
Saturday August 22. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE In Lighter Vein Cafiaspirina com DW ITEMS OF INTEREST reSome Coffee 880:8808808OO880. 880880880880808808808808808OBOF My dear Cyrillo: Quick Relief From Pain, Colds, Headaches Items as though they were just have just finished anxious to get into our hearing how much you by icy cold a erated mouths to be followed Our last and coming 66 regret the omission of crops.
an item or two in your the cut of waters; then cakes again By information received report of the functions which from one of our principal last Sunday and Monday seemed governed by all coffee exporting houses, we the known laws of ge learn that the quantity BEWARE OF IMITATIONS (July 26 and 27) in conB nection with the St. ometry. not to mention coffee shipped from the Country during the period Dort accept any tube or envelope Joseph Catholic School cup fuls of ice cream BAYER st. August 1930 and 31 st, therewith icecream that of this town.
July 1931 amounted to.
packets without the You should have told had to be bitten by very 350. 171 sacks with a weight Tom, Dick, and Harry strong and very sharp of 22. 745. 414 kilos. Of these BAYER CROSS 240, 208 sacks went forward of the address to the teeth withal (which, for children, in particular, by tunately, we ju enile by way of Limen and.
109. 893 from Puntarenas.
OBOSPORO ROB8 0880880808808808808808808808808808 Mr. Brown, of people always carry In connection with the about with us)
Liverpool. Indeed no bet.
and coming crop, it is pleasing ter contribution than during the noisy enjoy. to note that the planters in that inasterly half hour ment of which the finest and around Turrialba are so lecture could have been dance music by a victrola sanguine of reaping a heavy has decided to proceed To aid the jobless made to the splendid was discoursed. Then did crop that they are calling Plane lost for some 500 men for their with those which are of it happen that all was field work. It is also the they had programme Philadelphia joble While on its flight to most importance. Some citizens just rendered, and one going as merry as a opinion of the experienced are to obta feels quite sure that for marriage bell when ones that this year quality Paris on Friday 7th. inst. of the reads are des financial assistance my as being almost own will be of a very high stand with 18 passengers, the cribed the amount of 300, 00 its helpful advice and could hear ard.
largest land plane in the impassable.
heart repeatedly throb.
world, the AHNIBAL of which the city has bor encouragement to children and parents alike it bing. on with the dance Brazil still dumps the Imperial Airways was Our cash circulation rowed on a Bond issu will ever be associated no sleep. when youth destroyed by two of its at two per cent intere and pleasure meeti with the memories of Another lot coffee con motors stopping sudBut thus far and no According to the in per annum.
that happy Sunday af: sisting of 91, 000 sacks is re deuly. The pilots by formation published by Bankers accused further.
ed in the sea by the Brazi retaining control, were the National Accounting Mr. Joseph Broderick As for the Monday however able to avert a Department the general Yours backhandedly, lian Authorities on the 10 th after, well, Tom, Dick inst, in spite of the appeals serious catastrophe, and circulation of money in has accused forty men Superintendent of Banks and Harry will know made by the local press that landed the passengers the Republic during the bers of the Board Olliryc that we had a real ding.
same be distributed among setely. The cost of the past month was August the Country poor.
Directors of the Uniter dong, rollicking time.
plane is said to have 505, 737 less that dur States Bank with the Events opened up with been 40, 000.
ing June, as under. embezzlement of funds a cricket match between Banco Internacional Bilis amounting to 60. 000, 00C fifteen girls and fifteen In Belgian Congo 14 816, 000; Caja de Limon Service Bureau of us beys. Our teacher Conversión Bilis. Among the accuse are Mr. Marcus ay being the biggest of the ANDA disturbance is 1275, 071; Silver. ported to have occurred 61. 374, 700 and Copper and Vicepresident of th Singer, the Preside boys a cricket match, BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY let me tell you, in which ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED in the province of Kwan. 710, 000. Total. Bank who were previou in spite of our playing go, Belgian Congo, be 18175, 771 as against ly convicted for misa Bureau established for the greater convenience, with the left hand, those understanding, satisfaction and protection of the En tween the natives and 18. 681, 508 in June.
