
Saturday July 18. 1931 Something again about the Alpa SAD ACCIDENT on annexed New Coffee Process Dear Mr. Editor.
Had he taken the op en us, by inviting us to munity. We are going Kindly afford me a The technical division of Dear Mr. Editor: posite side of the road he would have avoided Agricultural Department of Now that Limon has their banquet. and even to build a tower, wherein little space to narate an Brazil has, after two years changed for the better, hearing our feeble intel we can live peace and accident to a Chinaman. the accident for the ani.
experimenting succeeded in we the Alphaits are ring ligence deliver an ad harmony, and be con happened to be at mal would have made perfecting a process by which dress. The educative sidered by the other man Penshurst last Saturday its dash for the farm. that low grade coffee may being our bells loudly in a group of people menthe 27th ulto on an way being open) and.
improved. Recognized coffee praise of that wonderful talks they have given us experts are said to acclaim change. The young wo at their function have tally awakened errand of business, and not backwards as it did, the proces as being practic men have valiently kept left a mark on us and We are always invit was in time to witness The men of the cars able and efficient. It consists to their helm, and have we can assure them that ing youngmen of an this accident; He. this were very kind and, treat it is stated of refermenting enkindled the fire of we shall be profitted by ambitious strain of mind. chinaman) was riding ed him most affably, all low grades till the outer husk become roughened and energy in the breast of them. They are friendly Our meeting nights are into Penshurst to await They took him up, laid in one then repolishing.
everyone. The University to the young women and every Wednesday at our the afternoon train to him down Plans are being made to men have followed suit the Alpha Literary, and club room, in front of Limón when, he was of the cars and drove re treat several million sacks and to day we find them that alone is a great the Moderno. Our club encountered by cars go him in to Penshurst. on hand, and the growers are expecting to obtain ina group worthy of imit mark towards our suc roon is opened to visiting into the farm to pick young man, one of the creases of prices ranging from ation. Their spirit of cess. We are praying for ors at all times. but those up bananas.
carhands, with the tenHe turned aside to give derness of a loving ino30 to 50 per cent. The Co. unity is noteworthy, the attentions of our visiting us will have to lombian growers are fearing their spirit of unselfish other older clubs. leave egoism outside as them the right of way, ther to her child lifted that if the process be used ness deserves attention, The young women have all who dwell within are but took that side of him out and, put him on this year crop, it will seriously affect invited us to their Eloc considered social equals. the road where stands down safely. The com their sales.
and now, we the mema wiie fence and, as, the missarian with sim We have not yet heard bersof the Alpha Clubution Contest together None but those who will what Costa Rica thinks of take off our hats to them with other clubs. We are accede to our obligations cars approached him ilar kindness brought the matter, and if it is likealso thankful, because we and thank them for the feel that we are being ers.
will be admitted as memb the animal took fright him some remedies and ly to have any effect and, made a sudden dash administered it himself.
our grades.
attention they have giv considered, and the sent. Thanking you again Mr. backwards thereby By the kind attention of 00000 02000 iments that were being Editor for your kind fav landing hiru in the track these men he recovered held in the past are being ours, we remain, from which he sustained to the extent of walk.
HOTEL ATLANTICO changed now. That AL Dolores Joseph a nasty gash which bled ing by himselí to Boni pha will live, thanks to profusely and rendered facio. It was gratifying Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how the many interesting The Alpha Reporter him helpless.
to note the attention that marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you parties. We cannot thank these men paid to a man confortable at ridiculous prices you enough Mr. Editor of an alien nationality write to Eduardo Escarré for tle privilege of usand, one that, has not 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA ing your weekly to pub. Limon Service Bureau been always friendly to 000000000 Jish our activities.
the Negroes. In this act ANDAltough we are Literthe Negroes have mani.
West Indian goes BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ary, we have to try and fested the spirit ot their ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED solve the spirit of de.
noble ancestors the spirit to Abyssinia Bureau established for the greater convenience, MANZANA 31 LOT pravity that abounds in of kindness and hospitalunderstanding, satisfaction and protection of the En Mr. Price, formerely an this little town of ours. glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col. ity.
lection Department Assistant master of Pamphy Next door to the office Immorality seems to be the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Thanking you for lian High School, Trinidad, of Juan José León (Sucs) a stronger factor than Law Fir that does not encourage litigation to space.
we think: and combat.
lose a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con am gratefully yours sition of Professor in English you will find the Peo fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency.
now operated under the direction of a Barristet with at Clefin University, Orange, ple Bakery, where you ting it, we shall have to over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on N, Wynter burg, has accepted can get, at all times, find ways and means to the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as the appointment of Director Booth Biscuits. Bread foster a Cahuita better underJudge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and of Education of Abyssinia and Buns of the best standing amongst our Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
quality and flavour the boys. First we are going Recent Sensuses Oil Company to go finest in Limon, am to attack our social ev Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore According to the returns offering to the public a ils. We are making a Barrister Accountant Under a law recently pas of the census taken in April dance with dual intentManager Collection Dept last, the population of Italy sed, the Nicaraguan govern. New Style et Bread ca Aurelio Bermudez ions. First to collect is stated to ment obtains be 42, 118, 835.
