
PAGE Sugar industry may be saved by bye products with girls Cafiaspirina News from abroad on Philomena ROBOBOBOBO. B80808088080808080880BOBO friendly talk Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches 66 Charity one of God The Toronto Star and becoming one of industry greatest commandments, Herald of a recent issue important raw products en.
should be our watchword, says: tirely outside its food uses.
It begins to look as though has taken two years we all feel an inclination Thomas Chadbourne, astowards ourselves BEWARE OF IMITATIONS and sisted by Athur Ford. Mr. Ford has been working rejoice in our triumphs, but chemical engineer, might Dout accept any tube or envelope on the problem for some murmur over our failures, solve the world sugar probBAYER years, under the direction yet we never once give a packets without the lem of oversupply. Mr. Chadof the Industrial Sugar Probourne has apparently whip. ducts Corporation of New inconveniences we afford a thought to the many ped the leading producing York, and through a process BAYER CROSS nations into a curtailment which technical writers de.
our neighbours, by our programme, and now. Mr. fine as polymerization. it egoism. We should all 88808080BOBOBO808018080880880880880880 HOBI Ford comes along with a has been discovered that link together, with malice discovery through which sugar can be used, not only towards none, and with there are prospects of sugar as food, but as the bowl charity towards all, endeavin which the food sugar is ouring always to give Another Seditionist convicted contained.
That, however, is only one kind encouraging words to part of the use to wbich it those around us.
Germany Foreign Stockhausen will be The follovving vvhich a Some issues ago we men is now claimed sugar can True charity calls for Debt estimated at tioned the arrest, in Jamaica, be placed. They say that, if brought up in the peared in the London Fru Court at Sutton Street on of one Benjamin Bryan Wil treated properly, sugar hard an unselfish support of Grewer cf the 2nd. ist. wi 1, 280. 000, 000 Tuesday, before Mr. Bertram be read with interest son, president of an Associa ens into a ass like subs all that is good, and Burrowes, for Kings citrus growers here.
ation known there as the tance, which opens an entire wholehearted eradication Berlín, July 10. The Han ton. There are three alleged largely attended meetit «Native Defender s, Com ly new field for its utiliza of all that is unclean. seatic Commercial, Industrial charges of forgery against of the fruit trade was he mittee on charges of sedi tion. They also say that, if tion. He was tried on the Our neighbours failures, and Shipping League publish the defendant, and he will in the Caldoro Restaura treated in another manner.
6th. ult at the Circuit Court their discomfitures with ed figures to day estimatheld at Morant Bay (some parent rubbery material, no regard to their inferior ing Germany total foreign when the preliminary exami Tuesday in last week, nations will be held into addresse were given by what significant, when we that it becomes a cellulosic financial, social and intel 000. 000.
the charges.
Gordon Boggan (Fruit think of the happenings of film that is norinflammable. lectual conditions, are just Of this, it was estimated It is reported that a promdes Federation) and Mr.
1865) and found guilty. In failings we should not that 540, 000, 000 was reinent Counsel has been Harlow (overseas rep passing a sentence of 18 Is quite commercial presented in short term debts only try to hide but help L: 441, 400, 000 in long term hausen. Gleaner. retained to represent StockMonths imprisonment sentative of the South Af tbe accused, the presiding According to a statement can Cooperative Citrus to remedy. Our sympathy, obligations. 190 400, 000 in attributed to the head of judge remarked that he conchange. while Command not that kind President of México caused foreign holdings, and 95, the Industrial Sugar Prosidered Wilson more foolish than wicked and more keen ducts Corporation, the plas. through snobbishness, but 200, 000 in foreign. ovvned shift sons from African orange gruwer, at tic sugar, from which a great that which emanates from real estate.
to Canada for studies vered to be in the limelihgt than a lecture, illustrat be The German floating debt with lantern slides, de to do harm.
variety of objects can a pure charitable feeling, created, has been produced should be extended toward now stands at about 90. 000 cable dispatch received Waison who recently re.
ing with citrus fruit gro at a cost of around nine 000 and the Government is recently from Mexico, states ceived a similar sertence on in the Union. He clain that the President of that that the South African o our defective fellowbeings. making efforts to reduce it a similar charge vvas a memand a half cents a pound, by about 40, 000. 000, country, Sr. Ortiz Rubio, nge was second to none ber of Wilson Committee.
and that any kind of sugar has ordered his two sons, or molasses can be utilized.
To be continued.
