
Saturday June 20. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A Strange Light Seen QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina wom DIO Jamaican wins 30. 000 pounds Concrete Products Co.
Mr. Editor God and the firmament mit themselves unto Thee a Dear Sir: showeth His handiwork. for when Thy tokens are and has not the sun a fa in the earth the people will Kindly concedeme a mily? We fain would pray, learn righteousness, 21 short space in the columns Lord send us more of. Thanking you in ad al of THE SEARCHLIGHT ten some of Thy wonders vance for the space concedto make a brief statement till the people thereby ed am very truly yours, On the night of the 8th. know themselves to be but inst. We had a visit paid us men and everyone with Wynter BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
by a visitor from ether. It anf offering of devotion sub: Cahuita 13th June 1931 Dont accept any tube or envelope BAYER must have been seven oclock packets without the when it made its appearb BAYER CROSS ance on our planet. We ai did not see the visitor but saw the light which was unsimilar to anything we Joseph Kennedy, a Ja. and three children are at had heretofore seen. The maican, residing in Boston, present in Jamaica, ul light excelled that of the purchased a ticket, Other lucky ticket hol.
ol moon, as from it one could in the Irish Hospital Derby ders were, Thomas Con: see the smallest object With Sweepstake for 50, his nor, of the Bronx, and out scrutiny. It seemed too number drew Cameronian George Hill of Norway, Me. new method for the treat slightest wound because of an operation for ovarian trans to have travelled nearer to the favourite for the race vvho drevy Orpen and vvill ment of hemophilia, or bleedt the inability of the blood to plant, did not bleed for five the earth than the moon which was run in England each receive 15. 000; ers? disease, has been devel clot and a half months, the length does, as its light was prob. on the 3rd. inst. Came. Samuel Horovvitz also of opede at the University of Hemophilia is a rare disease of time it took for the trans.
ably threefold that of the ronian won the race, Ken the Bronx and William Illinois College of Medicine Families in the European plant to be absorbed Dri moon and during its brief nedy ticket has as a re Coyle of Cincinnati vvho and has proved successful in nobility have been victims of Birch said they experiments: passage all natural lights sult earned him the sum won 10. 000 each on arresting the disease in two the affliction for centuries. vvould be continued with a becaine invisible.
of 30. 000. Previous to Sandwich.
patients, according to stater. The two sons of King Al vievv to effecting complete We surmise that the the race, it is said, various Three consolation prizes ment made by Dr. Carroll phonso of Spaint suffer from recoveries.
visitor is a daughter of our offers were made Kennedy of 100 each have also Birch.
the disease, as did the Cza Dr, Birch, since her graduasun as the light it emits for the ticket, but he refu been vvon by Messrs, The treatment, not yet accep rovich of Russia.
tion from the University of had no perceivable inten sed to sell. He intends, he Cravvley, Aguilar Ited as a cure, consist of in Two boys, members of a Illinois School in 1926, has sity, By this insinuation says, to devote a part of and Mrs. Beveridge, of jecting novarian extract into family of hemophilacs in South acted as an investigator in we hope we will not be the amount to worthy Jamaica the patient body.
ern Illinois, were treated. An, the Research Hospital. Her regarded as straying heret charitable causes. His wife The disease, which affects injection of the extract in one discovery is regarded by the ically from divine recti only malos butais transmittede of them resulted in no symp medical school authorities as tude for, do not The heav.
through the female, causes toms of the disease for ele a distinct advance in physioens declare the glory of Advertise in The Searchlight excessive bleeding from the ven months, Dr. Birche said. logical chemistry The other, who submitted to 0000000000OOOO Banana Powder Factory ១៥ As times goes along new uses are being found for the Banana. The latest We have decided, in defe she vishes, but each must is the possible establishment rence to the vvish of many be accompanied by tvventyfive of a factory in Jamaica fore of our readers, to hold a cents.
the manufacture of Banana Competition in connection vvith The decision of the Jud.
Powder by the Northjohn the matches novv being played ges to be accepted as final Corporation of Lincoln, for the ORANE CUP. THREE and from vvhich there will PRIZES are New Jersey, offered under be no appeal.
This nevy product is the conditions stated belovu, The number of runs on said to be manufactured to the Competitors who forevvhich the dicisions vvill be from dehydrated bananas, cast: made vvill be those on record and vvills retain all the 1st. Prize, The correct (or vvith the Board of Control.
nourishment and sugar in nearest to) total runs scored All forecasts to be sent its natural state, and in by all the Clubs in all matches in a sealed envelope to Mr; s!
GOVERNMENT OFFICES LONDON addition to being exceeding 2nd. Prize, The highest (or JACK ORANE, Limon, and Whether you have sand and rock available, or not, you will find it ly wholesome, is claimed nearest to) number of runs marked «The Searchlight Cric much more economical and certainly very much more satisfactory, to to be very delicious. The scored by a Club in a single ket Competition, employ Ready Made Concrete Units.
povvder may be used ass match. The Prize values will be a soda fountain drink 3rd: Prize, The highest (or WALKS apportioned as follovvs: Iste mixedvvith milk. The nearest to number of runs prize 60 per cent; 2nd. prize 25 Take Side WALKS and PATHSS for instance: For a permanent Presidentof the Corporation scored by an individual playper cent; 3rd. prize 15 per cent beautiful job, all yon need do, is level the earth, and place the slabs in is expected in Jamaica at er in all the matches, RULES of the total amount of entran.
position, no under footing needed you can do the work yourself. If an early date. Each forecast must be ces.
you wish to repair drains or water supply, just lift the slabs, carry out sent in on the attached Coupon, Should there be a tie!
your repairs, and re place the slabs you cannot do this with poured o Pan Pomona Each forecast to be accombetwveen tvvo competitors for concrete or tiles the surface has to be broken and rendered useless, panied by a fee of tvver. ty any prize, the amount vvill then re placed.
five cents (0. 25. be divided betyveen them: GUTTERS MANZANA 31. LOT 3. competitor may send in The competition closes Instead of making GUTTERS, which are costly to make, and injurious Next door to the office as many forecasts as he or on the 18 th day of July 1931.
to health, being open, they get foul and smelly, use pipes all you have of Juan Jose Leon (Sucs. to do, is dig a trench, throw in the pipes and cover. Instead of wooden you will find the People COUPON bridges over creeks and drains, drop in a pipe and cover, the job is Bakery, where you can get, permanent at all times, Booth Bis.
TANKS cuits, Bread and Buns of «Searchlight Cricket Competition For WATER TANKS, there is nothing to equal a pipe stood on the best quality and flavour end. Concrete does not foul like barrels or iron tanks, and the water the finest in Limon. The follovving is my forecast is kept beautifully cool.
am offering to the public Total runs for all matches.
a New Style of Bread When you contemplate doing anything in the building line, drop us a called Pan Pomona made by a Club in one match.
Highest number of runs made line, we may be able to assist you in overcoming some of your pro from the best quality flour.
blems you will be under no obligation or compromise. trial will convince you. scored by an individual.
Highest number of runs We manufacture Pipes 12. 18. and 24.
Its a size loaf that cannot player in ALL matches.
Hollow Blocks, Partition Slabs, Slabs, Fence Posts, Gate be had for the price in Posts, Tiles, Bricks, etc. Agents for Metal Windows: Limon.
This forecast is submitted in accordance vvith the above rules.
Concrete Products Co. Booth Name 2000 00000000000 Limon, May 25th. 1931 Postal address, OOOOOOOOOOOOO OIO OOOO Juan Viñas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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