monopoly led Pan Pamona ma de funds to provide us with of all the petroleum proInvestigator In 1921 it was recorded as Soliciting Manager 38. 755, 676. The increase is ducts of the Country, and from the best quality chairs, books, indoor MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE therefore, 3, 363, 559.
will therefore, it is reported flour. trial will con. games, etc. and secondLimon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the assume controlof the business striking increase has been shown among the Afriof the West India Oil Comp. vince you. Its a size loat ly to cultivate that spirit Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports populations adminisany, a subsidiary of the that cannot be had for of social equality, where and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and tered by the Gold Coast GoStandard which has been the price in Limón.
our young men will meet Jamaica, vernment. The total as dis.
carryng on operations there the best of our young California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, closed by a recent census is during the past 15 years. Booth women, and will be com3, 128, 214 as against 1, 692, 364 The law is supposed to be an effort of the government Limon, May 25th. 1931 pelled to acquit them for the y ar 1921.
to raise the funds necessary selves gentlemanly. We for the maintenance of the know they possess that public requirements includTo advertise germ of refinement, that ing 200. 000 annually need ed for the upkeep of the is to double your ifest at a picnic dance or a they are unable to man National Guard provided for Before can discuss fully 1643, because of British mal we have today the Unitec under the agreement with Rege. And we little wondbusiness the United States.
er that our best young merican Nation, we must the Independence of the treatment, these colonies uni States of America. The Nev ted themselves under the England states became sub 89 8898 95 with an intoxicated youth cally. Thou Christopher Co.
women spurn to dance name of the New England servient to Great Britain, a whose benunbed reas States, in an effort to stop well as the rest of State: lumbus had discovered Amer British outrages. In course The Stamp Act was passe ons prevent him from ica in 1492, and, Jamestown of time the Middle and in Great Britain, but as practising that hometrain irg that his parents must was settled in 1607, The Uni Mississippi valley States were meant taxation to reric ted States of America was formed, until by these conti it was repealed by the in have given him.
Let those not permanently settled un nual extensions of territory, fluence of Patrick Heni who read this article realize that til 1620. The puritans embarespecially. The disconter ked from England on Sept which had hatched, was sh DEAR FRIENDS: the Alpha Literary Club 16 th 1620. They arrived in You may be one of the thousands that enter a is going to bring a betwn by the mobbing of t1 America on 21 st November Boston custom officers. Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills that ter understan iding are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and res1620 off Cape Cod. Theytish troops were tore Vitality, energy, etc. Do you know that lack of amongst the Negro Com sailed in the Mayflower, a restore order, but instex Pep and headaches are danger signals, and are, to a great Extent, caused by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses?
vessel of 180 tons. council they were the cause of How many men and women awake in the morn88 long felt want was formed, of which counbloody war between Brita ing with a feeling that although they have slept long enough they are not rested; That although they are not cil, John Carver was chosen and America. The first Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily We are pleased to announce When the read.
Governor. The business of play of arms, was the SAN ANTONIO Doy late hours make your Eye lids heavy? does that the Energetic Goverthis council was to direct the lookļng at abright object or even at brightly illuminated nor of Eimon don Juan Ro.
ton Massacre. The real Stone display, cause your eyes to tire or Water? If your magoza has got the Munici affairs of the colony. After tles were Lexington in 17 eyes water easily or tend to tire at the beginning of the pality of Limon to see the the settlers had establi hed Remedio eficaz, Bunker Hill in 1775 a day, you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit necessity of contructing a themselves, they started a you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type, para la expulsión tish victory, Saratoga 17 Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and 88 roadvvay from Suretka to series of exploring voyages, de lombrices.
Yorktown 1781. George work with a clear, acheless head Cahuita via Old Harbour. The hington was the Americ Cordially yours.
vvork has already been start: Every piece of land found Dr. Azevedo leader, while the war ed under the supervision of was made a colony. By means De venta en la «Optometrist our friend Mr. James Wil of these Expeditions several Eraging The second Coi o son.
Glasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00 50, colonies were formed na e FARMACIA nental congress came to 00, 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pockThis road vvill be a great lv: Plymouth, Colony of Masther, in May 1776. The mi ESPAÑA et. Examination Free p. to p. Save money boon to the dvvellers on the bers of this congress dec by buying from me.
frontier, novy that the sachusett Bay, New HampLUCAS MORUA ed the independence of Co. has taken up the Rails shire, Maryland, Connecticut CARTAGO. 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 from the Talamanca District. and so on. On May 29 th Brought from page Attorney at Law Notary Publie Presidencia can America Independence VERMIFUGO sent 8889 B8 88 88 88 88 89 83 88 88 88 88 89 8888888888 88888888 Farmacoutico Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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