
Saturday July 25. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Function of The University Club Cafiaspirina men natione candu ber er language encourages intellectual uplift twah power above the level market utse and adinizestrative different Religiou bodies bumper house is expect.
uwe 080880880880880. 880. 8308088080880:880880808808808 Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Continued tas, the Jimenez nor our for discussion, for sharing present chief executive don ideas, with the social and For the benefit of our Cleto González Víquez to intellectual development that youths, with an idea of whose health and to the comes with such mutual asstimulating them to join our prosperity of Costa Rica sistance; it fosters, at least, different Literary AssociaI invite you to drink. Three the development of mental tions rather than be hangcheers to Costa Rica. skill, thus estimulating menting up at the corners of al and social pride among 88 our Streets and wiping the BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Speech. Association. Mr. its members; it is no doubt paints from the lampposts, Bermúdez.
the first of all educative we continue to a finish the Mr. Toastmaster, Lady forces; and must emphaDout accept any tube or envelope various instructive orations Gentlemen: size that we will render BAYER)
delivered on that night. look around on these invaluable services, not only packets without the tables and meditate for a to the people of our vicini. Toast by Mr. Scott.
moment, take it to be both ty, but to the entire country BAYER CROSS Mr. Guest of Honor, an especial privilege and a by championing the neccesToastmaster, Young lady rather high honor to be in sity of associations, just as: 883088080880880880880880808808808088088OBRO880880.
Gentlemen: your midst on this occa It affords me great pleas sion, and to be a participant United States of America ure to be in your midst with you at this banquet, and other countries of the from time to time in in all the political battles Invitation to a Convention tonight. It is the first time given by the members of the old and new world supported these that have the honor to find University Club, of which and secured the establishcountries, so as to bring The many friends and and speak at these meet myself in the midst of a am a member, to glorify and ment of such centres, as a about better appreciation members of the Univer: ings.
function of this nature, and and admiration of the citi, sal Negro Improvement record, at least, an effort means of securing the prepazens of these contries and The unveiling of our this will be my first privilege made not only to uplift ration which such element of Association are advised new charter 300 will in a like manner to create to express in public as far themselves, morally, socially the life of to day demands for for as the occasion will permit and intellectually, but to stimus a proper place in that a three days Con also take place on Sun.
every man and woman, my feelings of gratitude and ulate other aspiring whether they are white their hearts. This is my pervention will be held in day 2nd. August at or appreciation for this small and women in the same di black, whether they are rich sonal convictions, is due the Liberty Hall of the pm. when our visitors to the lack of education Limon Division, at which will be entertaind by a but great Central American rection.
or poor.
Republic, and for the people take it also to be a great And finally, wish to say, because, that is the branch from the 18 brzinches of are cordially invited.
along civic lines. say civic, time Representatives musical programme. All of this great golden coast fortune when one is associat that the necessity of assoCosta Rica. am one of ed with people who are de ciation is born with each of study which teaches us those who believe that the voting their time to the bet indivi al; for man nature is about political sciences, just the Organization will The Convention will future stability of this batter terment of themselves and instinctively social, no normal the subject that the decolo. expound their views tor end up on Wednesday ed up new world of ours of humanity in general, in man can live strictly to himred student is being depriy. the united cooperation for night the 5th. inst with ed of in the corriculums of the improvement of the depends more largely than some form or other; and self; for apart from a necesthe schools where colored a Grand Dramatic enterthe majority of us have con surely the inhabitants of Li sity for social relation, assochildren ceived on the spiritual solid mon cannot be heirs of a ciation is the only means Civic, teaches of the rights Representatives from the pm. Price 50 cents. are belog taught movement in Costa Rica. tainment beginning at arity of the people of every better fortune than that which of developing our intellecscattered round about it. And mert by means of associa ofthe beast; it terminates sur up administration and of governments, his suffrage Societies are Fraternal ed. am hoping that all of us, tion, for association is the misery and it is the only also rights and obligations. Hence, Pearson yes, every negro from foreign process by means of which medium thru which cooper parentage residing in these the individual acquires ex ation can be obtained for compata bility and stabeing invited to attend Secretary Latin Aamerican states es periences to render eficient improvement, whatever ob bility of governments de pecially those of us who have his future actions; which in jective we may have in view. pends largely on the educa.
Masonic Function been fortunate to be citizens other words means, that the tion of it citizens in civic The Limon Literary and of this country where we man who lives without asso Friendly Society, the young matters and political econoThe Tammuz Temple and Semminaris chapter of the Ethio.
have been enjoying so many ciation is inexperienced and Women Standard Club, the my. The better he is inform pian Massons will unfurl their new Banner on the 26 th July at p.
their Hall in Limon privileges as though we were deficient, and would conse Motive Power Literary and ed of his rights and duSister Temples, the public and kindred Societies are corsons of the soil, notwith quently live the life of noth. Athlectic Club, the Alpha ties; the better he will be able to cooperate in dially invited to attend.
susstanding our distant heritage, ing else but that of a splen Literary Club all deserve our The Administration will never forget that, we did slave.
heartiest congratulations for taining the stability of the our gratitude to the In the United States of the esthusiasm they demon. government, law and order.
