
Saturday June 20. 1931 Philomela Exhorts England Haven of Fair Flag for Negro 00000DWUONDON WWW Bermuda Women Make protest Paul Robeson, the Negro the missis and enjoyed Show to establish a theatre of his actor, who is such a success Boat. Dear Mr. Editor.
who have thought it necessa higher social environment. It own in London.
Please allovy me space in in The Hairy Ape, Eugene do not believe that the There are at least six great ry to organize themselves in is quite amazing, yet encourayour valuable vveekly, to con to a club, for the purpose of ging to see the spirit that is Neill play at the Ambas Negro should lose touch with plays in which a Negro actor sadors, is making his home gratulate those young men indulging in literature, and around these days. It seems his own people.
can play the lead, he said, in England because he says it to be a contagion that spells 0000000000000000000000000000 The Negro in America and if can start a theatre is the country where the negro success and the bright changhas become merely a middleand a repertory it vvill establish vvhich are taking place Express of May 13th.
has fairest play, says the Daily es recognition of Negro artin class American. shall not cheer one exceedingly.
the vvest.
find any new Negro backAlthough he is one of the London is the place to do Young men, it is useless ground without going right best actors and singers in it, because here you are unthinking anything like failure back to Africa for it. Until America, a fine artist and a in regard to the many clubs man of great charm, he can then, England is the place prejudiced and fair. In Amevvhich are being formed rica. and a shade of discouwhere am at home.
never go into an hotel there these days. If your motive is ragement fell on the sumbre or take a taxicab whithout the Paul Robeson has done Negro face in America they 2000 worthy, your determination DEAR FRIENDS: fear of prejudice or insult. more than any man to break should lead you are too afraid of us to give us to fight You may be one of the thousands that enter a Drug Store In London every man is a down the colour bar in Europe an equal chance.
against falling. Failure is a every few days and purchase some pills that are absnlutely potential friend, the great and Americo. He is a star in guaranteed to relieve headache and restore Vitality, energy, etc, horrible dragon that you must Negro said yesterday to a London, Paris, New York, and Do you know that lack of pep and headaches are danger sign forget. In aiming to achieve Daily Express representative. Berlin; he can play with deThe als, and are, to a great Exterit, caused by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses?
what is vvorth vvhile, think Policemen greet me on the licacy and power parts that How many men and women awake in the morning with a success and success shall not street, and cab drivers say feeling that although they have slept: long enough they are not were written for white men Immigrants Law rested; That although they are not Book Worms or prolific desert you. Put that demon Your re Paul Robeson, aren he has also the highest artistic readers, their eyes tire Easily When they read.
failure out of your mind.
Do jate hours make your Eye lids heavy does looking at you, sir? ve got your record, expression of his own race, Under the provisions of a bright object or even at brightly illuminated Stone display, Trample him beneath your or you mind it say how At present his ambition is; the recently passed Im.
cause your eyes to tire or Water? If your eyes water easily or heels, and never give him a tend to tire at the beginning of the day, you need glasses. migration Law, which will examine your eyes and fit you properly with a pair of chance, in your aspiration to provides that foreigners Glasses suited to your type. Rid your self of that tired feeling reach a vvorthy goal. Each over your eyes and work with a clear, acheless head.
coming to this Republic stride of yours should be done ATTENTION Cordially yours.
in search of work should Dr. Azevedo vvith perseverance, on your make deposit of 250, Optometrist vvay to the attainment of greatWe wish to inform our ness.
Glasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00, 50, 00 readers that any alien who 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pocket Examination As a sfimulant, look at the has resided here for some Free p. to p. Save money by buying from me. They are still in time and wishes to temexistence. They may not be porarily leave the Country 0000000000000000000000000000000 able to please the gaze of should make application many, yet, they are sovving to the Ministerio de Go.
their little seeds vvith deter.
bernacion for permission mination, and building slovvto re enter without being ly, to erect a massive strucIn view of the present economic depression. have decided required to make the ture, which will eventually be to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful the Britain deposit and not to oldest Colony, this incorrect procedure. able to withstand all the inattention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
Governor of the Province Bermuda, has enjoyed a form No notice was taken but clemencies of the times. They THE STANDARD.
of Limon.
of representative Government the Court gave her three have no elderly leaders, be Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon for more than 300 years, and months in which to pay.
cause the majority of our Sociedad Tipogràfica de Cartago has apparently determined that She did not do so, and on elders are selfish, and relucwhat was good enough for being again summoned, ref u tant to help any advancement men and women 300 years sed to attend and invited the the young generation may ago, is good enough for men authorities to arrest her.
need. Yet the Women Standard and women now.
