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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment There still lingers in mankind a great deal of the natural nobility originally implanted to him, and which six thousand years of falling away from divine likeness has not wholly erased. It is natural for man to be dignified and self respecting. Let us hope that our young men around us would aim at this ennobling characteristic.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JULY 18. 1931 NUM. 85 The Great Digestive System The University Club inaugural Banquet same of me By ROBT. DE LA BASTIDE (D. Before we can care a sponge like network work for which the organ fully judge the value of known as the villi, which or tissue in question was any given food, the represent the terminal primarily constructed to results we may expect ends of the lacteal or perform.
The University Club of Li special planters cocktail and voice melodious and she is from i, pertaining to the lymphatic system of the These varied functions mon, a recently organized gave justice to the following very clear and concise in her life sustaining qualities small intestine.
These literary club gave it inaugu menu, vvhich was very ably delivery. Contacts like this, are produced in a simi ral banquet at the Europa prepared, under the stevvardit may bring us, we villi are most numerous vvill after a short practice, lar manner as is possible Hotel on Saturday night July ship of Chef. Hall: Comsome produce of this aspiring young should be more or less in the upper two thirds to obtain heat from an 4th. The function started at Soup. Pate de Fois Gras. Fish lady, one of the ablest acquainted with the parts of the small intestine, electric heater, cold air about P. when about and Potato Poure, Russian feminine orators the race of our body concerned and number all told about sixteen guests from your refrigerator, around seven nicely decora Chicken and Ham, Ice Cream perhaps in Central America.
assembled Salad and Mayonaise, Brazed vvill have in Costa Rica and in the process of receiv four million.
cool circulating a from ted tables in a halfmoon for and Cakes, Coffee, Cigars and iogand preparing thits She vvas so effective that after The undigested portion food for assimilation. or residue of the food your electric fan, heat mation under an array of Cigarrettes. At the close of she concluded, the Guest of in your electric iron, buntings of tricolor garlans the feast, the guests took part Honor, moved that as an esWith the en. vance of is next conveyed into light by the electric and streamers, palms and in making speeches which pecial distinction her address food particles into the the colon or large intes bulb, music from your a be especially published in mouth, it is first greeted tine, where it is stored, radio and a hundred and suits for the most part, they ard. Belovy is a list or the nevyspaper, vvhich was by the tongue and its save for a slight absorp.
gave a spectacular appearance programme as vvas rendered. unanimously agreed to. As to one other forms of ener taste buds. These budstion of water, until such act as centers of stimu time when the action of gy all these being made whilst in rapt attention, they Mr. James Scott of the il cannot forget to mention the possible through the harmonious University club and vvas a artists vvho so ably, mastered lation for the flow of the muscles here located strains And, electricity.
dispelled from the toast to Costa Rica. Mr. the instruments they played, saliva given off by the are ready to expell this why? Siimply this: all vvell put together RADIO stringed instruments of the Scott very ably represented amongst vvhich must espethe club and did honor to the cially compliment Messers three pairs of salivary waste.
these wonderful contrap ORCHESTRA under the lead occasion as he pronounced Delpratt and Robotham for glands located within Thus, we have accom.
tions have so been united ership Messrs Steve vvhat may be classified the the Piano Violin solo theythe oral cavity.
panied a morsel of food that when the activating Robotham and Ennis; When best speech of the evening. rendered as they stole avvay In the mouth the food from the time it enters electricity strikes them at the break of harmony as Mr. Scott opening, certainlyvvith The Angel Serenade is immediatly attacked the mouth along its jour. they produce that definite Polson, President of the club, silence reigned, Egbert gave considerable impetus to Mr. Cyril Hunter, vvhose me.
hard bone, enameled ney through the body, function for which they announced that the function lovved and throughout the listening ears of the guests, the other speakers who fol lodious voice charmed the ols (the teeth) which until that which is of were constructed.
vvould start and in a few entire programme, the effects vvas super excellent as he ind and crush the no value for nourishment If for any reason whatchosen vvords, addressed the of the different speeches could rendered, Neopolitan Nights, ompact particles of is again returned to the soever, it should occur guest of honor, young lady be noticed, hovy enthused the and Robotham with his nourishment and toget external environment.
and guests present and prothat this enervating elec: nounced the vvelcome of the speakers rose to the call of Havvaian guitar in Carolina her with the saliva preTOASTMASTER. Mr. Moon The tube like structure Let call you club as they sipped avvay a Harriot, Master of the Seven Svveetheart. The other four pare the food for its which conveys the food tricity cannot complete its Day Adventist school of Limon. literary clubs vvere in a like journey into the stomach, through the body is cal journey, from the generaDuring the speeches the guests manner represented at the by way of the esophagus ied the alimentary canal which is t) perform some Lord Kylsant indinese punchiepingend chigby: function. as follows: Mr Chas. mouth with the stoinach) feet in length. It has type of action, then we Club Champagne and Golofina mon Friendly Literary Assocommitted experience either one of The mouth is therefore received special names cigars vvere puffed avvay in ciation. Mr. Allan Hylton. The two things: the electric just composure. The Guest of Motive Power Club. Mr. George che first food laboratory in the various parts of Lord Kylsant, Chairman of the series visited by its course: at its begin right, or is will not per the Royal Mail Steam Packet must be complimented for the Honor, vvas very effective in Fraser the Alpha Literary appliance will not work and managing director of his speech on education and Club and Miss Leoni Aikin the food in its journey ning is the mouth; con form at all.
