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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón. LÀ LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment The evading of any responsibility tends towards insanity. The possession of a disposition to wish to get along without work is evidence of insanity. The desire to work, to produce, so that one may have for himself and have to give to others, in an evidence of sanity.
YEAR 11 LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY AUGUST 1931 NUM. 87 Great Mass Meeting Our Politics es any idea Atlantic Fruit Co.
stops business in The Hon Smith, breaches, for Sir Edward the Council the follovy Jamaica The heat of politics has tentions in fostering laws, supported by an influen. Stubbs was acting then ing day to approve the opened up with all its force. that will tend to curtailment tial gathering of his as Chairman of a Com expenditure of.
On Friday July 17th. the The different partidos have of such expenditures; for constituents, as well as mittee and not as Pre. 100, 000 on the works fled with the news that the full swing. The matter has of. started their propagandas in instance one is tempted to ask what is this small counprominent exponents of sident of the Council; recomm nded by the political economy from the Governor and not Development Committee Atlantic Fruit Co. had decided resolved into a triangular try doing with 43 deputies combat now, because Don to cease their operations there, Leon Cortes, the Candidate ation of Walf a million of in Congress with a populother Parishes, held a the Council appointed pending the raising of a of the Regeneration Party, people? would 15 not be mass meeting at May the Committee and ap loan and obtaining the after having been for so Pen on Saturday 18th. pointed himself its Chair approval of the Council many years identified with has untortunately seen fit to quite enough?
What are we doing with ult. as a protest to the man to whom then should the next day for this ever feelings of consternation leaving it to Messrs Ricardo so many Ministers of State?
remarks used by His this Report be submitted sum Jimenez, Carlos Jimenez, such a report may have pro.
we are only following the Excellency the Governor for consideration?
After summarizing duced, particularly MI. Castro Quesada, defin necessities of large and richof Jamaica Sir Edward 2nd. The Governor these as the points of among itely. He informs his consti er countries while we canthose vvho vvould have been tuents that his Party does not afford to; only another Stubbs, relative to his prepared the rough Re. his objection, as acts, personally affected, was almost not find itself with the finan example of the Manager of telegram sent to the port himselt, and orly inconsistent vvith the cial backing necessary to immediately dispelled vvith the a business trying to live up Legislative Council, as an two other meetings were provisions and customs additional information that the combat the strong elements to the standard of his milobjection to the adoption held. 3rd. No Report of the Constitution; he Standard Fruit and Shipping great pity because Dun Leon him bread.
It is a lionaire employer who gives of the Report of the was addressed and sent asked his audience vvhe.
Co. had arranged to take over Cortes in our opinion frank What are the duties cf a Development Committee to the Governor, who ther they thought his (he being unavoidably had appointed the Com protest as Representative the Atlantic business and would make a good. Pre Minister of War and Marine with no ships and only an absent on a government mittee. 4th. No. real Re for Clarendon vvas in men who seeks to economize army of 500 men? why not commission, in the pro port was sent to the order or not, ail voices addition, the Standard propo in every branch. As Minister educate an efficient Police secution of the famous Council, accompanied by spontaneously ses to dispose of the Jamaica of Fomento he showed what force and see that every boy shouted fruit in the English, European he was capable of doing in Elias Alexander murder a in shool is drilled to serve message the «Well done. and gave and Canadian Markets in ad his department were he given from his country in case of needcase at Mandeville) from Governor, only a Me him great applause.
a free hand. Economy is by the director of Police, the fact that the Report morandum headed, Re. Mr. Smith then continued dition to that of the United whats needed in this beau under the Minister of gov.
did not embody anything port of the Development to pick the utility of the tiful little peaceful country; ernacion.
with regard to Irrigation Committee signed by Report of the Develop It is said that the Atlantic half of its officials should What is the duty of a be drafted into agricultural Minister of Public health?
works and Domestic Sir Edward Stubbs as ment Committee to piec Co. will be going into volunpursuits and the money Would a Medical officer of water supplies, so very chairman andother mem shovving that the tary liquidation. It is known, spent in salaries be approp San José with an Assistant necessary to the Island bers of the Committee, Governor had spent ex generally, that the Company riated into Roads, waterways so as to enable him to supDevelopment, to which dated 11th. Jure and travagantly on Roads has suffered serious financial and Railways, ervise the District Medical the Governor without laid on the table of the and vvithout any idea of loss in her sugar undertaking the winning Candidate is, posts, under the rders of Let us hope that whoever Officers in their separate putting his telegram to Council the same day jadicious manipulation in Cuba for some time past that be will direct his at. the Minister of State for the House, replied charac. by the clerk of the since his advent in the as also in her transactions in governación and Interior not terizing the telegram as Council. be it known Island the huge sum of Nicaragua, but she notwithbe enough. disrespectful and im that when Governinent 500, 000, and vvas again standing held on, with no doubt Our Representative Instead of having a Govpertinent to the House. documents are to be laid slated to spend on this the hope of a good rise in ernor, a Port Captain, a on account of which as Health Officer, a Comanon the table, thi is done item another 425, 000, the banana market, now, how It was a pleasure on Sarepresentative for the by the Colonial Secre vvithout of ever, that this too has fallen, turday to see Mr. Paco Gu dante de Plaza and a Comandante de Policia, an In.
