
Saturday July 25. 1931 Prison labour in South Africa Go Forward PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP 0 00000 Traffic on Panama Canal HOTEL ATLANTICO through her great gates tic that has passed the An elocution Pan Pomona The Searchlight Cricket Competition Mindful of a duty out of friendship the most popular (A SOLO)
Go forvvard my friends be of good cheer, Fortis your life that you must steer; While the discussions is a lot of money in If so, dare to press on for the gale is high, Has arranged to distribute a value of almost betyveen the advocates of volved in it, and am And there should be no time to fret and sigh; double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you free trade and protection not prepared Conven The struggle if you e er give up, can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before You ll ne er get the victor cup.
tion or no Convention, All No. wrappings have a much greater value tariff was being discussed, than No. and others.
as to the unfair compe. to depart from that CHORUS tition by admitting com system.
modities that are manu.
After further discusGo forvvard, go forvvard do not fiinch; factured and exported sion the vote If backvvard you go your suceess you ll linch; was Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be Often the goal is nearer than you think, by means of forced or agreed to.
exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts So keep your heads upvvard, or else you vvill sink.
slave labour to compete will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
So is the Duchess now with free labour, the prepared to demand that Go forvvard though life storm confronts you, Distributor in Limon following questions came we should shut out all And friends and foes seek to entrap you; Armando Heilbron up in the British Par imports that come to us If the road you are plodding is all uphill, And the funds are lovy and the debts stand still; Distributors in Turriaiba, liament, which we cull from South Africa? And time is beating you out your vvit, from «The Gleaner, If And by the way, it is Press on, press on, and do not quit.
Rojas, Cortés Cía.
prisoners are to be hired six months ago since we to Farmers om such asked the Duke of Atholl Go forvvard for you may be so near, INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
profitable terms, it will to tell us what wages Your desire though it seems afar; naturally suit the govern It may be near to you but you cannot see; Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 are paid to the natives ment to make us all that are employed on To the helm if you stick, your doubts vvil flee, Be of good courage do not look dovvn; Convicts.
the sugar estates in Ja Soon you may vvear the victor crovvn.
the Some Questions For The inaica owned by Go forvvard vvith vim even vvhen upset Duchess of Atholl.
company of which he is By envious ones vvho ve marred your best; a director If you can, try remove and leave them just there. The Forward» of Glas And how do the wa.
Tis best to change that home for one else vvhere: gow published the follow ges and conditions of When they give to you a bitter cup; Since the opening of with a beam of 108 feet ing: the natives that load the Right forvvard press, do not give up.
the Panama Canal on are the two widest vesHer Grace the Duchess West Indies ship with FRANK MOULTON August 15th. 1914, this sels that have tested the of Atholl is still going Elder and Fyffe bana.
Pacuarito. waterway has accommo capacity of the 110 feet strong about the ques nas (the Duke is a didated no less than 65. 000 Jocks; needless to tien of slave labour in say rector of the Banana 000000000000 Russia.
Combine) compare with But what has she to the wages of the workand locks and carried a Canal is in American say about the statement ers who load the ships Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how volume of this earth bottoms.
made by the Minister of with Russian timber?
marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you products of about 300 Justice for South Africa confortable at ridiculous prices million tons in varied in a reply given to a write to Eduardo Escarré merchandise.
These vessels have paid 150 YARDS SOUTH OF MARKET GATE According to a cutting Contest. The Natal Mercury. 0000000000. 000. Tollage to the tune of about 300. 000. 000 dollars, which a South African MANZANA 31 LOT the majority of its trade The Ladies Standard correspondent sends us, is from West to East Club wil hold an Elocuthe Minister of Justice Next door to the office being principally raw tion Contest in the Hall said: of Juan José León (Sucs) We have decided, in deference to the vvish of many materials and the oppo. of the Burial Scheme that the system of site route being manu Association on the evenhiring out prison la. you will find the Peo. of our readers, to hold a Competition in connection with the matches now being played for the ORANE CUP bour had worked well ple Bakery, where you THREE PRIZES are offeired under the conditions stated is the heaviest producer of Several Clubs have been factured articles. Chile ing of August 4th inst.
for the past 18 years, can get, at all times, be ow, to the Competitors vvho forecast: Canal traffic of the South invited to take part in and a revenue of. Booth Biscuits, Bread 1st. Prize. The correct (or nearest to) total runs American Countries, last the Contest, among them 120, 000 a year was and Buns of the best scored by all the Clubs in all matches.
