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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION C3 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Lał ora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment Extreism, as a doctrine, leads in most instances to serious crimes. It has been known within recent times to be responsible for the murdering of men and women, the miscarriage of justice and the interference with the common rights of the citizen. The sad part of it is that in many places the legitimate government seems unable to do that which would eradicate its existence from within its borders.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY AUGUST 15. 1931 NUM. 88 New Charter Unveiled The Standard Fruit Co. The Convention The Mysterious 000 again The above named Co. awaiting sales results as The Limon Division staged a of the SiquirresDivision, Mr.
August to the Negro people occasion. Io handing over the last issue, took over the under the contracts bas. 5th. inst. at their Hall of Li Lodge of Mechanics, Mr. HuThe legendary month of added much grace to the who, as reported in our the case it is alleged Convention on the 3rd, 4th. Goulbourne of the Concordia market prices berty after having invited all bert Lewis of the Loyal Miz.
and incidentally by way of Stewart made a rousing ap: Jamaica business of the ed on example set, to the Negroes peal to them and members Atlantic Fruit Co. has such as those of the the Organization in the Re: pah Lodge of Mechanics, Mrs.
of the world; continues mak alike to keep this Charter we learn secured con United Fruit Co. and the public, as well as RepresenE. Brissett of the Light of ing histo y to this much from reproach, an so live in tracts from the majority Producers Association. It tatives of the various Frater. Limon Lodge of Samaritans, depreciated group in Cen harmony and dignity in the of the Contractors of the is also the opinion of nal and Religious Societies, Mr. Gordon of the New Castral America, for on Sunday Community. He then called nd of August at pm. upon Mr. Petgrave to Atlantic. The price being those who are expe and Clubs.
tle Division, Mr. Mckenzie of there was gathered to geth speak who did so in an ela Offered is said to be a rienced in the bana. The different Societies (except the San Andres Division, Mr.
ur a select crowd of the in borate speech on the neces flat rate of two shillings na business that it is the religious) were well re. Malachi Walker of the Solomon tellectuals of Limon to wit sity of living in love, unity and six pence per bunch unlikely that there will presented, and much business and others.
new Charter No 300 of the Community: he also pointed all the year round and be much fluctuations in that ought to result in the The subject of Education the majority of contracts prices in the near tuture improvement of the Race was Limon Division of this great out the necessity of identiwas presented by the chairNegro Organization; institu fying orself more with the are it is understood, for a but rather that they will discussed and resolved. man and fully discussed, and ted by that genius of Negro natives of the country, by period of years. With keep at around, what The several items discussed as a means towards better talent Mr. Marcus Garvey adopting the language and the Banana Markets at they are at present, so were, Social and Racial Unity intuition among the youths a of indomitable will and un mixing in their politics. Mr. the very low ebb they that with the Standard in all its aspects; Education proposition was arrived at by daunted courage, for the Nation next spoke and now are, the offer is shipping to Canada and in all its branches and possi which the Lodges and other purpose of inspiring Race explained the reason for a bilities; the Political achieveConsciusness in the Negro new charter since the great considered a pretty good Europe, those who have Societies vvere invited to asments of coloured people of sist to endovy a school vvith peoples of the world.
Convention of 1929 and one by most banana signed up, feel that there the Republic and the financial At pm. the officers of exhorted the members to men, particularly as it is will be more fruit needed attainments of our people by verned by a School Board and necessary teachers, to be gothe Division marched in, greater coucentration for preceded by the guard of their own interests which such a system the contrac. from them, they there. Commercial cooperation etc. to which would be attached a and The Convention opened at Library, and reading and recrea on the Rostrum amid the ever pointing out that the tor will be able to get paid fore think the offer reas.
strains of Shine on Eternal rebirth of the Division by for whatever fruit he onable and on the whole 3p. on Monday 3rd. with tion rooms. Committee vvas Light by the Choir. The its new charter, should also sells immediately without Mr. S, Nation Ex president appointed to invite cooperaa satisfactory one.
