
Don The Debate again Cafiaspirina 0880808883 Comrades bid farewell to friend we VERMIFUGO a 0880808808080880880:88088080808 Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headau Editor, The Searchlight, means the «Zain of the tead, which does not, cannot Dear Sir: other. There are gentlemen mean the same thing, right Both of us seem to be in (besides myself) who, it inte will conquer might. even a very critical position, at rested enough, could tell for this time. if only arti.
the mercy of the Editor of you that upon your intro cles be kindly published.
the Searchlight and he ducing the topic of the de Thanking you for the hearagainst his fault. O! that it bate you used clauses; WHE ing in your valued paper.
BEWARE OF IMITATIONS were possible to argue with THER Divorce is OF ANY SO Yours very truly, В the Chairman of the Debate, CIAL BENEFIT and upon ela. MICHAEL NEWTON Dont accept any tube or envelope and be clear from the frowns boration «Is Divorce a necesBAYER sity to the community or June 23 rd 1931 of the Editor; but how very packets without the impossible! Dear Sir, may no. which do firmly bebe a few years younger than lieve (before God) was no Ed. Note BAYER CROSS you are; but not less expetrick of yours, it was only In reply to Mr. Newtons rienced. know the human a slip. You are telling me, criticisms we really see no 589088OBOBOBOROBOROP8OB0880880808808OOL.
pride as much as you do or at least, have told me force of argument in his and we with our experience that am trying to make allegories relative to a Neceshould be careful, and should you appear ridiculous; you ssity and a Benefit.
haul down our flags with should never have said that His own deductions prove honour rather than keep. Mr. Editor when you had that the necessity of the them flying under false preon your journal, blazoned Police to quell a riot devolOn Thursday, 18th tol Morgan, Leonard Sealy, gathered in huge giant type letters lowing young tences.
ves into a Benefit by their men, George Frazer, Dolores Mr. Walter Logar Would you call a box ot «The Debate; a Necessity» actions; hence it is the ne. mostly members of the Joseph, Cosmore Eslopp, grets very much the matches a «box of fire» be. and people upon reading cessity of the application of Allha Literary Club, William Coward, Ri oft of our friend, took place? or, would you the term it is a necessity conditions of conjugal life wards, to bid their friend friend, who will soon be goes. He also ti fore the action of ignition further saw where used the law to regulate moral gathered at the Home ley, Vivo; and Cleve. he is sure that the of Mr. Granville Ed. land Clarke, their genial make good where ask your son to fetch you etc. what do they say or think about me? Now and brother farewell: leaving Limon, to seek the club for coi «that milk» pointing to a But after all where is the tell me who first started this argument; he admits that as Ivan Cowan (Janitor) An. tual and social develop. membership, and. Messrs. Walter Logan, vaster fields, for intellec.
cut of cheese? Would you upon him an hoi ridicule, was it I, or you? Chairman the Debate was look at a bundle of Tags am indeed surprised that introducced correctly was tonio Galoar, Harry ments. Mr. Clarke will be that he will be gia calling it paper. How could you make «Necessity which you should think so little of debated on those lines, and Kieth, Egbert Dobson, Friday, June 26. The party sistance Blackshaw, Phillipp sailing for Panama on render whatever litt ma y plished attitude. to be «Be so much of yourself with being so, what has the ones Joseph Morgan, Keneth was not graced with the from him. He is a sc nefit which means «Gain yours. You should, at least cessity as elaborated on as beauty of the gentler sex, horting the many hi as the young men were (an accomplished expression. in your calmer moments, he says by the Newspaper rary members, that Without «necessity is supreflect concluding that. That got to do with the subject.
not disposed to dancing, club intends to co man has his integrity to plied which then eventuates However we hope that as they feel that their upon distinguished club is to maintain as much as myself. this will close this unnecesfoster more into BENEFIT. Necessity tlemen in the co remains «Necessity and In conclusión, will say Mr. Sary argument as Mr. New literary than a dancing to give every assist inclination.
cannot be contused with Editor, that had used the tons friends and associates as the young men «Benefit. It is the action sentence it is of benefit unIn losing Mr. Clarke, certainly in need of who were present know that der certain conditions. God he lost, and he ought to the Alpha is losing a (forming medium) which lectual help)
SAN ANTONIO genial worker, and brings about the transfor only knows would have take his defeat as a sporting At 30 staunch supporter, who body bade their mation. squad of police surrendered ashamed to use gentleman would do rather could alway3 be. needed to a stroke of my pen on the than Cavil over how a Newshas the sentiments of a Bon Voyage, an Remedio eficaz, the club at heart; and pressed their hopes quell a riot in a certain vie subject. But, having used the paper may care to elaborate word «NECESSITY)
on the matter.
inspara la expulsión wherever he goes, he his achievements llage, but it would yet remain de lombrices.
says that he shall sing grace the pages o.
a «need even when the pothe praises of Alpha. newsppaper in Pau lice got there and stood Speeches, Toasts, Songs, The Costa Rican Na still; it is the effective opeDe venta en la and recitations were ren. al Anthem was ration following the «need We have decided, in deference to the vvish of many FARMACIA dered, and Mr. Harry and a pleasant and which results to «benefit. of our readers, to hold a Competition in connection with ESPANA Blackshavv, vvith his farewell partyce lighthouse becomes a Ne the matches now being played for the ORANE CUP LUCAS MORUA Pal song had sadness cessity in a certain rocky THREE PRIZES are offeired under the conditions stated an end.