Apparently they did not is going as steady as JOHNY The persistent refusal of venture to take a course which WALKER the Legislature to consider might well have aroused public Dear Mr. Editor, always prove a failure, and These are only a few small statements while tangible evigranting suffrage to women, opinion, and preferred to let read with intense interest Divorce will ever be on the hints to let you realize the fittest dences can be procured in culminated in movement the matter drop.
increase, till the human family not far distant places and even must survive. The prize fighthe details of the recent derecently, led Mrs. Morrell, a But strong feeling has been ter who stays down, after bate as to whether Divorce is learn the lesson that Matri locally. trust that Mr. Berreal suffrage pioneer, to refuse. awakened among the women receiving the first sock» from a necessity or no. After digest. mony is the Holy Union of mudez will hold his own in to pay taxes on the ground Will Bermuda be the scene his adversary, must be consi ing both sides of the topic, the Positive and Negative like manner during subsequent that «taxation without repre of a militant suffrage camdered a coward and a big beg to tender my warmest through the Cords of Love debates bringing out logical sentation is tyrannys. paing? Appeals to the Colonial fake, but if at every fall. he congratulations to Mr. Bermu favoured by Astrological Ma inferences to the satisfaction As Mrs. Morrell is a pro Office and questions asked rises with vigour, and fights dez for the valiant manner he ting. The only regrettable in of the public in general.
perty owner, the proper course in the Imperial Parliament defended the affirmative. am more furiously, then if viccident in the debate is that was for the authorities to have had no effect. What steps David Luke tory should crown him, he of the opinion that he reached the disputants had to refer distrain on her property; ins will the women of Bermuda the climax of his defence would gain world wide recogto such remote areas for exAlba Farm tead they summoned her to take to rouse their Rip Van nition as a GRITTY CHAMwhere it is reported he said: amples to substantiate their Court a procedure which is Winkles from their centuries PION If there were no laws proonly adopted against those of slumber?
vided for separating such peoKeep it up young men, and without property. She attend The Gleaner strive to gain noble and bril ple and freeing them of such ed to make a protest against liant heights.
contract, one would find himPhilomela self a veritable slave under the most repulsive circum AND Mindful of a duty out of stances which would not fail BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY friendship the most popular to occasion crimes by murder ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED of the most treacherous and cruel nature, for when a man Bureau established for the greater convenience, under or woman finds himself or herstanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking PuHas arranged to distribute a value of almost self tied to an unfaithful part blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you ner from which there is no for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a means of freedom, he or she All No. wrappings have a much greater value Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the than No. and others.
will resort to the most depublic for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the praved acts contrary to the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical laws of God and man to rid experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts Remedio eficaz, himself or herself of such he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supetorture.
rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be para la expulsión are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts de lombrices.
These facts alone, irrespecwill be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
tive of what objections may EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Distributor in Limón be brought forward, are sufBarrister Investigator ARMANDO HEILBRON Soliciting Manager De venta en la ficient to convince any sane Attorney at Law Notary Publlo Distributors in Turrialba FARMACIA thinker of the necessity of MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Rojas Cortés Cía.
ESPAÑA Divorce. Of course Mı. Bermudez will have to agree Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards Wast of the Presidencia LUCAS MORUA INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Farmacoutico with me that Divorce do not CARTAGO. originate only through infidelCorrespondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, ity of women but in many California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, cases men too are also culpable. However, Marriage will The Recent Debate a LIMON SERVICE BUREAU TERMIFUGO PALMERA SOAP SAN ANTONIO PALMERA SOAP Advertise Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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