p. 6


1931 Saturday August 22 WANTS COLUMN Philomela friendly talk Religious ceremony propriately robed in apostolic zeal of Miss. Rodriguez former owoter farther. by your retrogresfitting Our Politi.
LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN One colon per insertion of six lines One wilch cow with both horns broken, colour white with Red WANTED PART playthings of licenscious Spots, lost on the night of Tuesday the 11th. inst. calf three months meni, or painted butter old left behind.
To sell very tame, cats whata young Deer (Ram. The Community there is no What is our purpose in flies who lose their beauty, Anyone giving information leading up to its recovery will be life? Everything has a pur ever is given him.
thing to break up a cold like a when a tough wind blows suitably rewarded by the oner. CROOKS. Siquirres Appl; to Sarah Thorpe, La Con Cafiaspirin tablet taken in a Cup pose; the river, the sea, Or is your purpose to live, fianza, Linea Vieja.
of hot lime juice tea immediately the birds. and so should glorifying the Almighty, after having contracted a cold.
we. Then what is yonr by pursuing a clean mo Fancy worktaught hand Em GRATITUDE purpose? Is it to be some ral, intellectual, physical, broidery: Typer ritimes Woweromaint Those who would resikanta panoge overburdened mother prosperous life? life The oificers members of sented the prizes to the Taught by Miss Binns at her in a quiet home in the interior of illgotten children, or whose past is filled with the young Women Standard winners.
home in Siquirres.
to know that Mrs. Charlote Bigwonderful accomplish Club by this medium beg to To the various clubs who gerstaf can accommodate your necetook an interest in this ments, whose present is sincerely thank their many To sell cheap for cash a riding sities her home in Cartago with friends who helped to make contest by sending repreTravellers ever to build a firm found etc. in good condition. Apply clean comfortable quarters. She is the Elocution Contest of sentatives, we say thanks Clunie, apartado 479 Limon or now to be found opposite her old ation, to enjoy in the fu August 4th. the splendid Without their help we could The Searchlight.
Of the old timers oi ture, noble thoughts of a success it was.
not have been successful, especially the Alpha Literary Limon, we have noticed remarkable past. Is it not once more among us Mr. to live and learn, to learn express our appreciation of Club, who hold no small part in the estimation of Fred. Gordon of British and teach? Teach those Mrs. Chesterfield Harriott the C. and whose Vice Consulate fame at around you to follow the valuable services as chaircooperation, as shown by lady; she was indeed unique. Messrs Ivan Limon.
footsteps of your good to the very eminent judges. Kenneth Murgan shall not Cowan and Mr. Gordon left these examples. Is it not to live Messrs o. Chesterfield be forgotten.
On Saturday, Au After this sim shores some time ago with a soul spotlessly white, Harriott, Hylton, Last but not least the gust 15. The Feast of ple. brief but solemn for Cuba but has return free from every degra. Harold Smith, Burrow audience, without whom no the Assumption of ceremony, they were ed among us recently. ding thought, word or deed? and Hayling we feel deep.
entertainment could be suc.
the Blessed Virgin again feted with light There are many friends Is it not to infuse nobler ly grateful tear their genuine cessful, our contest partic Mary, there was wit refreshments in the of Mr. Gordon who will ideas into the minds of assistance to the most impor crushed; we therefore saya nessed in the Church of school room.
be glad to know he has those around you, making tant part of our programme thousand thanks for your The Sacred Heart, Li And now for a word returned them into souls as pure We could not have gone hea rty co operation. We mon, a very inspiring of praise to those who and noble as yours? along as well as we did noticed ladies and gentlemen and beautiful event. An helped to lend lustre to Well, if these are your without our guests of honour, who as true lovers of Litangelic looking band of this festival. The carepurposes in life, aim for the Revs. Pitt and erature will not fail to Personal Wm. Forde, who brought twenty one thing, a goal. Make the ecclesiastical atmosphere tend to the moral, social, answer the calls which will youthful can ful preparation of these didates made their first candidates was assiduWe are sorry to an.
