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EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Lahora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LÀ LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment The prosperity of a nation is dependent on the consuming power of its wage earners. It is the wage earner who must consume the products of the farm and factory to make the farmer and industrial men great producers. If therefore, a nation allows modern machinery to take the place of the wage earner, its consuning power is diminished and its economic prosperity eventually destroyed.
NUM. 89 YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY AUGUST 22. 1931 Why such animosity? OUR POLITICS reasare an God helps those who help themselves Cooperate! Cooperate!
case, to were Some issues ago we ask ovyn farms and houses as ed the question, what is the at vvell as grown up children This annoyance is just as titude of the Fritish govern in the country vvho are all turbulent as it was a week country to visit his people? equality of his Race and the Rica he is prevented from ment toward her Negro Ci.
There was really no restoration of citizens of the public, hence ago. Each candidate trying to a place in coming and preaching Race tizens? and again we onable cause for placing such Africa from which his Racewas consciousness, race pride, race it vvould not be such scandalize the other the most led to repeat the same easy task to get them out a prevention on the free taken. And yet in little Costa Continued on page he can and to outdo the other travelling of this honourable question.
and separate them from their by preaching his ideas of the In all these neighbouring children. The government doctrine of Patriotism, anderstanding of the reasons for man, it was only a misundLatin Republics, whither col. vvould have to buy out their each one trying to invite as oured British subjects have belongings, as they could not which he was convicted that been induced, whether under confiscate these belongings candidature as possible.
many voters to support his gave rise to such a decree; Contracts or by encouraging except the owners vvere tried Latest news of the tramitations suggestions, to immigrate, do before the Courts and declar In answer to the attacks of Justice State that Lord ed implicated in seditious made last week by Don Ma Kylsant, the great head of the we find hostile movements put forward against their movements and as such, in Limon, Don Ricardo Jimenez been condemned for the same nuel Castro Quesada on him Royal Mail Shipping Co. has domiciling in such countries, the British Consuls vvould Had the owner of the Searchlight gone out just so soon as the hygenic have to satisfy themselves Oreamuno visited Limon, and mistake committed by Mr. two years ago to the many who might have condition has been made that this vvas the an immense meeting was called Garvey, that is for encouraging agreed that there was the necessity of an English possible by them for the Why then should the Costa at the Arrasty Theatre, where shareholders to bolster up Journal in our midst, with the request of public dwelling therein of the naRican goverument go to all he refuted the attacks made the waning stock of the cooperation to subscribe for the purchase of a tive white inhabitants of the this expense, at a time of on him and counter attacked Black Star Line, surely that Press of our own, he might have been thought Republic.
such intense financial de by referring to the defamatory would not make a persona by some, a swindler with no other aim but self Cuba as had her turn, pressions, satisfy the letters of Don Manuel not re non grata of a man who had appropriation; but now that The Searchlight is Houduras as had hers, Pa caprice of a fevy jealous futed, as well as the ammu hitherto lived always the life an established, much appreciate Weekly, and nama has had hers, Vene citizens?
nition scandal alleged to be of a gentleman; surely Don having prospered by your patronage so far as zuela has had hers, ColomThe American government sold in the United States. Ricardo would not place a the ownership of one individual. can enhance it, bia also has puton the twitch has just set a great example In Limon we note great ban on the entry into this the management now conjectures to raise upon and now some sons of Cost of fairplay, in Panama, on a activity by all the partidos country of Lord Kylsant after the foundation already laid, an immortal superIt will be remembered that of people vvho envy the adap many of whom are being imprisonment.
among the coloured people, he has served his one year structure as a mark of West Indian ability in Cooperative enterprise, and solicits the support some months ago we took tability of the coloured peo encouraged to Naturalize so of every West Indian man aud woman by subthe matter up of an idea ple to labour in positions Anyway to come back to scribing a Share of Five dollars; and thus become promulgated by some Depu which some of those making as to be able to vote in fav our point, is it not right and ties, who were using certain a partowner of this great enterprise which will the request cannot even fill: our of the candidate of their just that among other privi be the planting of an important milestone in debased Jamaicans for put because hovy vyould it be choice, but unfortunately, as is leges that should be demanded ting an article in «La Tri justice to dismiss from sercustomary, the Negro never cooperative economic development.
for the support of their votes, buna that there were 000 It might be interesting to know that in the vice thousands of vvorkers seem to look forward to a there should be the lifting of 23 months of the existence of this Journal it has West Indians who who have been serving them goal, he never seem to have a mistakenly placed stigma paid into the pockets of printers slightly over brought here by the Co. all their useful days, from a an aim in life; he is only car on the freedom of a good Ten thousand colones, of which certainly they tu labour on their Railroads, period vvhen the vvhite la ried by whatever wind that man, a stigma not only on must have netted forty per cent or a little over Swamps and Plantations and bour could not stand the blows; hence we have not him but a stigma on the four thousand colones; what might not be done who were asking the govern. exigencies of climatic influ heard any question being asked.
ences, simply to satisfy the by this group as to what Negro, because why was this establishment, to absorb the thousands of dollars progress of every ambitious by cooperation in owning ment to send them home.
