p. 6


Fancy work taught Machine and midst.
The Cup Competition an To our Subscribers two or One colon per insertion of six lines Brought from page give you some informations in this Province, the people lectually guiding the thoughts from a reliable source, have will talk, more so if by one of the inhabitants of a country.
WANTED thanked the members of the selected Emerson on the who is trying to achieve a The Press is able to make for University Club for their kind subject which shall quote in goal. But what we are about Var or Peace. The Press The Community there is no Ings Also Bead and Woolwork.
To know that Taught by Miss Binns at her hospitality, Mr. Bermú parts: First he says There is is what concerns us and not can bring a spirit of Love or thing to break up a cold like a home in Siquirres.
dez replied on behalf of the a time in every man educa what they think we should hatred between communities Cafiaspirin tablet taken in a Cup club thanking them for their tion when he arrives at the do, for if we should do what between individuals, between of hot lime juice tea immediately presence. After dispersing, a conviction that envy, is igno they think we should do, when families and friends; forcibly after having contracted a cold. Those who would like to pass a fewer cos the members and tur: Fance that imitation is suicide, it is too late, we will find then, gentlemen might it be in a quiet home in the interior serenaded Miss Vera Gillings, better, or for worse as his por road to success.
than the Sword. because if o know thot Mrs. Charlote Bigs.
President of the tgerstaf can accomodate your neceYoung tion; that though the wide Right here we will see gent all the intelligence of the hand Emsities at her hone in Cartago with VVomen Standard Club and universe is full of good no lemen, that, that virtue Self combined Press associations broidery. Typewriting Flower paint. clean comfortable quarters.
Mr. VValter Logan Director kernel of nourishing corn can Reliance is a virtue which every of this world persistently make of the Motive Povver Literary come to him but through his boy and girl, man and woman for Peace, the minds of the Club, vvhich vvas duly ack toil bestowed on that plot of should possess in order to be inhabitants of this globe would The King of Sports novvledged by them, Belovy is ground which is given him to just what we should be.
be so focussed on Peace, the list of speeches rendered till.
There will be a great day of racing at 24 miles on the 15th Ont he Press Concord, Love and Unison, by the different speakers.
day of September, on the new Race Track, the best in the Why should vve envy a by Nation that the millions of Swords Province. Egbert Polson man for the good things he fine day sport is in store for all lovers of the sport of Mr. President and gentlemen would soon be beaten into can do, when if we but try, of the University Club of ploughshares; and after all kings: all turfites are cordially invited; fine accommodation will also do the good things Limon.
will be afforded visitors so as to enable you to spend a real Toast to University Club gentlemen, what enthuses the day of enjoyment.
he can do? Vye cannot exPress to advance into whatA fine Silver Cup in the Race for the half Bred horses, will VVith much pride in the pect to be nourished from the ever line of thought she may be among the prizes to be competed for.
by Rivers Do not miss the corn of another man labour; been good enough to allot met manipulations of such Associdistinction which you have adopt, but the intellectual occasion of this meeting.
we are to toil for ourselves do feast with you in spiri, ations as yours.
Watch for Programmes soon to appear giving full details.
Mr. Guest of Honor, Toaston that plot of ground which The Racing Club 25 Miles mast, Lady and Gentlemen: is given each and everyone the inaugural festival of your on this imposing occasion of VVe, the members of the May your Club sirs, as her University Club are proud in of us to till Take for instance, Club, which marks a great era name implies, actuate tovvards Demosthenes, one of the world having your presence in our in the intellectual life of the the highest unselfish aims for greatest orators, when he made coloured people of our little development and upliftment of the moral, social, intellectual his first appearance in public, town.
