
Saturday August 15 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Australia faces deficit School Function ԹՐՄԵՆ CA Cafiaspirina OK. CBIOPIC The University Club un 0on 8808808088088088080880880880:880830. 880880880880880 Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Siquirres, July 29. G6 Was given them by Mr. The Commonwealth of The music loving mem Petgrave, as well Australia, like other count bers of this community as a song by the chilries the world over, is now were given a fine treat dren «Gratitud a los Pa.
experiencing her share of on Sunday afternoon last dres.
financial depression. She by the pupils of the St. The meeting was brought BEWARE OF IMITATIONS is reported to be faced Joseph Catholic school to a fitting close with with the rather large deficit Dout accept any tube or envelope The function, by kind the singing of the Costa of 17. 000, 000 on her permission of Señor Vi Rican Anthem.
BAYER packets without the year Budget, and the cente Peña was carried Or the Monday followMinister of Finance has out in the Peña Theatre ing, the children repairBAYER CROSS had to subn various and took the form of ed to theirschool grounds increases of taxation to a cantata entitled «God where several athletic 008308088080808808803080880880880880880808808 the Legislature in an effort Beautiful World» a very games were held. followto get even with the situafine service by Lizzie de ed by refreshments. The Our Sport News tion.
and and Jude. usual summer recess Cricket covering two weeks was It is therefore pleasing find.
to note that with, we then announced and The stage arrangement The closing match taken.
believe, a most generous was most colourful and forthe «Orane. Cyrillo desire to personally do his a pleasing representation Cricket Competition address delivered by Mr. civilized man and woman The following is the perfect than themselves. bit to help the taxpayers, of that «beautiful world»
came oft in Limon on the Governor General, the which word and song Sunding the, 2nd. inst. Charles Hayling at the unlike those creatures of noted Sir Isaac Isaacs has cannot fully depict; and betyveen the Estrada recent Inauguration the lower stages, voluntarily reduced his sal the performances of the like also primitive man, ary by the sum of 1, 000. youthful actors showed An Anti American and Penshurst. The lat Banquet ot the Univer should grasp this duty of ter batting first com sity Club and deals with progress and hold it as He had previously, we are not only careful preparplot piled 75 runs, of which informed, relinguished his ation but also that eag. Progress. an ideal Daley contributed 14, judicial pension of 1, 500 erness Investigations by the Philip Patterson 14 and Mil Mr. Guest of Honour, be regarded a source on the part of Racial progress shouli as well as the personal our juvenile population pine Constabulary have reveal. ler 11. The Estrada in Lady and Gentlemen: allowance of 2, 000 paid to reach out to higher ed the existence of a secret turn were dismissed for of joy. with exchanges am glad of the privilege of opinions and expe.
to his predecessor in office. things. The leading art society with riveral thousand the small amount of 12 of being with you this riences among the local It would be well, if the istes runs, Kerr being the evening and of the honor clubs, then with clubs laudable example of the old Miss Elsie Gibson, as the over throwy of American highest scorer with of being allowed to add The Wanderers are, my quota and institutions abroad to such a will, feel help to a be followed by other high and nine year old Missly it neccessary. Much sedi therefore, this Seasons delightful programme.
If may be permitted Modern economic, social great extent.
Colonial Officials, a large Brigida Crooks, the lead tons documents have been winners of the Cup, our number of whom, we are ing girl in her school, who seized, but for lack of definite congratulations to them. to define the term Pro and cultural development certain, could very easily represented Sutnmer. Lit information regarding the Sogress as understand it, has led to many problems.
afford to surrender a reastle tots as Masters Mar ciety personnel prosecutions By the Gleaner we are said to be impossible. On would say that it is lhe solutions found for onable part of their sal ving Walker, Ferdinand learn that Lord Tennyson the rise of mind over aries and personal allow Whitehorn, Jacob Det the night of July 4th. the elechas made an offer to matter, of will over ſate. not been the same everythese problems have ances which were regulat grave, Benjamin Petgrave, tric wires in Manila were cut take a team of cricke. It implies the strength where. The problems and the city thrown in darked most generous Ambrosio Crooks and ters to Jamaica next year, ening of the human which confront the Race ness for fully half an hour. It bases during more pros. Blyden James, who repre.
the Board of Control mind, its increasing un today cannot be met with sented small trees, very is supposed, by the Police, lad, however, been unable derstanding of the laws that this was intended as a nicely acquitted themto come to a decision of nature, its increasing the solutions of yesterday.
signal for an uprising.
