
Saturday July 18. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Cafiaspirina 8088080808808 News From Abroad The Searchlight Cricket Competition opinion that with the death be put St. Marks Girl Club Invitation 080880880880. 880. 880. 88088088088088088088088088088088 to a Convention Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Limon, July 8th. 1931. Limon, to give a listen To the Editor of THE ing ear to the call of The many friends and SEARCHLIGHT these young ladies and members of the Univer 66 92 Cartago become honorary mem.
sal Negro Improvement Dear Sir: bers of this club in ord Association are advised am here calling your er to help them financial that a three days Con attention to the girls of ly that they may be able vention will be held in BEWARE OF IMITATIONS St. Mark Church, that to realize their ambitions, the Liberty Hall of the they are not wasting tiine. We are therefore expect. Limon Division, at which Dort accept any tube or envelope With the desire of the ing you to step forward time Representatives BAYER girls and strong support and do your utmost best. from the 18 branches of packets without the of Father Ryecart, they At our last meeting which the Organization will have managed to organ was held on July 7th. the expound their views for BAYER CROSS ize a Club called. The following officers were the united cooperation for St. Mark Social and installed for the ensuing the improvement of the OBOROBOROBOBOBOBORBOBOB30880 BOBOB308083 Literary Club. the mot term; Miss Sylvia Weeks movement in Costa Rica.
to of this Club being president; Miss Millicent Representatives from the «Excelsior. The chief Weeks, vice president; different Religious boreason for the formation Miss Renita Facey, se. dies, clubs and fraternal Societies are of this club is to bring cretary.
also Two New Islands entrance of alien immi portion of the 50. 000 sacks the girls together to get sincerely wish this being invited to attend Two new islands were grants into Cuba, the go now in its possession will and to improve their clubevery success achieve and speak at these meet reported by the Captain vernment has recently is. be burned as part of the social standing. sincere able and may they ne.
ly hope this club will in ver be tired in well doing, The unveiling of our of a British steamer on sued a decree under which campaign to reduce the the near future be able remembering that motto new charter 300 will June 13th. to have appear an immigrant, who is un surplus.
General Ferrera report to compete with similar «Excelsior. also wish also take place on Suned in the middle of the able to speak spanish, ed dead girl clubs in Limon, in the newly installed of day 2nd. August at South Atlantic. The Brazi. will not be allowed to Literature and games. ficers, courage and pat. pm. when our visitors lian Government has sent land unless he can show a cruiser to place that a sum not less than 200 Tegucigalpa, June 27. For the start the chief ience in their new posts will be entertained by a The Minister of War is outdoor game that will and that they may set a musical programme. All conrtry flag on the Is. belonging to himself.
lands. It is thought that Brazilian coffee reported to have officially be indulged in will be good example for their are cordially invited.
cricket, which club will successors to follow. The Convention will France and great Britain In addition to the 5, 000 eral Gregorio notified the death of Genshortly be put in oper Thanking you for space end upon Wednesday may become interested in sacks of coffce which the Ferrera, ation. am therefore ap Mr. Editor, night the 5th, inst. with thc matter.
Chief of the Honduranian Brazilian government dumpealing to the members a Grand Dramatic enter Immigrants to Cuba revolutionary forces in Yours sincerely, ped into the sea recently, fighting which occurred the tainment beginning at and well wishers of the To further restrict the it is reported that a large night previous in the viSt. Mark Congregation Leonard Dobson pm. Price 50 cents. bumper house is expect.
cinity of Puerto Cortez, ed.
The Government is of The Cairo Lexicographer T. Pearson of the General, the revolMr. Robert Webster James Cairo lexicographer presents his Secretary siacere compliments to all the esteemed and eminent ladies We have decided, in deference to the vvish of many ution will soon and gentlemen within the vicinity of Cairo, all the various of our readers, to hold a Competition in connection with down.
sections of the Atlantic Zone by wayof invitation to an up to date speaking meeting that will take place at Estrada Philomela friendly talk the matches now being played for the ORANE CUP General Gómez again Liberty Hall on the 31st night of August 1931. The chairTHREE PRIZES are offeired under the conditions stated man will be the Hon. Stewart the Magi from the East with girls who represented the negroes in convenation; Hon Fennikin below, to the Competitors vvho forecast: News from Caracas states will be there, Robert James Cairo lexicographer will be there, Part 1st. Prize. The correct (or nearest to) total runs the Queen, a Panamanian who comes to hear the language of that General Juan Vicente the sons of Ham. It will be a night of flowing orations.
Let us think always scored by all the Clubs in all matches.