He will learn and be able great statesmen and soldiers América, for instance, there strate in the interest of the of Costa Rica, just as the are a diversity of education social and educative welfare to appreciate those of auEnglishmen owe their liberty al agencies in the form of of Limon and for the coop thority in power, so that and freedom to thoze hard associations: there you will eration that they are unthe piloting of the ship of boiled, rough old barons, find the Lawyers Teachers doubtely lending to the teache state can be made to appear, who away back yonder on Doctors. and Preachers. as. ers and our younger generas, a government of the ANDthe english meadows sociations, and that of other ations to effectively meet people, by the people and Runnymede, at the point of professional men, the object their future problems. for the people, as Abraham BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY a merciless sword made a of which is to develop class Lincoln, in his famous CetORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED contemptible cringing English consciousness and profession The Negroe and Politics. Most of the colored peoty burgh Speech did say. Bureau established for the greater convenience, tyrant sign the Magna Charta, al ethics; there you will find, By Egbert Polson.
understanding, satisfaction and protection of the En.
ples in these countries were and laid the first stone in scientific, art and literary glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Colthe pillar of political freedom.
lection Department annexed for the protection of Busassociations, for develop Mr. Toastmaster, Young Lady born outside of the West inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
And we owe something to ment of science and the Indies and there are but and Gentlemen: Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to those Costarican heroes promotion of culture; there few of them who will ever am slated to speak to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conwho shook themselves from you will find the farmer you tonight on the subject, decide to ever think, of fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency.
Both now operated under the the Spanish conquest under associations, to discuss the The Negroe and Politics. leaving these places to live direction of a Barristet with over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on in the West Indies, therethe ruling of Fernando VII technical problems involv might call your attention to the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as during the existence of the ed in their industry, there the fact that this is a very fore, for this reason, they Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and reign of the province of you will find labour organ important question and is of should make themselves in Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Guatemala just as the English izations, not to prepare nor farreaching significance to terested in the political are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
heroes who shook their incite strikes, nor to use all colored peoples in all issues of these nations, fearless fists in the face or force and violence against communities. The influence naturalize themselves and Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore Charles First, another English her wurkmen, but to im and power any group of take an active part in Barrister Accountant tyrant, made him sign on prove the economic status people weilds in the gov. the electoral carapaigns and Attorney at Law Notary Public Manager Collection Dept: the dotted line the Petition of their members and to ernments, depends on their enjoy the rights of suffrage, Aurelio Bermudez of Right, and laid the second develope a sense of personal political pull. If we are to etc. The hospitality which Investigator stone in this pillar; we owe worth among a group of have a proper representatior, all foreigners enjoy in this Soliciting Manager some gratitude to the legis people held, historically, in that representation nust of country, especially the coMAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE lature of Costa Rica for low esteem, to elevate them a necessity be based on lored population, is some.
Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre having legislated from time selves to a higher social the influence they exer thing exceptional and conto time in such a form as to standard; and there you will cise in the political machin sequently we should in a Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports guarantee our freedom and find most prominent among ery of the government. On more effective manner de and cities of Panama Colombia. Nicaragua, Cuba and to remove any or all obstd. them all at this time women such influence depends, to monstrate our gratitude and Jamaica, cles toat would deprive us of associations, to which ever California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, a great extent, the measure appreciation by assimilating infinitesimum of our eight million women are af of progress we enjoy. Colorourselves to their customs, rights as a free people, just filiated, and this tremendous ed people who live in this, habits, traits and life in genas the english people owe force and influence in the and other central and south eral, and above all things, something to the British social, hygienic, moral and American countries, thier language in it a privilege to be thus We trust that every one Parliament that would not political life of the North from time on shown too other countries, the foreign honoured, and to honour around these tables, particiallow William and Mary to American Union is being much indifference to the ers are generally the lea you by participating in this pants in this function, will sit on the British throne until felt at all times, especially politics of the countries un ing people because they nafunction. The Alpha Literary each in his circle use his they signed the bill of rights since the politicalenfranchise der whose hospitality and turalize themselves. thus be.
Club is apparently your ju influence to support these and laid the third stone on ment of women aas been sovereignty they enjoy the coming citizens, acquiring nior, nevertheless, she wishes our literary and social movethat documentary pillar of granted, the the rights to vote, enter to convey to you her sincerfruits of liberty and ments and uphold the freedom.
Association, therefore, you right to work and live peace politics and become leaders est greetings and heartfelt good faith which tends to So then we should always will agree with me, brings tully. When it should be in the general activities of wishes for the lifelong success our success. By striving in bear in mind that we are men together into cooperative that we as an entity, should the nations business. We of your noble efforts which this our progress is an independent fellowship and gives occasion living in are here manifested.
are not immune to these directed towards a higher type be prominently represented democratic country, that we oportunities and we should may be allowed to express of civilization we shall attain are enjoying the hospitality, 78 ob 288ls have the same privileges the hope that from this the heights of virtue; thus benevolence and concord of so as to enhance the chan evening we shall chronicle constructing a stone for our a new era in the history of race, a nation and people that ces to become better of fourded For Sale Banana Farm upon owe us no reciprocity, and and more recognized, more social activities here in our platform of vitality which is that we owe an abundance 10 Hectáreas completely cultivated in Bananas influencial. Etc. Get into po community. feel that we so lacking in this small of gratitude to the people just coming into production.
litics and secure your rights. have been behind the spirit corner. It therefore behoves of the times by the patronage of Spanish America for their Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, us to set forth our very best tolerance and generosity and Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country Speech by Mr. George and encouragement we have efforts forming a pillar to that even after our departure 08 Frazer.
been measuring in the past. such movements in this from these shores wherever For further particulars and price trust still that it is not too community; especially of our we may be, we shall never Mr. Guest of Horor, Toast late to get busy and cover own race, where that clanish forget the Carrillos, the APPLY THE SEARCHLIGHT. master Lady and Gentlemen: sufficient grounds to make spirit will have more room As a representative of the up for Moras, the Sotos, the Iglethe loss, setting to grow stronger.
sias, the Esquivels, the AcosEste dimento es: Sa Bibliotecolleacional Qurel Obregongo deAlphanduitera boliglube di meede cunateronthyosexample.
Limon Service Bureau at San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia an have learn war the


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