our own printing On investigation we proved Panamanean idea of having benefits will accrue to him if Stigma placed? simply because which West Indian Organizations of all kinds, This Ruse to have been them repatriated, his candidate wins. Among the unfounded because it is over The Co. also gave a other group we hear all sorts this man sought to arouse, business and professional men spend for printing, this of propositions, and did inthuse, 30 years now that the similar reply when as diverting this revenue into the pockets of the just Co has not directly brought matter was referred to them; expecting to be Minister to Gandhi is doing, Race cons Community, creating profits for ourselves, and a single labourer into the of course the Co. knovvs Washington, others Governor ciousness into his people. affording employment to West Indian compositors those who were that the native labour is country: of San José, Limón or PuntaGandhi too has been to prison and printers, and opening a great future for our brought between the years well adapted to a certain renas; but what is the Negro for the same reason, would boys and girls in literary attainments 1880 and 1900, have either porrtion of the vvork on the expecting, are meeling will be called in Limon at an anyol them he be debarred from coming died, been sent home, or farms and the coloured la soliciting a 1000 Hectarea here. and after all it looks early date, when the matter of the inscription bour to another have permanently settled of the Searchlight Printery will be considered Section, Negro Colony in the Tortu so stupid to prevent a man down, making a family and hence to repatriate these peoand a Board of Directors with the full confidence guero Valley where one may from visiting his people in homestead in the country; ple voculd mean «avvay from of the shareholders named, and if wholehearted be Jefe Politico, or Agente this country when that man while there may be a couple the injustice to tem. that Pral. de Policia? Is anyone is visiting freely, unmolestedly, cooperation is afforded the scheme, there is no scores of good for nothings the native element would soliciting the Job of Agente and not only visiting but is reason vvhy by the 1st. Jany 1932, The Search who will always be failures have to be trained to sub Pral, de Policial de Limon, honoured in the great countries light should not be established in its ovvn printwherever they go who might stitute those despatched, be Estrada or Matina? Are any of the world, the countries from ing plant, turning out a much more excellent be willing to hail a free sides she knovvs she paper, providing a great literary scope for our Americas took of them soliciting the lifting which the count on the loyalty of the ship to be a charge on youths dignified vvork for our typesetters and of the Ban on Mr. Marcus Civilization. See him an honmay be thrown into, there is obligations, vvhereas a spas people. this ban was unright itan Municipality of his country; thousand shares of five dollars each to be throvun Charity in any country they colocared element to their Garvey. the idol of the Negro oured member of the metropol creating a sure source of profit for its sharehold really no such request from modíc sentimertality ously placed on this indomSee him visiting and addressing out amongst us.
the coloured element in this not be relied on for Banana faras.
itable defender of Negro rights large crowds in the interests country.
We vvere surprised to find We are pleased to feel that and privileges during the last of his Race in Spain, France, an echo of the same thing these decisions have been regime of Dun Ricardo Jimenez; Belgium, Germany and Brirecently in «the Gleaner» promulgated by a love of has anyone of these Negro tain; See him presenting petivoters asked Don Ricardo te possibly originating from the justice of this great Ametions before the League of THE TAMMUZ TEM ernacion and thenc beack same individual vvho rican Concern and its gohave this ban lifted, so that Natious for the better ack. PLE AND SEMMIRA to the Temple.
MIS CHAPTER OF THE recently aided by relatives At 7p. sharp on veramientas a means of this gentleman may enter the nowledgment of the Rights of ANCIENT ORDER OF MONDAY 24TH. they to go home or rather to go to thvvarting such vicious reETHIOPIAN MASONS will be at home to their Jamaica, because it is said quests.
will hold their Anni he vvas naturalized here so They are therefore both friends in their Hall when to be admired and respectTO THE FRONT AGAIN versary Ceremony a Varied intertainment of as to carry out ais contract vwith the persons by vvhom ed a thousand fold more SUNDAY 23RD. AUG Songs and recitations The Daptists will entertain you again on the Lawn of the Baptist UST. Leaving in proces will he rendered. Rep.
he vvas than formerly, for this fine recompensed to Church Limon on Tuesday 1st. of September wohen a GARDEN sion with their friends resentatives from other bring such an idea into the expression of fairplay.
But to go back to PARTY will be staged with a variety of attractions and Amusements thoughts of the lavvgivers. from the Temple at 3p. benevolent Societies and such as seldom exer seen, Musical Selections a special feature. Come for the Baptlist Church, friends are asked to be of the Republic question; what is to be the and enjoy yourselves and help the cause that needs assistance. e and after a short service on tiine for both func.
The overvvhelming majo attitude of the British go Usual Prices e by the Revd. William tions.
rity of industrious coloured vernment in all this depreRevd. Wm FORDE, Pastor residents in Costa Rica are ciation of her vvandering Forde, they will fall in Kelly settled dovyn, having their Coniinued on page ujio hujus jo ujes is o co co wij u info you and parade at the Gob Secretary Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
some are can canLodge Anniversary vvas on our


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