
Saturday July 18. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE U. Co Plant Expert America Indepen.
Hoover proposed moratorium PAL ERA SOAP SO PALMERA SOAP a Dr. Lewis Kundsen, Pro Speaking of Panama de fessor of Plant Physiology, sease Doctor Kundson stated Continued on page as it were, equip our May who is connected with the thit no cure had yet been flower, and sail to a New Cornell University. and is found for it, but its history American Colonies, which land. We may not with one Adviser and Consultant to was very well kuown. The was confirmed by the treaty bound reach our aim, bnt the Research Department of organization which caused of Versailles, between Britain the United Fruit Company the desease is, he said, a. aim for the stars, and you ll has been touring the Co particular species of fun and America.
reach the tree tops. The plantations in Jamaica and gus which gains entrance From the circumstances Puritan fathers, wanted a Having regard to the very France 17, 350. 124; Great Central America He is giv throught the roots of the surrounding the birth of the country, which they could serious economic conditions Britain 3, 992, 740 and Italy ing particular attention to plants to the off spring. The great American Nation, we call the own, but they did witn which most of tbe na 1, 827, 739.
the dreaded panama desease character of the soil was can see that not all disapGreat Britain has readily which has been the cause not set to work and launch tions of the world are faced also of great importance in are for evilout far America, all at once.
at the present time, partic accepted the proposal and of so much trouble in these determiping the rate of the pointments parts.
spread of the desease, but The Puritans were persecu lastead they went to Hol ularly so in the case of Ger Italy agreement is expectIn an interview with the that so far no soil treatmentted in England thier nativemany, President Hoover has ed at any moment. France, land, where they secured a «Gleaner» the Doctor stated has proved effective in con land, because they wanted voluntarily submitted a pro has however, intimated he had already made inves trolling the desease so the religious liberty, they wanted land, vessel, and returning to Eng posal to all the governments that while she favours the embarked for Ame concerned in the debts in plan generally, she is not wiltigations in Honduras and problem was still under into be able to worahip God rica. Liberty is gained, or Guatemala which had result vestigation.
curred as a consequence of ling to agree that Germany tie late world war, that they should be relieved of all her ed very successfully. After While in this Country the here, when and however achieved, by effort.
leaving Jamaica, he will Doctor will obably give they felt like, They, in order agree to suspend all pay payments, but should corNot only religious liberty ments and receipts for one tínue such as some attention to the proare specifvisit Panama, Colombia and to escape the persecutions, is gained by effort, but any year as from the current blems connected with the cally provided under the this Country went to Holland in 1607 production of cocoa.
other kind of liberty, or month. His belief being, that Young Reparation Plan. Furwith their pastor The Rev. freedom. If we were slaves to if all nations are alowed ther consideration of the this, as it were breathing proposal is in consequence 90 John Robinson. After remaina big business man, by means ing in Holland about a year space, they will be afforded being carried op along these of working for him, for an opportunity of recover lines so as to obtain a sucMindful of a duty out of they embarked for Southamp little or nothing, and we de ing their National pros cessful conclusion, Meanfriendship the most popular ton from where they pro sire to be free from his perity particularly Germany time the Presidents attempt ceeded to America. Some authority we have to make whose economic cocdition to stabilise the economic and disappointments are for good is considered extremely pe financial conditions of EUan effort, a sacrifice to do rilous.
The way to get liberty, rope and his own Conntry has Has arranged to distribute a value of almost Under the terms, however, been hailed as offering the double the former value of the wrappings as a whether mental: rnoral or Liberty, means not only of the proposal Germany most feasible mears for the benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you physical is by strixing for it.
religious freedom, but it would be relieved of about vvorlds ultimate recovery can get now any prize valued 25 wrappin before All No. wrapping have much greater volue Unity is strength, and from vvhat is regarded as means freedom, mentally, ply. 81, 288, 132 and the other than No. and others.
strength means liberty. We sically and morally. Genermajor Nations would be call the worst depression kaow in should from the character allyw hen we speak of Liber ing approximate sacrifices: cles during the present gener.
ed upon to make the follow. economic and financial cir.
of Puritan fathers. gain a ty, or Freedom we thiok of United States 49, 200, 000; ation.
valuable lesson; we can political and Religiousl berty: Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be make our exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts o cheive nothing, by merely the privilige to will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
wishing for it. Where there government Republican, os Masonic Function Distributor in Limon is fidelity, there is liberty Monachial, as we please. We The Tammuz Temple and Semminaris chapter of the Ethio.
there it freedom. Had the should think also, of the pian Massons will unfurl their new Banner on the 26 th July Armando Heilbron at p. at their Hall in Limon.
early New England settlers moral man.
Sister Temples, the public and kindred Societies are corDistributors in Turriaiba, while in their native land True liberty, is the liberty, dially invited to attend.
or freedom of which we can The Administration Rojas, Cortés Cía. o lost faith, or become discouraged, Goud cnly knows, say, INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
how long it would have been, Thank God for the might of it.
before America would be The ardor, the urge, the delight ofit Work that springs from the FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 settled permanently. Again. head desire, when we want to achieve At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small Setting the brain, and soul on fire. family residence adjoining the Post Office.
