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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment There still lingers in mankind a great deal of the natural nobility originally implanted to him, and which six thousand years of falling away from divine likeness has not wholly erased. It is natural for man to be dignified and self respecting. Let us hope that our young men around us would aim at this ennobling characteristic.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JULY 1931 NUM. 84 Present Day Day Advancements a means Big Arsenal The Glorious Found Near Dublin Fourth of July (By Dr. Robt. de La Bastide, DUBLIN, June 11. Re quantity of food and com Electricity is a gigantic, a capacity of 215000 horse merate the many delusions tion of time has brought the Again the ordinary evolupublican gunmen have not fortable sleeping accom mysterious force that puny power with still a pros that have been given up day dear to the hearts of eve yet been banished from modations.
man has harnessed to the pect of twice that or more. by the human race, the ery true American again before the Irish Free State. The police decided to wheels of his machine. It Who could have dream. thing that should impress us. It was just a month ago secret arsenal, one of the blow up the dump. The has done much to lift man ed, two or three decades us is that usually, one that the Americans resident largest discovered since trap mine and explosives kind out of the dark ages ago, that the rivers of person, after serious in in Limon assisted the British.
the civil war and believed were too dangerous to into a civilization, so won America would be harnes vestigation, propounds a ers in celebrating the Annito be the headquarters of move. The explosion shook derful and so swift in doing sed to giant turbines and new idea which turns out versary of the Birth of King the illegal organization, Dublin.
things that those of us in their power distributed to be right after all; and George; and so the time has has been found in the Near the mine was the its very midst can hardly over far. flung areas, as the great majority who come vvhen that friendly reDublin mountains by Ci head of the historic eques comprehend it all. There it is to day? Who could take matters for granted, lationship which has alvvays vic Guards while searching trian statue of King Wil is surely a vast difference have foreseen that facto as they have been stated been exhibited as for armed men known to liam of Orange. The stabetween Franklin Kite, ries would turn so gener by so called authorities, of strengthening the ties of be drilling regularly. tue once adorned the pa silken string and key and ally to electric power, and turn out to be wrong. The good intentions betwveen the one blood and Exploring a deep ravi. lace green, but it was our present day Edisons that industries of all kinds more we study the history peoples of ne in the grounds of the bombed in 1928. Tue ruins and Marconis. With electric would depend upon it as of popular delusions, the idiom will conjointly be evibeautiful domain of the were removed safely, but al development has come they do, the work of the more amusing it becomes, denced in the festival of the advancement.
former residence of Lord subsequently armed men house wife made easier and the more we are conGlorious Fourth. The Searchlight joins in a participation Massy at the historic ruins raided the resting place, Not so many years ago, and the remote places of vinced that what the unknown as the Hellfire Club, decapitated it and carried of the joys and happy intera little group, skeptical as earth lighted by this mys thinking majority believe is courses of both subjects vvhich the police discovered a off the head. It was believ usual, gathered in a Brook terious creation?
usually wrong.
cannot fail to cement an evercarefully concealed dugout ed this relic of Dublin lyn Power house to wit So rapid has been the Osteopathy and Chiroof concrete in an overhang past had been shipped to lasting feeling of mutual afthe ness the workings of Edi development along every practic come upon ing bank of a stream, America as no trace of son first crude dynamo, line that no one dares say scene, being but proofs of fection and goodwvill betwveen with an ivy covered, en it could be found.
the end is near both Nations.
but not one of those men, or that the universal change taking trance guarded by a dead Now King William that afternoon, could have the limit has been reach place in man relation to ly trapmine. The military head is back in Dublin, but foreseen that in less than ed.
ancient systems of healing: warning stores included fifty rifles, a bullet mark in one of forty years there would Since the days of our thousands of rounds of am the eyes indicates it has rise vvithin stone throvy childhood, new ideas and is opposed to error, is The officers of the Univermunition, Lewis machine been used for target prac of that very spot, a discoveries have changed drugless therapy opposed sal Negro Improvement Asguns, a large quantity tice by the gunmen of the great plant whose roaring the face of the earth and to the falsehoods of some sociation from Colon has sent of big explosives and fiftty Helfire Club.
generators would develop advanced humanity. May of the ancient methods. us a clipping of the Panama revolvers and German auwe not truly say that we Those who reject Chiro Star and Herald relative to a tomatic pistols.
have lived two centuries practic for being ignorantman named Thomas vvho did quantity of treas within the last fifty years? of the secrets of the in not seem to have deported onable documents to To our Patrons and Subscribers Undoubtedly, we are herant curative forces, himself as a faithful would which the authorities living in one of the most would ask one question: be expected to do. Divisions attach the greatest We beg the clemency of our clients progressive periods in his. do you also reject electric are therefore expected to keep importance. vvas re. in that our Journal did not appear on tory, because there never light because not even the eyes vvide open. He is supmoved from a recess Saturday last, due to a last moment was a period as prolific in most learned scientist posed to have arrived in Cosof the vvall. The do disagreement with our Printers on Fri new ideas, discoveries, knows the secret of elec ta Rica.