It is rather significant that our banquet should fall on they all hooted him; but all he the thoughts of the group of the this great day, the anniversary said was, You shall hear me pellation of your club gives peoples she is intended to of America independence. enthusiasm to the principles contributions to the Press from ssessed that virtue SELF REOn July 5th a very inter Povver vs. Construction date This moment marks of higher thoughts which the LIANCE. He went away and Press of all civilized countries communities she is expected esting game of Cricket was epoch in the life of our club, toiled on his plot of ground uphold as its greatest motto; to influence, that spirit of pride time to time emulate in the to be fixed; Constructions vs.
played in Limon. Penshurst Matina, Excelsior vs. Pensº our strength, our promise for against Construction that was given him to till hurst 26 inst. Penshurst vs. the future and our social hapº Education.
which produced him his kernel Estrada Aug 2nd; Cairo vs. piness are in the contentment in things educative, ennobling, of corn that nourished him The leading lights in Jour of the majority vvho tell.
aspiring and mutually benefinalism the world over have cial, so that she may in the Penshurst went to the bat Matina 2nd Aug. at Cairo.
until his death. And when he from time to time given en future be looked forvvard to Let us vvith merry hearts first and scored 70 Runs: made his second appearance, arise and give but one sip for couragement to just the ideas Barret making 22 Runs and they were all lost in the future prosperity of our as that ray of light and con which your Club inculcates, yvisdom which shall be the Whisky 28.
sternation. And now, as long and as a means of which they Hallow of Glory to those you ve Club.
as the world lasts his name The Construction then will.
have on occasions too numercalculated to serve.
went in and replied with 72 Matina is the black PROGRAMME This virtue, Self Reliance is ous to mention brought tothus winning the game by spot for the Searchlight not inherent but must be cultivgether men from every clime, Contiuued in our next issue Address of VVelcome, Presruns, Oscar Mc Rae along the lines, under no ated, and if we would consider for exchanging thoughts and played a faultless inning for ident Polson.
account can we get the Toast to Costa Rica, opinions; as is your purpose WORD WARNING for a while and look back on his 23 not out, Lewis also rendered valuable service light of reason to pene Scott the lives of many we will tonight, for the more intellec, tual guidance not of a partiIn every City there is to his Club in bowling and trate into the minds o Address Social VVelfare, observe that whenever a child cular wountry or group of alvvays to be found a Batting, taking wickets for some of our Subscribers Mitchell to cultivate that virtue Self persons. but for the benefit class of individuals who 13 Runs and pt Rae in of the world, civilized or or our Agents in that Address The Negro and PolReliance, he or she always look to dupe the innocent his wickets for the last pair district. Our honest sub Song Neopolitan Nights, Cyril made the better man semi civilized. The Press has by her continual Inter new arrivals, and even woman.
ever due to Fisher Bertie scribers are asked there.
national Conferences con tually dispossess them or who made the winning hitfore to call personally Address Association, That imitation is suicide. By tributed more to bring about see then dispossessed of of and was bowled in the on our new Agent there Bermúdez.
imitating another man styles that genuine concord among their hardearned Cash.
succeeding ball Wilfred Forbes Address Progress, Hay or actions and not adopting our nations and individuals alike. There has been operating On Monday 6th the Wan for their papers and pay Address True Independence, talents with which the Master preparednass, than all the in San Jose a gang of derers also met and defeated up their outstanding Harriott has endowed us. Another writhe Motive Power. The Cap dues to him.
Diplomats unguided by Press sharpers who claim to Duet Piano and Violin, Delpratt ter says, cannot just recall Associations could have made have certain chemicals tain Cyril Tomlinson act. Lettman.
to memory the name, that possible; because it must be and parer for inaking ed for Mr. Stanley Butler Address Education, Prof. the study of Sheakespeare borne in mind that a free and who vvas unavoidably absent, Hylton.
vvill not make you a Sheaks untrammelled Press is the Bills and in this way American gold Coins and in consequence of his duties, Address Environment, peare likewise any other vvon the toss and sent his Britton.
writer, but study to be just the peoples of not only the have fleeced many of our opponents to the bat and Address The Press. from Mr. what we should be; we all country in vvhich a section coloured people, who succeded in dismissing them fine dwelling in a Nation)
should be as that key on the may operate, but of the ex like to get rich too qui.
for 45 Rurs due to the BovySolo Hawaian Guitar, Carolina piano natural.