Farmaceutico manifesting itself on the DOLORES point. its diffusion of light below, to the Competitors vvho forecast: CARTAGO.
faces of the youngmen The Alpha the «benefit. now keep the 1st. Prize, The correct (or nearest to) total runs lighthouse where it is but scored by all the Clubs in all matches.
cease its operations, and we 2nd. Prize, The highest (or nearest to) number of lose its benefit yet the need runs scored by a Club in a single match. the lighthouse) remains. It 3rd. Prize, The highest (or nearest to) number of is the same with desire. deruns scored by an individual player in all the matches.
sire supplied is no longer Mr. Editor; be stepping stones to our bit, and here we begin; RULES «desire. it becomes a higher Dear Sir.
factor SATISFACTION Each forecast must be sent in on the attached It is only a pity that we There is not enough space We need the article; the Coupon.
the young men have hesitaYours Sincerely, article dont Need us, the Each forecast to be accompanied by a fee of twen ted until the young women to mention the gratitude due ALPHA LITERARY article benefits us» this tyfive cents (0. 25. have so fore gone us that to you Mr. Editor alone if viewed squarely and competitor may send in as may forecasts as he or they can rightly say to us, shall seek to give it bit by ADVERTI fairly settles the argument.
she wishes, but each must be accompanied by twentyfive take pattern. Emulate. Notcents.
Now, Mr. Editor, you have withstanding the fact here 09 88 88 89 8383 18 89 88 The decision of the Judges to be accepted as fi. been very unfair in your we are; not ashamed to start nal and from which there will be no appeal.
judgement of my «grocer pronow that we have such nu5. The number of runs on which the decisions will ble figures in our cummuposition. In paragraph four of your last issue on the be made will be those on record with the Board of nity as «Philomela« to en 88 Control debate you stated as follows: courage us so boldly. All forecasts to be sent in a sealed envelope to Mr.
Mr. Newton argues of his British strategist unce grocer; but even there the JACK ORANE, Limon, and marked «The Searchlight Cric said. England expects every ket Competition.
to do his grocer may be benefitted by The Prize values vvill be apportioned as follovvs: Now «ALPHA» expects to DEAR FRIENDS: his removal to a more comIst, prize 60 per cent; 2nd. prize 25 per cent; 3rd. prize 15 do his duty by having all mercial spot which he You may be one of the thousands that 88 per cent of the total amount of entrances.
Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills at might not have seen at first his members interested in are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and Should there be a tie betvveen vo competitors something beneficial of which a tore Vitality, energy, etc.
sight, and suppose he was Do you know that lack for any prize, the amount will be divided betyveen them.
called on to quit his spot Literature in all its phases pep and headaches are danger signals, and are, to a g: Extent, caused by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glas The competition closes on the 18 th day of july plays a part of paramount How many men and women awake in the for the purpose of the erec 1931.
tion of an educative centre importance.
ing with a feeling that although they have slept enough they are not rested: That although they are would the community not We desire. by this me.
Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Ea When have benefitted. nerely dium. to thank «Philomela» 89 Do late hours make your Eye lids heavy? Cricket Competition for the publication thus un«Searchlight»
brought up the proposition looking at abright object or even at brightly illumina Stone display, cause your eyes to tire or Water? If you (and you know it well) to The follovving is my forecast: dersigned in last weeks is 88 eyes water easily or tend to tire at the beginning of th day, you need glasses. will examine your eyes and show that necessity and be Total runs for all matches.
sue; and we beg to make it you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type.
nefit could not be one and Highest number of runs made known that our trial is not Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and work with a clear, acheless head.
the same thing at the same by a Club in one match to help ourselves alone but Cordially yours. time, to a given party. Why Highest number of runs every ambitious young man 88 Dr. Azevedo have you divided it? Why scored by an individual of our community who wish N. Optometrist have you put the grocer player in ALL matches.
es to join us. We feel that 88 Glasses Supplied from 25. 50, 00 against «your community? This forecast is submitted in accordance vvith the our unselfish duty is to 00, 00 and upwards in prices to suit your po et. Examination Free p. to p. Save mo almost anyone knows that above rules.
accept and appreciate every by buying from me.
the «loss of one, automa. Name.
benevolent deed as well as tically or correspondingly Postal addresso se prosteta de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón kiano del Cisterxetxna Gráticism. Whish de cxilly 888 B8 88 B9 88 The Searchlight Cricket Competition NEW VISIO1.
So we man duty. 88 ente COUPON they read.


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