
Saturday July 25. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Our prolificness a danger. Prices of our THE POWER Ceylon moving towards self rule FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Foodstuffs At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small OF PRAYER What is regarded as family residence adjoining the Post Office.
the biggest experiment The ruling prices of our Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES in Colonial government native foodstuffs like unto an unapproach with the view of ultimatein the Dear Mr. Editor, markets of the Republic for Please permit me space and can be only impres. been introduced in the able burning mountain, ly obtaining self rule has the past week have been: in your worthy jour. DULCE This article has nal to express a few sed by incantations, smok made a tremendous leap sentiments on the subject ing candles, human and Colony of Ceylon.
during the past two weeks, Prayer. Prayer, as a animal sacrifices, cajoles.
The Legislative CounAccording to a publi support, and as it is obbeing now sixty six colones great Devotee puts it, is and boisterous blabber. cil has elected a Speak cation by Williams and served, at the present er and seven Ministers, Norgate entitled a «Chap rate of increase, this per 100 atados or 75 cent.
the language of the Soul: ings. Many a true Christer of life in two vol figure will be reached in per atado retail.
or in my own words the tian think that if the of whom all but two are umes, got up by Sir Ar a litle over a century. SUGAR remains about Cosmic link that conpetition is not verbal it Singalese. Each Minister will have charge of thur Thompson the world These statiscians go on the same 12. 00, per quintal nects us to the Creator. will not be attended to.
a Committee and will famous professor of Nat to prove that at the great of 15 cent, per lb. for 16. Ever since the Protoplast Master Jesus, The great together, be responsible upal History and protes: French revolution a hun.
per or for all aspects of admin2 lbs. for 25 cents for 2nd. hypnotic trance and exest authority on Prayer istration Law ogist, botanist and so ulation of the world class.
claimed Abba, Father, prayed verbally to show and Finance, which are ciologist, the world pop was 850. 000. 000, hence in ihe uninitiated the power. RICE. 25. 00 per quin the tendency for prayer to remain under the ulation is likely to starve the intervening century tal for 1st. class, or 30 cent. was impregnated in the of the «Spoken Word»
control of officers of itself out thro lack of the peoples of this earth per lb. retail. 22. 00 per Temple of man. Whether in performing Wonders, State its efficacy in soothing areas for producing suf have more than doubled.
quintal for 2nd. class or 25 We are conscious to the ficient foodstuffs to main Great Britain popu.
the subconsciousness cent. per lb. retail.
factor or not we are altain itself.
lation has trebled within and its talismanic virtue Mexico and United CORN 75. 00 per fa ways praying: for since Of a total area of the last hundred years, in dispelling inharmo.
nega or 80 cert per cuartillo the image of God is in she doubled her popuof lbs.
man, through the Laws of nious influences. He how. States of America world surface ot.
33. 000. 000. 000 acres there lation in 67 years; Gerever laid down a prin. BEANS black 50 per Affinity there must be According to informa are only 13. 000. 000. 000 many doubled hers in cajuela; 40 per cuartillos constant attunement. But ciple for prayer. His tion from Washington, acres of arable land, and 51 years; Canada doubled formula is, When we pro dated iost. the friend as the world popula. hers in 25 years, France (Red) 10. oc cajuela or 35 man has allowed his material Temple to be so Ceed to pray, metaplo ly relationship between tion is increasing to day is the only country at a cent. per lb. retail burnt up by the fires of rically close the doors United States of Ame at the rate of 12. 000. 000 stand still. of 40 lbs. or 65 cent. per Ib. sensual debauchery that and Windows of our souls rica seems somewhat per annum, placing the and in the «Silence» of strained in consequence world By this same work is Census today given the yearly increase SALT (Table) 10 cent per phonic melody of the our Holy Sanctums, alone of a Judge in Chicago at 750. 000. 000 and in of the different Races.
1b. common Salt and a soul as it chants its songs with Allah to present commiting the Mexican creasing at the same ratio, Whites (of European haft cent. per lb.
of praise to God, nor can our petitions. The Synop acting Consul to a term in a little over another origin. Total 650. 000. 000 POTATOES (Boston) he feel the thrills of tic Gospels tell us that in prison for contempt century there would not being a yearly increase 18. 00 per sack of cajuelas, ecstacy during its attune.
when Jesus desire to of Court. In Mexico City be sufficient production of 800. 000 or 12 per or 10 cent, per lb.
ment. The popular form recharge himself with the nevvspapers are is. to feed its population. cent per 000. White) 24. 00 per sack of of praying is to posture Cosinie forces, he repair suing, it is said, extreme. It is calculated that it Whites (non European) cajueias, or 15 cent, per lb. oneself on bended knees ed to Nature and there ly bitter articles calcu needs 2 acres of land Total 60. 000. 000, a yearly. COFFEE from 18. 00 to in humility, trembling in the «Silence» obtain lated to promote anti to maintain each indi increase of 430. 000 or 6. 35. 00 per quintal. and fear, vociferate pe ed his wishes. think American sentiment; one vidual, and it is shown per cent per 1, 000. COCOA. 30. 00 per tition after petition, as if one of the most ettec paper demanding «An that the total possible Browns. Total 420 mil.
