
Saturday June 20. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE same.
NA Beef War United Fruit Co. Cutting Salaries Coutinued from page Mr. Brooks, the vendor Positions of clubs to 14th. vvill be on the lookout for Cricket in New York players who have been invited The Lottery Scheme again rich people who can bear the instant the call and vvill gladly supply Again this year the Cricket are Messrs Geo. Headley, Following up his efforts to Tax was much opposed to it, Excelsior enthusiasts have invited five Malveney, Young legalize the sweepstakes in hence the trouble in Motive Power Yours for Cricket of the Jamaica players to Oscar Dacosta and Wilfred England, Sir William Davidits adoption by Congress.
son is again pressing Construction Percy Harris assist them in a series of Beckford.
The Hatry Case Estrada his motion on this matter. Reporter niatches in that City. The He is now assured of the The Banker Johu Gialdini, June 1931.
Crusaders support of the women vvho vvas an associate of Penshurst The Unpires LAWYERS NOTARIES Organization of the National Hatry, and left England at Matina. Limon June 16 1931 Union of Conservative Asso. the time of the Hatry dis Cairo The Editor AT LIMON ciation to legalize Lotteries closures, has been tried for Wanderers Searchlight Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA and Sweepstakes. This is a fraud in the Courts of Milan, Sir Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors Prize Bat very influential Association Italy, and sentenced to years In your issue of 7th inst before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; and keen interest is being 10 months imprisonment.
Following on our note in Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
there appeared a letter over ENGLISH SPOKEN taken both in England and Lightning Kills men last week issue, it is a fur the signature of Mr. Percy Jamaica on the possibility of ther pleasure for us to announDuring a heavy fall of rain, Harris (late Captain of the the institution of a Municipal six men vvorking in a field at ce that while in Limon, Mr.
Matina Captain of the Lottery which was lost reStanley Lindo, in keeping Moin etc. in which he Coleyville, in the parish of cently in the Legislative Manchester, Jamaica, with his vvell knovvn generostook makes the assertion that the Council by one vote.
ity has donated a beautiful Country Umpires failed to pass shelter in a nearby hut on Races in Black River Gunn and Moore Cricket the 3rd instant, when the the examiners appointed by As a result of keen com cents. 25) per pound.
The many residents in this place vvas struck by lightBat to the player vvho secures the Cricket Board of Control; petition which is being This, hovvever cant conthe best average in the Cup ning instantaneously killing this statement of his is very country, who have a tender staged in Limon by the tinue for very long, but we Matches, the qualification incorrect, and to say the least Butchers, the residents are vvould advise the spot for the sporting Aristo three and seriously injuring consubeing that the batsman must cratic parish of St. Elizabeth, the other three.
of it very unsportsmanlike. He being benefitted by obtain mers to give their support that have played in at least 75 per Victims of Prohibition goes on further to state the ing their beef for the to the party vvho brought will be glad to know cent of the matches.
the Lower Works Race Course names of tvvo gentlemen small price of tvventy five about the drop in price.
According to information is again acknowledged as one We join in tendering Mr. vvhom he considers fit and of the great racing centres of of the Department of Justice Stanley much sincere thanks proper persons to umpire FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. the Island; on Thursday the 100. 000 persons were arrested for his generous gift in the games of cricket. can assure in the United States during interest of healthy sport.
11th a great Programme was Mr. Harris that the board of At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small brought off there, and all the last 11 months for violation family residence adjoining the Post Office Reporter Request Control vyrote to each of the turfites aie singing the praises of the prohibition laws. The SIQUIRRES Apply to Sam McIntosh To the lovers of the Game competing clubs asking them of the adaptability of this previous record was 60. 000 and the Nine Clubs in the cricto send in the names of tvvo in 12 months.
course as well suited for the ket competition. am appeal persons whom they thought continuance of this the Sport Venezuela changes Prisiing to you and the members fit to umpire, vvhich some of of Kings.
of the clubs to make reasonthe Clubs did, and those The Canadian Budget As a result of dissatisfaction able purchases of the Search persons were examined and Colonel Ralston attacks with the manner is which light by subscribing for at passed. It is a very great pi.
It is reported that all hold it over pending the President, Dr. Juan Bautista least 12 copies vveekly as the ty that one of the nine clubs employees of the United possibility of an improve. severely the Budget presented by Canadian Fruit Co. Who are iu the ment.