not that goal be elusive, to soothe the gathering. And intellectual uplift of the Holy Communion. ously perfected by the Whenever you should Mrs. Blandina Hitchell along young, nounce that don Jose reach it, do not let it get with Miss Kathleen Kellerman Mrs. Hilda Davis who so of Siquirres cannot be too kindly and willingly placed white, the proverbial sym Esther Ainsworth and of the Siglo highly praised for their mus her home at our disposal ical ability and we assure of Limen is seriously ill sion, but let it move on for the carrying through of bol of purity, assembled Mrs. Lewis seconded in the San Juan Hospi. higher, and try to reach it: them of our hearty gratitude our in the school room and by Mr. Percival Irons, tal. We wish him a speedy for the failures or succes programme and Mr.
Whiteman, who so readily marched in quiet digni teachers respectively of Dainty Mrs. Josefina Eccle accepted tie tiresome posirecovery.
Boys fied processipn to the the Girls and ses of our boys, are we ston who in words well tion he did to help us along, prewe thank most sincerely.
church just as the bells School, To Miss. Iris going to be the means of chosen and pealed forth their silvery Symes, seconded by the their falling to the lowest chimes announcing the Misses Estephanie Grant, depth of Hell? We have For our progress commencement of Cristina Francis and Hilseen many ways and o clock Mass.
da Luke was due the means to their down fall. The Editor.
ard be the ultimate result, The church, beautifully beautiful decoration that Continued fron page We are responsible for Sir: it is our boys and girls on adorned for the festival, adorned Our Lady althe streets to whom first and uplift, Racial improvement, one of the ways, and how? Several articles have ap.
foremost consideration has looked charming, enhan tar. Oh what a cluster Racial clannishness and coopBecause we have no purpeared in these columns on the subject of the very un.
to be given; it is only by ced the more by the pre of immaculate flowers eration among his people; pose in life.
We allow sence of the snowy. robed that bedecked the altar! and yet it is well known that affording them a means of ourselves to be manhand ting here at present among respect and ambitious fave urable conditions exis acquiring personal pride, self youths devoutly awaiting What lovely lilies and Costa Ricans do not on the led by them. We run after the younger members of our thoughts that those ends the reception of their all made by those deít whole appreciate the Negro, them, our comportment on coloured race. All the writers aimed at can be had, and Eucharistic King for the little hands of these un but for what his enslaved serthe streets never for a gave expression to the urfirst time of their lives. selfish young ladies who vices may help him to acquire. moment infuses any noble efecte conditions. remedying the most practicable and At the «Domine Non have much of their time he must not come beyond ideas into their minds to ture men and women were to Sum Dignus. the ap to the decorations!
boy and the girl being remo the Tunnel, he must not drive ward us. We think that be saved from not only ul.
ved from their earlier baneful proach of the august mo It is to be hoped that if we should act ladylike, timately ruinirg themselves surroundings, will have as no an Engine on the Railway, nor ment a solemn hush inun the CATHOLIC ATHE conduct a train beyond Peral they will call us proud, but retarding that general where else, an opportunity of dated the entire church, NEUM, a new cultural ta; what a farce; but your vote so let us be jocular. But racial progress which is to making, as it were, a a long snowy line ascen centre, will enlist in its start in life.
is wanted. In compromising in our jocularity, we some vvhich all thoughful memded the main aisle and ranks many a young your vote, let your leaders de times throw away It is to be hoped that the our bers are striving, but only comimttee in whose hands the fringed the altar rail. The man and young lady mand that these insulting stig. greatest gift, our modesty. a few, a very few, submitmatter has been placed will choir, as if inspired, sang who are willing to give mas be withdrawn from your Let us retrospect, and ted anything like a suggestion push the scheme forward the Communion Hymn of their best unselfishly, progress, let them demand the try to remedy all our little 3s to hovy, or along vvhat after securing the suggested «Jesuis Thou Art Com such as is exemplified withdrawal of the decree which faults, by leading a better erment might be attempted. Societies whose members are lines, efforts tovvards bett.
ing» with much feeling by this little band of has prevented Marcus Garvey life, for a purpose whose And even these few have and pathos.
so intimately associated with from coming here to help to future MUST be glorious. failed to obtain, as far as the cause.
