
Saturday July 1931 News from abroad Further Federation bate taken in a Gambling apirit rather than that a Debater the Mail.
of a arres a a a or Following on the pro Peru troubles posal by the Secretary Editor of Searchlight and had he done so of State for the Colonies Revolutionary plots co Dear Sir: his seconder would ne.
to make enquiry as to tinue to be unearth Be so kind as to inver have supported the practicability of the in various parts of sert the attached in your him that their argu federation of the Wind ru; Now after the grocer question for discussion numerous doing in be very much than the Motive Power found out that the land wants would never have ward and Leeward Is. have been made recentl obliged.
lenged. That might be ed his land. must not he and his seconder hold that France is also gi established throughou so; but it is not the gen he (the grocer) see from ing up as a «Trophy» ving consideration to a «Excuse» is almost as the Republic. Martia eral rule; cannot help the very moment his «Necessity. used by simila scheme in con Law is in force, and cias old as man: heard from remarking here, necessity of removai? contestant) which in no nection with her Colo vilians and soldiers found thy voice in the garden, how certain Latin Now our goodly Dele way is of affinity to «Be.
nies in the West Indies guilty of rebellion or se etc, Gen: 10, If Mr.
American Ruler, nefit. Be. mudez or some one known in Costa Rican well gate of the University and which is to include dition will, it is report Club has dissented the What must ask then; her possession in Guia ed, besentenced to death else had not replied, circles was being correct thesis, by claiming that was. Necessity» to them na. The idea, so far, is and iinmediately shot.
they would not have a stumbling block or a ted in his own native it was the land owner that they should be con been men; yet replies language by the late who saw the necessity myself travelling in a ruling authority with a blarney? and here find solidated under a single To protect Oranges should be reasonable, Queen Victoria.
The first fault he finds would hardly have to derive the expected circle, rather than in a semblance of self govWith a view of protecin my «Complaint is; thought that the Queen benefit; discarding abso straight line which will ernment and to have a tardy: some (11) eleven (an English speaking So utely the plight of the wltimately lead me to voice in the Home Par the cultivators industrie Now if this is where began; for if it liament. The proposal is province of Corrientes, days after Occurrence.
a foreign lauguage as to not forcing the prover. in consideration of their approval of the inhabi ed the Minister of Agri were a stumbling block said to be meeting the Argentine, have petition Tow he should rememer that after all it was converse therein, detect bial camel through the profession they will never tants of the colonies. culture requesting that nly a Friendly Debate; a mistake and effectively eye of the needle, or delimy reminder (not procorrect another fellow. berately pulling the wool admit; and to be wa blarthe importation of Oranruler well versed in his over ones eyes nothing think that in a friendly never Newspapers fined ges be prohibited.
test) was couched in analogies during the in.
own language; but it hap. else imaginable is and claim that his deduc. would be perpetrated by tions in connection with debate such pened.
thing For running competiDestructive Storms pience of my second And again the follow tion on this particular (2) two gentlemen of the recent Derby race, ume of speaking the unreasonable Terrible storms have evening in question and ing have found out point is marked ability the «Daily Mail. the been occurring in many should have been obser by personal experience and indeed void of pro He states in his fourths; Daily Mirror «and the parts of Germany and when one receives vedby an umbiased mind; per thought his Club can only conHis other claim is that Daily Herald were Austria.
and more than all, my challenge, he as it were, gratulate me for my found guilty of offences Lightning struct a sheep letter was not an appeal: lives in an attitude, or «Necessity and Benefit»
and Killed 400 but simply my deduc atmosphere of expectan may be used collateral sportman like conduct under the Betting Acts. herd tions on the matter, cy and preparedness and ly, yes; at this admis and for the interest which fine of 30 was im. sheep near Priegnita. The which might have been the literary improvement with 50 costs against partially flooded.
