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EDITOR MANAGER Quarterly in Advance NATION Apartado 123 Cartago SINGLE COPY 25 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Every government worthy of the name recognizes the decency of the people providing as a whole for the education and support of the blind, the deaf and dumb, and the juvenile delinquents; and organized chariry usual.
ly steps aside and lets the rightful authorities handle these cases each in its own way.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JUNE 20 1931 NUM. 83 Reply to Mr. Newton on The Debate Our Political Movements Never before in the history law of the President, vvho vvho said he could not see of the Country, and for that felt that Mr. Castro Quesada vyhy the Cabinet should have Mr. Newton feels that we are many necessary evils his removal to a more com much it may safely be said of vvas one of the principal men acted as they did, because have offered an affront to which are tolerated by the mercial spot, which he might any country, has any Presi vvho helped to vvin the can there is no lavy in the consthe Negative debaters by laws of every civilized count not have seen at first sight; dent been so disturbed over didacy of Don Cleto, there. titution which prevents a placing the headline of our ry, which althought they might and suppose he was called the unrest of his Cabinet Min fore should have some better diplomat in the consular seristers as has occurred in the consideration at the hands of vice from coming home to report Divorce a necessity. not be so considered by a upon to quit his spot for the Administration of Doy Cleto the Ministers some of whom transact any business of his We would first like to inform shortsighted minority group, purpose of the erection of González Víquez within his vvere not even belonging to whether in politics or other Mr. Newton that a reporter yet are indeed beneficial to an educative centre vvould three years of office.
the Partido; this of course vvise.
way of putting an article the Communify; take for ins the Community not have Again has his entire Cabi. brought great friction especial In the meantime vve see fore his readers after events, tance the tolerance of a Broth. nefitted? It all depends, there.
niet resigned during the past ly vvith the Minister of the Mr. Fabio Baudrit named as week; and until now a comMinister of State for Gobercould not e counted to el, While it may be taken as Excheque Mr. Tomas Soley fore, Mr. Nevyton, on the plete staff has not even been Güell, vvho resigned imme. nacion and Interior, Mr. Leo.
weight any undue pressure, an evil institution yet Will Mr. range of your vision of pu found to replace the resigna: diately and those of Goberna nidas Pacheco as Minister of or prejudice to be thought Newton imagine what a me blic utility, necessity, to dis tions. As has already been ción, Educación, Fomento and Foreign affairs. Mr. Justo Fa.
an affront to anyone concern nace might be caused to his close the benefit.
announced in these columns, Foreign Relations follovved cio vvill continue as Minister ed. In our earlier issue, we call home and dear ones on the We would like to point nuel Castro Quesada, our Mi trouble started when Don Ma vvith him; and subsequently of Educación; there is up to ed Mr. Newton attention to Mr. Quirós decided that rather streets, Were there fno such time of printing no definite out to Mr. Newton that the nister before the Washington than being an embarrassment appointment for the Exchethe fact that paragraphs 5 institutions, therefore a social judges did not decide on government, expressed his in in the President cabinet he quer nor Fomento.
were to the point. Par: cor benefit by its necessity. The vvhat the nevyspaper mighttention of coming over without also resigned.
So far as our candidates rectly stated what was the Liquor Laws, The Gambling have had to say, but on the leave of absence from the Needless to register the for Presidency are concerned, Debate, that is. whether Di Laws, all necessities, and bePresident, to engage in politi many opinions passed by vvith the refusal of Don Ri vvay that the arguments «Is cal affairs.
vorce is of any Social Bene neficial altho probably not so prominent politicians on the cardo Jiménez to stard for Divorce of any Social benefit On his arrival here a few fit to a Community or not. interpreted by the minority, outcome of these perplexities, election, there are left in the or nos were put You made days ago the buible bursted but one cannot escape our field Don Carlos María Jimé.
Paragraph 5, stated, that but as it is the majority that your negative a sad calamity and a conference was called notice, and that is from a nez for the Republican Ticket.
the debate was again put to counts they are acknowledged therefore we can only advise among the Ministers to devery great lavvyer, an indepen Don León Cortés for the the audience as to whether as a benefit.
mand of the President his Partido Regeneración, Don Alyou fo take your defeat in a dent man and one vvho has dismissal from office. All agreed kept aloof from the meshes berto Echandi for the Partido «Divorce is of any benefit or Mr. Newton argues of his sporting spirit, learn to keep on this course of proceedure of political intrigues, Don Fran Agrícola and Don Manuel a curse to the Community. grocer, but even there, the clear of your adversary camp, except The Minister of War cisco Jiménez lavyyer to the Castro Quesada is expected Paragraph 8, proves that grocer may be benefitted by and try again.
