
Saturday August 15. 1931 Such a rance.
CHECK UP YOUR EFFICIENCY By ROBT. DE LA BASTIDE, Doctor of Chiropractic There are six different diLas actividades políticas En estos momentos de que para triunfar se necemay takes nothing imagining that his indifrections in which a man can for granted. He does not ference is due largely if not inquietud, de zozobra y de sita llevar a las urnas elec desplegadas en estos últimove as he journeys along guess. He prepares himself altogether, to his own igcoincertidumbre, el pueblo torales a un hombre de mos días a favor de la through life. He can go north, in advance to fill the position costarricense se pregunta revelantes méritos, tanto candidatura del ex presi south, east, or west, and he which he expects ultimately The indifferent man doesn quien será el futuro presi político como social. Au dente Jiménez y la manera can go either, up or down to fill.
know, and what is so much Every great achievement worse, he just doesn care dente de Costa Rica? Esta nando todas las fuerzas y cómo ha corrido presuroso There is po standing still be cause life itself is expressed of the human race was made to know. He permits little pregunta quizá nadie pueda buena voluntad que existe el pueblo limonense a roin a form of motion, and it possible because it first mental stimulus to enter his contestar, pues en estos en el alma de cada cos bustecer la campaña polì is but natural that we drift existed as an ideal, an ulti life because his brain is momentos están saliendo tarricense y puesta al ser tica, es una prueba inequí one way or the other. Which mate purpose in the life of dormant and undeveloped.
a la arena política muchos vicio de un candidato hon voca de que la candidatura way are we going and how some individual.
He has no ideal, no purpose, valores cívicos y politicos rado y progresista, se de don Ricardo ha existido vital questions on which we anything short of searching to investigate anything, and To spend one days in no ambition. He is too lazy de los cuales llegará al conseguirá el triunfo más y existe en el corazón de should check up ourselves. out the forces within bim. So therefore on account of solio presidencial, el que ruidoso que puede espe los costarricenses que han Every man possesses within self, and without a daily, this sluggish habit he retroprive más en la conciencia rarse. Apóyese a un ciu sabido apreciar lo que vale himself a continent of undis active, vigorous, aggressive grades in spite of his advande las colectividades. dadano de alto relieve un ciudadano el cual ha. covered possibilities, a mar struggle to accomplish the cing years and the constant Será Manuel Castro Que político, de más grandes ciendo un reconocimiento him that he is capable of to the best that is in him, is aim of his life and live up worthwhile developments all around him.
sada? Ricardo Jiménez o dotes intelectuales y mo de la verdad, es mucho almost infinite development not to live but to exist. The only hope for such a Carlos María Jiménez? Es rales, en fin un elemento hombre para Costa Rica. if he will wake up and give To take things passively man is to wake up and feed imposible adelantar el triun verdaderamente represen La inauguración del club himself a chance.
as they come and get along his impoverished brain Many fo de estos profesionales tante del sentir general de Ricardista, la cual se veri The average man is a failwith them whatever they are; men do not realize that the ure because he does not know is not even to exist, but to head was made políticos, pues en la actua. los pueblos, con todas ficò el tres de los corrien: to think how to think. The Bible says, be tolerated. To say you with and that success delidad hay diversidad de estas ejecutorias, se habrà tes, ha sido una demos As a man thinketh in his cannot make a success is to pends upon how we use it.
ideas por lo cual es difícil llegado a la meta de los tración aplastante para los heart, s) is he. This is a place yourself on par with Knowledge is the antidote predecir quien obtendrá el ideales del país para co adversarios de la candida great scientific truth. The the people of the middle for fear, as light is the anttriunfo deseado.
locar al frente de los des tura de don Ricardo, pues lies in his ability to analyze. you will is to place yourself ignorance and fear will vanidote for darkness. Eliminate La opinión nacional está tinos de la República, a un la concurrencia de sus The man who cannot analyze, in the lead along with the ish. We kill the negative by pendiente del curso que hombre que se preocupe coopartidarios fué numecannot think; and the man best men and women the practising the positive. We vayan tomando los acon por el porvenir de la rosísima, en la cual había who cannot think cannot world has ever known. kill laziness by continually tecimientos políticos, pues Nación.
elementos del género fe succeed in any line of enThe new and inspiring hustling. We kill es el deseo unánime que Los últimos aconteci menino de lo más saliente deavour.
philosophy of a new era is cowardice by doing the thing If our vision is limited, our llegue a regir los destinos mientos políticos que se de nuestra sociedad making it plain to the human that needs to be done, re por aspirations are limited, race, that man is not the gardless of those who may de la Nación, un ciudadano han venido desarrollando teña.
and therefore our possibil slave of his environment and disapprove our action.
que verdaderamente se a última hora, dan una Todas estas cosas me ities must be limited. Our his circumstances; that he Check up and speed up preocupe por los sagrados idea más clara del asunto, hacen creer que el triunfo vision is limited because we can control his environment your brain forces then, and and not have his environ you will increase your effiintereses de la República. de lo cual se supone que del partido Republicano lack a definite aim, a definite El bienestar y grandeza de el candidato más viable Nacional es un hecho po ambition, a definite purpose ment control him; that he is ciency. Analize your brain forin life.
master and creator of his ces and control them, and la patria está por encima para llegar y regir y ad sitivo.