Parish of Clarendon and tary. 5th: The Governor consideration for vvorks she was evidently forced to tiérrez on the Commission tendente in Limon, could therefore one of the allowed an Elected Mem of Irrigation, and consi. give up and save her share of Deputies which was in not the Comandante de representatives of the ber (being a member of dering that Roads can holders suffering further loss. vited by don Tomas Soley aza, be Governor and Port people of Jamaica, he is the Committee) to move only be considered pro We can but hope that the Guell Director of the Banco Captain as in the old days don Balvanero Vargas was, protesting with all th the adoption of the Reductive or nonproductive change vvill be of much ben Credito Hipotecario, to visit when we had more ships vehemence of his soul, port of a Committee in relation to the pro efit to the planters of Ja. the farm Santa Teresita»
coming in?
and would ask his con appointed by the Gover. ductivity of the lands maica.
at Peralta, which has fallen There are millions of costituents also to protest, nor, the adoption of throug, vvhich ey pass; into the possession of this lones that could be saved if they found that there which involves an expea and as the Rainfall of Institution on account of the by the abolition of such was nothing disresp diture of 125, 000, Jamaica can be depend loan at was made on it. highfaluten posts which really German Royalists Limon and her people must carry no significance behind nor discourteous in the which is contrary to the ed on, is it not evident them but an enormous exphraseology of his tele provisions of the Con that to ensure developcertainly be pleased of the penditure of money. Presgram, sent in the execu stitution and standing ment and improvement new political party choice that they made in ident who would create an has come into existence tion of his duty as their orders of the Council.
that Irrigation should go the person of don Francis evolution in the officialdom in Berlin under the name of the country is what we Representative.
6th. The Colonial Se. hand in hand vvith the cɔ de Gutiérrez as their of the Royalist Sccia.
need, and such a man vve scheme?
He vvent on to show, cretary as leader of the Roarimaking representative in Congress. feel vvould be found in don list» party. The members His oponents said at elcc Leon Cortes, vve his telegram was correct Governmentin the Coun. Instead of Irrigation, Doare sorry ly and accurately tran cil. not having moved mestic vvater supplies are to wear green shirts tion time that we were only he is gone, but the next smitted, and in its form the adoption of the Re.
for indenti ication, and and sanitation by drying sending at other voting best we feel to serve such will launch a campaign member to the house but, a purpose vvould be don would have been accep port, as was, and would svvamps and table by Law even to the be bis duty in all Govern. rendering for the restoration of the Manuel Castro Quesada. The these not even his friends thought voters ought to demand from Parliament of Britain, ment matters and meas.
Gerinan Monarchy. In the cultivable and habitable, that he won! have been the first issue of the party credit that he bas proven any Candidate that canvasand quoted the Consti. ures. 7th, Rushing the the Governor vvishes to tution of Jamaica and Report through the Coun embark on a building newspaper, the repudia: himself to be, he is to be along these lises, then and England to prove his cil vvithout giving Elec scheme vyhich imeans tion of war reparations found on every Committee, only then would our Expencontentions. He also cited ted members was demanded, as also ditures be made to quadrate real that the greater portion economic, legislative industhe «WAR GUILT LIE. the vvith our Income, and a a Privy Council autho opportunity of reading of 700, 000 to be ap trial or governmental, and greater contentment among re establishment of consrity showing that Colo and considering the Re propriated to Courthous his arguments on matters of the people, beccause vye nial Governors are not port notvvithstanding a cription, the construction vvould be having a greater vested with the have always been delivered quantity of clerks and vvorkpowers of the Sovereign, member for St. James etc. vvill be of benefit to recovery of the old Gerwith such force and eluci men in the different de partments and more real and can be prosecuted for postponement. 8th. lw ber and cement mer.
man Colonies and Polish dation that even his oponents vvork vrould be done.
in the Courts of any Not submitting a matter Corridor.
chants abroad and have had to admire. Yes. Of cuurse such a man would Colony for any breaches of thihigh importance fevv local merchants, don Paco is certainly a great have to be a man of strong not committed as a involving a large expen vyhereas the labourers in acquisition to the House, characteristics and indomit result of special instruc diture to the Privy Coun the country get little or able will, and thats why we Bubonic Plague and his friends and Limon would choose Doc Manuel tions from the Crown. cil for advice as is no benefit by these are proud of the choice made. Castro Quesada, but the He then pointed out the required by the Consti penditures.
An outbreak of Bubo His closer friends, however, electors should demand such errors in Constitutional tution.
are rot surprised be ause he a platform before consenting He vvould advocate nic plague is reported at proceedure in the man to affiliate with any Party.
comes from a family stock 9th. Causing the Colo Irrigating the flat areas of San Juan, Argentine un At present we find the Rithe Develop. nent nial Secretary to give St. Elizabeth, Clarendon der date July 16. All pla that is capable of proving cardistas Party attacking the Committee Report was ces of public assembly themselves worthy of the Castristas on the point that presented and gave nine the adoption of the Re and St. Andrevis to including the churches mettle whenever the opporsuch unconstitutional port that he vvill ask Coniinued on page have been ordered closed, tunity is afforded them.
Coutinued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
up the areas a eight request, made by the orate school buildings of a large navy and the importance before the house a ex ner

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