Mr. Quirós who is son in firm of Messrs. Lindo Bros to launch out his candidature the affirmative lead off and at an early date.
maintained that Divorce as a means of dissolution of such Lost Record unfortunate contracts is a necessity and therefore Beneficial Investigation is being carried to a Community out by the government, to word to the wise is The report recently issued supplied the English markets frɔm that Island last year lombian and Central Ameri find out the vvhereabouts of enough; and we certainly by the Empire Marketing Board with 5, 926. 000 bunches, while showed an increase of more can supplies going to Europe the Book of Registry of Imon the Fruit Supplies for 1930 thovght that this would have Honduras sent 985, 000, Costa than 1, 900, 000 bunches or and the United States. migrants, formerly kept in the been sufficient to guide Mr.
discloses much interesting Governor Office of Limon Rica 2, 189, 000 Colombia. nearly 50 per cent over the The distribution of the fruit At the installation of don Newton in the lines of proinformation respecting the 3, 354, 000, Brazil 1, 140, 000 and total for 1929, which is a exported from Jamaica in 1930 Juan Romagosa as Governor prietry, but as he persists to Fruit trade which is being other foreign countries a total most stiking record.
is as follows; to the United of Limón it has been found carried on with Great Britain, make us appear ridiculous, of 166, 000. The total imports It is claimed that the results States, United Fruit Company, that this book has mysteriouswe must call his attention to especially in connection with from Empire countries in 1925 stated are attributed to two 3, 600, 000; Jamaica Banana Pro ly disappeared from the Arbananas, by the fruit produthe fact that, there was never chives of the Office. rigid ducers Association, 3, 400, 000; were 2, 403, 000 but which in causes, first, the operations enquiry has therefore been creased any idea of throwing an affrnt cing countries of the Empire.
5, 926, 000 1930. of the Jamaica Banana Produ.
Atlantic Fruit Co. 5, 300, 300.
ordered by the Minister of at or embarrassing the NegaIn the year 1929, it is sta From foreign sources in 1925 cers Association, and the To Canada; CO, 1, 300, 000; Gobernación and Interior. The tive debaters; what really ted, there was an increase of the total was, 9627, 000 and in arrangements for direct shipJ. 1, 900, 000; To the Ex Governor don José Hercaused an embarrassment to nearly one and a half million 1930, 9, 067, 000. The gross toments of the fruit handled by United Kingdom and the nández Sánchez and the staff his partizans was when Mr. bunches over all importations tals being in 1925 12, 030, 000 that Association and secondly, Continent: CO. 6, 500. 000; during his regime are being summoned to give declarar Newton with trembling lips previously recorded, but this and in 1930, 14, 993. 000.
the allocation of a large pro 2, 800, 000. These ations on the Matter.
and moist eyes lead off his record was however surpasJamaica is stated to be prac. portion of Jamaica bananas figures produce the remarkable It is possibly on account Negative by admitting and sed last year (1930) when the tically the sole Empire source to England by other interests total of 24, 800, 000 bunches of this peculiarity that all proving by citations that «Di total recorded imports reached of supply to the United King importing bananas, with a shipped front that Island du travellers wishing to return ring last year, or something are asked to apply to San vorce is a necessity under about 15 million bunches, which dom markets; and the imports larger proportion of the Colike five times the quantity Joséf or their permites to return certain conditions thus comalthough only 56, 000 over the pletely surrendering his armtotal for 1929 was sufficient Costa Rica was able to send our and walking Evoluntarily to establish a new high reaway. Apart from the increase Coffee Desease cord.
into the Camp of his adverin the imports from Jamaica, it is said, that there has also The exccedingly rapid in Desease among Coffee sary.
been other significant develop trees in the Province of He.
Now as to the interpreta crease of the trade in bananas ments in the banana trade in redia is causing great cons.
tion of a Necessity; a thing since the beginning of the For the guidance of those interested be it known, that ternation among the Planters, which is needful, beneficial. In centuary has raised imports recent years, the chief of which and has called out governin consequence of the Continual violation of the Laws and being the rise in imports mental investigation as to its such times as ours when all from an average of 2, 660, 000 Constitution which guide the order of Mosaic Templars by from Brazil; while the supplies Rulers of thought are devising bunches in the five years the officers of Royal Mount Carmel Temple No. 16 causes and Remedy. The Tree every means to legislate for 1900 04 and 6, 710, 000 bun from the Canary Islands have simply withers up in full of by authority vested in me as District Deputy of the Grand United order of Mosaic Templars, the wellbeing (benefit) of the ches for a similar period imme.
fallen vvithin the last four bearing.
have closed down the said Mt. Carmel Temple No. 16, years from over two and a Communities which they have diatedy preceding the war, to until further orders, pending the authorization of an officer half millions to less than one New Champion the honour to direct, every the striking figures given bein the near future to reorganize said Temple. It is therefore million.
necessary step is taken to low. Similar increases have unadvisable to pay any further dues to anyone, until you Up to 1928 Honduras, Cosmake laws for the benefit of shall be advised of such reorganization through these columns.
The Canadian Negro Larry been noticed in regard to the ta Rica and Colombia supplied Gaines vvho vvas engaged in the great majority, therefore imports into other European (Sgd. OSBORNE Box 242 a fifteen rounds bout vvith even if the arguments were countries as well as into the over 60 per cent of the EnD.
Port Limon, Costa Rica Phil Scott, the British heavy glish imports, but during last based on the necessity of United States where in 1930 Weight champion, knocked his June 8th. 1931 year there was Divorce it would certainly be the total was 62, 130, 000 bun a sharp de adversary out in the second cline from Honduras and a ches.
round in London, thus vvinning providing a measure benefithe title of British Heavy cial to the Community. There In 1930 the West Indies Continued on page vveight Champion.
To whom this may Concern Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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