
Saturday August 15. 1931 The Great Contest British Trade Ship To exploit for Oil PALMERA SOAP guut 1931.
was must be comwas Mindful of a duty out of In addition to the many Negociations are still friendship the most popular and varied schemes which being carried on between The Elocution Contest ad not only the audience but already adopted to reap the troleuin Companies of Standard Club, came off on and the Jocular expressions benefits resulting from the Costa Rica and the Minin the eyes of the Judges, Has arranged to distribute a value of almost the evening of Tuesday 4th visit of the Prince of Wales double the former value of the wrappings as a to South America recently, ister of Fomento through inst. at the great Hall of the it could be seen that they benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you their representative don it has been decided to disLimon Burial Scheme As also had fallen bewitched can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before All No. wrappings have a much greater value patch a trade ship, called the Diego Povedano, with a sociation and was a collos by her eloquence, tact and than No. and others.
British Exhibitor in Novem view of settling the terms sal success, especially from charming mannerism, ber next on a tour of West under which the Cos. the intellectual stand point. Lastly came Mr. Fraser of Indian and South American will be granted permisThe building was erowded the Alpha Club with his Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be ports. The tour is scheduled sion to exploit certain to its utmost with a select «Charge of the light Brigade»
exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts to take 12 months during areas of the Country for gathering of the Elite of the which was well rendered, but will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
which 30 ports will be visited. Black Oil. is statcoloured people of the town the grace of his predecessor Distributor in Limon Samples of almost every kind ed that the discussion and never before have we had not yet left the memoof commodity produced in with the officials have Armando Heilbron witnessed such comradeship, ry of the Judges, hence the Great Britain will be dis been most satisfactory such good cheer, such an Trophy, a beautifully set Sil.
Distributors in Turriaiba, played and attended by 230 so far and has the sim ver Cup, handsomely engravexpression of goodwill among ed with the words. From Rojas, Cortés Cía.
salesmen. Captain pathy of the President.
our people, as evidenced on The Searchlight. 4th. AuEdwards a member of It is just possible that this night. The audience awarded the contract will be sign o the advisory Board, who has entertained with Songs, ReINDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
her. Mr. Britton of the had a wide and varied expe ed before the 15th. of citations and musical rendi University Club was the Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 Orience in the merchant Navy the present month, tions of grand selections, winner of the second prize, will be in command and he and when the Contest was a fine volume of Prize Stories 80 80 0 0 0 is sanguine of good results.
announced all were in de by Henry. After congraA mechanical lightful expectancy. The chair tulations to the winners by Another Picnic Snake venoms lady Mrs. Keith Harriott the Chairlady and a few exNo More Juries voting device did her part to perfection changes of compliments, the Train uses With the view of savand soon introduced the Revd. Mr. William, Forde, Under the new Italian ing much of the time first contestant, Miss Marie Pastor of the Baptist Church While The Ladies Johannesburg, July The Criminal Code which which is now taken up Kenton of the Garvey Lit to whose kindness is due Standard Club were results of two years tests went into force on July in the counting of the erary Club, who acquitted the possibility of the housing occupying the Halls of with the use of snake venon 1st. the age old system votes in the French herself well in The Curfew. of the «Ladies Standard the Burial Scheme As described by the Director of TRIAL BY JURY has Chamber of Deputies, but was a bit lacking in Club» in his Vestry, pro sociation for the Literary of the Elizabeth Snake Park disappeared. The Assize we are informed that the punctuation and enunciation. nounced the benediction thus function; the officers of in a paper before the South Courts will now be com. Government propose to Had she proper training, she bringing to a close a nost this Society took to the African Association for the posed of two Judges and install an electrical tawould certainly have been pleasant evening spent fields and led out for Advancement of Science.
five Assessors, Solitary bulating device. By pres.
well in the running for the through the hospitality of the Guacimo an immense Two hundred and fifty confinement has also ing the proper button trophy. Miss Kenton for her youngladies of «The Standard crowd of those who are cases were treated by venene been abolished as well attached to his desk, age and inexperience in such Club» and its patrons, an even always anxious of enjoy. injections of snake poison.
as exile to the Islands for each Deputy will be able Contests ing that will go down into ing Natures refreshing complete cessation of the criminal offences, while to register his «yea or mended, she will be a gem history, as being the first of Green Pastures; filling to attacks, and only per cent. crimes against the State. nay» on the tabulator.
with proper training. Mr. its kind held iu Limón, thus its utmost six coaches. registered no improvement. family and religion vvill The cost is estimated at Michael Newton of the Motive opening the gates to Litera. The outing was immense With respect to the bal.
be more severely pun. a desk and as there Power next appeared with ry attainments among the ly enjoyed by the visitance, the attacks all greatly decreased, and the patients ished. Prisoners will have are 600 desks the total his theme «The Raven» by youths of the Province.
