
Saturday July 25 1931 La Escuela Primaria y la Sports LIMON AL VUELO evolución de los pueblos meen su en The es en se New Ammunition Cripples Tanks diosa.
Foot Ball El 21 de los corrientes pático Víctor Manuel NOMBRAMIENTO The Gimnástica Española parten para Bluefields, Ni jore pronto para felicidad Será nombrado Agente Los pueblos que han con cuelas primarias, la cual es caragua, nuestro estimable de sus aflijidos papás.
which left for Colombia to del Ferrocarril en Sto. Doquistado grandeza social, pc la base en la que descansan, amigo don Angel Monge, SALUDO mingo el apreciable amigo lítica y económica, a qué como dije antes, las moder engage the best teams, vvon their first match by goals Señora y niños, quienes van Paulino Baldelomar, quien se deberá? la atención nas civilizaciones.
a radicarse al lado de los Hemos tenido el gusto de que han prestado a to nil on Sunday 19th. and actualmente está empleado la es Hace algún tiempo la essuyos. El amigo Monge tra saludar de nuevo este en la Agencia de Limón.
cuela primaria, pues ella es cuela primaria no llenaba las again, on Munday 20th. vvon bajó como cinco años en el puerto al dilecto amigo nues. El Sr. Baldelomar será tras.
el yurque en que se forja aspiraciones que necesitaba the 2nd. match to nil.
Departamento de Contabili tro don José Hernández ladado a desempeñar la juventud que más tarde la marcha progresiva del tiemdad de la United Fruit Co. Sánchez, quien después de Cricket nuevo cargo con el entero ha de ser útil a sus padres po, pues en ella solamente se Hoy deja esa posición pa permanecer algunos meses beneplácito de sus jetes, ya y a la patria.
enseñaba ligeras nociones de The all Jamaica team vvith ra trasladarse a Bluefields en la capital, regresa al la que él ha sido un cumplido En algunos países del Con algunas asignaturas con lo Geo Headly and his four en donde se sabe le han do de sus amigos que dejó empleado de la Northern tinente Americano, la escue cual el niño quedaba como se cracks from Kingston vvon ofrecido amigos suyos una dice a medio camino. Los úlen este puerto. Reciba nues Railuay Co. Nuestra felicila primaria ha sido mirada el Gobierno tro afectuoso saludo tación al amigo Baldelocon indiferencia, y por ésta timos sistemas pedagógicos the strongest Nevv York posición en que preside el eximio Gene unión de los suyos.
circunstancia no se ha oby la abolición de lecciones Club by 153 and their 2nd.
ral José Maria Moncada.
tenido el resultado que se memorizadas, ha venido a conmatch vvas dravyn.
Buen viaje le deseamos.
vertir la escuela en un centro Rains vvashed necesita para encauzar a la out the fixtures of the Cup CompeDEPORTIVAS juventud hacia derrotero de llamativo, interesante, atractivo para los niños, ya no hutition in Jamaica leaving the mejor comprensión evolutiva.
The Cairo Lexicographer El domingo 19 del correnLa escuela primaria ha yen de ella como en tiempos Railvvay C, still leading Mr. Robert Webster James Cairo lexicographer presents his te tuvo verificativo un senanteriores que hacían de la in the Senior and the St.
sido y es la impulsora de Sacional match de foot ball, sincere compliments to all the esteemed and eminent ladies escuela un centro de horror, Catherine leading in and gentlemen within the vicinity of Cairo, all the various las modernas civilizaciones.
the Juniors.
entre las divisiones del Mo sections of the Atlantic Zone by wayof invitation to de miedo.
an up Sin ellas no existirían las tive Power. las cuatro de to date speaking meeting that will take place at Estrada Ahora solo nos queda el universidades, a las cuales la tarde del domingo dio chairdeber de preocuparnos por el han llegado los individuos man will be the Hon. Stewart the Magi from the East mayor engrandecimiento y About Bananas resultó muy renido. En el principio el juego el cual who represented the negroes in convenation; Hon. Fennikin que en edad temprana pa.
will be there, Robert James Cairo lexicographer will be there, buena atención que hay que saron por la escuela primaRecent information given perforó la casa del Motive primer tiempo el Barcelona the Queen, a Panamanian who comes to hear the language of the sons of Ham. It will be a night of flowing orations.
