
Saturday August 22 1931 El talento de saber gobernar se impone Garden Party Guacimo en el momento político actual Alpha formal opening una un en menos Sporting to news bring the dream of our riot also took us to New And Old a All Roads will lead to the spacious grounds of the GUACIMO BAPTIST CHURCH on Monday 7th September, when you will see what a Garden Party means; meet your friends, and spend a happy time.
Indudablemente The HOT SIX will know what selections will most enchant you.
él surosos a robustecer la blo culto y trabajador; la Nación, para que que Come and help us to finish our Church at usual prices of entrance.
esta vez el talento de campaña política a favor una vez realizado esto, vuelva a empuñar las Come up to Guacimo on Sunday evening, saber gobernar ha sido de don Ricardo, para se habrá conseguido la riendas del poder.
Spend Monday with us and return on Tuesday morning el motivo principal pa que cuando llegue el reivindicación de desa. La asamblea que se ALEXANDER REID, Deacon ra que todos los ciuda momento de ir a depo ciertos motivados quizá celebró en la noche del danos de conciencia sitar su voto en los co por los caprichos del lunes en su honor en tranquila y de visión micios electorales, obte tiempo.
los amplios salones del clara, hayan lanzado por ner un triunfo ruidoso El pueblo limonense Teatro Arrasty es tercera vez a la consi y de esta manera elevar comprendiendo de que prueba elocuente de la deración de los pueblos al solio presidencial al se hace necesario elevar gran simpatía qu existe Our atmosphere is The Receptioa and Ins la candidatura de don hombre de más prepa a la esidencia a por don Ricardo Jimé.
Ricardo Jiménez Orea ración now being perfumed with tallation ceremonies were asuntos de hombre probo de talen nez en los corazones de inspiratory ideas, vvhen ably performed by Prof.
muno. en verdad esta administración pública. to y de conducta acri la sociedad de este puer youth thinks in intellec. Harriot, and the pledges designación ha sido el Los acontecimientos po solada, no ha meditado to. así fué como vitual enterprises. There that were taken brought resultado de tomar en líticos que vienen desa en dar su apoyo eficaz mos desfilar no vvas a time vvhen the forth this exclamation cuenta las buenas eje rrollándose ponen en positivo a la candida de dos mil personas que formal opening of clubs from the lips of Mrs.
cutorias con que cuenta evidencia que el triunfo tura del ciudadano de lo acompañaban hacia vvas graced with big Harriot. Boys, if you el candidato del partido del partido Republicano más altos prestigios mo la casa en que estaba dances, intermixed with should live up to the Republicano Nacional, Nacional es de lo más rales e intelectuales, hospedado. El entusias.
para que haya sido nue seguro, pues las asamthe god, Bachus, but to pledges you have made En consecuencia la mo fué delirante, los ví day dancing is only a tonight, then feel that vamente apoyado por la bleas y manifestaciones noche del lunes 16 de tores y aplausos se susecondary affair, to keep the better class of people opinión nacional. Los de que es objeto el can los corrientes ha dado cedían a cada instante away duil cares.
of Limon cannot ostracaros intereses de la pa didato por doquiera que prueba el pueblo de Li. en demostración de ca.
On August 12th, the cise you in the future, tria necesitan de que llega, es una demostra món, de ver con legíti riño y alegría hacia don Alpha held; their formal know that there may llegue a la presidencia ción positiva de que su mo agrado la proclama Ricardo Jiménez.
opening, amidst a selec be some who can hard de la República un ciu candidatura saldrá vic ción para presidente de ted set. According to the ly maintain such forcedadano que represente toriosa en las elecciones la República por tercera El Conde de Xolotlan sentiments expressed af. ful words, but do not el sentir general de las que se avecinan. vez a don Ricardo, quien ter the function, we feel let them hamper the procolectividades para ver Es unánime en toda representa en estos mo. Limón, Costa Rica, that indeed our attempts gress of your club. si es posible con un la República la buena mentos la voluntad de Agto. de 1931.
merited such praises. Mr. Mr. Sutton spoke on cambio de rumbo que acogida que le han da. Harriott, pro athletics, and what he se le dé a la nave de la do a la candidatura del fessor of the Adventist said in 10 minutes, valued Nación, se consiga la partido Republicano Naschool, helped greatly to two hours talk. Mr. Har.
renovación de la Repú. cional, pues los pueblos blica.
ven que ella encarna un Literary Director to a Plato and Demosthenes, tomando en consi porvenir más seguro, realization, when he offi. and all the great sages deración este principio, más halagador, lo único Cricket elly made 11 and 10 ciated as Installing Mas of the ancient world, los pueblos corren pre que ambiciona un pue.
respectively. Irons and ter. The Rev. Mr. Pitt when he spoke on eduThere seem no likeli Riley rattled out the hood of an English team Clovelly in quick suc chairman, and his little the type of reception again was at the fore as cation. Thus one can see going to Jamaica in 1932 cession. Lewis for the spicy talks made us feel with which Alpha has as was arranged. Sir Julien latter was the only suc that indeed he is a good opened her doors.