In keeping with the Court the market, and he ho Acquitted on Charge who were studying in the In other words, the new instructions, Waison underUnited States of America, would loyally support that in this country th went Medical examination idea is believed to be comof Killing Husband to remove immediately to Ca British settler in this and the doctor reports him mercially possible. It appears, To advertise nada to continue their stuLondon, July Acquitted post of the Empire by ir.
perfectly sane. but filled with however, that the developing ment is so new that it has is to double your of the murder of her hus. dies in a Canadian Univerhis own importance.
upon having Sou not yet been determined band at Fordham Assizes sity. This decision is as a Africa: oranges all the tir business what use will be made of it.
yesterday, Mrs. Hannah Ben result of the killing of two they were in Mexican students by Ameseason. The new Attorney Genl: ford was overcome in the flavour of these orang: dock.
rican police recently.
only be compared to After being discharged, she The hon CamaThe Orange Trade «nectar of the gods waited in court for an hour, once eaten they were alw cho, the newly Peter Kurtin end and then drove off to her To demonstrate the. keen eaten. We ask you, appointed Attorney Genhome with her tvvo sisters, competition our Citrus fruit added. to buy South ecal of Jamaica, ap heartily cheered by the large is having from every quarter can cranges because we Watched by 32 men in tall twelve, as required by crovvd.
peared in the Supreme of the globe we reproduce that we have something German criminal law, Mrs. Benfold vvas 32 and hats, frockcoats and the follovving.
Court of that Island on ticullary good to offer y vvere «citizens oí blame her husband 37, a hav ker, the 13th. ult. He was black gloves less life. vyho vvere living at South Moor. In her accorded a hearty welcome by His Honour, Berlin, July Thirty present on behalf of the evidence she said she vvas in love vvith him to the end.
The murder was committed CARTAGO COSTA RICA Mr. Justice Brown, Ac. two men, each wearing public, and the others vvere hign judicial offi tall hat, irock coat vvith an axe vvhile Bedford ting Chief Justice on Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building cials, police officers or vvas asleep. After the attack Central Street 325 Yards East of Market behalf of the Bench and and black gloves, witness men of science.
the assailant hid the axe in by the Hon. Smith ed the execution at the coalhouse.
The executioner also Preference given patients from Limon and other on behalf of the am, to day at Cologne, points of Atlantic Zone.
members of both branch of Peter Kurtin, the mur vvore a tall hat, vvich he Three alleged charges Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed es of the legal profession. derer who became known removed before declar.
against Stockhausen.
Mr. Camacho suitably as the German «Jack ing: The sentence has been carried out a the acknowledged the wel the Ripper. Cuban Govt. cut salaries 10 Stockhausen, former law required.
Of these 32 spectators Kurtin body vas Clerk at the Militia Headquarters, who was held by It it be true that «fel cal financial circ oooooo oooooooooooo00o8 then first placed at the the American police in New low feelings» tend to should be able to sy disposal of Professor York rece tly, on informa create in the human pathize with the Krause, the Berlín brain tion of the local poiice, will heart wondrous ployees in the ser specialist, and the pro be brought back here on of kindness, of the Cuban govs fessors of anatomy at the Monday on the United Fruit amount Coy steamer Metapan from then those of us who ment.
Universities of Cologne New York, under the escort have been experiencing We have it that Business Men Protective Agency and Bonn, vvho analysed of Detective Sergeant Major a series of curtailment in salaries of all these e the brain to ascertain Gayle and Detective Corpoour incomes by reason ployees have been vyhether any abnormal ral Bolt. who were sent for An office on real English Methods, for the him about a fortnight ago of the stringency in lo cently reduced by ity might provide a clue further 20 per cent.
protection of our clients. We undertake cases to the murderer ama addicion to the 37 of any kind from any part. Collections under zing career of crinie.
legal basis and low percentages, both opera cent. cut which had ted under the direction of a Barrister with Kurtin spent his last viously been made nisht in writing to the different times in many years of practical experience acquired relatives of the nine before the various circuit courts of the Re past year.
vvaten and girls vvho This present decre.
public. His testimonials are the various cases had been his victions, came into effect on he has successfully conducted as counsel, asking for forgiveness first of July and appl Daniel Zeledon Carlos Silva and saying that he vois to both salaries and Barrister Notary public going to che guillotine penses. It is also sa Limon San Jose in a spirit of repentance.
there is a likelihood He sat in a chair at a further reduction Clarence Thompson Isaac Brandon the foot of the guillotine per cent to creal Investigator Interpreter while the public prosespecial Unemployn Soliciting Manager cutor read out the list In view of the present economic depression. have Fund.
of his crimes.
decided to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices With reductions agg Office in front of Mr. Jack Orane Store Careful attention will, as usual, be given to all work.
The prison governor THE STANDARD gating 57 per cent, LIMON later declared that the Nelson, Taitor, Box 64 Limon are thinking, one of «Ripper» has faced death la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Coniinued on page 30000 00000000000 vvith courage. Jack the Ripper dies on Guillotine JUAN MEZA DENTIST a a Atlantic Service Bureau ATTENTION 0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 der misterio de Cultura y uventud Costa Rica


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