p. 6


Saturday June 20 1931 Canadian Preference public Cricket Question?
FOR SALE Congratulations Juan Meza Wants Column The preference given by fruit and the continuity One colon per insertion of six lines Canada on Citrus fruit of the supply. great will tend to boom immen mistake of the past has Mr. Editor.
fore like to knovy vhich of WANTED sely the orange trade of been to rush the fruit Dear Sir. beg to mention the tvvo Clubs has been gi.
The Community to know your necessities at her the West Indies with the even when unfit at the through this medium that the ven that point, for if a Club that there is nothing to break home in Cartago with Dominion, but as a great commencement of the public would like to knovv violates the lavvs of the Board up a cold like a Cafiaspirin clean comfortable quarters. authority on such matters season, so that later on from the Orane» cricket com of Control such a Club should a reminds us, there are three the crops are all exhausted petition Board vvhat is the lose her right. And further lime juice tea immediately Fancy work taught things to be borne in mind and supplies have to be decision regarding the «Mo more the Construction is one after having contracted a cold.
to make this industry a sought for elsewhere, which tive Povver Construction of the leading and strongest 0Machine and hand Emsuccess. advertising, the is most prejudicial to the game vvhich vvas played in Clubs in the Competition and Those who would like to broidery. Typewriting, Flo: grade or colour of our traders.
Limón, as it vvas knovvn that she should not try to crush pass a few days of rest wers, paintings. Also Bead the povverful Construction any of the Junior clubs vvith and change in a quiet home and Woolwork. had to improve her her povverful bovvling and in the interior, to know Taught by Miss batting povver against the batting povver. Will the Comthat Mrs. Charlotte Big. Binns at her home in Si.
terrible bovvling povver of mittee please therefore inform gerstaf can accommodate quirres.
our old time «Big Boy (the the public vvhat is the deciA comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of a ex Braves pitcher) by placing sion?
a nevy Member on her team, Yours, Mr. Editor.
house of four apartments with necessary kitchen vvho played in that match For Cricket Alvvays and Sanitary conveniences on a spacious lot with and vvas top scorer making ED NOTE: Although Yours many bearing fruit trees; as well as a large Oven, about 31 Runs. But there vvas For Cricket Alvvays has not The Editor: display. All wickets were Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop also some vvise member of the favoured us vvith his name, cleanly bowled and catches under construction Beautifully situated for business Motive Povver vvho Sir.
as requested, vve nevertheless.
fairly made, so that no in front of the Watertank, just where the Passenger discovered that this top scor having regard to the interest Please permit me space doubtful decisions were Trains stop and all the movements towards the er vvas not Registered vvith vvhich is being displayed in in your valuable columns called for on the part of the Board of Control 15 days the Competition, published his new Cultivation branch off No other spot like it to express my feelings the umpires, whose errors before being eligible to play letter, and beg to inform him towards the members of in these League matches in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to Barnes.
in any match according to that from enquiries made, vve the Wanderers and Con are being freely discussed.
or To THE SEARCHLIGHT the rules governing the games, understand the game in quesstruction cricket clubs for cannot but also con.
The public vvould there tion is to be re played.
the manly game that was gratulate the Skipper of played on the Limon oval the Wanderers on his se.
on Tuesday the 9th. instant. lection of his ten men, Dentist As an interested party of who with himself were able the sporting game, left to secure so creditable a CARTAGO COSTA RICA FOR SALE feeling quite satisfied with win.
Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Central Street 325 Yards East of Market the play wish him and his Club One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost It was expected by a continued success and trust Preference given patients from Limon and other points of certain element of Limon the good cricketing spirit Atlantic Zone.
nevy. In 1 condition. Original cost 250. No Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed that there would have been will ever continue among reasonable offer refused.
a certain amount of trouble his members.
with probably unpleasant YOURS TRULY Apply The Searchlight results as those which occurred a few years ago, but am glad there was no chance given for any such Limon June 10th 1931 Mr. Charles (Carlos) Sterling, brother of Mr. Alva Continued from page Sweden also increased her District. If still in this country, will he kindly commusmall decrease from Colom imports from 6, 500 tons in bia, with an increase from 1925 to 13, 900 in 1930, the All creditors having any claim or claims against nicate with Rev. Pitt, Box 165, Limon.