quintal or 35 cent. per lb. the «Good Lord» is deaf tive foran of Prayer is eye for an eye and a population that this area lions, a yearly increase manufactured 60 cent, per lb. and ever so far away.
the Prayer of Love. This. tooth for a tooth and of arable land can be of 050. 000, or 25 per EGGS have risen within have nothing to say indeed sounds rather requesting that similar made to feed at the cent per 000.
the fortnight from 13 to about such an attitude strange: Well, am asking treatment be meted out to present scale of produc Yellows, Total 510 mil for a colon.
ir prayer but in my opi the readers of this article Americans resident in tion and consumption is lion, a yearly increase CHICKENS are about nion the Creator; does to try the experiment Mexico, meantime the 200. 000. 000, which figure of 530. 000. or per 60 cents. per lb.
not care two straws about Evacuate your minds Mexican Government is given as the «maxi cent per 000.
any cringing mendicant. from all malevolent in. has filed a formal pro. mum comfortable popu Blacks, Total 110 mil That weak, unworthy, fluences. Fill your Holy test with the Gov. lation that the earth lions, a yearly increase worm of the earth, and Temples with Love; not ernment.
cultivable surface of 500. 000 or per cent miserable sinners peti love for the human faper 000.
tion, de billitates the invo. mily alone but love for One thing strikes us for cator, and the invocation all creation. Those who LAWYERS NOTARIES cebly from these figures, fine dwelling in a remains from whence love all creation are at.
AT LIMON that with the intermixture most imposing spot in it came. For since like tended with a kind of inMessrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS of the whiite the yellows front of the Northern Rail attracts like, and strength fluence which is inex SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking and the blacks, in another Public as solicitors before the lower as well as the way Machine shop Limon, ditto, nothing but pressible; for during tảeir locomotion every thing Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents century the Browos will towards the Hospital, is Power and Force can have completely out vibrate towards the Poalso prepared at Lowest prices.
seem to come to their ENGLISH SPOKEN numbered the whites, being offered for Sale.
tentiality of a Plenipo. assistance especially if which race as well as the Consisting of four large tent God. In vain the enviromental vibration blacks, wiil have diminrooms with front and side Creator is impressing is favou able. My advice Economics of the World ished considerably if the verandahs; It renders a the human family that to all «spiritual weakpresent rates of admixFor the first time since Germany they left after for constant tenancy of sixty He is the «Force» behind lings is to «Get out»
ture is alle wed to con.
meet Stimson colones per month in crisis all Phenomena, nearer of the rut of debility, the Franco Prussian war has London to a German Cl:ancellor of Ex the American delegate to the tinue; hence the worlds to us than skin and put on the armour of like ours, very airy and bone, even the very cs. righteousness, come bold cellor Bruening in Company chequer visited Paris, Chan London Economic Confe population will revert to rence to finally discuss the a dominance of God Cool, Constant watersupply sence of ourselves, and ly up to the Throne of with the Minister Curtips Hoover plan, and to arrange creation «the Red afforded by Tanks of Rain is so accessible that the Grace and make your visited Briand, Lavad and great Loan for GerBrown man. water.
Desire, and as it Giandi Italy to discuss man lowest down can was many of 500. 000. 000 backthe possibility of stabilizing by. Apply on premises for reach him in the «Silen with the men of old so the financial condition of the Federal Reserve Bank San Jose Boy Scouts price and information to. ce: yet in vain we are shall it be with us and of and the Bank It is noted that The So.
clamouring for an ima our generations for ever Visiting Students of France. France will assist ciety for Social Protection John Dacosta or ginary Being billions of and for ever.
if Germany will cut loose are formulating a Troop of Professor Jones and his 29 from her Political Customs National Boy Scouts, the The Searchlight. leagues away in space Thanking you for space American students who have arrangements with Austria, idea is for better character Mr Editor been visiting the Schools of but Mr Stimson has been forming of the youths. It is remain Yours, the Republic, left on Satur instructed not to discuss headed by Professor don Luis day last for Panama for sim anything of a Political nature Dobles Segreda; the DirecATTENTION David Luke ilar purposes They were mere Economics, to which tress of the College of Se.
much feted by the tutors England is in conformity. ñoritas doña Auristela de Alba Farm.
and scholars here, Mr Dawes has been recalled Jiménez; don Fernando Marfrom his vacation back to tinez, Mr John Keith Jur.
REVISTA his post as Ambassador to and other persons of dis.
tinction. Escuela de Agricultura»
Director: Luis Cruz The King of Sports Empresa puramente particular.
There will be a great day of racing at 24 miles on the 15th La subscripción a esta Revista só day of September, on the new Race Track, the best in the lo vale cuatro colones, sea un dólar Province. fine day sport is in store for all lovers of the sport of por año.
kings: all turfites are cordially invited, fine accommodation will be afforded visitors so as to enable you to spend a real In view of the present economic depression. have Pida su suscripción.
day of enjoyment.
decided to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices.
Escriba al DIRECTOR fine Silver Cup in the Race for the half Bred horses, will Careful attention will, as usual, be given to all work.
be among the prizes to be competed for. Do not miss the THE STANDARD occasion of this meeting. Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon Watch for Programmes soon to appear giving full details.
The Racing Club 25 Miles Este documento os. bledas Advertise in The Searchlight can For Sale Cr a Vun Isterio de


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