Bravo Standard you have in at the life of busysically.
ors, who had a glimpse improved mentally and phy. to work and vvill be paid expenditure will be.
Poe, but his memory at current Trade Union 800.
sadly at fault, thus causing certainly set the standard Guacimo with her vaAs regards Saint Vitus rates, one third of vwhich a lamentable failure, it is of youthful environment, go ried curiosities of comfair to say however, that Mr. forward and conquer. mercial life and frivoli proved in 75 per cent of the pense of Keeping them Marksman Dance, the venom injections goes tovvards the ex.
Newton only came in as a ties of human indulgen cases definite cures.
in gaol. one third to the substitute at the last mocies. The only mishap was In individual cases cures of victim or sufferer of the At the great Empire ment, due to the unavoidathe knocking off by the hysteria, neurasthenia, rheu. crime and the remaining Meeting of the Nationa representative of the Motive a Jamaican res of a youngman, fort shock are reported by the doctors.
prisoner on discharge. at Bisley, England, or Power; Mr. Britton of unately without fatal reDuelling is also punish: July 15th. Sergeant the University Club then sults. This nuisance should The serum is composed able but the penalty is Regan of Victoria The Hon. Door be removed to a more of a mixture of the venom came forward with his «Solof some of the world dead only severe for profes won the Bronze Medal dier Boy» and was much ly, whose substantive convenient spot, where liest reptiles.
sional swashbucklers or of the King Prize, with applauded, gaining second position is Administrator such frequent accidents in fights undertaken «to one of the finest dis.
place; then came before the of St. Lucia, has, it is would be avoided.
The Gleaner the death. plays of marksmanship audience the heroine of the pleasing to us to note, The day ended, all the ever seen at such a meet Contest, Miss Vera Gillings been appointed to act pleasure seekers came in 21000000000000000000000 The Sergeant returned with her theme «The Indian as Governor of the Wind full of pleasant memo.
FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. the remarkable score. Soldier» when by her beau. ward Islands. We are ries, and the Burial 104 out of a possible tiful Articulation, intonation sure a large majority of Scheme Society full of At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small family residence adjoining the Post Office.
105, which is stated to and pathetic modulation of our readers will join in The Change.
be the best score obtainher voice coupled with the our congratulations to Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES ed in four years and had clear rhythmic tremor of her this worthy son of the only been done five tone she easily captivated, Isle of Springs.
Personal times previously.
00000000000000 We exceedingly regret having to announce that Limon Service Bureau our very good friend don Braulio Miranda, who ANDoccupied the position as BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY MANZANA 31 LOT Business Men Protective Agency ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Agent of the Northern Railway Company at Bureau established for the greater convenience, Next door to the office understanding, satisfaction and protection Cartago for very many An office on real English Methods, for the glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col. of Juan José León (Sucs)
years has left the Com lection Department annexed for the protection of Busprotection of our clients. We undertake cases pany Service.
inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
you will find the Peoof any kind from any part. Collections under Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to Don Braulio, as he lose: a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conple Bakery, where you legal basis and low percentages, both operaBoth was known to all and fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency.
ted under the direction of a Barrister with now operated under the direction of a Barristet with get, at all times sundry, will be very much over twenty five years practical experience. acquired on Booth Biscuits. Bread many years of practical experience acquired missed by the public to the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as before the various circuit courts of the Re.
Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and and Buns of the best whom he invariably dis Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials public. His testimonials are the various cases played a most affable are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and quality and flavour the Counsel.
he has successfully conducted as counsel, and curteous disposition. finest in Limon, am Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore Daniel Zeledon Carlos Silva We wish him good luck offering to the public Barrister Accountant Barrister Notary public in whatever other sphere New Style et Bread ca.
Attorney at Law Notary Publle Manager Collection Dept: Limon San Jose of labour he may be Aurelio Bermudez lled Pan Pamona made engaged; and we also wish Investigator from the best quality Clarence Thompson Isaac Brandon his successor, don EnriSoliciting Manager flour. trial will con.
Investigator Interpreter que Moya, a most sucMAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Soliciting Manager cessful career.
Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre vince you. Its a size loaf that cannot be had for Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports Office in front of Mr. Jack Orane Store and cities of Panama Colombia. Nicaragua, Cuba and the price in Limón.
Jamaica, I: LIMON ADVERTISE IN California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, P. Booth oo 000000000OOOOOooo000 SEARCHLIGHT Este documenu propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del AMMAAAAAA Limon, May 25th. 1931 Atlantic Bureau Service Pan Pomona of the Encan San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia


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