
Saturday August 22. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A Reminiscence aw 8888888 Greek Spiders vs. con tached Soviet Bedbugs Departure his partneri Mion George peculiar The Tourist Trade Another 88 88 89 88 89 089 88 89 888888888 It is with pleasure we knight note that the great Ocean Our much esteemed ever, as it was thought liner of the Cunard line charged representative and cor has been engaged for five that the engine was haulo respondent at Cahuita ing a burial train bound Cruises during the coming sends us for publication for «Monkey Hill. but tourist season in March That strict code of mothat which he very appro when it neared the usual next; she will be calling rality, which we have all DEAR FRIENDS: priately terms a reminis. stopping place for such at Kingston during her along been taught to re cence. He states that it trains and no slackening cruises; which will afford gard as the cardinal chaYou may be one of the thousands that enter a Drug Store every few days and purchase some pills that was just 46 years ago of speed was observed, an opportunity to those racteristic of the titled genoeg are absolutely guaranteed to relieve headache and res 88 when on the anniversa but rather that it was who have always read of, try of the British aristoc. tore Vitality, energy, etc. Do you know that lack of pep and headaches are danger signals, and are, to a great ry of that day. 1st of continuing its mad rush but never seen, this mam racy, appears to us to be Extent, caused by weak eyes or improperly fitted Glasses? 88 August. in the long ago towards them, the driver moth Castle of the deep to seriously on the wane, at How many men and women awake in the morning with a feeling that although they have slept long which the descendants stopped his train to await have her in their midst least in so far as those enough they are not rested: That although they are not op of the liberated Slaves the fatal result. Then during the Easter season.
of them who have enter Book Worms or prolific readers, their eyes tire Easily when they read.
ed the business world or DE have always regarded pandimonium broke Do late hours make your Eye lids heavy? does 88 with thankful memories, loose among the erstwhile who on account of their looking at bright objects or even at brightly illuminated Stone display, cause your eyes to tire or Water. If your a large number of the pleasure seekers, who The sick list earlier successful business eyes water casily or tend to tire at the beginning of the West Indians resident in threw themselves from careers obtained entry to day, you need glasses. will examine your eyes and fit you properly with a pair of Glasses suited to your type.
o Aspinall (as Colon was the train amid the greatTwo of the world most that class.
Rid your self of that tired feeling over your eyes and 88 then known) decided on est confusion in an famous men have recently Lord Kylsant, of world work with a clear, acheless head.
Cordially yours.
taking a day off from effort to escape an been stricken ill, our great wide shipping fame is un. 88 Dr. Azevedo o work to spend it, as were ful death, and ere they Wartime Premier, Mr. Lloyd der a one year sentence Optometrist o their custom in their Is. all had cleared to safety, George, underwent an op of imprisonment for havGlasses Supplied from 25. 50, 00 50, 88 land homes, in friendly the crash occurred, the eration, and the great Elec. ing issued certain infor 00, 00 and upwards in prices to suit your pock visits and joyous sport; coaches mounting one trical Wizard, Mr. Thomas mation regarding the fi et. Examination From p. to p. Save money by buying from me.
88 they boarded the early on the other to be shatAlva Edison, collapsed at nancial operations of the his home; both are how. Royal Mail Steam Packet 88 89 88 88 88 88 88 89 88 88888 points.
o outgoing train for various tered into splinters. Thus turning an anticipated ever progressing slowly. Co. which has been held, All went well until the hapry August into mourNever since the anxious by the Courts, to have vicinity of Mount Hope ning and sorrow.
moments during the kings been intended to frauduwas reached wiien an Mr. Wynter closes by illness has the Nation been lently. deceive, the share.
engine came into sight wishing the Searchlight so concerned over the ill. holders and prospective from the Fox River bend and all members of our ness of any of her great investors.
going at top speed. No race a very happy time men as in the illness of Another prominent titled alarm was evinced, how and prosperous future.
Lloyd George. The Bulle person is now also appear. precious cargo of first demonstrated strikingly tins issued by the Doctors ing before the British five bedbug killing spiders about six years ago. Each as to his condition were Courts to answer charges is reported to have left Athens spider was placed in a glass Greece, recently by special with ten flies (no bedbugs REVISTA most eagerly watched, and alleging fraudulent convercourier for Soviet Russia. could be fouud at the time)
all are glad of his pro sion. Sir Arthur Wheeler, The order was filled, on «Escuela de Agricultura»
for food.
Em70 years old, in business request of the Soviet gress.
More spiders were desired Director: Luis Cruz as a Stock and share bro bassy at Athens, at one of but only five could be found at the Kaisariani camp.
Empresa puramente particular.
ker and formerly head of the refugee camps on the outskirts of the city, where The spiders, known under La subscripción a esta Revista só New one of the largest Bro the value of the spiders was the dignified name of lo vale cuatro colones, sea un dólar kers firms in Britain, has Flavidius Simon, is a remarkpor año.
been charged, along with able creature. Soon after refugee camps were establishPida su suscripción.
with having ed here following the war, Escriba al DIRECTOR hordes of bugs appeared in It is noted that Mr Syd fraudulently converted the ney Cargill, solicitor prac the wooden barracks. They sum of 23. 000 entrusted monstrosity kept increasing and grew so tising before the bar for to them by clients. It is obnoxious that many of the nearly forty years now, has alleged that Sir Arthur The following is from refugees moved their cots outdoors.
been appointed Custos Ro used the name of a reti a recent issue of the Suddenly in a few months tulorum for the parish of red cashier, his former Panama Tribune the number of vermin diContinued fion page St. Andrew, Jamaica, in employee, to keep and The sensational story minished till practically all place of the Hon. utilise for his own busi of the birth of a monstro were gone. Some of the more Why Such. Mr. Sutton. Vickers, deceased. ness, monies Address, by Miss Lydia vvhich sity in Colombia, was observaut refugees noticed This announcement has should have been devoted reported in the local that in their place appeared Continued fron page Hines, University Club, come as a surprise to to the purchase of stock, Spanish press. wo.
spiders which were seen to (Emulation. by Mr.
capture their prey, paralyse coloured subjects?