Premier; he Pérez, was conducting the Wanderers does. You did not send in Mr. Harris claims that by the proposals affairs of Venezuela, the mem vvill notice that the games name so that the Cricket Board receipt of salaries of 400 It is further stated that put before the Senate, the bers of Congress, in a petition, played by this club vvill be could have utilised the servi.
and over per annum will the reduction may take the government is looking to Tax requested his resignation to published as in foreign papers ces of one vvhose knovvledge be redu by 10 perc by 10 per cent form of a deferre salary the people who are least able which he has acceded. The vith Batting and bovvling on Cricket is. Hoping as an economy measure measure; the amounts dethat Mr. Harris vvill be here in view of the continued ducted being repayable if to stand Taxation, and suggests necessity for a stronger hand analyses. There will be a Re that to guide the destinies of the porter to follovy the games legislation should he vvith us next season vvhen low condition of the bana aud when the markets redirected in a direction to Country was given as the very carefully and have same vve shall make use of his serna market.
cover sufficiently to Warequalize the purchasing power reason for the desired change. published. Nothing is being vices for the game vve all so The proposal, is stated rant it.
of the masses, which is he Dr. Pedro Itriago Chacin has charged for this so give the dearly love, to have been made by the The reduction will be effeels the only way to bring been elected provisional pre benefit to the nevvspaper. am etc.
heads of the Company fective in all the Divisions sident.
prosperity and contentment of the Company Papers vvill be sent to each about tvvo months ago, Aubrey. Spyer Protest against execution to the population.
club making request.
bnt it Vice President Board of Control vvas decided to Germany Financing As a protest against the The government of Gerscheduled execution of eight many appeals to the Nation negroes in Alabama for alleged Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see to make a last supreme effort assualt on two white girls, a to put its financial House in mob of young communists While Cameronian vvas vvith Kurt Singer up; having how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make Order, to help Agriculture, recently attacked the United yvinning the great English Sun Meadovv and Jamestown you comfortable at ridiculous prices States Consulate in Dresden, Race in a field of 25 horses, An Income or Crisis Tax is close follovvers as 2nd, and 3rd.
Mrs Payne Whitney 3 year respectively. Tvventy Grand write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ suggested as means of Germany.
old colt Tvventy grand was recently vvon for his mistress 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA making a great sacrifice by prime favourite and actually the great American Derby therethe nation to equalize Expense Coombs did carry off the great Ame by proving himself the greatest rican Classic at Belniont Park, American horse of today.
and Revenue, along with a Auctioneer, Real Estate and Commission Agent This is just the same effort It is very pleasing to the Legislative Council this our Chancellor here, Mr. Soley Business also done in Spanish FOR SALE FOR SALE note that among the items week in which it is said Güel, was making by introduc34 EAST STREET CAMP BUILDINGS BEING SACRIFICED of development being con. an appropriation of abouting his Income Tax or Cedula KINOSTON, JA.
Anyone interested in buying TWO ROOM CAMPS which cost sidered by the Develpment three quarter million pounds Personal, but as usual the 800 to build, for the very low prices of from 200 to Board of which the Gov. will be asked for, to build 300 may do so by seeing the Oversrees of Rio Jimenez and ernor Sir Edward Stubbs roads and other works of La Perla Farms. We can provide you with a mule and car, is Chairman, is the matter improvements throughout free of charge, to transfer the lumber to the loading point. If y of four more Technical and the Island, so as to lesson you have a Banana farm we w! ll give you three months to pay.
continuation schools all unemployment, and provide We take this opportu the rate of postage on CIMARRONES FRUIT COMPANY over the Island, by which for the thousands of re nity of advising those of internal letters has been reduced to ten cents.
E3 3. Ebetter artizans will be train. patriated men from Cuba, our readers who may not ed.
and those returning from knovy of it, that in accor similar rate is also The report of the Board other fields of labour in lished in the official Ga.
is expected to be put before nearby countries.
and all American Counzette of the 9th instant, tries.
On the evening of the hundred, vvho attended, an 16 th. instant the Anglican opportunity of thoroughly FOR SALE Community brought off enjoying themselves 011 their Lavvn Party on the the merry go round» and comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith grounds of the Rectory other forms of amusement varandahs back and front, vvater tanks, Kitchen and The Baptists of Limon prepared, the noted Band adjoining St. Marks Church, which had been provided.
other conveniences, on lot of land vvith good sea intend holding a grand of the Hot Six will be and athough the vveather The function closed vievv situate at Cieneguita, Limon.
Garden Party on the Lavvn in attendance.
vvas very threatening du at about a. The Act.
of their Church at Guaci We are hoping the pub ring the greater part of ing Rector and his body Apply BENJAMIN REID mo on the evening of lic vvill by their presence the day, it cleared tovvards of helpers are to be conMonday July the 6th. In support the efforts for the afternoon and permit gratulated on having carried or care of The Searchlight addition to the many attrac vvhich the evening inter ted the large number of through so fine an entertions which are being tainment is being held.
some six tainment.
Hotel ATLANTICO Another great Race a More Technical Schools forty hour week with overtime.
Change in Postal rates dance with the mistica pub charged am letters to Spain An Anglican Lawn Party Fete at Guacimo persons, around Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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