p. 6


PAGE hme. Great Mass.
gore WANTS COLUMN COLUMN Secure OURS POLITICS Continued fron page vernment; if one finds he One colon per insertion of six lines Compañía Surtidora has made what he considers Mr. Castro asked the proWANTED a bad bargain through his de Costa Rica tection of the American gov lack of experience in the ings Also Bead and Woolwork.
ernment in the Tinoco coup particular line, his business there is no Taught by Miss Binns at her etat and for intimacy with would be to abide the expithing to break up a cold like a home in Siquirres.
Quality Merchandise the Financial Institutions of ration of the Concession, Cafiaspirin tablet taken in a Cup America; but this seems but not to endeavour to of hot lime juice tea immediately Those who would like to pass a When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de frivolous argument; because pass a law which would be after having contracted a cold. in a quiet home in the interior Commissaries you may rest assured that after all, in a condition as acting in a retrospective mano know thot Mrs. Charlote Bigs you are buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old that in wbich the Gonzalez ner on such concession; and tgerstaf can accomodate your nece sities at her home, in Cartago with shopworn goods are not allowed to remain in regime found itself what else Don Ricardo as lawyer for Machine and Fancy work taught hand Em our stores.
clean comfortable quarters She is could be expected but to the Companies only acted now to be tonnd opposite heolrd call for help from whatever in accordance with his oblibroidery. Typewriting Flower paintZepol and Floradora Products quarter it could be had; In gation to those who employ.
sofar as financial backing ed him, if the admi rators Have you joined the growing number of our is concerned, if we have no of the customers who are saving money by buying Zegovernment were pol and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Capital of our own, we must wrong, and his intelligence lean on those from whom as a lawyer proved them to Continued fron page Zepol Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts. Unthat Sir Edward Stubbs we can get our finances, and be wrong, it should not be guento and Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perwhat the country needs is used against him as being convert them into flour came to the Colony in a fume, Eau de Cologne and Lavender Lotion.
an influential man who will unpatriotic.
ishing fields as can be time of prosperity and has be able to draft Foreign Ca What we as electors must seen in St. Catherine; spent all the Revenue with We Sell the GENUINE pital into the country for demand is a platform of drain the syvamp lands out reserving any for development of its resources, Progress based on economic Peter Pan Prints times of Calamities which it all that is needed isto secure and settle the labourers and businesslike administraproper administration to see from the is well known must come tion. In the regime of don coming in HUNDREDS OF PATTERNS that the Capital is pro. Rafael Yglesias, we were goneighbouring Republics in Jamaica. He the speaker GUARANTEED FAST COLOR 68 perly expended in the deveverned on a presupuesto of on them; make Roads it was who saw the neceslopment of our lodustries.
seven million pesos, today into the forest lands so sity of Irrigation and movOn the other hand the one of thirty nine million Castristas and Carlistas are 68, that the settlers can cul ved that the services of a of colones is not enough; accusing Don Ricardo of what we want is a curtailWater expert be obtained, tivate them and so con CURRENT HAPPENINGS complicity with the Electric on account of which Mr.
ment of unnecessary expenvert the roads into Re.
Companies, because he hap ses as we have outlined to productive expenditures. Stewart Baker was sent out, The heat wave in the South and going to change her pens to be their lawyer, but meet our Revenue and we that also is frivolous.
satisfactory to all parties. who gave several recomEastern districts of Los An Iron she stepped on the must seek for the man who He vvas against ex mendations on Irrigation geles California seem to be snake with the result, the Honesty of purpose should will guarantee us this mode conat its maximum, as a mother says this is the be the first aim of any go of government.
tending the time of Sir propositions principally the seventh child she has lost Río Minho Scheme, but sequence 65 deaths have ocEdvvard as voiced by did the governor follow the curred.
from snake bites the affair the Hon. Wint, vyho is much commented.
OUR SPORT NEWS vvas styled the Governor advices of this great ex.