Gòmez has once more been JAMES before we act. Fear to 2od. Prize, The highest (or neares to) number of elected President of Vue Advertizer do base unworthy things runs scored by a Club in a single match.
nezuela, and that a Special is valor, and if they be 3rd. Prize, The highest (or nearest to) number of Committee has been ap done to us, to suffer runs scored by an individual player in all the matches. pointed by Congress to REVISTA them is valor too. At RULES investigate certain propos «Escuela de Agricultura»
times the dark clouds Each forecast must be sent in on the attached ed reforms in the Constiwe so mnch dread are Coupon.
tution of the Country, Director: Luis Cruz lined with mercy, and Each forecast to be accompanied by a fee of twen. among which are the folEmpresa puramente particular.
We know not what the tyfive cents (0 25. lowing: the abolition of La subscripción a esta Revista só.
future holds in store for competitor may send in as may forecasts as he or office of Commander in lo vale cuatro colones, sea un dólar Lots of tempta she wishes, but each must be accompanied by twenty five Chief and placing the abpor año.
tions and difficulties inay cents.
solute Military authority Pida su suscripción.
impend over us yet still The decision of the Judges to be accepted as fiin the hands of the Presi there is no fear of suc.
nal and from which there will be no appeal.
Escriba al DIRECTOR dent, who would also be ceeding if we only per. The number of runs on which the decisions will given the exclusive power sist with integrity.
be made will be those on record with the Board of of appointing Ministers, Dear girls, let us soar Control.
Governors of federal disnot to fall, but soar to be All forecasts to be sent in a sealed envelope to Mr. tricts, convening Congress unsurpassable till the JACK ORANE, Limon, and marked «The Searchlight Cric for purpose of declaring British Honduras is stated in a previos issue, the Gov. goal be reached. ket Competition war and suspending of to be now faced with the vernment has placed impor Good attempts can be The Prize values vvill be apportioned as follovvs: the Constitutional Guaranserious non employment tant restrictions on immi made, great success can Ist, prize 60 per cent; 2nd. prize 25 per cent; 3rd. prize 15 ties.
question, due principally to grants into the Colony.
be achieved, but when per cent of the total amount of entrances.
the large reduction which Panama is also stated to it is reached be careful Should there be a tie betvveen tyvo competitors Sánchez Cerro has taken place in the ma be making further efforts to for any prize, the amount vvill be divided betyveen them.
hogany business during this safeguard the interests of her when once it is possess Lima, June 27th. From year in addition to the gen nationals against foreign ed, let it be interchange The competition clcses on the 18 th. day of july an official statement pub.
eral depression in all other labour. Some short time ago able.
lished, it is stated that industries and trades neces the Canal Zone Authorities say again, fear always COUPON Sànchez Cerro has been sitating reduced employ dismissed 30 West to do base unworthy ment. The Colony has for Indians from the Commissary given permission to return years depended largely on Division, and had decided things and practice am «Searchlight» Cricket Competition to Perú in view of his the mohogany trade for the it was further stated to ap bicious ones, to create declaration that he will employment of her labouring proach Congress for a reduc in ourselves salutary The follovving is my forecast: class, consequently since, tion of West Indians, there thoughts.
Total runs for all matches.
strictly adhere to the laws of the Country with but a couple of excep are no less than 700 West There is no other road Highest number of runs made tions, all the large purchas Indians working on the Caby a Club in one match.
ing Companies have closed new coin nal who will be replaced by to success, save by par down, the demand for labour American workers, on the severance, therefore Highest number of runs To commemorate the has bcen seriously reduced, grounds that the Canal, being us struggle with one det scored by an individual 200th. anniversary of the and this has naturally affected American property preference erminaiion, aiming for player in ALL matches.
no other stead but the This forecast i, submitted in accordance with the birth of their first presiColony To afford some ans. The Pan manian For.
above rules.
dent George Washington, assistance, the Government eign Office has in goal.
the United States Congress has established an Unem quence made cərtain repre. To be continued has authorized the issue Postal address, ployment Bureau, and a sentations to the United of a new twenty five cent Committee has been appoint States Minister in Panamá ed by the Governor for the with a view of having the coin, which will bear the purpose of reviewing the West Indians who may be portrait of Washington in entire situation and submit discharged sent back to their JUAN MEZA DENTIST Coombs place of the familiar Godting recommendations with native Islands in keeping CARTAGO COSTA RICA Autioneer, Real Estate ess of Liberty.
regard to such works as may Lower flour Chamber of Commerce Building with the agreement under and Commission Agent be undertaken to afford Central Street 325 Yards East of Market employment which, it is said, they were Business olso done in Spanish Meantime, as we mentioned hired.
Preference given patients from Limon and other points of Atlantic Zone.
34 East Street Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed KINGSTON, JA.
To advertise is to double your business us.
The Unemployed some CorseAdvertise in the Searchlight Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica,


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