
Saturday August 1931 Chicago Bankrupt HOTEL ATLANTICO Chiropractic Still Gives brought about by the no interest whatever in Wonder Cures as Another Bowling record day in my home in is Broken By Tich good medico dead 000000000000 The Echo of Marke After all Costa Rica is not It is feared that properties VS.
badly off, even though we will be sold for non payment Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how åve been backward for a of taxes.
onth or two in paying our marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you confortable at ridiculous prices As we anticipated in under review, in the svernment officials.
a previous article, the appellate court the presIn a despatch by Reuters, The Hope Farm write to Eduardo Escarré already heavily burdened ent acting Chief Justice, Je find that 400 school teach150 YARDS SOUTH OF MARKET GATE rs in Chicago have not been School taxpayers of Jamaica in a very lucid judgment aid for rwo years and are GO0000000 00 have now been called found that the defendants ffering keenly. The Board Mr. Howie, Master of Education of this City owe Science, and formerly Instruc000 employees salaries rang. tor of Animal Husbandry at action of that Island the property, and the to 10. 500. 000 including the University of Alberta, Ca1. 000. 000 due to Contract nada, has been appointed with Chief Judiciary, in what order for the sale was rs for supplies.
the approval of the Secretary may now be justly termed set aside. An action was Almost 000 school teach of States for the Colonies as. The Sun, March 12, received my first Chiro the notorious case of therefore brought by the have applied for payment Headmaster of the Government Script. Many of the suffer Farm School and Farm Su 1931. practic adjusto. ent. Marke vs the Universal originally registered ow. had their savings put away perintendent of the Hope Stock can honestly tell the Negro Improvement As. ners, Messrs Uriah AlexBanks which are now closed. Farm, Jamaica.
Cured by Chiropractic world that after the first sociation Incorporated of ander Grant and Wilafter many months of adjustment received from America; when despite fred Wilson as Trustees vvorry and treatment, all Dr. Gelfand could read the persistent efforts of of the Kingston Division REVISTA of which proved fruitless, the sign of the Lunch Counsel, for the then of the Association a«Escuela de Agricultura» this woman, in a letter Room, which is located defendants, to obtain a gainst Mr. Mellish, Director: Luis Cruz to the editor of the SUN across the street. Now stay of his judgment the Registrar of Titles, lauds the splendid results after less than tyvo weeks under which the sale of to recover damages, out Empresa puramente particular.
obtained through Chiro mv eyes are so much the property No. 76 King of the Assurance Fund La subscripción a esta Revista só.
practic and the efforts improved that can read, Street, Kingston, known established under the lo vale cuatro colones, sea un dólar of Dr. Gelfand of Hemp write, thread a needle and Liberty Hall was Registration of Titles por año.
stead. She says: distinguish figures at a ordered. so as to have Law, for the loss of the Pida su suscripción.
Editor of the SUN: reasonable distance all the correctness of this property.
Escriba al DIRECTOR Up until two years ago of which is due to the decision tested in the On the case being was fortunate in enjoy wonderful skill of Dr. Higher Court of Appeal, called on for hearing in ing good health, when Gelfand.
the Chiet Justice persis the Supreme Court on one day in my home in (Signed)
tently refused and the the 13th. ult, the Attor property sold. When the ney General informed the stairs. For about two Mrs. Margaret Walsh. matter eventually came Court that the litigation months felt no bad had been settled on the effects of the fall until one following terms. That Freeman morning awoke to find FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Judgment. Should be that was blind in my At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small entered for the plaintiffs (Tich) Freeman, the cords, as in addition to left eye.
family residence adjoining the Post Office.
for the sum of 320 markable little bowler his ten wicket feats, he At the Manchester Roy. Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES and that they shall have Kent, smashed an beat a thirty three year. al Hospital, underwent their costs in the action, her record. He cap old record in 1928, when treatment for a year and same to be taxed.
ired all ten wickets in he captured no fewer a half, but Doctors Bride As the costs will, we cashire first innings than 304 wickets in one and McNabb, finding no presume, be sure to be Manchester, and thus season, the next highest reason for the condition The many friends of Dr. charge of the Medical De the gross amount involof an appreciable sum, ccomplished the ten number of wickets taken of my eye could not recWilliam Deeks will be partment of the Panama vickets an innings feat in one season being the tify it and discharged me. sorry to hear of his death. Canal Commission for it seems to us, will near ved in the final settlement, or the third time in 290 credited to Tom Ri. Eight months ago my cee successive years. chardson, of Surrey, in right eye became affected Dr. Deeks is well known years at Ancon, where he a total of 3, 000, which to thousands of West In had to deal with the many although being dravvn No other bowler has 1895.