Co. Harold John Morland, the Young VVoman Standard able manner in vvhich he Club. The press though unathrough our bodies. After tinued from here are the the Company Auditor vvere kept his listeners in rapt viodably There is a like experience being thoroughly mois organs of swallowing, the on June 22nd, committed unrepresented, in attention vvhilst he delivered person, vvas so in fact, as Mr.
tened by the saliva and pharynx and the esopha within our bodies when for trial by the Lord Maheavy bombardment of Nation of the Searchreduced to a solid mass gus, which bring the food any interference may occur yor, after hearing proceedings select vocabulary as he deli light forvvarded a paper on by the teeth, the food is to the stomach. Next that interrupts the normal on the summcnses arising berated on the subject of the Press vwhich was read EDUCATION and it value by the Toastmaster. Ainong Low descended into the follows the small intes. flow of nerve force from out of the affairs of the steamship Compaay. Bail influence and need. In a Ifke next digestive laboratory, tine about 22 feet in our generating station, the of 5 000 each vvas allovved those present vvere VV. Eg.
manner did Miss Leonie bert Polson, President.
the stomach.
length. From then ou, we brain, over the delivering them on their own recog. Aiken, the only lady guest Britton Ist Vice ident.
Here the bolus of food have the colon or large path, the nerve, to the nizaces. Both accused re at the party and as represen Mitchell 2nd Vice President.
is further acted unon by intestine about five feet organ, gland, muscle. or served their defence, but tative of the Young VVomens Stanley Blake Secretary Treastill repudiated all the charStandard Club give a salient the gastric juice which in length, and ends with other tissue, that is to gus laid against then. They address on the subject. SEL ding Secretary. Ernest VVright surer. James Scott Recoris secreted by various the anal canal.
perform some definite will be tried at the Old FRELIANCE. Miss Aiken is a Librarian. Bermúdez, glands embedded in the Now that we have work.
Very forceful speaker, her Reporter, and members, Stan.
walls of the stomach, become acquainted with This brings us at once ley Lettman, Felix Rivers and Albert Delpratt. Prof.
but Two Awful Hylton, Harriott, Toastmaster, and the representathree muscular coats of material, the first thought Chiropractic premise that, train tives of the four literary clubs the stomach. This second that naturally comes indigestion and most sto laboratory, the stomach, to us is in reference mach disorders are brought On reaching the vicinity tion came to a close at about lack of manufactures many spe with the force or energy about by the a little beyond the stone a. m, vvhen all gave exWith the bursting of a cial food splitting che. that is responsible for nerve energy on which crusher, the train vvhich left tank containing sulphuric very pleasant evening and pression of having enjoyed a micals with which it is the accomplishments of the various digestive or Cartago at a. yesterday for San Jose got in contact acid at the Royal Naval Corpossible to carry the the actions by the various gans and glands are de dite Factory situate vvith near Continued on page vvhich had digestion of the various organs, secreting glands, pendent to insure normal. strayed on to the roadway Bonraemouth in Dorsetshire, foods one etep further and muscles, which col active, regular function. and in attempting to cross England, on the 23 rd ùltimo, than that which took lectively are known as The Chiropractor relieves lines was hit and crush 10 persons lost their lives Sandino still active and.
Great place in the mouth. the ed by the engine vvhich Digestive pressure on nerves so that bodies of only five of the minute study of the System.
vital energy will flow freely passed over it. When dead have been recovered By way of Mexico, we removed from under the mafunctions of the stoinach Responsible for all to the various organs and it is feared the others learn that, under the comchine it vvas noticed that in preparing the food these intricate functions muscles and tissues and the animal vvas almost comyvere entirely obliterated. The mand of General José Leon disaster occurred vyhile the for further digestion in is the stimulating energy health is the result. pletely mangled.
dangerous process of traDiaz, a force consisting, the small intestine with or force known as nerve ting vvas being conducted.
of 400 sandinistas, on the various acids, enzymes power or that peculiar The flames are said to have 16th. instant occupied the Musical Entertainment ferments reveals somet something which is inreached a heig at of a 100 feet town of Limay in the de Grand Repertoire will be given by the Lily Choral Unión and the noise heard hingindeed marvelous. vested in the nervous partment of Esteli. The on Sunday July 26 th 1931, at 30 at the Limon Burial for 20 miles around. No trace The process of diges system, and delivered or Scheme Association Hall.
tion is completed in the carried to all points of This program has been in course of preparation for some of the building remained after government guard was the explosion destroyed, and time, and now that the climax has come, lovers of musical large small intestine, and that termination; thus putting gems can be assured of listening to a selected repertoire pre In Sudbury, Ontario, fcur quantity of arms and proportion of the digested into action that organ sented by some of the most reputed artists of the city.
men vvere killed and many visions secured. The san The public is cordially invited to attend, and make the af others injured in an explosion dinistas lost one officer food which possesses or other tissue that re.
ternoon the success anticipated.
Admission: Adults 50 Children 25 on June 26th at the powder and six men killed and eneryating vital nourishment for our ceives this DAYSLEY plant of the Canadian Inbodies is absorbed into something and in turn Director dustries Co. Ltd. The mixing ten wounded it was further the blood stream through produces the resulting wwww plant vvas destroyed. stated.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
a and by the muscular the process of changing to the clear and simple. Cow killed by Tragedies already mentioned. The func a COVV vvas a


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