
Saturday August 15 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Up Hill 00000 OOOOOOOO The Cuban Revolution or Obituary ooogoooooooOOOOOOooooo MORTGAGE HOLDERS To our Patrons CONTROL MARKET All roads worth taking lead up hill, By rough hewn rock for weary feet, To endeavour to improve this paper we are askThrough fog and mist, where sudden spill ing all those subscribers who are backward by three The following is fulfilment of contractural and four months payments, to send in their subscripMay leave the journey incomplete; clipped from The obligations made under prostions at once.
No flovvered path leads to the height, New York Times perous conditions and give Bereft of heartache and of fears, 0000000000000000000 of July 26 th, and them more latitude in meeting payment in these difficult Where haunting ghosts by day and night contains much times the return to normal Lurk in the shadows of the years.
which we think can conditions vvill be hastened.
be of use to our «Many ovvuers of excellent Upon the crest against the sky local mortgagees properties, affected by adBy the items of news against the rebel forces if and owners.
verse times and lessened inThe eagle looks into the sun.
coming to us these last necessary. 22 aeroplanes comes, find themselves in But human wings that upward fly «There is every indication difficulties vvhen it comes few days, it would seem are also already opperating at present that the real esAre built of courage, finely spun time to meet amortization as if the revolution which against the insurgents. tate market vvill regain its payments.
Courage to grope across defeat has been threatening the Latest advices state that normal strong position by «They have little or no And find the light beyond the gate; Machado regime for some the rebels suffered two the Fall of 1932. said Ben trouble in taking care of Courage to rise at last and meet interest and taxes, but amcr.
time has at last actually serious defeats yesterday jamin Winter, operator, disThe blasting bitterness of fate.
tization instalments present broken out, as we are in and that President Macha cussing condition and prossects.
a stone wall vvhich in these formed that in consequence do had left the Capital for Gaunt hands reach out to bar the vvay «Business conditions in times they cannot surmount.
of the aggressive acti the troubled area to con general novv seem about «The mortgagee can do Where envy, greed and hate stand by, vities of the revolutionary sult with the Chiefs of the ready for an upvvard svving one or tvvo things: Fcre.
The golden dreams turn sodden gray and real estate, dispite the close on party in various parts of rebels.
the property Where only shadovvs meet the eye.
the Republic, particularly On arrival at Santa Cla pronounced universal depres adopt a lenient attitude to: By starless fields of scourge and blight sion, has maintained values vvard the ovvner, and either in the provinces of Pinar ra he ordered the release better than practically any yvaive or reduce payments The seeker sometimes finds the thrill del Río and Santa Clara of all the rebels taken pri other commodity and, there for the time being.
Who knows in groping for the light.
and the district of Lugano, soners and issued a decree fore, has better opportuni. The latter course is cerAll roads worth taking lead up hill.
martial law has had to be promising a complete par ties for quicker recovery. tainly the more sensible one enforced and the strictest don to all who would in a great measure upon the help preserve public confi «But this recovery depends for many reasons. It vvill SELECTED censure placed on all te surrender their arms and attitude of the mortagees dence in real estate, the most legraphs, telephones and return to their various vyho at the moment control impotant, even if the most radios throghout the Is. homes within 24 hours. the situation.
intangible factor governing «The West Indian Legal Aid land. The Constitutional the market. It will help The Amortization Question maintain real estate values and Information Bureau guarantees have also been The fire call and thus in the long run suspended. Large bodies AN ESTABLISHMENT, under the guidance «If banks, loaning institu benefit the lender just as a trained lawyer of many years experience in British Courts, for the of troops have been rushtions and individual mort much as the borrovver.
benefit and assistance of all West Indians resident in the ed to the principal cenThe dwellers around agees vvill exercise a tolerant Foreclosures Cause Deprecountry. Advice given regarding the laws of all British Colonies. The preparation of Deeds, Wills and other Instrutres of the disturbance and 4th Avenue and 2nd. and sympathetic attitude ments of Title a specialty. Debts collected on reasonable ciation Havana and other coastal strect were alarmed on tovvard property ovvners in commission Further particulars on application to Edwin Orane, cities are being protected Thursday morning by If the mortgagee holds Bazar Griego, Limon or Harold Smith Apartado 104 by warships and aeroplanes. the call of fire, but it STRANGE OCCURRENCE strictly to the letter of his contract he can either sell Limon Numerous clashes with was quickly put out Some few days ago a the foreclosed property at the troops and police have without much damage.
public auction or take it Mrs. Lawson was admit already occurred resulting over and manage it himself.
Our Sport.
ted into the Hospital in Either course has its proso far in the rebels losing The sick list Continued fion page 30 Killed, 50 injured and a peculiar condition; she nounced disadvantages.
was eaten all over by At public auctions values question of the inter codeath of an old liver in this Govt losses have not been old friend Mr. Mc. following day. It appears is obvious that if the manWe are sad to report the 150 taken prisoners The We are glad to see our maggots, she died the drop precipitately, affecting lonial trial matches for town Mr. Alberto Rodriquez, given out. The mountain Rae proprietor of Botica she was of unsound mind agement of a property is enthe team to tour He had been suffering for ous regions of Toro are Moderno, sufficiently bet duled to take plaee in undergo an operation on the being bombarded by aero ter from his recent attack fucked herselt up in her is not primarily in the real liver and succumbed to the planes as it is supposed of the heart to be out on room. Her appearance estate business the possibilJamaica also next year. inevitable.
the main body of the re.
