p. 6


Saturday July 1931 PAGE THE DRUGLESS SCIENCE OF a Choir 16 voices, have underPort Limon, Fancy work taught Machine and there is in classical music.
This Union will also be at the An Attempted Revolt WANTS COLUMN «All Black» Service Heldatthe Political movements One colon per insertion of six lines Norwood Brotherhood Hall Our Politics remain derón Muñoz, while it is WANTED The Norwood Press Education Acts. Great practically the same, don expected that don Man.
Francisco Mayorga Ri uel Castro Quesada, The Community there is no To know that those few days of rest and change said:who would like to pass a (England) on May 29 th changes were also taking vas after much persua. who has been indisposplace among the coloursión has accepted the ed since his arrival here, thing to break up a cold like a in a quiet home in the interior service of an unusual ed peoples throughout Ministerio de Fomento will launch his candida Cafiaspirin tablet taken in a Cup to know thot Mrs. Charlote Big.
of hot lime juice tea immediately character was held in the Empire, and he reand Agricultura and Mr. ture from one moment gerstaf can accomodate your necesferred with gratitude to after having contracted a coid.
the Brotherhood Hall Fabio Baudrit nephew of to another, don Felipe sities at her home in Cartago with the enlightened rule of the President who is Alvarado has promised last Sunday evening. It clean comfortable quarters the British Government, who are sick and can Those the Minister of Gober. him his staunch support.
might well be described as an All Black service, especially in Africa.
nación and Interior af Don Manuel Solera Miss Amy Barbour fairs is also acting as has The Lily Choral Orpfam recently because both speaker CHIROPRACTIC gives back new anda soloists were either James (daugater of the Minister of the Exche loan of two millons of health when other methods fail. Dr. der direction of Choirmasters Wm; Robt de La Bastide, American Daysley Robinson with Africans or Afro West speaker) Miss Lillian Jem mott, and Mr. Alexander quer as Mr. Jorge Hiné dollars for the govern graduate chiropractor Limon (on Indians.
Lofton sang a number has not accepted the post ment which he hoped the hill, top of 4th Ave, Mrs gone Severe drilling for the past even though pressed to Mr. Tomas Scley Guell The speaksr was Mr. of negro songs and spi.
Rickett Home) Box 591.
will be at the peak of their Singing (Lond. He is West In: River and Me by Miss four weeks and are confident they Barbour James, rituals. The Rendering of do it by many Deputies. would have carried out. Don Carlos María Ji but now that he is out Career in the very near future, when they shall offer to the mudian by birth, but is of Jemmott, Nobody knows ménez and don León of office, he has turned Cortés are the two fore over the proposition to ve sic loving public some of the best African stock, and very de trouble see broidery. Typewriting Flower paint.
ings Also Bead and Woolwork.
proud of the fact thai by Miss Barbour James, most candidates for elec the President who is he is a full blooded ne and God down Mosestion of Presidency, which considering it. The gove Taught by Miss Binns at her home in Siquirres.
Service of Lodges and organizations gro. In the course of an by Mr. Alexander Lofton comes off the st. Sun ernment employees will able and interesting ad made a great appeal to day in January 1932. The be paid their salary for dress he said that in the the large audience. It Constitutional Party has the month of May this only language spoken From the village of other occasion she climb glish. it is their mother the black people is En of acting as his or her own accompanist on the Mt. Horeb in the parish ed a tree and saw him tongue. When he reached piano.
of St. James, Jamaica, standing at the root, he the age of manhood it The Brotherhood Orcomes, through the Glea beckoned to her to come was decided he should chestra vvas in attend On Monday the news wounded escaped in the ner, the tale of some down and when she did go to West Africa. But ance, and under the ba of a Revolution started direction of Nicaragua; mysterious happenings so he waved her away. he was afraid. He had ton of Mr. Chamber.
in the surroundings of he was however hotly in the home of Miss On many occasions she heard that the people lain contributed several Alajuela was noised pursued by the entire the district school with kinds of missiles. Her whom be had sprung manner for vvhich they thorities were on the alert unteered service, Johnson the teacher of has been hit with all there. the people frou items in the acomplished about the Streets of San inhabitants of the town who spontaneously volwhom lives Miss Muriel tea has been knocked Macdonald, a girl 14 out of her hands, a lamp he reached Africa. He were savages. Ultimately are noted.
The Chairman announOn Tuesday it was made years old and around taken away from her, arrived on a Sunday, ced that Mr. Barbour As a result four guards known that a Nicaraguan whom it appears the while she has been also and presently found him. James had promised to by the name of Victor died from the effects of occurrences centre, as hit on her head with a received and self in a Christian Church bring a large party of Manuel Arguedas styling Wounds it is noticed that it is pint bottle.
He realised then that he artistes to the Hall one himself General got to some of the insurgents only when she is around wounded.