cuments viere day evening in forcing our hands, and and inventions as our tricity? Hardly. ro cealed together and spitefully undoing our work.
times are. On all sides in The very fact that Chi. The fire fiend in Guabito connected vvith high We have had to change offices with our daily life do we notice ropractic is obstaining explosives which a strenuous effort to appear this week. the gradual acceptance results where other me. Our correspondent at could be blovvn up by We vvould appreciate if our backand realization of new thods have failed, is Guabito has written to say merely pressing vvard Subscribers vould fill their obli. ideas which are replacing sufficient evidence of its that on Sunday Morning button. The guns had gations vvith us, so as to help us go antiquated popular ideas value and merits.
at 30 a fire broke out been smeared vvith forvvard.
and beliefs upon which During the last thirty six at that place in the Odd vaseline to prevent traditional institutions and years, the merits of Chi Fellows Hall and before rusting.
systems are based. One ropractic have been suffi. it could be controlled The dugout evidently by one, the most favored ciently tested in tens of laid in ashes that building mysterious occurrence had been occupied quite forms of the established thousands of cases coverand three others alongside recently as there was a In one of the churches and found the entry duly order of things of past ing all forms of prevailing of it.
in San Jose this week made in the Church Re. generations being diseases. Of course, no No account is given as Fears a strange case occurred, cord; the wonder now swept away.
cures obtained by Chiro: to the origen of the blaze, Two gentlemen went in arose as to who could Do modern people any practic are quite convin but it is surmised that Dew of Death to the vestry to arrange have been consulted, or longer believe in the divine cing to some selfish men it occurred after the Lodge for the funeral Ceremo. being showed the pho rite of Kingsand of sla whose education and line had ceased their work, Conventry, England, June 13 ny of a relative who tographs of the Priests very? Do we believe that of training forbid them as in these Lodges many The next vvar, if it should died, the priest who at come, vill be the final and tended them made all with the who had any thing to do the earth is flat and does thinking in any other di candles are used to carry man agement not move?
rection but their own. How out their ceremonies and Lolute end of civilization.
y Cynthia Mosley told Boy arrangements for the in of the church in recent Do intelligent people any ever, the living testimo some might have been Suts and Girl Guides at a terment and made the years. immediately they longer believe in the inhe ny of millions vvhose left without being put out.
cting last night. Lady Cyn entry in the book of re. identified the one who rent, curative power of health has been restored An old proverb says, when a said that a nevy explo. cords for such ceremo made all the arrange poisonous vaccines, se by Chiropractic is ansvver the kitchen gets on fire ve levey of death had been in ny in their presence; ments with them. This rums etc. Do the doctors able, and unassailable by the greathouse must look it turned vented. lt vvas so povverful, when the hour arrived Priest for itself. It would be out of today still believe that the sophistry of others.
she said, that a spoonful could the Corpse was brought had been dead some arterial pulsation is caused Whatever the future may well that all Lodge offidestroy a city.
in the church but no time since, and had cviby air pressure in the have in store for Chiro cers should be careful and This recently invented Priest appeared for the dently fooled these men. arteries instead of blood practic, one thing is cer see all fires and Candles devv of death would kill cereinony, after waiting The funeral vvas after rushing through them? tain so far, its history is well put out.
spoonful were dropped several minutes, one of vvards carried out amid thousand times no. a record of unprecedented made the great consternation.
on a city. Lady Cynthia those who When one goes to enuhealth service and pro by Chirorpactic. All over told the boys and girls. arrangements went into gress. It has definitely the vvorld its clientele bomb carried in the presbitery to find lady hand bag would be out what was wrong, DEATH DEALING LIGHTNING assumed rank vvith other comprises the progressive methods of healing, and elements of the people.
sufficient to raze London.
Within the past fevv vveeks the 11th. instant 27 Lady Cynthia, Member of the Priest in charge met cutters sheltered in a hut during its eminence vvill become The Chiropractic idea is lightning has caused tvvo Parliament has vvorked acti him and denied dreadful tragedies in Jamaica. a shovver of rain vvhen a more and more marked appealing to human intelvely with her husband, Sir Os knowledge of such tran We mentioned the first of flash of lightning struck the with succeeding years. ligence as being a practivvald Mosley, militant young sactions, stating that he these in our previous issue, hut instantly killing six of the Its ever increasing legions cal proposition, because it Labourite vvho recently left is the only one who and now comes the nevvs that men and so severely injuring of adherents shovy the gives results in the forms the Labour party in his attempts to assume leadership should be interviewed a second and much awful occurrence took place they bother to twenty one that confidence that the intel of cure and health. Truly, of a Pacifist Socialist nevy on such matters, they on the Mint Estate in the they had to be taken to the ligent public places in the we are living in an age party group.
searched the records parish of Westmoreland. On hospital at Sav la Mar. curative service rendered of Advancement, cona are a cane any more Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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