year sending about.
brought in. My own quality and flavour the 2nd. Prize, The highest (or nearest to) number of being The University 750. 000 tons of nitrates idea is that if possible finest in Limon, am runs scored by a Club in a single match.
to Eastern Ports, Europe Club, The Alpha Literary, that amout should be 3rd. Prize. The highest (or nearest to) number of principally and consider. The Limon Friendly and doubled. My offer at offering to the public a runs scored by an individual player in all the matches.
able amount of wines Literary and The Motive Bethal was made to New Style et Bread ca.
RULES made in Chile and ship Power, Two prizes are every farmer. If we lled Pan Pamona made succeed in getting farm from the best quality Coupon. Each forecast must be sent in on the attached ped to Italy and Spain. being offered for the best The commodities of ers to take all the flour. trial will con. Each forecast to be accompanied by a fee of twen. greatest importance pas first being a Silver Cup elocutionist Club, The convicts we can supply vince you. Its a size loat tyfive cents (0, 25. some 5, 000. it would that cannot be had for competitor may send in as may forecasts as he or are: mineral oils, ores, and the second a volume be a very fortunate she wishes, but each must be accompanied by twentyfive Western Lumber, manu of Literary works.
thing indeed for the the price in Limón.
factures of Iron and steel, smail fee of fifty Treasury. So far, the Booth a. The decision of the Judges to be accepted as fi nitrates and wheat, each cents is being charged system has worked nal and from which there will be no appeal.
one of these exceeded extremely well. There Limon, May 25th. 1931 for entrance, it behoves The number of runs on which the decisions will 500. 000 tons during last all those who are fond be made will be those on record with the Board of year.
09 89 89 96 89 88 89 88 89 88 888 Control.
Naval Ships of the of literature and literary All forecasts to be sent in a sealed envelope to Mr. A, as well as govern Contests to assist at this JACK ORANE, Limon, and marked «The Searchlight Cric mental ships of Pana function which will be oket Competition. ma and Colombia The Prize values vvill be apportioned as follovvs: free of Toll, but all others the first of its kind in Ist, prize 60 per cent; 2nd. prize 25 per cent; 3rd. prize 15 pay; the largest amount Limon, and undoubtedly per cent of the tctal amount of entrances.
of toll ever paid by a will be followed by oth Should there be a tie betwveen tvvo competitors vessel was that paid by ers. There will be five DEAR FRIENDS: for any prize, the amount vvill be divided betwveen them. Hood, which Judges appointed to de The competitiop closes on the 18 th. day of july was 22. 399 dollars which You may be one of the thousands that enter a Drug Store ev ry few days and purchase some pills that 88 1931.
the winners. An with the Chilean battle cide are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and res.
ship Admiral la Torre immense audience is anti.
tore Vitality, nergy, etc. Do you know that lack of pep and headeches are danger signals, and are, to a great cipated.
Extent, causea by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses?
How mdany men and women awake in the morn. Searchlight» Cricket Competition The judges are Messrs eing with feeling that although they have slept long To advertise Harriott, Haenough they are not rested: That although they are not 83 The follovving is my forecast: Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily When the read.
Total runs for all matches.
rold Smiih, Charles Hay.
is to double your ling. Burrowes and Doylate hours make your Eye lids heavy? does Highest number of runs made looking tabright object or even at brightly illuminated Stone diaplay, cause your eyes to tire or Water? If your by a Club in one match business Hylton.
yes watser easily or tend to tire at the beginning of the Highest number of runs day, you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type.
scored by an individual Rid your seif of that tired feeling over your eyes and player in ALL matches.
JUAN MEZA DENTIST work with a clear, acheless head.
This forecast is submitted in accordance vvith the Cordially yours.
CARTAGO COSTA RICA Dr. Azevedo above rules.
Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Optometrist Name.
Central Street 325 Yards East of Market Postal address. Glasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00 50. 00. 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pockPreference given patients from Limon and other et. Examination Free p. to pm. Save money points of Atlantic Zone.
by buying from me.
Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed 88 8988 88 89 B8 82 COUPON a 89 88 88 88 8984 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Advertise edad de la Biblioteca Necione der sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cu


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