fifteen little skirts were glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col.
propiation of the fund Belgian troops, in which lection Department annexed for the protection of Busnot able to put up more inessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
30 of the former were Earthquake in Greece Germany to buy whe than run! Think of that. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to Killed and one of the lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conIn order to assist th fidence of The 1square tug, the bag the Both public for honesty and efficiency.
On the 3rd. inst. an planters, Germany ha a Barrister with races and quite a few now operated under the direction of a over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on earthquake took place offered to purchase.
others were very well Latin American Exhib, in the region of the 600. 000 tons of whea done and very interesting, Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and ition Etna volcano Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials causing from the United State but never so entertaining are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and considerable damage es This amount it is est Counsel were they as the tug of Arrangements are be timated at half a million mated will meet loc: war game; for then, you Emiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore ing made, we understand, dollars. The volcano is needs and permit th Barrister Accountant see, after all that hard to hold an exposition of in unusualactivity, throw, agriculturist to dispo Attorney at Law Notary Public pulling, which must have the products of the Latin ing out Aurelio Bermudez steam and of their crop, later o left a corn or two in American countries in ashes in great quantities. in larger quantities ar Investigator our hands, we had someMilan in September next No loss of life has been Soliciting Manager under more favoural thing to get. something MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE year. Costa Rica has reported yet.
like that wonderful pud. Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre been invited to take part 1066 dir of which we read and it is expected she Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. in one of those old time and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and will do so.
school bocks to share Jamaica, L: At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, among family residence adjoining the Post Office.
ourselves; and Our Roadways added to these two big Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES cakes were other hand The heavy rains whici sized ones which looked have fallen recently have 000000000000000000000 so damaged our high ways that, it is stated, Mindful of a duty out of the Minister of Public friendship the most popular Works is being petiton the Country to see to the Business Men Protective Agency MANZANA 31 Lot Has arranged to distribute a value of almost necessary repairs. Owing double the former value of the wrappings as a however, to present finbenefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Next door to the office An office on real English Methods, for the can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before ancial conditions, he protection of our clients. We undertake cases of Juan José León (Sucs)
All No. wrappings have a much greater value finds it impossible to than No. and others.
of any kind from any part. Collections under you will find the Peo.
give attention to all, but legal basis and low percentages, both opera ple Bakery, where you ted under the direction of a Barrister with can get, at all times, Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be Another Probable many years of practical experience acquired before the various circuit courts of the Re Booth Biscuits, Bread exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts and Buns of the best will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
public. His testimonials are the various cases Buyer he has successfully conducted as counsel, quality and flavour the Distributor in Limon. finest in Limon, am Armando Heilbron We understand there is Daniel Zeledon Carlos Silva every likelihood of another Barrister offering to the public a Distributors in Turrialba, company entering the JaNotary public Limon New Style et Bread ca.
maica banana trade. large Rojas, Cortés Cía. Canadian concern is reporlled Pan Pamona made Clarence Thompson Isaac Brandoi ted to have been carrying from the best quality Investigator out investigations there for INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Interpreter flour. trial will con.
some time past and the reSoliciting Manager vince you. Its a size loat Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 ports sent them by their representatives have been so Office in front of Mr. Jack Orane Store that cannot be had for satisfactory that there is every indication of their de.
LIMON the price in Limón.
ciding to start business in the near future. The fruit 000000000000000000000 Booth rican and European markets To advertise is to double your busine Limon, May 25th. 1931 in addition to their own.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Manager Collection Dept: San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia.
Atlantic Bureau Service PALMERA SOAP Sed from all over PALMERA SOAP San Jose 000 Advertise


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