
PAGE Branch of the National Kennedy to pay six Insurance Bank in Limon thousand pounds fidence DO ICLETE Do you know that lack of More mystery men When read.
on the 88 in the cases of accidents. Another Gigantic Limon Service Bureau ANDBUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Bureau established for the greater convenience, The inhabitants of Li great suffering at the time While the Laws of the ever, scruple to take what understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Enmon and the surrounding of their death.
United States prohibit they can from those who glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col.
districts will, we are sure, The Branch Bauk is to the indulgence in all may be lucky enough to lection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
like ourselves, be pleas be found in the building games defined as «gamb hold a winning ticket in Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to ed to learn that the which for many years ling» and in which is such «Sweeps within lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conthe public for honesty and efficiency. Both management of the Na housed the bank of John included the participa. her territory.
now operated under the direction of a Barristet with tional Insurance Bank Keith, next to the tion in «sweeps, the fi It is stated that Joseph over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as (Banco Nacional de Se. office of Messrs nancial officers of the Kennedy, the Jamaican Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and guros) has decided to Aivarado Cia.
Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials government do not, how residing in Boston, who are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and establish a branch in this won the Counsel.
City. It is felt that as Li. 988 B8 88 88 88 English Derby has been Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore mon is situated centrally called upon to pay.
Barrister Accountant 88 Attorney at Low Notary Publle 6. 000 out of the amount in the agricultural district Manager Collection Dept: of the Atlantic Zone, the as an Income Tax, and second to Aurelio Bermudez business conducted by that saine must be paid 11. 13 Investigator DESolielting Manager the Bank 2015 would be before he will be permit MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE greatly facilitated by ted to leave for JamaiLimon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia the opening of such a Ca where he wished to Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports Branch. It is stated that DEAR FRIENDS: go for his wife and chiland cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and the Cias. Bananera, SurYou may be one of the thousands that enter a dren.
Jamaica, tidora de and the Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills that While on this subject, California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and res.
Northern Rai way Co.
tore Vitality, nergy, etc.
we note that the holders have made finai arrange pep and headeches are danger signals, and are, to a great of another prize of.
Extent, causea by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses?
ments for insuring their How mdany men and women awake in the mornL 481. 16, won on «Caentire staff of employees, eing with a feeling that although they have slept long vendo in the Manchesenough they are not rested: That although they are not including those in their Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily ter November Handicap various offices, work.
the which was run on Nov.
By the Gleaner we find who pretend to burn it in his Doyjate hours make your Eye lids heavy? does that there is yet another fool presence as an offering to the shops and farms amoun looking tabright object or even at brightly illuminated 27th, last year, are ex living. Zepheniah Bailey from Goddess of Gold, then leaves ting to about 5, 000.
Stone diaplay, cause your eyes to tire or Water? If your BO yes watser easily or tend to tire at the begin ning of the periencing some trouble the Parish of St. Ann, after for his home, in implicit trust day. you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit in the matter. The ticket labouring in Cuba for some and confidence to await in 17 The premiums on these you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type, on «Cavendo was years goes home to Jamaica days the arrival of his 20. 000.
insurances will be paid og Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and by theseveral companies work with a clear, acheless head.
Two days later one of the bought by one Mr. Phil and lodges to his eredit in Cordially yours.
the Royal Bank of Canada accomplices meets him and and will of course in 88 Dr. Azevedo lip Gunning of George 150. Some villain gets on says that the mystery man town, British Guiana and volve a pretty tidy sum «Optometrist to this fact meets the man says that so as to overcome subsequently passed over and invites him to a friend monthly, but all difficulties, the spirits need Glasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00 50, home in company with anoto a syndicate as one another offering of 30 he other hand it is believed 00, 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pocket. Examination Free p. to p. Save money of a pool. On obtaining ther accomplice; after admis must go and make this withtnat by so doing the by buying from me.
information of the prize, amount he has on deposit. tunately his wife meets him sion by Bailey as to the drawal and bring it up. Forlarge amount of worry and delays which have 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Mr. Gunning is said to he is advised to go to the on his way to get this money have repudiated having Bank and draw 70 of his previously taken place and on enquiry as to where Plan placed the ticket in the lodgment and give it as a he was going, he explains the pool and refuses to allow sacrifice to the spirits of wealth whole business to her, who particularly, will be ob viated the amount to be paid and in 17 days he will re We are particularly Schemes involving the the representatives of the out by the Trustees of ceive a donation of. 20. 000 and sets the detective force in motion with the result pleased to learn that our expenditure of huge sumns Government. Profits to be the Irish Free States remember to give a present that the three rascals Gilbert good friend don Alberto seem to be obtaining a limited to five per cent Hospitals sweepstake to of 2000 to the mystery man, Morris, Herman Gause, Justin Rees, a former Harbour certain amount of popu per annum and a sinking the Syndicate, who had This fool goes draws his Mc. Grath are Master and Secretary to larity in the United King fund to be provided for possession of the ticket money brings it back and charged with larceny of. 70.
