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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment It is not so much in these times a question as to whether one nation should or should not exercise its sovereign rights in regulating matters relating to its domestic affairs, but rather is it a question as to whet.
her one people should treat another people sympathetically or unsympathetically, fairly or unfairly in order that wounds previously inflicted may become healed.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JULY 25. 1931 NUM. 86 hís Gandhi and Loincloth Judge classes Chiropractors With Medics Halt Race Prejudice WALLS If Gandhi persists, as he Elsewhere in this issue prejudice and race hatred states he will, in his intention we reprint an item from flourishes. In England coto wear no other garb than London telling of the or lored subjects of the Em(Wisconsin State Jonrnal the benefit of any particular ticing medicine without a li London in the autumn, for the ganization of a widespread pire are being humiliated school for the treatment of the issue of May 27, 1931)
cense, although he defended India Round Table Conference, league to wage a campaign solely because of the cosick.
himself on the ground that he awkward situations are expect against the color bar in lor of their skin. In the It would seem that the Attention of a Chiropractor whole purpose and object of was a Chiropractor. The coned to arise therefrom. It is England. This association colonies the door of opporviction by a jure was sustain stated that the Mahatma has composed of liberalminded tunity is closed to them, must be classed as medical the statute was merely to ed.
treatment, Judge Zim provide compensation for treatticle in Bombay: My loincloth Englishmen of the older and the boasted tradition merman, of Dane County ment of the sick applcants To hold that a Chiropractor an organic evolution in and younger generations, of British fair play has Circuit Court, ruled this mornregardless as to whon coiucted, treatment of the sick is the my life; it came naturally is distinct from the Lea become in many instances, ing, reversing a decision of the treatment, insofar as there practice of medicine and then without premeditation, and que for the protection of only a mockery. No Chatthe Industrial Commission in was statutory authority for to undertake to demonstrate it will be my duty, if reach colored people, recently ham now thunders in Parthe case of Henry Corsten, practicing in treatment of the that a Chiropractor practice London, to Green Bay fireman.
sick and the right to exact of medicine is not medical more thereto, than the cli formed also in London, liament against the nefaAs a result of the decision, compensation therefor under treatment would seem to be mate peremptorily de the city of Green Bay will be the law.
with Dr. Moody of Jamai rious color bar in South trying to make a distinction mands. As he goes, he ca as its head.
forced to pay a Chiropractor Africa, no Wilberforce is Webster defines Chiroprac. without a difference, in endeavfurther states to England, as bill of 150. 00 incurred by tic as a system of healing oring to read into the statutes This movement is not willing to give his life for Corsten after he had been that treats disease by the the meaning that Chiropractors pear in a representative cha: being started too soon, human liberties and the injured in a collision between manipulation of the spinal may practice medicine in their racter.
as a matter of fact it is equality of man. The naa fire truck and a street car. column.
special fields in the treatment The question raised by of the sick in all cases where Indian Congress in so far as He will be representing the too long delayed. As the tives of Autralia are ill.
attorneys for the city and by Cites Massachusetts Case news article truly says, treated, Canada closes her their services are desired, and that represents the half starthe Industrial Commission was Britain has been allowing doors to colored immri.
Judge Zimmerman pointed to be paid therefor except in ved villagers.
whether or not Chiropractic out that in Massachusett a industrial cases, the decision conditions to develop with grants. In British East treatments come within the man was found guilty of prac. concluded.
in the Empire which have Africa the white planters provisions of the state law providing for medical, surgical Rey Alfano is cure of eye injure The friend of all been alienating the vow to maintain suprema.
minds of her colored sub cy over the natives, and and hospital treatment.
coming Chiropractros are licensed jects and making them feel to perpetuate the robbery (East St. Louis Shoppers pressure on the nerves vvhich in this state by a board of Guide, May 15, 1931. affected the muscle of the eye.
strangers in their own of their lands. All this is examiners in Chiropractic. Alfano responded to the It is a fortnight now land. At the same time leading to a serious unrest.
Judge Zimmerman pointed out Startling news has come first treatment, said Dr. Griggs, that Mr George Chitten it is said that France is India has already broken that it appears that Chiro through from the local sport and his sight is now as den Ist. Vice president of making friends of the the bonds, and Lord Irwin, practors are as fully authorized world.
to treat the sick as physicians and surgeons.
heavyweight champion of the ring in December at the Co. has been natives and teaching them the late vice roy was for: Dr. Griggs said that Alfano expected, his family arriv pride in France.
ced to admit that the pres The questions of the various and an East St. Luis ed some three weeks ago The Colonial Exposition tige of the white man is distinctions, degrees, rights to boy, has regained the sight of soon as his trainer can get and he was to follow on is a significant gesture on tribes in Africa are stirring, practice in various way it his left eye which was injured him is shape physically.
now being held in Paris lost forever in India. The would seem are not matters in a contest at the arena last Friends of Álfano look for December.
of concern so far as the inthe next boat buit did not, the part of France to hold and black men in the West him to make a championship he is however, expected the affections of her co dustrial statutes are concern Boxing fans will soon see Indies no longer bend the ed.
Alfano back in the ring and that the vvorld championship today. The many friends lored subjects and to stim knee to the massa. The provision for medical climbing the ladder to the of light vveights is only around of Mr Chittenden will be ulate an undying patrio Science has proven that treatment was not inserted for championship of the world.