Cahn has cabled the Board cessful trundler.
old Daddy. The Rev. Mr. The Following is the of Control to say he will Clovelly must be com Siley confessed his sins, Programme: Make new friends, but keep the old.
not be able to take mended for their initial since he believed that These are silver, those are gold.
team out as promised. performance. They played the young men of Limon Opening Address, by New made friendship like new wine, The Board has now turn a very sporting game, were unable to exhibit Mr. Amos Hall. InvestiAge will mellow and refine: ed its attention to Lord and certainly have dem such a classical taste. His ture of power to Instal.
Friendship that has stood the test, Tennyson, but whether he onstrated that there are admonitions to us deling Officer. Reception Time and change. are surely best.
will be able or not is not some good recruits in Brovv may vvrinkle, hair may gray, serve our attention, and of member of yet known.
their ranks who with we hope that he shall and installation of OffiFriendship never knovvs decay.
assiduous practice will cers. Violín and Piano, alvvays be with us to For midst old friends tried and true, The Jamaica cricket certainly be heard of render Duets, by Miss Silvia valuable assis Once more vve, our youth renev, now touring the But old friends, alas may die, United States, played cricket fields at no dise of the Standard Club, ex: chell. Press (Talk) by Mr.
doing big things on local tance. Miss Lydia Hines. Weeks and Mrs. MitHence nevv friends must, their place supply, their ninth match on the tant date. Among those horted us as to the stuShaw Davis, Education, So cherish friendship in our breast vd inst, at Dyckman who impressed most are pidity of timidity, and (Talk) by Prof. Kieth For nevy is good, but old is best.
Oval against an Barbados eleven. The and Webber.
Cameron, Spence, Lee the intrinsic value of sa Harriot. Musical RendMake nevy friends, but keep the old.
the Red These are silver, those are gold.
Barbadians batting first gacity, Miss Silvia Weekes ition, by secured a total of 178 Football told us of that height Hot Six. Add. ess, Hon.
By the «CLAVEL»
men by, Mr. Williams.
and the Jamaicans had to vvhich vve ought to scored 46 for the loss The «All Stars of New aim, Excelsior Miss West Aspiration. Talk. by Doof two wickets when the York played their first ney on Love, showed lores Joseph Musical game closed on a call game with our local boys us a way to progress. Mr. Rendition, hy, The Red Hot Six. Athletics, by of time. Headley who. The Orion s» on Joseph on Morality, spoke 2nd.
was at the wickets had Sunday last, which is said for the Continued on page (As affecting the Black Race) batting confidently the esting 28 to his credit and was to have been most inter 00000 thro ighout its report states. Morri. various stages and closed BY DAVID LUKE son score had reached with score of 10.
goal each. There was a Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how Dead are those Negroes though alive, vast crowd present, the marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you Crusader vs. Clovelly Who attempted never yet to drive stands being packed to confortable at ridiculous prices Those base propensities avvay On the 16th inst. the their ulmost capacity.
write to Eduardo Escarré That caused them never yet to say, Crusader tried The special train from 150 YARDS SOUTH OF MARKET GATE That Africa must be redeemed conclusion with the Clov. Limon was vell patronWhere all the Blacks vvill be esteemed.
elly of Moin on ized.
Great though their vvealth, renovvned their fame, Limon Oval.
Tomorrow game will Dishonourable is their name: In the absence of Mr. be against the Heredia. JUAN MEZA DENTIST Myers, Crusader was nos and should draw a CARTAGO COSTA RICA Living in ease to them seem best, captained by Mr. Percy large attendance, as the Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Central Street 325 Yards East of Market But they are vvith many ills oprest.
Irons, who having won team is supposed to be Because they are too indolent the toss elected to bat. a stronger one than the Preference given patients from Limon and other To fix their minds on freedom bent.
Crusader amassed a total «Orior. We understand points of Atlantic Zone.
For them the Motherland hath no charm of 111 runs for wickets another special will be Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed Nor care they ought vvho do her harm; and declared.
leaving Limon during To them the thoughts of Nationhood, The Crovelly the early hours of the Debillitate their hardihood, captained by Mr. Harris morning, tomorrow, to reached a total of 41 return at night.
And think theyt is insanity.
runs for wickets and Aida Lunchroom Golf To rise and fight for liberty.
eventually effected To visit once means always a come back The deaths of such no one should mourn draw. team of Golfers from Gee wiss nowhere in Limon can you be served a Nor vvith fresh flovvers their graves adorn.
Top scorers Were the Golf Association of wholesome luscious meal as at Alda most fastidious taste.
No cross, nor tomb, should mark their graves LeRay 38 not out, Cristobal is expected to Everything Spicnd Span.
Save that vvhich indicates true slaves, Irons 21 and Johnson pay a visit to Jamaica Dinner parties a Specialty. Drop in at the A.
Their useless names should pass avvay 18 for Crusaders, while next month to play a se building. Private and Cosy.
Lost in oblivion in a day.
Spence and Lee for Clov. ries of games.
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