Chaplain Mr. Brown mean a burial of all old of the Limon Division as chair tion among the Lodges and continued the religious cer dissentions and petty disputes man, Mr. Stewart, Ex Societies for this purpose emony and this done, handed among members and rise in president of the Siquirres Div. vvith Mr. Goulbourne over the function to the a new determination of greatand former Representative for and Mr. Bruce as chairman President Mr. Reid who er Unity among themselves after a few chosen remarks rather than forming cliques, Costa Rica at the Jamaica and Secretary respectively.
for the occasion, int:oduced when a miscreant was rightConvention of 1929, as SpeakOn Tuesday the delegates The following which forms men referred to as well as Mr. Brown of Liverpool cously punished; he showed er to the House Mr. again reassembled and took as Chairman in the absence out that when a member of part of an article appearing the labour conditions at pre Pearson and Miss Lind up the question of Racial of Mr. Stewart who had any organization acted in in the Gleaner issue of the sent prevailing throughout the been engaged for this purp rebellion to the Constitution ley as Atlantic Zone of the Republic 25 th. ult. will we feel sure Secretaries, along Unity and as a result, it vvas with ose. but so soon as Mr. of Such Society he must be many representatives suggested that the Common be read with much interest: where yve vvould say 95 per dances be eliminated and in Brown was introduced, he punished, but such punishfrom several Lodges, Divisions According to mail adviment should not be taken cent are domiciled, vve do not too had to make an introand Clubs present, among Levvis of the Loyal Mizpah, their place, suggested by Mr.
ces which have been receiv hesitate to state that, vvhile duction of Mr. Stewart who by his friends as a means for whom could be noticed, Mr.
ed in Kingston, the Costa had by this time arrived and also acting contrary to the the rates at present paid for Reid, President of the debates and intellectual funccarried out the ceremony in best interests of the cause, Rica Government has ex labour, skilled and unskilled, Limon Division, Mr. Joe Brothertions be instituted as well fine Style after making an and hoped that all dishar pressed tis willingness to have been lovvered, there has ton of the Loyal Pboenix, Mr.
as a saving Department for inspiring Oration. Tize Choir monious thoughts would now contribute half of the pasrendered suitable selections, be vanished for ever and all sage money that will be been a steady demand for Stephen Daley of the Court Children, vvhen it was emespecially was this crowned look to Unity cf action in required to get the unemlabour during recent months, Galead of the Foresters, Mr. bodied in a Resolution by Mr especially since the United Stanford Brown of the reor Henry, Proxy representative Solo of Miss Teresa Moore Mr. Walker of the Samaritan ployed West Indians, prin.
cipally Jamaicans, out of Fruit Company commenced ganized Mt. Purity of the Sama of the Loyal Phoenic Lodge, entitled Rock of Ages. The order spoke in similar strains.
the country. And it is under.
operations in the district of ritans, Mr. John Bruce of the that all the Societies be inAnthem How Excellent by Mr. James Isaacs of Bananito Guacimo under the terms of Progressive Lodge, Mr. Jones the choir also held a last ng also spoke on the subject of stood that parties in the Coniinued on page impression on the audience. cooperation, then a quartette Republic who vvere her nevy Contract; and from арThe recitations by the two was rendered by Mrs. and proached by the authoritall that we are able to unlittle girls who did the unMiss Moore, Messrs Johnson ies on the subject, have obderstand, a labourer in Jamaiveiling Miss Eva Simpson and and Miller, and the Chairman tained the names of about ca at this time is apparently Miss Gertrude Dickson were cl sed most pleasant funcOn Monday night the ted, the immense throng also well applauded and tion a 50 tvvo thousand Jamaicans in no better a position than Teatro Moderno, saw a vvho are at present unemone of that nationality here.
vvere determined to hear crowd never betore vvit the views of these men, ployed. It is believed that As ve say it is true that the in a short time definite labour here has fallen consi nessed to hear the Ora. among them being one steps vvill be taken to secure derably, but notvvithstanding, tions of some of Costa of the best Orators of the return of the men to there is no evidence of any Rica best sons. Lic. the Country, Genl. Volio.