It would seem as if the duty again.
aroused the curiosity depreciation are greater than ities for the property rapid The deceased was an old bels is concentrated there.
coming year will be a banana receiver of the Three warships have also, illness he has decided to their entering the room In consequence of his of neighbours and on if it is left vvith an ovvner busy one for our players Co, and was much admired it is stated, joined the re take a trip to the Isle of the sight was hidecus, every detail in order to vyho vvil! carefully guard in Jamaica.
and his amiability among bel forces.
Springs for his health, there was hardly a square Horse Racing his workmen.
Among the many per and leaves on the 28th. inch of her body that fullest.
He belonged to the Order sons reported to have been inst for Jamaica. We wish Therefore, it behooves lend Turfites in the United of Mechanics having been a arrested are three brothers him a speedy complete re her toes and other parts ovvners to vvork hand in hand was not eaten with worms ing agencies and property States suffered one of member of the Concordia of ex president Menocal, coveryand a pleasant time were entirely eaten; when during these difficult times the most startling upsuts, Lodge and assisted enthusiastically in the formation of whom the government sus it is said, on the 18 th. La Fraternidad. it is very pect is at the head of the among his own at home. taken off her bedding for their mutual benefit and ult. when Mate. owned difficult to replace men of rebels, and is thought by the vermin which had advantage. Only by forgetting their ovvn personal We are pleased to meet by the American million his calibre in the Community officials to be in hiding in Mr. Charlie Mason of au dropped off on the floorinterest, only by the fullest aire Bostwich, and the Fraternity has lost had to be swept out by cooperation, can the return one of its most important antua, Pinar won the 17, 000 ArRío, His tomobile fame in the Ca the huudreds. The stran. of normal prosperity in real Columns. Through his keen Arrest is expected at any pital, whither he went for geness is that her son, a estate be speeded.
lington Stakes, defeating prepparation and intelligence moment.
his health as well as bus tailor by trade, as well repeat that it yovv apMrs. Payne. Whitney the Rituals of the Order The Minister of State is iness. Mr. Mason was the as her husband lived in ket will return by the Fall of pears that this normal mar.
TWENTY GRAND by were translated from English reported to have 12. 000 first man to institute the four lengths. He ran an adjoining room, and 1932. But a most important third being also beaten His funeral vvas conducted soldiers and 2, 000 mar.
automobile business in Li yet were not sympathet. factor in its return is the amid an immenso throng of ines in readiness to move by «Spanish Play» who mon in the days gone by. ically aroused by her attitude lending agencies mourners and sympathizers ran second. The Arling. vvhich goes to shovy the groans. The public is adopt tovvard property ovvn.
ers in mortgage payments Sad it is to report the shocked at such startton Stakes is the rich Esteem in vvhich Brother From vacation coming due during the next sérious illness of Mr. Ces est three year old race in Rodriquez vvas held by all ling in humanity.
We are pleased welcome pedes (Teacher) in the the world and «Twenty classes of the community.
Mr. Hylton had the back in our midst Mr. Hospital. Mr. Cespedes Grand was considered a certainty following his Father Ryecart in San Jose, intendent of the transac cient teacher in the old honour in the absence of Alexander Findlay, Super was an old and most effiApartments to let sensational victory for of conducting tae ceremony tions at St. Mark church, and at of Messrs Lindo Spanish school, but left it To those who desire a rest or change in the beautiful the Preakness Cup re.
climate at Cartago, Large cool airy apartments can be had cently, the graveside the Brotherhood Bros. on the Atlantic Zone, for better pay with the at the Union Hotel of Mrs. Doris Falconer of Cartago.
gave him ritualistic rites and partner of Mr. Gal great good old Company.
Lodgings or private apartments furnished or otherwise Football can be secured.
May his soul find rest vvith braith in the Penshurst We was the only ReLarge house of 14 apartments, in best locality of his Creator.
Among yesterday Banana Co, Mr. Findlay ceiver considered an exthe City in front of the Jimenez Park near the station.
The Searchlight begs to Bording and all facilities afforded.
arrivals were the for tender its Condolence to his was born at Darliston but pert on the pick up of the Apply to Mrs. FALCONER midable and internatio bereaved Son, brother and came here many years ago Talanianca fruit. We wish Apartado 106. Cartago.
nally known «All Stars. the other relatives of this in the employ of Messrs him a speedy recovery.
Hakoah» Footballers of great man.
Lindo Bros. he recently New York. They corne toured Europe in Compato play a series of inter clude players who have ny with Mr. Ike national games against taken part in a large of Rosehill, and now has to sell very came, Deats What Aida Lunchroom ever is given him.
the «Orion. Heredia number of international been touring the United Appl. to Sarah Thorpe, La Conno and Alajuelense. contests, amounting in States and Canada. He fianza, Linea Vieja.
To visit once means always a come back Gee wiss nowhere in Limon can you be served a The first game has been the case of Haisier to was one of those singled wholesome luscious meal as at Aida She satisfies the fixed for tomorrovv twenty two we anticipate out on the Committee de ADVERTISE IN most fastidious taste.
15th, instant; the second there will be an Saneamiento to supervise SEARCHLIGHT Everything Spic und Span.
Dinner parties a Specialty. Drop in at the NI.
for the following Sun precedented amount of the Contractors in the building. Private and Cosy.
day and the third for the interest displayed by the Construction of the Streets 23rd. As the team in general public.
of Limon.
Printed in Falcó Hermanos un Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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