ria, en la que recibieron la prestar a la escuela; pues en ella es donde descansa la out by the Agricultural Dept. Power; en el segundo tiemR. JAMES preparación necesaria para grandeza y evolución de los of Brazil shovvs that, duringresar a estos centros en po, nada; así es que el match Advertizer.
donde se obtiene sólidos pueblos. Sin ella el mundo ing last year 51. 314. 000 bunterminó un goal el Barceconocimientos profesionales.
marcharía a ciegas, los hom ches of bananas with a lona por cero el Motive bres no podríamos entender gross weigh of 850, 000 tons En la escuela de primeras Power letras nos, nunca comprenderíamos yvere produced in that coundonde el fondo ni la verdad de las try, and of vvhich 687. 000 ENFERMO miran los destellos del procosas y he ahí la importancia bunches vvere exported, the greso y civilización; por es legitimamente tan sagrada, que Argentine Republic taking tado el niño Víctor Manuel Delicado de salud ha este motivo tan justo es que desempeña la escuela en la 913. 000 and todos los pueblos bien the United vida ascendente de las nacio. Kingdom 468. 000 Cuadra, hijo de nuentro figanizados y de una cultura nes continentalmente hablando.
no amigo don Manuel Cua.
general, le deben el apoyo Es un deber completamen In Cuba, Sr. Domingo Esdra y Sra. Son nuestros que han dado a las instite sagrado que tenemos todos pino, the Director of the mejores deseos que el simA sensational inven ed from any ordinary rifle tuciones educativas. Las mo los hombres de preocuparnos National Statistical Bureau dernas democracias hoy día tion by means of which or Machine Gun. Fired por el mejoramiento de las is urging the farmers to go existen en los países que se escuelas primarias y es por in for more extensive plantEnormous Public the speed of bullets fired at a distance of 150 feet han preocupado por alcanésto que yo deseo que todos ing of bananas ia order to froin ordinary Rifles is it penetrated specially zar el mejor y mayor engran Debt los padres de familia dirija improve the economic conddoubled and their effect hardened armour plate decimiento de los centros mos nuestra mirada a esos itions of the Island. Although tripled has been found, more than half an inch primarios y de esta manera centros educativos y preste he states, there has been While we are much conhan formado los verdaderos Its inventor Gerlich in thickness, tearing off ciudadanos útiles a los destimos nuestro legítimo contin some improvement in the serned about our public debt is zealously guarding the parts which have the efnos de la patria. Allí se en gente para conseguir su mejor quantity exported during the of 696, 000 000; it is noted desarrollo colectivo en la secret of his «Halger fects of shell splinter.
señan conocimientos teóricos past 10 years, it has not mente de la juventud estu been sufficient rapidly to be y prácticos para la vida sothat the public debt of the Ultra Ammunition, it is Fired from a distance of cial y comercial y luego más of any material assistance, Chilean Republic has rea ch understood that lse ob 3, 000 feet the bullets los centarde robustecer en EL CONDE DE XOLOTLÁN and in vievy of the shipping ed the enormous figures tains marvelous results deviated at the inaximum facilities at the disposal or of 909. 704. 000 tros superiores los conoci Limón, Costa Rica, Julio de pesos on mientos adquiridos en las eswith his new kind of about five inches. The 1931.
the Island a profitabie busi which the sum of 311 000. 000 ness should be established Powder.
invention can also be pesos is paid as interest.
vvith the United States. The alle ore al value of the fruit exported Her deficit in Revenue The projectiles from used in other guns and since 1921 is stated to apand Expenditure is estimated any kind of Rifle, in his revolvers and the invent.
latest tests, attain a ve or hopes to obtain more this year at 149. 000. 000 pesos. locity of 700 metres phoenomenal results af per second, meantime ter further research. He GRANT the speed now obtained has worked for many Suits made to order at the Shortest notice for military purposes do years on his experiments.
not exceed 900 metres He was formerly an. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings per second.
tillery Officer and one and Flannels always on stock; when in San José come in Gerlich announces that of the leading Engineers and see my recent arrivals.
his Powder invention of the British gun man.
will be the means of dis ufacturers, Vickers Arm NORTH WEST CORNER OF CENTRAL AVENUE WHERE PLAZA VIQUEZ TRAMWAY STARTS The Directors of this the Sinking Fund would abling any Tank when us strong, Ltd. Gleaner.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a famous Engiish firm not make much of a hole number vvinnings this vveek made a gift of 50. 000 in it. The world does not SerieK. drawing Nº. 20 won by Jorge Chavarría with ticket Nº. 22 to its employees at the seem as if it will last In presence of Mario Fonseca, Rodolfo Vargas, Juan Monge celebration of its centen: very much longer, distriary. This firın started bute all the acts of kind.