Coloned Lindberg and his In the construction of a pert? vvhat beneficial Island wife are abont starting their Cricket Barrett 20 and John y es man. because development can be point round the world flight.
he had done nothing ed out as emanating from washing place in a yard in The game on Sunday son 10.
Cartago the labourers came last in Limón between the The Excelsior at the outstanding for the coHeavy flashes of lightning upon a cement platform and him, to compensate the lony, vyhatever he has on examining it was desco.
Penshurst and the Excel call of time made 92.
done is vyhat any man «chorus of Praise that and peals of thunder were vered that a vault was made sior ended in a draw, the Walker 26, Cayton 13, vvith a sense of his re. Mr. Wint and others have Thursday which cut the wires there in olden days of eigh visiting team making 129 Maxwell 12 and Luther of the Lig ting arrests teen tombs.
Runs of which Knott Henry not ont sponsibility for vyhich he shovvered on him?
on the building of the BanHe then gave the reveis paid vvould do, to satMade 44, Dailey 33, Bowling for the Excelco de Costa Rica.
Herbert Beckles has been sior, Chambers took isfy his superior. He nues and expenditures from reported by the Medical of wickets for 34 Runs and vvas much surprised 1913 to 1931, shovving young woman was put ficer of Tarraza for practi. The Convention Sutton for 36. For the aboard the train at Quebra sing as a curer of deseases vvhen he heard of Mr. that vvhile Customs duties and Contest Penshurts Hazel took Wints motion on 27th, in 1913 14 vvas only das on the Pacific Railway He claims he can cure TuNov. 1929 to ask the 426 687 that same item to be taken to the Hospital mours, Leprosy, nefritis, siin San Jose, but she died filis etc. without medicines Tomorrow, Sunday, the wickets for 20 Runs, Secretary of States for in 1930 vvas more than Division of Limon will Harold Carr for 39, and soon after arrival from or operations. The Minister unveil her new Chart at p. Walfall for 28. Thus an extension of time the entire revenue for snake bite in her house, she of public Health has ordered and enter into her yearly leaving the Competition vyhen he vvas only in 1913 14 being 196. 517 was Ironing in the home an investigation.
Convention on Monday, Tuesthe colony and a half vvhile the entire revenue The extradition from Hon day and Wednesday, to deal as it was in our last Reyears duras has been asked for with matter relative to the port, Wanderers points years for they had not 048. 639 thus having iwo Poles, whom it is alleg. improvement of the Status of and Estrada the Negro Race in the Coun Football yet had time to form an so much more to spend, We are sorry to be in ed were given merchandise idea of him: he refused yet in his Development formed that our old friend by Mr. Enrique Yankelewitz try morally, intellectually, soThe Gymnastica Espanohis vote on the question, Report he did not even don Alberto Rodríguez has of the tailoring Stablish cially and financially.
ment Mil Colores, but these The young ladies of the la of San José visited Coand he is sure that the devote any attention to the been seriously ill for a men left for Honduras, it is Standar Club will be glad to lombia and played matphraseology of that Re. Harbour Improvements of couple of weeks now, but expected they will be brought meet their friends and sym pathisers at ches against the pick of solution petition must the Colony so much needed we are glad to say his back carly.
The Halls of The Burial Columbia at Baranquilla have caused amusement in Kingston, Port Antonio, situation is not as serious Scheme Association on Tues winning two and drawing in the London Colonial Montego Bay, Falmouth, it present as it was a We are intormed that the day th. August, to witness one, they have one match Roy Scouts of Limon will Dry Harbour, Black River week ago, we wish him the different oratory of coon Tuesday 4th August be more to fill their engageloured Contestants in the EloHe went on to show by and other parts; forgetting a speedy recovery. paying their long announced ment, hence whatever cution contest organized by visit to Cartago and from a comparison of figures that our Harbours serve a them. Small charge of fit happens Costa Ricans are from the year 1913 to 1931 similar purpose to Roads. We are extremely pleas thence to the Capital under ty cents will be collected to the winners. There has Revenues 1913 14 1. 048. 639 Expen: 1. 276. 251 sing fully recovered from the Red. Cecil Ryecart, to ed to find Monseñor Bles the guidance of the Scout assist the purchase of Books been much scrappings in etc. to intensify their studies the Contests, even the pubIdem 1915 16. 132. 049 Idem 105. 942 This is a worthy cause and lic joining in to fight Revenues 1926 27 147. 042 Expen. 046. 204 his recent sufferings and pay their addresses to His calls for the support of every up and doing again among Excellency the President, this respectable citizen of Limon.
