p. 6


Saturday July 25. 1931 Great Britain population 00000000 OOOOO QQ000 An optimist 181111 Fowl thief taken OODOO 0000 Our Politics WANTS COLUMN 000000000000000 One colon per insertion of six lines We are afforded some very to the enormous growth of Wanted interesting information regard. the population of London, WANTED ing the population of Great which has shewn an increase 500 new subscribers to make this paper the Britain as a result of the of 722, 000 during the past ten pride of the English speaking people of the country.
The Community there is no To know that ings Also Bead and Woolwork. census taken last April. The years, an equivalent of ten Remember it is the mounthpiece of particularly the Taught by Miss Binns at her total showed an increase of per cent.
Coloured people and the only upto date English Journal thing to break up a cold like a home in Siquirres.
more than two millicns when On comparing these figures in Costa Rica.
Cafiaspirin tablet taken in a Cup compared with the figures of with those recently given out of hot lime juice tea immediately Those who would like to pass a the 1921 census, the totals regarding America, we note QO0000000000000 after having contracted a cold. in a quiet home in the interior 000 o know thot Mrs. Charlote Bigs.
being: England and Wales. that London is still much tgerstaf can accomodate your nece 39. 990, 485 and Scotland. ahead of New York by nearly sities at her home in Cartago with 800, 000 with the women in a million and a quarter souls, Machine and Fancy work taught hand Em clean comfortable quarters She is now to be tonnd oposite her old the majority by 861, 000; and a fact which would hardly broidery. Typewriting Flower paint hme.
although the birth rate had otherwise have been credited dropped by a millon and a by most persons, having requarter, the deaths had also gard to the heavy additions fallen by one million. The made to her normal growth There are some men who Railway extensions, especially population per square mile by the large influx of immi are hoping that our pros as it is the intention of the has also now reached the grants during the period under pects of prosperity for 1932 Company not to give Convery high number of 685 review. The respective figures will be brightened up very tract facilities for planting persons. remarkable feature are, London 8202, 818, New much, because it is hoped old lands, hence to get into of the census is with regard York 981, 917.
that our Cacao prices will those lands worthy of planimprove, from the fact that ting vve must see much it was said that the African Railvay Extensions and Great anxiety prevailed tried; her friend George codo0000000000000000000 Crop. was destroyed by Tramway lines laid dewn and in a section of Jamaica on going to the Court to blight; it is also said that ofcourse that means improve Town, Limon, in conse see what was happening To our Patrons if the proper capdidate with ed conditions for the labourquence of the arrest of Mrs to her friend was also a long range of influence ing man. It is certainly Ivy Shand for stealing the yoked in, and don José To endeavour to improve this paper we are askabroad is elected that for hoped that these facilities rooster of Mr. John John finedt hem both five bucks ing all those subscribers who are backward by three eign Capital will flow into vvill soon be afforded the the country for public works farmers so as to supply more son. She and an accomº each and made them pay and four months payments, to send in their subscriptions at once.
as well as private interpri vvork for our plice Msr. George seem to four colones for the roos ces. Hence as one corresponmen vvho are still in avvful suspense have lured Johnsons roos ter. The fine, however, be considered the fact that ter into their coop, they was too insignificant for 00000000000000000000000 dent wntes, there is also to the Co. has not yet both then caught the roose such a coul» act. They started to plant her 3000 ter killed and placed it in should have bern sent to hertáreas of bananas as per a bag which was put in Portette for a week to her Contract; it ts suppo Our Rice product thegar bage pan of George. gather stones for the roadSed she is awaiting the rice Shand then put the way; such people should in the price of the product In spite of the fact also very strong and don tin on her head as if she be made It is always a pleasure for to feel the in the foreign markets.
that don León Cortes León Cortés backed up by was taking a tin of water shame of their Crime, so chief of the Regeneration the Reform. Ist or labour has only planted, it is said Up to now the Company us to give our support to any cause which is intended to to her home; but the Po lice was called in, and itagain. It is learnt that Party had arranged to party of Genl Volio. His about 700 hectareas of Ba augment or improve the culti.
surrender discovered the ruse.
nanas in the Guacimo Area, local consumption, particularly his party to combine would have been a Song with fowl stealing a very hard lot to beat. afwhich 00 being a planted such as are of every day jail, slept there till next been got up on them by néz from the fact of his (that is the Regeneration for Mr. Solomon Esna of in calling attention to the Shand was taken to the verses set to music has that of don Ricardo Jime necessity. VVe therefore delight morning when she was the neighbours. Hope this recognition of him as the and Reform Parties. had Estrella fame hence she has efforts which the Pirris Farm marched triumphantly to will be a lesson to them. only solution to our po they the funds at their about 000 hertareas more and Trading Co, are making the Agent of Police to belitical problems as well disposal, and if don Ricare of her own to plant, besides with a vievv of increasing and as from the fact that his do Jiménez had not been in in the contract to give faci improving our local Rice proparty is scarce of funds troduced; however split: lities for private farmes to duction. It is reported that 000BOK this Company intends to plant 00000000000000s for Carrying on the fight, ting up the votes as they plant another 3000 hectareas, a large section of their lands yet the Directors of his will be, the struggle will of which we have only heard in Rice and vvill be importing Party, have gone on his be a very determined and of Messrs Gutierrez Cañas decision and determined to intricate one and there is 200 and Mr. Esna about a complete set of machinery another 200, so there is much for the proper curing of the carryon the fight single. no telling yet who may more to be done. If these commodity. Much of the lands, handed, no matter, whe win.