PO BOX 252 SAN JOSE TELEPHONE 3320 business in cocoa with ness while you can; to Trinidad forty years ago wait till you are forced In vievy of vvhat the much more sensational in Gleaner nevvs paper terms, character. when she was the great to, wont be appreciated. Act now.
the sensational cases wf the est world producer of coA Revolutionary coa beans and when Africapital offence vvhich have other countries, the follovv.
When compared vvith The Winning Essay taken place in Jamaica re.
Strike can Gold Coast shipped ing is observed: Murders in Racial War cently, that paper givs us With regard to the winning Jamaica average about 14 or The general Strike only 80 lbs. for the year.
some very interesting figures. 15 per million. In England, paper on «American Inde among the workers of Today Gold Coast proDuring the 12 months endvvhere the number of murall classes, which had duces over a quarter mil Tokyo, July 8th. re.
ing 31st.
December 1930 ders annually. for the size Mathew Nelson of the there vvere 17 cases brought of the population, is the orts tha, the racial war Seventh Day Adventist been threatening for lion tons of cocoa.
befɔre the courts in vvhich lovvest in the vvorld, the School, published in our some time, went into Surrounding the Di betwcen the Koreans and 19 persons were involved. average is a little over one Of these yvere convicted last issue, we beg to say that effect in Seville, Spain, rectors at the celebra Chinese still continues murder per million of popuat the end of last week, tion were more than 500 in Korea and Manchuria. three of vvhom were execuIation. America, vvhich easily years of Age. The Competi and still continues. Accor of their pensioners, for Scores have been Kiiled ted, tvvo given life senten. takes first place atuong all whor a fund has been and hundreds wounded. ces and one adjudged insane.
countries, accounts for some Competition on American ding to late reports severIndependence was inaugu al clashes have occur provided which has now At Seoul the Japanese numbered 27. In the previous each year giving an average The manslaughter cases thing like 12. 000 murders rated by Mr Keith Ches red between the strikers reached 000. 000. There police were compelled year (1929) 21 cases vvere terfield Harriot, Principal of and the police, resulting were also present more to kill many Koreans, dealt with involving 24 per population. In Trinidad, the of nearly 120 per million of the Intermediate in many deaths. Ai than 400 of the firm in repulsing large mobs sons of vvhom vere con figures are stated to be some School among his pupils victed, being executed, vvhat like those in Jamaica.
for an essay of 1000 words tramcars and taxis have Agents and their wives which attacked the po.
41 cases of murder and on the subject.
ceased running and the and over 000 of their lice stations, in their sentenced to penal servitude and one adjudged insane. It Manslaughter vvere recorded The following pupils also civil guard has taken employees of which 300 attempt to seize hundred yvill thus be seen that in displayed great merit, Miss possessico of all stra. were girls who had come of chinese in 1930, as compared vvith who had 1930 there vvere slightly few 23 in 1929.
er murder cases thau in phus Brown, Winston Cun tegic points in the City. straight from the Factory taken refuge there, afier their residences had been 1929. So far as this year ningham and Miss Ida Mac. It is thought that the still in their white over.
Kenzie, conring 2nd, 3rd, actions of the working alls in which they work, destroyed and a large has gone, there have beer more cases than in the 4th, and fifth class have been the Wont our greac Ben number ofthe inhabitants same period last year, but it It is highly complementary outcome of revolutionary efactor Company The slaughtered in the streets. is thought by the police to the Teachers of this that the total for the full School, the great interest they propaganda. The city has Co. get jealous and year vvill probably be about exhibit from time to time in since been placed under do likewise for their ern. the youths under their care. martial law.
ployees? million from Printed in Falcó Hermanos majority so far have been SASTREIA GRANT proximate. 600. 000 Cadbury Cocoa Some Crime Statistics Advertise in the Searchlight Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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