ling of Tass Smith and Lucie most imposing spot in change of opinions of the enlight ckły, by professiog to Moon and Let me call you Then he goes further to say White vvho took vvickets front of the Northern Rail sweetheart, Robotham. What we must do is what truly the Press may vvell be sell them the, would be for 14 Ruos and vvickets Address Self Reliance, Miss concerns us and not what the Stage upon as the Ruling secret for 10 Ruos respectivelyway Machine shop Limon, Aiken.
people think so we will al looked of this World; the There is a man named Messrs Moore and Delpratte towards the Hospital, is Address For Alpha Club, ways chastise those shy think Press may even be looked Shand in San Jose, who George Fraser.
they know what is our duty upon as the advance guard to could get into double ti being offered for Sale.
meets Address For Motive Power some of these better than we know it. the destiny of nations; no gures vvith 10 and 14 Runs Consisting of four large Club, Allan Hylton. Responharmelss fools and, if Gentlemen, that is a fact; mightier vveapon is there than respectively. The Wanderers rooms with front and side ses, by the Guests.
whatever one does, especially the Press, because by intel they are sick, takes them then replied vvith 74; Closing Address.
to a curandero, or to an Groves making 16, Ste verandahs; it renders a 98 A3 unknwn vvart 15, Tass Smith 14 and constant tenancy of sixty inexperienced Lucy White 13 not out.
young Medico, who charFor the Club like ours, very airy and colones per month in crisis Speech Self Reliance ges these Tontos froin by Leonie Aiken Wilson took vvickets for 200 to 300 colones for a cure 25 runs, Scott for 25 and Cool, Constant watersupply of wbich Shand Rose for Mr. Guest of Hcnor, Toastafforded by Tanks of Rainde Costa Rica ofcourse gets his big master and Gentlemen: de Commission.
The Estrada also vvon the water. am indeed pleased to be Matina C, by runs, EsIt is strange that the Apply on premises for with you tonight at this august Quality Merchandise trada making 61 and Matina price and information to function and wish to thank Oficina de lovestigation When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de does not see what profesC. Commissaries you may rest assured that John Dacosta or For this vveek, the Wanto the Young VVomen Stan.
sion this man follows.
dard Club which am repreyou are buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old derers also defeats the Pens. The Searchlight.
shopworn goods are not allowed to remain in He has gone now to senting hurst on Sunday by making our stores.
As most of you are aware avenge himself on a 97 to 46, and again defeated a public speaker the Matina on Monday by hardworking woman, Mrs.
Zepol and Floradora Products Williams, owner of The Matira boys could only make behalf of my club. The subject Have you joined the growing number of our Excelsior house, by reon which am about to speak, 46 This places the Wan the Turf customers who are saving money by buying Ze porting her as keeping a have chosen, as thought it derers as the probable vvinpol and Floradora Products? Next time ask for would be in accordance with Common house, a hotel ners of the Cup. vv standZepol Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts. Un8 By the great Racing Ma your program, and so as to without License and a ing on points, vvith guento and Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, PerEstrada on If the Estrada gazine Horse and Hound fume, Eau de Cologne and Lavender Lotion.
seller of Narcotic drugs vvins the Penshurst on the we see and hereby beg which is all unfounded; 26th, which is probable, she to bring before the atten Lord Woolavington unWe Sell the GENUINE the Investigation Bureau vvill be on a tie vyith the tion of Lovers of the sport beated champion Hurry08 might have investigated Wanderers of each.
of Kings that there has on out of Embarr by Peter Pan Prints his mode of living rather There are hovvever seven recently been imported in the Tetrach and bred by than HUNDREDS OF PATTERNS worrying about matches to be played to de to Jamaica for breeding Lord Furniss. He was sold working people.
cide the competition: Motive GUARANTEED FAST COLOR Povver, vs. Penshurston purposes the thoroughbred as a yearling at the DonThanking you, Mr. Edi19th. inst. Construction vs. Callonby.
caster sales for 10, 000.
tor for space.
Cairo on 21st. inst. Motive He is years old by He is a grey horse. 168, 88 Seos City Resident Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
For Sale Compañia Surtidora making another mophile the Acquisition to will try to do mycarestbut 88 8888


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