In the name of heaven when the late Junta de Sania dom within recent times. repayment of the capital and had sent it in for confidently places this amount in the hands of the Rogues, will our people get out of miento of Limon, will short while ago we borrowed to buy out the payment. The Trustees this ignorance in believing such have now decided to pay Bottom of sea rich quickly. It seem incred simple rascally stories to get be in charge Knowing published the details of a companies.
Provision would also be out the amount on rehim, as well as we do, suggestion for the electrification of the entire rail made for compensating all ceipt of an we feel sanguine in stating agreement raised fools walking about us. The that the success of the road systems to cost a employees of the insur: signed by all the parties same kind of things are going vast amount and to occupy ance companies who would concerned or on an or. As a consequence of the Branch is assured.
on right here among us, where a period of something like be thrown out of work. der of the Courts.
earthquake which was felt in Europe some weeks ago the men vvho claim respectability The, Co. has al 15 years for reconstruction. As there are about 250 The contestants are flooring of the North Sea has and intelligence are being robvvays been a great sup. Comes now the sensation companies operating in likely to have the matter ed thousands of dollars.
been raised over a hundred porter of Insurance Com al plan, as given publi Great Britain it can readi decided by the Courts, in feet high in some places. The The latest dope now is the secrecy of the manufacture panies, in all the branch city by the Daily Expressly be imagined that such which way it will be the Norwegian steamer Harbsis of false American Coins.
es. It might not. gene under which a special a scheme involves a co lawyers who will was the first to report this even The treasure digging is a change in his sounding. Little rally be known, that joint Committee represent lossal sum.
tually be winners, as there hills have been discovered at bit scarce now, but making Bills and Coins is taking many every employee of the ing the Political Socialist The reason given by the are, we understand 36 intervals all over the bottom victims. What fools we mormerchandise Dept. in the Party and the Trade Union Commitee for the propos members of the Syndic of the sea in a direction some tals be management of a Com Congress propose State missariat has been insur control of all Insurance field is being dominated each party is only a little take new soundings and make al is that the insurance ate, so that the value of miles off Scarborough; hence ed abroad against loss, Companies in Great Bri by a few large companies over 13.
a new chart so that when a loss does tain and the nationalizawhich might eventually occur and that employee tion of the entire life and develope into a private Naval Reserve Yacht on visit is dismissed or prosecu domestic business.
monopoly and that there ted, the Company makes The unanimous recom.
is now no competition The beautiful 1, 700 ton ating Officer is Captain MANZANA 31 Lot money rather than loses, mendation of the Commit among the Companies as yacht Alva is on a tour Robins, although Mr. Van as that contingency is tee is that a public cor. they all work under a Next door to the office of the Atlantic and Pacific, derbilt captains the boat amply covered by insu poration be formed to take Tariff agreement, which is with its owner Mr. Wil himself.
of Juan José León (Sucs)
rance unknown to the over all branches of life, against public interest. liam Vanderbilt and a Mr. Vanderbilt is a man you will find the Peo.
industrial, accident, fire, As soon as the report party of friends. They left of fifty three summers and ple Bakery, where you hese premiums which third party and motor in has been endorsed by the New York and visited Miami is one of the leading figures can get, at all times. formerly went to foreign surances, The Corporation two conferences, the Gov. Florida, Havana, spent a in the financial concerns Booth Biscuits. Bread Bonders, will now we to be constituted some ernment will be asked to couple days in Kingston of the United States, and presume be taken up by what similarly to the trans take the necessary steps and left for the South Sea is a Director of several of and Buns of the best the National Bank, so port Board which is to to bring the scheme into Islands by way of the the large Railroads and quality and flavour, the that we expect defauiters direct the London passeng being.
Panama Canal. The Navig other great industrial in. finest in Limon, am will be prosecuted by er railroad and road traf terests of the land of the offering to the public a them, and the sums paid fic. complete monopoly The Cairo Lexicographer free. His yacht is a Naval New Style et Bread cafor such risks will also to be given the CorporMr. Robert Webster James Cairo lexicographer presents his Reserve unit of the lled Pan Pamona ma de considerably add to the ation, all existing Comp.
siacere compliments to all the esteemed and eminent ladies income of the Banco anies being bought out at and gentlemen within the vicinity of Cairo, all the various government and is said to from the best quality Nacional de Seguros. the Market value of their sections of the Atlantic Zone by wayof invitation to be the last wordin Engineer flour. trial will con.
to date speaking meeting that will take place at Estrada It is to be hoped that shares.
on the 31st night of August 1931. The chair ing and ship building vince you. Its a size loaf all the residents of the It is further suggested man will be the Hon. Stewart the Magi from the East who represented the negroes in convenation: Hon. Fernikin construction; this is her that cannot be had for Province will avail them that the Corporation be will be there, Robert James Cairo lexicographer will be there, maiden voyage.
the Queen, a Panamanian who comes to hear the language of the price in Limón.
selves of the opportunity controlled by a Board of the sons of Ham. It will be a night of flowing orations.
insuring themselves Directors selected from the JAMES To advertise ins to Booth their families lives Directors of the several Advertizer as to guard against companies takes cuvet, Wflagad dera Biblioteca Nacional Miquel Obregón Lizangº di Ministerio de cultura y doublestaruur business Limon, May 25th. 1931 Pan Pomona U.


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