The ecstatic moment inspire loyalty to Africa, Self know, that support, vvithhad arrived! The ambi.
In addition, Mr. Editor, to The following were the respect among Negroes and THE END vut vvhich it is imposible the ideas, as published, may for an active start to be tion of these catholic candidates: the enlightened progress of suggest that when selecting made.
youths had been attaina site for the school, a plot the Negro Race. This is what It is true that quite recentof land be secured of suffied! The Dear Lord had Masters Clarence McRae, is being demanded by the Old Albion sick in ly certain «Clubs have ient area to enable a course come to be their guest Louis McRae, Dudley Wig Negroes of the United States been inaugurated vvhich are for the first time.
of practical agriculture to be pocket nall, William McLean, Mar at all elections, better opporsaid to be aiming at the inundertaken. This would not tellectual, social and moral alone helf the student but After this ceremony, tin West, Albert Brown, tunities in every Department While England was moving progress of the race, but these First Communi. Gilmore Grainger.
of the civic government of the every. Key to save the depres vyhile admit such organi.
in time afford a source of cants were taken to the revenue to the Institution.
sed economic situation of Misses Dorothy Chic groes here not do the same.
country, and why should Ne.
zations, conducted along Germany Her own resources Such an institution vvould Presbytery where they kory, Miriam Chickory, Place your goal before you, proper lines, can and do naturally givve better results were found to be in a very effect much good, it must be if situate on its ovvn grounds were the guests of His Gertrude Williams, Phyllis Aim high for your mark and precaricus condition, due to remembered that they do not reach those of whom the students avvay from the tovvn, vvhere ing and the good parish Beid, Melanie Hart. Iris you will have it; but if you gold that. France had been vvould lose your claim no objective you will drawing from the Bank of correspondents had priests contact vvithall harmful a light break been vriteng, and conse.
licent Wignall, Aurea Reid, achieve nothing and end in England.
influences and at the same fast prepared specially Meva Roberts Thelma oblivion. This is your chance, and exclusively for The Federal Reserve Bank quently are limited in their time have the opporiunity of acquiring some trade or them. The little folks Gordon, Avis McLean and use it, and demand what will of the United States and the scope of usefulness vvhere Bank of France had to make the general body of our other qualification by yvhich Victoria Grant bring credit to Your Race.
young vvomen and youths they can in after years bewere here showered with a deposit of 50. 000, 000 to are cucerned.
congratulations from pa stabiliz. her situation.
come u. eful members of their It was, therefore, a great race as vvell of the comrents, pastors, teachers The King of Sports pleasure for me to have munity.
and friends.
observed that, on your very shall be sending in my There will be a great day of racing at 24 miles on the 15th At 15 o clock The day of September, on the new Race Track, the best in the To advertise commendable initiative, the small quota tovvards the Province.
Revd. Wolengarten, Convention held recently in million ten cents needed and fine day sport is in store for all lovers of the sport of Limon, gave consideration gave a very trust the list vvill not be is to double your to the natter and have adop long in reaching the desired ap kings: all turfites are cordially invited, fine accommodation will be afforded visitors so as to enable you to spend a real propriate address to the ted what consider, the most day of enjoyment.
children followed by the goal.
business fine Silver Cup in the Race for the half Bred horses, will practicable method of proRenewal of the Baptisbe among the prizes to be competed for. Do not miss the cedure, for if real, genuine Yours in appreciation.
occasion of this meeting.
mal Vow, and the con Watch for Programmes soon to appear giving full details, progress is to be striven after, if a better social, and moral BRIMONDO secration to the Sacred The Racing Club 25 Miles status is to be obtained and Heart of Jesus and the a higher intellectuall stand August 20 the 1931.
new Imp. Falcó Hnos.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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