
Saturday July 1931 PAGE Cordially Dedicated in Honour of The Searchlight Motive Power defeats Costa Rica Our Cricket News three Church Festivities gone from Time has found us slowly drifting Motive Power met the and placing score The White Stars of Cai the call of time. Dower Years without a Journal lifting ro met the Motive Power on Costa Rica in their fourth at The Costa Rica of the Crusaders gave a While on, we battle in life fight the Limón Oval on Sunday splendid display for his 43 In arduous struggles with wee light League game on Sunday failed to score. Thus enThen should we not this Journal prize? 14thjune. There was much ded one of the best June 21 st. Batting first the not out.
Tho alas some vainly criticize, enthusiasm manifested games of the season 4 latter team compiled 115 On the 28 th, there were runs of which Wilson and over the game as both in favour of Motive PoBut lets suppart this standing need matches scheduled.
Scott (Big Boy) made 39 «Cairo vs: Crusaders. MAteams were considered vver.
Twill prove sincere and true indeed; by their different sup.
My hope serene and faith sublime The game vvas played and 35 respectively. The CaiTINA VS. CONSTRUCTION. And porters the strongest in in honor of Messrs Du.
TO team replied with 39, ESTRADA VS. WANDERERS.
That our Searchlight shall brighter shine.
Limon. There was a re rand and Lam vvho preHowell being the only one In the first, Crusaders In this land so fair and bright cord attendance, The fo. sented the vvipners vvith to get into double figures, made 75, Cap. Myers being Where the Ruling Heads give us all rights, lowing are the results; tvvo balland tyvo bats. making 12 not out. The Um top scorer for 30 with pires We noticed that the Messrs. Irons and Tomlinson following with 18.
Far over three decades ago 1st Innings Motive PoNo English papers we did know wer nil, Costa Rica, Motive Povver players Gaston gave entire satisfac Cairo had up 39 for the loss tion.
When one Wood of English birth runs; 2nd innings Motiof wickets at call of time.
vvere all in mourning in Consul of our royal worth On the following day, June The game thereby being a ve Power, run (a ho respect of the death of Did publish one in Limon Bay me by Prince. Costa the father of a member 22 nd the CRUSADERS drew «Draws, Ramsden and But alas! to say he went away Rica, nil; Rain Started of the club. Mr. Joaquin with ESTRADA. The latter on Mc. Gregor scored 18 and making 116 for wickets Aleman, And now we have the marked Searchlight in this Innings and ap declared and the Crusaders 10 respectively.
By a Jamaican who is so bright.
parently the pitcher had Sportsman no control of the ball following had up 58 for at In the Bext, Matina totalled 101 of which Burke No writ of our own and yet we go being wet, 3rd Innings, was responsible for 24. Heavy Till over two decades ago; Motive Power runs, LAWYERS NOTARIES rains falling at this time One Graham a Jamaican came this way Costa Rica nil; 4th. InAT LIMON prevented the Construction And floated a Paper with good sway nings. Motive Power ScoMessrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS batting, and the match had But he deemed best to take exit red nil. Costa Rica SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking to be drawn.
And again did leave us in the pit; Neither team scored in Public as solicitors before the lower as well as the Much unfavourable comAmbitious Negroes had the crave the 5th inning: In the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents ments have been heard reBut none yea none was found so brave 6th Motive Power Sco also prepared at Lowest prices.
ENGLISH SPOKEN garding the Matina. WanTill Nation Stroved with might red runs,. a fine hit derers fixture. Batting first To bring about the marked Searchlight. was made by Babb brin.
on a good wicket the Wangiog home two men.
derers made 55 runs, Reid The wise keep from the press their worst. Nil. 7tis. Innings Mo.
being top scorer for 23. Soon But fools their neighbour business burst tive Power Scored nil, after Estrada went to the Then keep the Searchlight prestige fair. Costa Rica bringing The Garden Party held these are the sort of wickets rain commenced and And help the one who leads to steer, the game to a tie, all. a week ago at the Rectory meetings one can adThis Journal was a long felt want Neither scored in the was indeed a great success, mire as a means of for although play had to be suspended on three occa So let maintain the Patriot creed 8th, in the 9th there financially and socially, getting the stringency. asions, the Umpires persisted If our cents for it we ll freely throw were two men on bases where friends met friends round us from the Crisis in having the game played In time twill give some light whereby we ll grow when Marcello made a in the most happy spirit through which we pass.
out, with the result that Our dimes and tributes then let us give hit bringing them home, of Companionship. and St. Marks and its people Estrada was able on a badly To make the Searchlight Shine and live.
and Big Boy batting af at which none but phra will miss these sorts of wet wicket and sloppy field ses of the happiest terms Jovial entertainments sadly to compile 61 runs for two FRANK MOULTON ter, made a splendid ho me run bringing in Mar of cheerío were in evi when our friend the Revd Pacuarito wickets. The Umpires in this cello and himself dence from start to finish Mr. Ryecart bo us except we got another game were Messrs Moore and imbued with his happy members for Hayling, both playing the Motive FOR SALE spirit.