If the Mitchell. Motive Power, some of us, who have al he personally paying the man in Santa Marta was them in some way and then Co and the American (Unity. by Mr. Hyl.
ways been taught to un dividends on the stock as said to have given birth devour them.
government did not make derstand that this honour they fell due. Complaints to an object that had Dr. Lorando, formerly such a fine gesture in the Miss Westney. St, Marks ton. Garvey Lit. Club, by associated fell by right of Seniority being, hovvever, made re the of a eyes cow, among the Justices of the garding the non receipt of and the head of a spider. and now chief hysician to Near East Relief as physician protection of her colou ed Literary and Social, by subjects, it is interesting to Peace in the Parish con Miss Weekes. Wesley us u al certificates with fins in the place the Evangelismos Hospital knowv, vvhat course might League, by Miss Stir.
the cerned; Mr. Cargill is well brought about the discovery of hands, body like a here, sent some of the spiders she adopt; surely her Conknown to have lived among of the true state of affairs. jelly fish and a small to the British Museum at suls in all these Republics by Rev Ir. Siley Clo ling. Address. Surprise. the Aristocrats of the Pa Sir Wheeler Company tail.
London, where they were must, from time to time, classified. When the success The object remained of the spiders became known, rish, but we did not know is stated to have had ac.
have been acquaicting Dovin sing Remarks, by Chair that he was even on the counts at five of the lar alive after birth and jum man. Vote of thanks to so many requests for saming Street of the many preju all, by the President. The Roster of the Justices of gest banks vvith overdrafts ped around the room for ples were received from all dicial treatments being met the Peace, if he is not, amounting to around. several hours. Those over the world that not all ed out to these people, Following are the instal the orders could be filled.
it would appear that the 500. 000. The accused who touched it led vhat then shall be done?
officers. Mr.
were other Justices have been filed a bankruptcy petition shocked as if by an elec epidemic of plague, Greece, Once in Italy, during an because it is evident that Frazer, President; Mr.
slighted. When! Oh When! last March shevving. tric battery, and the according to ancient chroni.
vvithin another decade, the Joseph, Ist will the law of righteous 809, 000 liabilities and a neighbours and others cles, was petitioned to provide Negro who does not nationVice and Literary Direiness be meted out by our deficiency of nearly called in bad to await cure. From Epidaurus was alize himself in all these tor; Mr. Clarke, 2nd 600. 000.
sent great leaders.
until it subsided, Vice and Asst; Iit. Dicargo of snakes, ap countries will be thirovun which ate the rats that bore parently lifeless. The ob out, and in vievy of the fact rector; Mr. Cowan Rec.
0000 000000000000000 the germs and thus ended ject was placed in a large the plague.
that the populacions of the Sec; Mr. Egbert Dobson.
glass jar and imme.
To our Patrons We think our local Hygie. Several West Indian Islands Financial Sec. Mr.
diately a thick film form ne department could easily getting Erlwards, Treasurer and overcrovvded.
To endeavour to improve this paper we are asked on the inside of the find use for at least a couple vvhat vvith the breeding in Sportmaster; Mr. Ken.
vessel and covered the of cargoes of this most coupled vvith the constant eth Morgan, Librarian; ing all those subscribers who are backward by three precious Flavidius influx of the rejected ones monstrosity from sight. Simon.
Prof. Harriott, and four months payments, to send in their subscriptions at once a Representative will be along the lines Large crowds gathered esident; Sr.
fron these places, vvhat vvill Honorary from 29th. inst to the 3rd. Sept. for collections.
outside the woman ADVERTISE Old Albion do? Can any of Don Rogelio Gutierrez our readers suggest?
ooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO house. She is reported to have been ill, and to Alpha is solici. have gone to several ting the answers from 98 doctors for treatment «The West Indian Legal Aid tirose gentlemen whom For Sale Banana Farm but received no curc and Information Bureaux she has asked to be until the birth of the 10 Hectáreas completely cultivated in Bananas come honorary members, object.
AN ESTABLISHMENT, under the guidance of a trained just coming into production.
as she is anxious to en From under the wo lawyer of many years experience in British Courts, for the Plenty of land for extension. Situate in Pandora, benefit and assistance of all West Indians resident in the list their names in her Estrella. Owner realizing as leaving the Country man skin, which ap country. Advice given regarding the laws of all British Co.
lonies. The preparation of Deeds, Wills and other Instruroll. Membership is from For further particulars and price peared lumpy, bits of ments of Title a specialty. Debts collected on reasonable 15 years to 35, to any glass were taken by phy. commission to Alexander Powell, Limon or sicians called in to at Further particulars on application to Edwin Orane, young man of an ambi APPLY THE SEARCHLIGHT Bazar Griego, Limon or Haroid Smith Apartado 104 tious strain of mind.
80 tend the sensational case, Limon f; 1888 de it was said.
The Alpha Reporter Alpha formal opening.
a are 30. 000000 000OOOOO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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