our boys.
1927 28 275. 093 980. 888 1928 29 212. 851 317. 433 his flock. We hope that in display will we expect be very interesting in view of Among the 1929 30 292. 869 consequence of his unfor 310. 502 the fact that there is an idea it is to be Boy Scout it tunate recent experiences, on foot in San Jose to form Governments 1930 31 cannot be National it must 226. 024 350. 826 Monseñor will be convin up a National Boy Scout, be Baden Powell and there.
In Belgium Proving that there has vve have earned and leav. сed of the necessity of but from what we know, ir fore Universal Brussels reports the discobeen a much greater re es no substantial vvorks sending a young priest to very of a plot against the venue but the Governor administer to the Spiritual The King of Sports Royal family. It appears to have been the intention of the has spent it all and is al of Improvement for it. He needs of his favoured In There will be a great day of racing at 24 miles on the 15th plotters to assassinate the vvays spending more than vvas heartily applauded. dian Converts.
day of September, on the new Race Track, the best in the various members of the fa.
Province. fine day sport is in store for all lovers of the sport of mily vvhile attending the ceDuty on Cattle and Milk kings: all turfites are cordially invited, fine accommodation remony in connection whit the The Economic Lord Kylsant will be afforded visitors so as to enable you to spend a real memorial to Leopolds II in day of enjoyment.
We note that don Risentenced Conference Ostend. fine Silver Cup in the Race for the half Bred horses, will cardo Jiménez is advocat be among the prizes to be competed for. Do not miss the Republic of Argentine Mr. Stimson has gone home By cable The police have, according occasion of this meeting.
yesterday ing a Custom duty on Watch for Programmes soon to appear giving full details.
as to Ame from London the to information from Buenos fully satisfied news imported Cattle and Milk; rican intervention in the reAires, June 28th. frustrated a The Racing Club 25 Miles was received that Lord ofcourse milk is being sold construction of Germany fi.
plot to overthrovy the provinancial affairs and the pre Kylsant had been found in the interior now at sional president General Uri.
la eharges 15 cts. per bottle, hence a do buru, Expresident De Alvear servation of Central Europe guilty of the dignity in world economics. brougth against him in it does not suit the Capiis said to be at the head of Mr. Donald is also quite connection with the finan talist to see Condensed Milk For Sale Banana Farm the conspirators. Later report states that he and others vvill satisfied, as England was de cial transactions of the being imported, but anoth termined at all costs (except 10 Hectáreas completely cultivated in Bananas be deported.
er farmer, Mr. Pedro Aa breach of friendhip with her Royal Mail Steam Packet From Cuba just coming into production.
The Cuban Federation ally France) to save Germany Co. of which he has been guilar, objects strenuously Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, Workers have, it is states from Collapse as a World the head, and sentenced to such an idea, because Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country Power.
os agreed to declare a strike to one year imprison he says we must have free 24 hours on 1st. August For further particulars and price Attention is being now di ment.
importation of thoroughprotest against the arre rected to create a similar bred cattle so as to keep THE SEARCHLIGHT APPLY various of their fellovv moratorium of Credits to Cen88 ers and the closing milk alvvays in abundance tral and South Américan Coun ose Federation building.
Printed in Palcó Hermanos to supply the poor people. ye tries.
Biblioteca Nacre Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
out of his six for 1913 14 vas only on the Sick List Office.
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