Before taking my seat Meantime the future status regarding the offer, as power over the forces wish to publicly conThe spanish community To advertise was well represented, and of the Philippines is being they were awaiting a re of nature and over the gratulate the officers and is to double your in compliment to them closely studied by administra ply from Sir Julien Cahn forces contrary to human members for having got oral translation of tion and Congressional lead in connection with his happiness and welfare.
together such a repreThe nations business of the sentative body of young the addresses in English ers in Washington and will be proposed visit which had one of the most important been previoushy sugges earth have reached a men, and wish the Uniquestions for the coming Con ted; there was also the degree of common int versity Club abundant Continued on page erests gress.
which requires success along the lines 000000000000000 imperatively common of progress.
institutions for the sol.
Wanted ution of the social prob.
lems, conmon to all. The list grows 500 new subscribers to make this paper the Progress is the cardinal pride of the English speaking people of the country.
principle of the universe, Nevy South Wales in the Remember it is the mounthpiece of particularly the In our previous issue the buildings and rent and in order to effect Commonwealth of Australia, Coloured people and the only upto date English Journal we referred to the effort them to the workers at it with any degree of has added her name to the in Costa Rica.
which was being made an average weekly rent success there must be grovving list of Countries per000000000000000000 by the Socialist party of trom 31 to 6d. in organization. The must mitting State run Lotteries, and the Trades Union to cluding local taxes, be appropriate insti We are informed that the give the government con It is further anticipa: tutions for doing justice State has arranged to operate 89 88 83 0886896 89638883 88 trol of all the Insurance ted that the work of to opportunistic needs a Lottery in place of the apo business now obtaining constructing the build Institutions such as the peals usually made by the TED 88 in England, with a view ings, will provide work University Club mark a Church and State for aiding of preventing a certain for 100. 000 men not now step in ihe desirability hospitals, as such appeals 88 group from ultimately employed; thus accord of progress.
have novy ceased to bring in BC securing a private mo ing to the supporters of Biology teaches the required sums. It is expectog nopoly of that business, the Bill. the scheme will that it is the main destiny ed that under the Lottery as well as to provide, in not only help the press of all creatures to pave efit to the extent of a quarter system, the hospitals vvill bencidentally, the Exhecquer ing need for rural hous the way for creatures less DEAR FRIENDS: of a million sterling per annum.
with another source of ing but enable the State You may be one of the thousands that enter a revenue.
Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills that to save in dole benefits are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and resWe now have it that about 000. 000 or more tore Vitality, nergy, etc. Do you know that lack of the Government, with a than twice the amount pep and headeches are danger signals, and are, to a grea ATTENTION Extent, causea by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses? 88 desire to relieve the cit. involved.
How mdany men and women awake in the morneing with a feeling that although they have slept long ies of much of their idi. In supporting the Bill enough they are not rested: That although they are not ing population and en Miss Lloyd George des Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily When the read.
o courage them to return cribed the scheme Doytate hours make your Eye lids heavy? does to agricultural pursuits, the first real attempt to looking labright object or even at brightly illuminated Stone diaplay, cause your eyes to tire or Water If your has submitted a Bill to meet the housing need of yes watser easily or tend to tire at the beginning of the Parliament secking the the agricultural worker.
day, you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type. necessary permission to According to official Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and expend the appreciable reports to the end of work with a clear, acheless head.
Cordially yours.
sum of 2, 000, 000 in the June, the number of unDr. Azevedo building of 40. 000 houses employed in England to«Optometrist during the ensuing 12 talled 664, 889 which was In view of the present economic depression. have months. The amount an increase of 774. 314 on decided to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices, Glasses Supplied from 25, 50, 00 50. 00, 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pock would be advanced to the total a year ago.
Careful attention will, as usual, be given to all work.
et. Examination Free p. to p. Save money THE STANDARD the municipal authorby buying from me.
Cities in the various rural Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon 89 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 districts, who would erect Printed in Falcó Hermanos perous times.
an Another of them 0000000000 us 888 83 8888888888 89 B8 8888 as woman Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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