At one of the sessions of conference as to the matter. Jamaica, thing like 000 West Indians don Manuel Castro Que One of the speakers Congres last week our repre There are some who are of Some couple of months ago being in so depressed a posi sada, the candidate for referred to the baseness sentatives, Srs. Chaverri and the opinion that with Limon Gutierrez, submitted the mo a free port, the Govern we were somewhat similarly, tion as to be seeking the aid Presidency from the Parof the principle adopted, tion. that at the fourth In ment financial interests in inforined with respect to the of our local government to get tido Unión Republicano, by attempting to encou: ternational Commercial Con the Pacific Railway tergate to be held in Wash wharf at Puntarenase will be by a local press, certain la into consideration the exceed tinguished gentlemen is at times exhibited in and efforts which, it was stated them out the country. On the along with Genl George rage the community to vve take Volio and other dis witness vulgar scenes as ington next September Limon detrimentally affected maicans were making to obbe declared a free Port for we do not think that such announced to the Movies, rather than the Atlantic. After a rather would be the case, for as tain the assistance of this ingly large number of Jamai. were short discussion the motion others have already pointed Country government to get home from Cuba and else Political movement and hear a flovy of Oratory cans who have been returning speak in Limon on the inthusing the people to was duly agreed to; we has out, there would be no con them back to their Island ten to tender our congra flict of interests as the cpe vyhere recently, and the many that was quite sufficient that would tend to up ift tulations to our worthy re rations at this end would home and strange to say, the number, by what seems to us schemes vvhich are being guarantee for an im their Morals, and permit presentatives for having be restricted to the comconsidered by the Island mensely crowded house. them to think for them.
introduced the matter, which mercial movements for the a peculiar coincidence corresof the Atlantic.
is without doubt There is also the ponded with the 000 now officials and others, to provide All Limon, friend and foe selves.
most vital importance and, further question regarding mentioned. We are thinking, the means for their support of the Castrista party the wharves which are at hear the if it should eventually be Judging from the opi were out to ve certainly fail to understand carried into effect, will un present under the control therefore, that the same agenwhich doutedly do more towards of the United Fruit Comin vvhat respect a labourer eloquence of these great nions expressed the ma engineered the men.
The Ricardistas jority of Voters of Lj.
resusitating the commercial pany, but we feel sure that previous tale is again at work. vvho elects to leave here at and other interests of our such an tried a counter move to non seem to be ready apparent obstacle We have endeavoured to ob this time could better his only Atlantic gateway than could be overcome without deter the populace from to cast in their votes for tain further particulars res. position even in Jamaica vvhere any other project could. The much difficulty, having rethe Castrista party.
attending this meeting subject has we are also glad gard to the fact that the pecting this new move, but conditions are more favourbut it did not vvork; they The visitors left next to note been most enthúsi. change woald be also of much so far have not been able to able than anyvvhere else engaged the Teatro morning after being eri astically approved by all benefit to the Company.
secure anything or find any now, in the West Indies.
Arrasty and put on a tertained in the Plaza sections of the community May the efforts of those one who has any knowledge We vvill await, with a deal free show at the who are moving in this all same Rafael Iglesias by a game and it is understood that of the proposal.
specific instructions will be important matter be crowned of interest, some further in time as that fixed for of Basket Ball by the given our delegates to the with very stieteessmento es propiedad de la Bitha Buapaknowledgén bitaneivel sigoratastrophee on otse Jahut teario de Culturatherineeting but, as sta. Young ladies of the Town. Political Meeting Limon. a Free Port!


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