Flone the following day, view and to be con he has boosied the claim of both organizations. even later than it was fronted with ideas (per of my argument on the hardly see why should uviding it preceded taining to same subject subject and has seriousunder preparation) hi ly ruined his. Yes; only the latter; considering be congratulated for Mindful of a duty out of any other Debate.
friendship the most popular therto unseen un collaterally; and no fur.
Anyway, why it was the ther can they be used, the subject is all my concorrespondence on not done before, was thought of by his comPALMERA SOAP as for instance: lead imply this: The Editor petitor, though more ori tribution which is tarpencil may be used col dy. void of me.
Has arranged to distribute a value of almost of the «Searchlight» ginal. which is a Weekly Pa The third he claims laterally with a fountain ditation, etc. therefore double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you per, not Daily) being to have been selected pen in writing, yet in no foolish and insipid. they can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before All No. wrappings have a much greater value Chairman for the De. without meditation, and should each other; the aeroplane never tend to than No. and others.
bate in question, would dubs as a disloyal case. sensed) have some viz: land owner gives may be collaterally hence, do not merit con PALMERA SOAP ing to say on same, his tenant (probably locomotive engine for gratulation.
his following issue; a grocer) notice of re.
There Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be is one thing rthermore, had no moval, Why? asks the transportation of passen which is particularly re exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
tention of forestalling grocer. Because need gers mai. the candle or oil lamp may be con.
grettable however; that Distributor in Limon whatever, for rea my land. comes the reMr. Bermudez in all of currently or collaterally his deductions has not ns which have served ply. The grocer sees Armando Heilbron their purposes in a pre right there and then the lighting our dweilings; of the sentence «Divorce used with electricity in shown when made use Distributors in Turriaiba, vious letter In his second, he claims but of what «Benefit yet, that in no way im.
is a necessity under cerRojas, Cortés Cía. in words to the effect) is removal to him, when plies that one noun or tain conditions, how it that since the challenge through same he spends item is equal in charac became com destructive INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
sent from the much money, losing his ter to the other on account of its use as an to my argument that «It Apartado 271 University Club, that the purchasers in fact ruin Teléfono 3103 placed Him Where he same Club had a great ing his business alto auxiliary, as how the was» as he claimed that word Necessity became er imagination on the gether.
night in question a misguided target to Benefit the night in Thanking you for fa. The Birthday of the King vor of insertion.
The dance held at spirit of pride in ones Limon Service Bureau The Delegate further am, etc.
Community House in birthplace will be more states that he never in ANDMichael Newton honour of the birthday broadcast by formula voked «Necessity» as a of King George was a ting functions among all BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY basis for his argument; June 17 th. 1931 grai dsuccess Messrs Fer classes and creeds of ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED ris, Johnson, Sheehy the sons of the Empire. Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection and the leading Englishglish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Colmen and Canadians who There was to be schelection Department annexed for the protection of Bus.
ATTENTION instituted this function duled a Race between inessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to must feel much gratifica Mr. Lees mare The lose a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency.
tion for the success and Cricket, and another now operated under the direction of Barristet with brilliancy of the event. from the zone stables to the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on Formerly the celebration commemorate the day Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and of Kings birthday used by the sport of Kings, Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials to be a great event in but it had to be postare records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel this town among colour poned for the 17 th. Mr.
Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore ed and white alike, Lees mare came in the Barrister when we had patriotic winner. The enthusiasm Attorney at Law Notary Publle Euglishmen and British between the horse Aurelio Bermudez In view of the present economic depression. have ers here who were ne. ners ran so high that Investigator decided to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. ver ashamed to be known another challenge was Careful attention will, as usual, be given to all work.
MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE as belonging to the great given for the 21 st. which THE STANDARD Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Empire, but that spirit was again won by Mr. Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon of pride in the Empire Lees roan mare «The Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports here has waned consi. Criket» it is hoped that and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, derably. It is gratifying this will have the effect California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, to note the revival how of reviving the spirit of ever, and hope that at Horse racing in Limon.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cuthe next anniversary that Cherrio Leeli was of the EnBoth 18s Accountant Manager Collection Dept: owSoliciting Manager San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Advertise


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