and from last October dians to whom he has thousands of West Indians ken ten wickets in an Freeman ten wickets was practically blind always been very affable who came under his care Insurance Fund is really from the Registration nnings more than an innings feats have in both eyes.
vice during his career been as follovvs. In the United States and considerate. Although for medical attendance e last occasion this was attended by two a Canadian he was put in while labouring on the coming out of the pockets of the people, who pri opening of the great water at was accomplished, 1929, Lanca.
specialists, both of whom marily were called upon revious to Freeman shire at Maid told me that my case Cuba Good. way. Later on he relinto subscribe to the fund.
quished his position on the qualling it last year, stone. 42 131 10 was a hopeless one. Meantime the author of Contioued fron page Zone and returned home as in 1865, when 1930, Essex, at then tried to reconcile and accepted the position is enjoying a prolonged this unnecessary burden Valker, of Middlesex, Southend. 30. 4, 53 10 myself to the fact that things; either that the saok all ten Lancashire 1931 Lanca as Superintending Medical would have to grope my laries originally paid Officer for the Co. holiday also at the exckets at Manchester. shire at Man.
Way through life in dark were on an exceedingly pense of these same peo.
alker had previously chester. 36. 9 79 10 ness.
liberal scale so as to be visiting regularly the seveken all ten wickets at His aggregate of vvick vurse, whom met considered capable of ral outposts of the Comple, and is now preparing to return to the Island. Oval when playing ets for this season is on February 14th, and undergoing such heavy pany operations, where to take up his position England against Sur novv 65, secured in six to whom confided my cuts in these times again he came in touch of as Chiet Justice, having y in 1859.
matches at a cost of a affliction recommended financial distress with with thousands of West Indians, and it was always serious illness. It is to recovered from his recent Freeman now holds little more than 12 runs Dr. William Gelfand, Chi out causing any ini considered a pleasure to to coveted bowling re apiece.
ropractor, of 276 Fulton effects, or that the govbe hoped however that Avenue, Hempstead. On 0000000000000000000000 February 16th, accom erament is oblivious to see the genial and compassionate face of Dr. ducted from his pension this amount will be de.
latter present day con Deeks in his usual visits panied by this nurse ditions, which we do not allowance when the time To our Patrons went to his office and «consider possible. of Inspection.
It vvas through the wise To endeavour to improve this paper we are askDr. Deeks ing all those subscribers who are backward by three 00 0 0 90 0suggestions that a conference of Mé.
and four months payments, to send in their subscripMindful of a duty out of tions at once.
dicos from the United Stafriendship the most popular tes, Central and South America, and the West 10000000000000000000000 Indies was convened at fine dwelling in a Invitation to a Convention Myrtle Bank Kington Ja most imposing spot in Has arranged to distribute a value of almost maica in 1924, to discuss front of the Northern Rail The many friends and andspeak at these meetdouble the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you and change opinions on embers of the Univer: ings.
can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before Negro Improvement their experiences on Tro. Way Machine shop Limon, The unveiling of our All No. wrappings have a much greater value pical Deseases, at which towards the Hospital, is ssociation are advised new charter 300 will conference Dr. Beeche was being offered for Sale.
at a three days Con also take place on Sun.
the delegate from Costa Consisting of four large Fention will be held in day 2nd. August at Rica, when we can wall rooms with front and side he Liberty Hall of the pm. when our visitors Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be remember some able dis verandahs; it renders a imon Division, at which will be entertaind by a exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts courses delivered on the me Representatives musical programme. All will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
constant tenancy of sixty matters at issue: The adom the 18 branches of are cordially invited.
Distributor in Limon colones vices of Dr. Deeks were per month in crisis Organization will The Convention will Armando Heilbron much sought after, and he like ours, very airy and jound their views for end up on Weddesday Distributors in Turriaiba, will be much missed by Cool, Constant watersupply unitedcooperation for night the 5th. inst with le improvement of the a Grand Dramatic enterRojas, Cortés Cía. o his confreres and patients afforded by Tanks of Rain water.
ovement in Costa Rica. tainment beginning at presentatives from the pm. Price 50 cents. INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Apply on premises for fferent Religiou bodies bumper house is expectand information to.
ubos and Fraternal ed.
Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 John Dacosta or ocieties are also Espeapsontropied de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema. The Searchlight.
ing invited to attend Secretary 0000 000 PALMERA SOAP 000 than No. and others.
PALMERA SOAP del Ministero de Cultura Searchlight


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