Alfano cure was brought Dr. Griggs is located in the glad to see him back again. tism in them. From every ºthere is no racial supe about by Dr. Griggs, a licensed chiropractor, who street, and he has many such here at least for the rest Foulon building at 1041 State Rumour says he will be corner of French Africa, riority. All mankind is one.
Excessive Heat the French West Indies The Christian religion estab brought him out of the attic statements as Alfano to his and French Indo. China lishes the tenet of the Wave of has beens in which he was credit during his 20 years of of the year, and that Mr.
have been gathered a stu Fatherhood of God and stored due to his blindness.
Fight fans and Alfano Marsh will go on vacation pendous assembly which the brotherhood of man.
Certain sections of Canada trainer had given him up as is now bringing to the The nations of the world have been experiencing an never being able to fight again.
excessive heat waye recently. His accident happened after and diverse In the city of St. Thomas. his 149th fight out of which races over which France fact and stem the tide of he had lost only 18.
Six of the largest indus Anton Stanieszevvski, an Ontario, residents have been Alfano injury occurred when trial trusts in Russia bave engineer, vras on the 21st: pointing of Blaise Diagne, a greatest human scourge, rules. Similarly the ap hatred and prejudice, the able to fry their eggs on side he entered the ring against so re adjusted their activi walks, and farmers in the Sammy Offerman, when he ties as to conform vvith the Polonia, for alleged espion coal black Negro from Se or a more devastating surrounding districts report fell and injured his spine at Stalin plan and permit of age in England in favour of negal, as under secretary maelstorm than the Great their fruit being cooked on the base of the brain. Alfano the specializing of labour. the Soviet.
for colonies, in Premier War of 1914 18 will sweep has sought the trees, particularly apples every knovvn Tre industries thus affected Laval cabinet, means of restoring his sight are: electricity, mecbanics, proves the world.
and gooseberries. In the but got no relief until Dr. metal and construction.
that France does not reIt is announce: that the harbour of Montreal the Griggs discovered his trouble.
Panama Tribune, July 12.
Chilian Cabinet which vvas cognize the color bar and water dropped 59. inches Alfano, in an intervievv today, From Lima, Peru, it is starecently re organized bas is living up to her ideal below its average level for told a reporter, Dr. Griggs ted that Sr. Rafael Larco presented its resignation to of Liberty, Fraternity and Desfructive Hurricane June so that ships requiring has performed a miracle. Herrera bas resigned bis pothe government.
never expected to be able to a draft greater then 26 feet fight again. My injury was The district of Lublin in sition of Minister of foreign On the other hand the Polonia, is reported to have have had to take their car terrible nothing could be relations to accept the preA nisterial crisis has vve situation in the British suffered enormous damage by go at Quebec City instead. vvorse than to know that sidential candidacy, but the a hurricane which occurred Cabinet has refused to acblindness is creeping slovvly learn, occurred in the Repu countries has been grovv.
but surely upon oneself. He cept bis resignation.
blic of Colombia consequent ing more and more dis there on the 21 St. inst. Nearly Garrison rebels said that his left eye vvas in on the resignation of the tressing for the colored troyed, on the railroad two such a condition that he vvas Secretary of State, doctor man who has any pride cars loaded with race horses affected yvith double vision at change of office Carlos Restrepo in himself or any self res. were broken up all the aniThe United Press annountimes and at others he could pect. The United States mals perishing; one wooden ces that news was on the not see anything house was also hurled a half 20th. instant received from Alfano gives Dr. Griggs It might be that the wihs can no longer boast preAlbert Fall, vyho vvas Kilometro by the wind. No Buenos Aires, Argentine, credit for restoring his sight is father to the thought: Secretary of Interior which the poison of race eminence as the land in lives have been reported lost stating that the garrison at for relieving him of severe but there is a rumour that in the Harding Cabinet and Corrientes had that morning headaches, and said that Dr.
Griggs vvould be requested to don Arturo Quirós will be vyho vvas, it vvill be rerebelled against the govern be near at hand during his sent to Washington as our membered, charged vvithbav.
Musical Entertainment ment and that a batallion coming training periods and Minister there, so as to ving accepted the sum ef Grand Repertoire will be given by the Lily Choral Unión of infantry had been des that he vvould never again on Sunday July 26 th 1931. at 30 at the Limon Burial patched against them from enter the ring unless Dr. Griggs calm down the fears of a one bundred thousand. dol. Scheme Association Hall.
the City of Santa Fe, as also vvas in his corner.
Political group. Who will lars from Edward DoThis program has been in rourse of preparation for some time, and now that the climax has come, lovers of musical several military planes from Dr. Griggs, vvhen interview: be placed as Minister of Seny for certain concessions gems can be assured of listening to a selected repertoire preEl Palomar. The rest of the sented by some of the most reputed artists of the city.
Republic is reported as being about by an injury to the fourth but we hear little whisper prison on the 21st. inst. to The puhlic is cordially invited to attend, and make the af.
Alfano condition vvas brought war is not yet spoken, in the Elk ills oil reserves, the Santa Fe ternoon the success anticipated.
peaceful. The City of Corrien cervical vertebra vvhich was Admission: Adults 50 Children 25 has since been placed subluxated or had been knock ings of don Bautista serve bis sentence of one DAYSLEY Director ader martial law.
ed out of place, causing a Quirós.
year and one day.
Around the World knowledger et afrenchmen must not only agree with so far.
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