For Sale Banana Farm This garden party brougth ing won, places the WanPower Club. Estrada hay.
10 Hectáreas completely cultivated in Bananas to remembrance the plea derers and Motive Power comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of just coming into production.
sant days of church work level with points a house of four apartments with necessary kitPlenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, when the Ven Archdeacon chen aud Sanitary Conveniences on a spacious each.
Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country lot with many bearing fruit trees, as well as a Swaby was here carrying On the 29 th. The EXCELon, hence it is dissappoint SIOR defeated the CRUSADERS Oven, Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop For further particulars and price also under construction Beautifully situated for ing to think that we by 69 runs.
business in front of the Watertank, just where APPLY THE SEARCHLIGHT shall soon lose another HARRIS the Passenger Trains stop and all the movements who has made himself Reporter towards the new Cultivation branch off. No other ges: e spot like it in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to such a genial friend and Barnes, St. Lucian appears Comrade among all classes.
Comradeship and affable or To «THE SEARCHLIGHT in Privy Council The Revd Mr. Forde behaviour will prevail a.
We are proud to an will be having another mong our people and so To Mr. Wolls Palmer nounce that our friend of these garden Parties at give that feeling of satisbelongs the distinction ot Mr. Benjamin Sankey is Guacimo on Monday the faction to Mr. Forde and Exception taken being the first St. Lucian out convalescing from the th July we barrister to appear before very serious illness with that a similar spirit of ers and their friends.
do hope his associate church work The Editor «The Searchlight The Excursion train the Judicial Committee of which he had been prosDear Mr. Editor: Council which trated in the Hospital and wish to take exception placarded to be run by the Privy Mr. George Davis to meets within the dignified on account of which his to the comment made by Swampmouth on July 7th precincts of the House of recovery was doubted by your reporter under heading is an ideal days Out Lords.
many of his friends.
The advance guard of the San José, which will be a «The Weekly Sport» containting From Limon to Mr. Palmer, led by Sir We are also immensely Limón Troop of Boy Scouts great record in the history ed in your issue of June Swanspmouth, by way of Boyd Merriman, C, and pleced to see Conductor was recently seen in and of Costa Rica.
20 th. to the effect: Zent, to Siquirres then Mr. Horace Douglas, was Weeks again out among around Cartago, their pre We are beginning to won«That the Umpires assistto Swampniouth. Spend counsel for the appellant in his friends. It will be resence was certainly interesed the Motive Power to der who will take all this a day frollicking along a case from West Africa in membered that Mr. Weeks ting; they were the target kindly interest in the welwin their point by allow the beach and sea ba. which the intricate native met an accident down the of admiration by the Cam. fare of the boys of Limón ing play to continue two minutes after «Call of thing, and return to Li law and customs were invol Monte Verde Branch by pesinos around who had when Mr. Ryecart leaves us.
Time mon by way of Siquir. ved.
which he got his collar such a uniform We are however looking at. am indeed surprised to res and Zent.
After building good bone broken and conse. before.
Mr. Randall Ferris, a retired know that one who claims The Price 3, 50 round practice at the St. Lucia quently had to be confined It is the intention of the naval man, who is exhibito have the necessary qua trip is very reasonable, Bar Mr. Palmer was called in the Hospital all these Scout Commissioner for Cos ting so much Zeal and symlifications of an Umpire, to you can stay off any to the English Bar a few months. Mr. Weeks is one ta Rica, The Revd. Cecil pathy for the intelectua make such a statement, as station between Limon years ago and has since of those American gentle. Ryecart, to give a Parade in Physical welfare of the.
he ought to know that «Call Siquirres to your been practising in Nigeria men who has a kind word Cartago early next month, under his care to stretch his of time is made in accor friend and get back into The appeal in question for everyone irrespective hence the presence of these benevolent care in the di.
dance with tie watches of town same day, a fine went in favour of the appel. of colour or Creed, ad boys to make the necessary rection of our Boyscouts.
the Umpires and not by trip for business men to lant.
mired and respected by arrangements with the Go those of the spectators. touch at all stations, Voice of St. Lucia everyone, he can really vernor of the Province.
Such coments are harmful be said to be the friend He will soon be calling To advertise to the reputation of the FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. of all and enemy of none; officially on the Governor Umpires and serves no use.
we are glad to see him of Limón, don Juan Romaful purpose.
At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small convalescent.
gosa, with the full strength is to double your Thanking you for space, family residence adjoining the Post Office.
Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES The Searchlight there, of his three troops, and after tc.
that will proceed to the Capbusiness fore rejoices with him and ital to give the salute to the am, sincerely yours, his dear wife in his reco President of the Republic Me: IBER Motive Power CLUB Advertise in The Searchlight very of the use of the limb. and have a Camp out around Printen in Falcó Hermanos June 22 the 1931. D on a Convalescent days outing The Boy Scouts never seen a see Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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