080 20 00 00 00 anything, and there are obsThe Powerful American Na tacles in the way, we should tion, has received its politiApply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES ob do cal freedom. The Negro race 89 hasbeen released from its For Sale Banana Farm yoke of Slavery Yet believe there are still moral slaves in After serving for eight years 10 Hectáreas completely cultivated in Bananas each race. The Great AmeDuring the early hours of accused vvere acquitted on just coming into production.
as His Britannic Majesty rican Nation, as it exists at the 11th November last, Elias the unanimous verdict of the Envoy Extraordinary Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, and Minister Plenipotentiary to Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country present, gained its liberty. Alexander, a Syrian trader Jury. Additional interest yvill, of some 8p by striving for it, and by means, vvas shot vve are confident, be also Panama and Costa Rica, and killed vvhile in dat his For further particulars and price Major Charles Braithwaitecentered in the case as it continually developing itself, home in lovver St. Andrevv, vxill not only be rememberWallis has left for England APPLY THE SEARCHLIGHT it is where it is today. The Jamaica. Some or vveeks ed as probably the longest for service elsewhere.
80 American Nation, as soon as after, his vvidow, Mary Alex. to be tried in the cri ninal His term of office has been most successful and in Paname 90 out it received its freedom, sought ander and her brother, Maas courts 01žthe Island, but as to make ma he always evinced great the people love our Webby, also Syrians, having greatly advanced the vvere charged vvith the mur already yvell knovy repuinterest in all matters affectder and arrested.
tation of Mr. Manley, ing the welfare of British Democratic government, that An unusual amount of in vvnose defence of the acWest Indians. On the eve or Shooting competition Council of Trinidad are to is a government of, by, and terest in the case vvas created, cused, is stated by those vvho his departure he was enterreceive a subsistence allow for the people, a government vve understand, om the vvere afforded the apportuntained at the Legation by the The annual shooting commeet in which every man has a mystery vvith vvhich it vvas ity of follovving it, to have surrounded as yvell as the been one of the most bril.
ed by Rev. A, Nightengale pitition for the West India ings of the Councilor de Club Challenge Cup took say: He may not be present nance Committee as also nature of the eviden. e vvhich liant to be vvitnessed in the and presented with a memoplace during last month and their actual travelling ex.
at the sessions of congress vvas submitted at the trial rial and walking stick made vvas won by the Jamaica penses.
Courts of Jamaica; such in.
but he has the privilege of both by the prosecution and deed it, must have been for from black palm with a silver team with a score of 778.
Dominating who shall re the defence, vvhich vvas prin head.
vve observe that the Judge, Footballers visit The scores of the other cipally of an expert nature The Major is to be sucpresent his country, or town in addressing the accused teams were: Trinidad 681; and connected vvith the reThe West India Committee ceeded by Sir Joseph Crosby. Barbados 675 and British the close of the trial, paid in it. This is truly a liberty volver from vvhich the tatal Mr. Manley as handsome a The Searchlight wishes Circular of June 11th. states Guiana 677. Bravo Jamaica! that arrangement are on foot of which Katherine Le Batese shots vvere supposed to have compliment as is probably him the continuance of a be proud in her for the tterham Hotspur could been fired. The case opened possible from a Judge to a successful career in his new Getting in Line Football Club to send a country. She expreses its at the Mandeville Circuit on member of the Bar. his refield of labour.
According to the Port of team ro Jamiaca next May. dignity thus.
June th ana, continui og for marks vvere You have had Spain Gazette, the Unofficial 17 days, vvas concluded on the good fortune to be def«O beautiful for pilgrim feet, ADVERTISE Bermuda Sweep Members of the Legislative the 23 rd ultimo; vvhen both ended with that infinite Bermuda has decided to Whose stero, impassioned stress capacity for taking pains svveepstake to be thoroughfare for freedom beat which is said to amount to Across the Wilderness!
novy as The Bermuda Hos.
And every gain divinel genius. Such a compliment America! America pitals and Charities Subis all the more pleasing God mend thine every flaw.
scription Fund ia beautiful for patriot dream vvhen vve call to mind the connecComfirm thy soul in self control.
tion vvith the Belmont Fu.
That sees beyond the years fact that the recipient is a Thy liberty in law!
Thine alabaster cities gleam turity race to be run at Son of the soil. Nephevy comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of Belmont Park, Nevy York, Undimmed by human tears! to Mr. Sam Manley of Black a house of four apartments with necessary kitO beautiful for heroes proved on September 19th. There In liberating strife, Americal America!
River, and Mr. Wilfred Manchen aud Sanitary Conveniences on a spacious vvill be over 300 prizes runGod shed His grace onthee ley formerly of Pous and lot with many bearing fruit trees; as well as a Who more than self their country ning up And crown thy good with as much as Grandson of the Revd. Mr to Oven, Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop loved. 30, 000 for the 1st. prize. And mercy more than life!
a com brotherhood Shearer.
also under construction Beautifully situated for Tickets are being offered for From sea to shinin. sea. Americal America!
In consequence of their.
business in front of the Watertank, just where sale in all parts of the vvorld May God thy gold refine The grandest thought in lengthened sitting the memthe Passenger Trains stop and all the movements including Jamaica.
bers of the Jury vvere, by Till all success be nobleness towards the new Cultivation branch off. No other this poem is that no counorder of Mr. Justice Clark, try o community can flou relieved from further service spot like it in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to Barnes.
LAWYERS NOTARIES rish except it is godly. Al for 20 years.
AT LIMON though the city be shiping, Mrs. Alexander on leaving or To «THE SEARCHLIGHT with silver and gold, except it the dock burst in tears and Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking is shining with the light of was presented vvith a bouPublic as solicitors before the lower as well as the the world it is subservient quet by a gentleman.
Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents to sin also prepared at Lowest prices. thank you.
ENGLISH SPOKEN NELSON Printen in Falcó Hermanos Este documento es propiedad ue la Biblic Sela Nas uel Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Change of Diplomats The Alexander Case Around the West Indies it, sought to make it a run a FOR SALE Advertise

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