The greatest cause of inef own destiny.
you will begin to see some de todas las cosas y por ministrar con buen acierto ficiency is a lack of definite It is id that the philo. of the marvelous things you este motivo tan justísimo los bienes del estado es El Conde Xolotlán purpose. The man who has sophy of the average man can do for yourself.
es que todo costarricense el tribuno, el estadista y no definite object in life is is the philosophy of failure Apply a process of elimination and substitution to no debe pensar más, que hombre público don Ri Limón, Costa Rica, Agosto going nowhere, he is just and that is the reason he is a failure. To make a success drifting; and that is the reason en conseguir a toda costa cardo Jiménez.
de 1931.
every negative and positive he never arrives. He is sail his philosophy must be quality you possess, and you la renovación de la Repú.
ing toward no port, and if changed; and to accomplish will notice a marvelous blica, para lo cual no hay he ever reaches port it will this there must be an educhange in your self within very be as a result of pure cational revolution in his few months for your possibilaccident.
escoger con meditada corities are really unlimited, But the man of definite He thinks it isn necessary dura, la persona de más for him to cultivate the Investigate the health value purpose is the man with a alto relieve social y polí Con profunda pena clubs establecidos en es conquering spirit. He flashes study habit; he doesn realize of Chiropractic.
tico para que ésta sea quien consignamos la triste nue te puerto han celebrado out upon the horizon like a that knowledge is power; he dirija con buen acierto los val de la muerte de pues importantes asambleas a fixed star. He sets the pace doesu realize that time is Limon, destinos de esta pacífica tro amigo don Alberto favor de sus candidatos; for other men. He leads the money; and too, he doesn realize that health is his Costa Rica Rodríguez, acaecida el pero el que se ha visto way becauce he has a visión.
He knows which way he is greatest asset Costa Rica bananas Mediten un poco y lle de los corrientes en el más concurrido ha sido travelling, and he knows The instrumen of the efgarán al convencimiento Hospital de esta ciudad. el del partido Republi: just why he is travelling. He ficient are his own que las ideas empecinadas Presentamos nuestro más The price of the ba: cano Nacional el cual can see the end from the mind and thoughts and the mind of those with whom nanas which are being en seguir a determinado sentido pésame a su hi apoya la candidatura de beginning, because he has created it in his imagination. he has dealings, and he exported from this coun.
caudillo, nunca se llegará jo don Mariano Rodrí don Ricardo Jiménez.
Did you ever stop to observe should acquaint himself with try to California is said a un ideal renovador el guez.
how some men radiate cour Regreso to have now reached caudillaje en muchos paíage, optimism, enthusiasm, We must be accurate in and one half cent, ses del continente ameri Nuevo Agente Próximaniente regre ambition and leadership? It thinking, for if we are careCry, per pound as they cano, ha sido la causa del is because these men have less in thought we Nos es grato presentar sará a este puerto, proanchored their lives with a correspondingly be careless are considered the best desequilibrio social y po nuestra más sincera feli cedente de Cartago en definite aim, and an ultimate in act, because thought and fruit offering in that lítico es necesario dejar y citación a nuestro fino donde se encuentra al purpose.
action are as closely con market. his is certainpensar como hombres li amigo don Enrique Mo trente de la Agencia del The man with a definite nected as cause and effect.
bres para llevar a la pri ya por el nombramiento Ferrocarril, nuestro cole.
ly encouraging to those aim a is maximum man, a The indifferent man is who have invested in the mera magistratura de la recaído en él de Agente ga y amigo nuestro don hundred per cent man. That unconcerned about either the aim creates within him life present or future, and he is República, a un ciudadano del ferrocarril en Carta Rafael Vilanova, a quien cultivation of bananas great positive forces, and it satisfied just to exist, little on the Pacific side.
que verdaderamente sea go en lugar de don Brau tendremos especial gusgives him an energetic certiprenda de legítima garan lio Miranda.
to de saludar.
tude and a fervent trust.
tía y de esta manera conGABRIL GIRALDY seguir la redención de la Política ATLANTIC LODGING patria costarricense.
Las actividades polítiLimón, Costa Rica, Limón, Costa Rica La lucha política está cas siguen en lo fino, los agosto de 1931.
iniciada, sólo falta la buena Lodging of the best accommodation Fine Rooms and Beds cooperación de los hijos de REVISTA fine dwelling in a First class attendance given to our clients day and night Costa Rica para escoger «Escuela de Agriculti con most imposing spot in Situated 50 yds. North of the Market y apoyar un ciudadano puramente patriota, que Director: Luis Cruz front of the Northern RailFollowing Juan José León, building.
piense ante todo por la Empresa puramente particular.
way Machine shop Limon, MELANIE DE BARRIENTOS felicidad y grandeza de la La subscripción a esta Revista só towards the Hospital, is República, sus caros inte lo vale cuatro colones, sea un dólar being offered for Sale.
Prop reses demandan la positiva por año.
Consisting of four large Dont forget to call at Atlantic Lodging cooperación de los hom bres sanos y libres para Pida su suscripción.
rooms with front and side Escriba al DIRECTOR conseguir la salvación de verandahs; It renders a HOSPEDAJE ATLANTICO este girón de la Amèrica constant tenancy of sixty del centro. Está demos.
colones per month in crisis Limón, Costa Rica trado que el personalismo like ours, very airy and Se alquilan cuartos y camas nunca deja nada y eso Aseo esmerado y buen JUAN MEZA DENTIST Cool, Constant watersupply precisamente ha sido el servicio a toda hora del día y de la noche CARTAGO. COSTA RICA móvil, por el cual en algu afforded by Tanks of RainLower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Calle 50 varas al Norte del Mercado, water.
nos países del istmo ha Central Street 325 Yards East of Market contiguo a la casa de Juan José León tenido fatales resultados.
Apply on premises for Con criterio sano y repo Preference given patients from Limon and other price and information to MELANIE DE BARRIENTOS sado estsoy eguro se lle points of Atlantic Zone.
Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed Prop.
gará a la conclusión de John Dacosta or una verdad real y pura de The Searchlight.
man must For Sale Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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