are done it much situate in the Pacific Zone, are considered Business Men Protective Agency other their Candidate to admirably adapted for rice ses or wins; the idea is cultivation having good irrigation facilities. As is vvell An office on real English Methods, for the they want to impress the knovvn, rice is largely protection of our clients. We undertake cases country with the capabili consumed by all classes of any kind from any part. Collections under ty of their Party and their legal basis and low percentages, both opera candidate, hence we have throughout the country, and as the American markets have ted under the direction of a Barrister with four Candidates tighting Judging happenings country may well be connot shewn an inclination of many years of practical experience acquired for election to the Presi aroundus as they are look sidered a useless alien to affording the Pacific banana before the various circuit courts of the Re den y.
ing, the question of Na that country and therefore exporters any healthier prospublic. His testimonials are the various cases Don Ricardo Jiménez turalization of our young his depreciation by the pects, it has been necessary for them to turn their he has successfully conducted as counsel, Oreamuno who is being men looms more forci. natives comes as a na attention to other products.
looked upon as Prime fa bly before us than it tural consequence and On deciding on Rice the Pirris Daniel Zeledon Carlos Silva vourite, don Manuel Cas has even done and the is much merited, there. Co. are, we are thinking, not Barrister Notary public tro Quesada as the close necessity is more appa fore whatever prejudices only acting in their own inSan Jose second in the running, don rent than ever, he suffers by alienation terests, but those as well ot the entire community, as it Clarence Thompson Isaac Brandon Carlos María Jiménez Or The youths born from he can only thank himtiz, the losing candidate in foreign parentage as well self for it, and the only abundant water supplies exis Investigator Interpreter the last Campaign when as those foreigners who way to improve his conSoliciting Manager ting througbout those parts of don Cleto González Vì have settled down in this ditions is to afiliate him the country, othervvise adap Office in front of Mr. Jack Orane Store quez was elected, who is country for a nwmber self and interest himself ted for rice production, there of years do not give the in everything that hap should be no reason for the LIMON likehood of their ever pens around.
mercantile to depend so large Elections are on and ly on the imported, article 000000000000000 countries or Colonies of it is to the interest of all which is often of no better very interesting game was played in Limon last Saturday Origin, and judging from such foreigners, to vvhom quality than that which can be successful Function ieetween the Wiccom and the fact as they vve refer to get natura. locally produced.
We wish the efforts of the Metropolis Clubs; on the today, they are looked lized, and if vou are so We are pleased to note active programme is being grounds of the former resul upon in depreciation as inclined vvrite tie Editor Company all success.
that the dance recently prepared.
com young ladies by goals, of a foreign and subjected of The Searchlight vvho held under the anspices of the evening of the dance, who made 29 points while race. We would advise is in a position to get it the Alpha Club was voted July 14th. being France their opponents could only all who feel that way to done, practically for a complete success by one National Holiday, the oc make 22.
identify them selves as nothing Write at once, and all. As this was the casion was duly honoured The Metropolis team was quickly as they can with because if you are to To safeguard first social function of the by the inclusion of the Phillips, Neila Charles, Velma composed of Misses Dorris the lives, habits and vote and take part in kind undertaken by the French Anth in the pro Coin, Linda Reid and Miss customs of the peoples this Election so as to Europe Club, the pleasing result gramme.
Reina; while the Wiccom was of this the country of ensure you participation will, we feel sure, be an The chief aim of the represented by Misses Ena their adoption and birth, in the vvooks of improve. To safeguard the Credit of Cen.
in the country tral Europe Mr. Hoover propo.
impetus for further efforts Club vvas to cater to that Duggins, Reníta Facey, Ruby by learning the languagement by ses that the Nations engaged at providing our young class of our young ladies Williams, Lydia Hines, and and getting themselves you must do so folk with healthy deserving vvho do not appreciate naturalized just as fast October, do so at once.
in the Economic Conference After play, refreshments vvhich has been sitting at recreation. Brams and in this vve were served at the home of as they can. Any man The Club formal apea are glad to say they sucMrs Boswell terminating a who lives for a number London huarantee, at once, ing is scheduled for the ceeded in all respects as of years in a country and To advertise the German Credit vvitch is er is very disappointing that Coes not identifs or in is to double your being a sum of tvvelve thouin a evening of the 12th. Au the City best responded lamentable condition, gust for which a fine attr to the opportunity thus itted sending in the Report of terest himself in the Po: business afforded them.
this vveek cricket.
litical affairs of such sand million dollars.
Atlantic Service Bureau vvhich are means Continuing on Politics 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Limon Basket Ball game getting back to their are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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