Eye witnesses state they had greatly misunders Saturday evening in the gether about 25 men The cause of the inthat the mysterious hapi have seen a lamp go tood the people of that autumn in order to give around the Paso de la which consist of stones through a very small hole part of Africa. If that an All Black Concert Vaca district and started surrection is not yet disbeing trown about the and when taken up and were true, how much more There can be no doubt, out for San Ramón where covered, there are sever fitted to the hole, it was it likely that the judging by last Sunday he informed his men that al conjectures some say, house, lamps. books and the entire town was ready it is a Communistic upri other objects rising of could not pass through people of England should evening, that this should to join in the revolt sing, others say it is a stone thrown misunderstand then.
prove a great attraction, their own accord and again; a through a He was frequently viagainst the government Political one, but nothing either hitting the ceilings The above speaks for and that all over the is certain as Arguedas glass without breaking sited in London by na the floor or persons.
does not seem to have The girl states that the it; and a shoe taken off tives of Africa.
His itself of the rising intel. country there were comby a young man in the aim was to bring them lectuals of the Black rades ready to join in, disclosed his motives to author of the mystery house disappeared and in contact with people Race. Will those in this just as soon as he struk any of his men captured.
white whanfollows her soon after was flung at of goodwill, such as he country get together and in a camion and as they ed at 30 on Wed about the place, once a terrible speed hitting had met in the Bro. appreciate those who therhood Movement. try for the uplift of them went along they cut the nesday, but says his reshe saw him at the back a girl in her side.
He recalled that there selves and their com telegraph vvires behind, volt has nothing to do door of the house, she Hundreds of people had always been people rades.
and soon stormed the with politics, but will de.
flung a stone at him and have visited the scene in England of goodwill town of San Ramón but clare later on before the ED.
set the dog after him, but have been unable to where the black people were kept at bay by the Critninal Judge but he he ran into the bushes offer any assistance in but returned later; on an solving the mystery.
were concerned, and he Change in Postal fiscal guards until rein is solely responsible for referred particularly to forcements were despatch whatever has transpired.
Rates the liberation of the ed from San José and The names of Don Ma.
We take this opportunity Alajuela, by the Director nuel Castro Quesada and Dr. Moody Elected Head of He also emphasised readers who may not know bles, and in quick time sociated by rumours with of Police Don Abel Ro General Volio were as.
that the black people of it, that in accordance the attackers were sur. the uprising but he says League of Coloured People were pressing hard after vvith the notice published LONDON, June The ful English the whites in the mater in the official Gazette of the rounded and captured. it is not so and he does inaugural meeting of the strongly advised the colour of education and all that 9th. June the rate of postage By Wednesday all had not even know them, his on internal letters has been surrendered except the declarations are League of Coloured People ed people to hasten slovvly made for civilization. In reduced to ten cents.
held in London elected Dr This advice was confirmed this connection he point General who although xiously awaited. similar rate is also Moody, a Jamaican doctor by the coloured lavvyer, Mr. ed out that as recently charged on letters to Spain as President. The main ob Nelson, from British Guiana.
as 1870 there were mil. and all American Countries.
ject of the League is to pro: Member of Parliament, des lions of people in Eng. Thentate to hamaicao is still Another Notice to Templars twenty cents. and political interests of the comical snobbery for vvhite read nor write. All this coloured people.
men to come to the meeting had been changed by In accordance with my No a Club for the organization One of the principal speak to say that men like Gandhi the bringing in of the tification in this Journal in of a new Temple, aay person its issue of June 13th. with willing to live up to the was the negro singer, regard to the closing down principles of the constituPaul Robeson, who urged as themselves and vvas most of the Royal Mount Car tion may apply to him for that the local colour prob concerned with obtaining a mel all information for enrolllems and prejudices of hostel for African students SASTRERIA GRANT tinual violations of the Laws ment etc.
America and Africa should in London. She declared that and Constitution which gui But be advised, that there be imported into Lou Lord Passfield meant vvhat GRANT dis the destiny of the Grand won. He said that he had h: said vvhen he referred to is only one official Head in United Older of Mosaic each Jurisdiction.
not found the colour preju the paramountcy of native Suits made to order at the Shortest notice Templars; for the informadice in Britain outside of And if our members will London, and suggested that in East Africa. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings tion of all interested am only adhere to such officer the coloured people had a Polack gave several reasons to inform, that Communica there would be no friction for the colour prejudice in and Flannels always on stock; when in San José come in great cultural contribution been received among our general memberto make towards civilization London ipcluding the pre and see my recent arrivals.
sustaining my actions in this ship. They Should therefore from Africa, even more than sence of South African viNORTH WEST CORNER OF CENTRAL AVENUE WHERE PLAZA VIQUEZ TRAMWAY STARTS respect; which Communica guide themselves accordingly from America.
sitors, and suggested that tion will be made to be and abhor false leaders and Sir Harry Armstrong, ex the League should take up Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a read in all the Temples in among memConsul of Nevv York, vvho the bar against coloured number vvinnings this vveek the Republic as requested bers.
is especially associated vvith people entering the Olympic Serie drawing No. 49 won by Armando Soto with ticket No. 104 by Headquarters. OSBORNE the interests of West Indians, Games, to try and persuade Serie drawing Nº. 17 won by Josè Jiménez with ticket Nº. 10 Be it further understood declared that the latter the British Athletic Associa In presence of Manuel Antonio Jovel y Gonzalo Campos that Bro John Samuels District Grand Depity stood out for their courtesy. tions not to compete, unless has been appointed with PO BOX 252 SAN JOSE TELEPHONE 3320 thoughtfulness and delight the bar is removed.
my instructions to formulate Limón, Box 242 pane of accent and an Imp. FalcóHnos.
ers interests tion has contentions Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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