Costa Rica. On the whole greater portion of which was my husband Alexander Mc. Indoe will make their claim quly. authenticated to me within fifteen days from date 3rd. June 1931.
these three sources supplied re exported from the United only 44 per cent of all the Kingdom. In Norway the inhereof after which will not hold myself responsible imports as against 56 per cent crease was from 4, 499 tons for any claims not so presented.
in 1929. In 1929 Jamaica dis in 1925 to 8, 425 tons in 1930.
Jane Mc. Indoe placed Colombia from her It is reported that the imports San Clemente, Linea Estrella position as chief individual are made chiefly from Jamaisource of supply and last ca and that there is a steadiyear that progressive Island ly increasing demand for For the first time in the Branch. Grand Travelwent still further ahead by them.
of the ancient ling Deputy, and Royal supplying 16 per cent more The above information will building, a special service Knight. The officers of fruit than Colombia and more we are sure, be read with was on 31st. May last the Order wore purple than the combined imports much interest by those of For some time many has not been associated held in Westminster Abbey, with white sashes. Some from the two largest foreign our readers vvho are interes very influential persons have with, it as a primary factor, London, for members of in the procession were sources of supply.
ted in the production of babeen wondering how is it hence all Jamaicans are the Negro Organisation attired in white duck In calculating the per capita nanas, as it discloses the fact that Mr. Farquharson proud and satisfied with known by the name of the blazers. There were fifty consumption of various fruit that there is not only a steaa man who has done so His Majesty remembrance Improved Benevolent and present with their wives by the population of the Uni dy demand for fruit in the much for Jamaica had been of him and us.
Protective Order of Elks and children. At the con. ted Kingdom, Bananas comes markets of the United Kingseemingly overlooked in the Mr. Hall second of World.
clusion of the sermon by third favourite with an ave dom and the Continent, but bestowal of a Title by his Assistant to the Colonial They met in Parliament Canon Donaldson, wreaths rage of a little over 1012 that this demand is apparentMajesty the King; but no Secretary has also been Square and Marched to the were laid on the tomb of pounds per head: but two ly on the increase, vvhich thing happens before its made Companion of the Abbey, headed by «Esquire Livingstone, and the statues pounds more than in 1924. must reflect in prices being time, for by latest news Imperial Service order, Mr. and Marshall. The Tiler, of Wilberforce and other The importations into Ger kept at a propitable level so we find that Birthday hon Hall has served in the Se. Exalted Ruler of London pioneers for the abolition many has also increased stead long as the supply cannot ours have been conferred cretariat for thirty nine years of slavery.
ily from 40, 000 tons in the overtake the demand, provided on 29 subjects of the King in December last.
year 1925 to 116, 000 in 1930, however as vve previously advi.
as an acknowledgment of and of these nearly 80 per sed, cultivators see to it that their services on the annisent were imported from the they produce the best grades West Indies.
possible Wednesday a fortnight, and among these honoured per By the Palatial Motor 0 sons, all Jamaicans will be ship «ORINOCO» of the Suits made to order at the Shortest notice.
pleased to know that Sir Hamburg American Line, complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Arthur Wildman Farquhar. we note the recent return always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
son is included in the of our amiable and culKnighthood list for special tured caterer for the comNorth West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts 10 Hectareas completely cultivated in Bananas services to Jamaica.
just coming into production.
forts of travellers, don Ma.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number There is not a move. nuel Herrera Saenz the winnings this week Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, ment of importance for the founder of the Palace Ho. Serie Drawing No. 47; won by Christy Williams with Ticket No. 41 Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country.
benefit of the inhabitants tel, from Curacoa whither Serie Alberto Solano For further particulars and price of the Isle of springs that he had been on a business In presence of Angel Guevara and Jose Luis Castillo APPLY «THE SEARCHLIGHT Mr. Farquharson name trip.
BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 EO 0 NOTICE Information is required concerning the address of The Banana trade.
Creditors Sterling. He sometime ago resided in the Banana River Notice to Negroes special service in Abbey Birthday Honours history versary of this birthday. Personal Sastrería Grant Grant For Sale. Banana Farm 15 73 99 99 99 93 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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