Newton. be no doubt that the debais of SOCIAL BENEFIT. Nationality that he will be wish Mr. Malady as pleasant ters for the affirmative from greatly, missed; indeed it is a a stay in his new sphere as Fourthly, the merit of the Continued from page pleasure to have business with he has had here and many side vvas arguing, thereby «University Club had a greacomplaint rests vvith the jud him, the Britishers who have successes in his diplomatic life.
have injured my argument? causing the audience to und. ter imagination of the quesHave you acknovvledged that erate my service, question my tion for discussion than the debaters for the negative, DO0OOOOOOOO 000 you made an aggresive blunder ability, and furthermore impair vvhen vvas speaking of the my estimation among an intel from «Motive Power Club, trouble that Society vvas ligent commuuity, vvhereas in view of the circumstance put to, in remembering to apvvas in line vvith the nature that the question was preparply respective names to vvomen of my subject?
folk vvho often marry through Will you admit that you Thirdly, it is evident, that divorce vvhen, as it were, have committed an afront (to the case cited by Mr. Newton you called me to a point of the Negative debaters at «For argument sake happens order, asking me on vvhich least) and have misled the to be a disloyal case, as, seempublic by placing in your ingly, it was selected with Paper The debate Divorce a out meditation. It is obvious Overstocking. necessity, instead of Divorce a that the land owner gave his Continued from page benefit vvhich in no way bear tenant (the grocer) notice of synonymous comparisons to removal because of some are now forced to grow each other? vvill say nothing expected benefit, which urged could be thrown to fallow of probables. Ah; Mr. Editor, the necessity to give the no.
and new virgin lands take their places, thus improv. whatever a man sows that scorn to slay the slain but ing the quality of fruit he will also reap. You held produced and assisting, by GOVERNMENT OFFICES LONDON careful selection of seeds, a responsible position that to stabilize the Industry were indeed careless. It is not night in question; and you On the 6th and 7th ins.
Whether you have sand and rock available, or not, you will find it which we see waning by that you did not know that tant several severe shocks much more economical and certainly very much more satisfactory, to the ever increasing rava of earthquake vere felt employ Ready Made Concrete Units.
in admitting Divorcera neces.
ges being made by dein England, Brussels, WALKS sease. the only cure for sity. was right to my point France and other Europ.
which is by rest and roIt is not that you did not ean countries. In England Take Side WALKS and PATHS for instance: For a permanent knovv vhat spoke on Sotation of crops.
much damage is said to beautiful job, all yon need do, is level the earth, and place the slabs in ciety inconvenience vvas in have been done in York position, no under footing needed you can do the work yourself. If line vvith my side of argu shire, Norfolk and Man.
you wish to repair drains or water supply, just lift the slabs, carry out chester. In France the your repairs, and re place the slabs you cannot do this with poured knovy that Necessity is not heaviest shock lasted for concrete or tiles the surface has to be broken and rendered useless, Benefit or vice versa; but it tvvo seconds and did dathen re placed.
MANZANA 31 LOT is just at times that, in our GUTTERS most vvide avvake moments, mage to the buildings in Next door to the office the vicinity of Beauvais. Instead of making GUTTERS, which are costly to make, and injurious of Juan Jose Leon (Sucs. PING vvhich causes harm to vve are somehovy found NAP.
Much alarm vvas expe to health, being open, they get foul and smelly, use pipes all you have you will find the People others. THATS ALL.
rienced by the inhabitants to do, is dig a trench, throw in the pipes and cover. Instead of wooden Bakery, where you can get, near the coast of Belgium.
at all times, Booth Bis.
Hoping that this will be No loss of life has been bridges over creeks and drains, drop in a pipe and cover, the job is received in the same spirit as permanent.
cuits, Bread and Buns of reported.
is intended a brotherly cor.
TANKS the best quality and flavour rection.
For WATER TANKS, there is nothing to equal a pipe stood on. the finest in Limon. I am your sincerely, On the sick list end. Concrete does not foul like barrels or iron tanks, and the water am offering to the public MICHAEL NEWTON a New Style of Bread It is with great regret is kept beautifully cool.
called Pan Pomona made Convalescent we announce the very se When you contemplate doing anything in the building line, drop us a from the best quality flour.
rious illness in the Limon line, we may be able to assist you in overcoming some of your pro trial will convince you. We are pleased to find Hospital of our friend blems you will be under no obligation or compromise.
Its a size loaf that cannot Mr. Joseph Fraser conva and copatriot Mr. Benja.
We manufacture Pipes 12. 18. and 24.
be had for the price in lescing of the very serious min Sankey. It is fervent Hollow Blocks, Partition Slabs, Slabs, Fence Posts, Gate Limon.
illness with which he was ly hoped that he will soon Posts, Tiles, Bricks, etc. Agents for Metal Windows.
attacked some two months be restored to his usual Booth ago. We sincerely hope he good health and activities Concrete Products Co.
will soon be well and to be among his many Limon, May 25th. 1931 strong friends as formerly.
Earthquakes Again OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pan Pomona ment. It is not that you did not Juan Viñas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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